1,316 research outputs found

    Improving Quality Assurance in Multidisciplinary Engineering Environments with Semantic Technologies

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    In multidisciplinary engineering (MDE) projects, for example, automation systems or manufacturing systems, stakeholders from various disciplines, for example, electrics, mechanics and software, have to collaborate. In industry practice, engineers apply individual and highly specialized tools with strong limitation regarding defect detection in early engineering phases. Experts typically execute reviews with limited tool support which make engineering projects defective and risky. Semantic Web Technologies (SWTs) can help to bridge the gap between heterogeneous sources as foundation for efficient and effective defect detection. Main questions focus on (a) how to bridge gaps between loosely coupled tools and incompatible data models and (b) how SWTs can help to support efficient and effective defect detection in context of engineering process improvement. This chapter describes success-critical requirements for defect detection in MDE and shows how SWTs can provide the foundation for early and efficient defect detection with an adapted review approach. The proposed defect detection framework (DDF) suggests different levels of SWT contributions as a roadmap for engineering process improvement. Two selected industry-related real-life cases show different levels of SWT involvement. Although SWTs have been successfully applied in real-life use cases, SWT applications can be risky if applied without good understanding of success factors and limitations

    Model-Driven Semantic Web Rule Engineering

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    The tutorial was given at the Conference Center of Fairmount Spring Hotel in Banff on the 10th of May, 2007 and the tutorial was scheduled for the main conference program. We approximately had 60 participants. The overall impressions of all participants were very positive about the quality of the tutorial and the information presented. Many participants stressed that they especially like how we combined three different areas (i.e., MDE, Semantic Web, and service-oriented architectures) in a very consistent and informative way, so that they were able to grasp a completely-new perspective on how these area could be combined and practically used. Our approach was especially appreciated by participants coming from industrial settings, who like the way we tried to combine novel and not widely adopted Semantic Web technologies with well-known software engineering techniques. However, our impression was that the next editions of the tutorial to be submitted to other conferences could slightly be updated, so that we can put less emphasis on the fundamental technologies (e.g., ontologies and metamodeling) and more focus on semantic service-oriented architectures and Web applications. This is due to the fact that tutorials should always have strong analysis on how some novel technologies can be transferred to industrial setting. Of course, this also depends on the conference where we are going to present the tutorial, since different research communities have different background knowledge, and thus they need more emphasis on different background knowledge, which decreases the time we can spend on advance applications. Moreover, even the audience from the same community does not have the same background knowledge and tutorial presenters should always make some trade-offs. Our plan is to revise the tutorial accordingly and submit it to other conferences such as International Semantic Web Conference and International Conference on Software Engineering. In addition to new tutorial editions, we also plan to write a paper that will be covering the tutorial subject. That paper will be submitted to an international journal such as ACM Computing Surveys and Knowledge Engineering Reviews or as a book chapter to an edited book. We hope that this paper will not only be a suitable lecture note, but it could be a relevant visionary paper for the future development of this area of integration of Semantic Web technologies into software development process. I am also happy to report that Dr. Marco Brambilla of Politecnico di Milano, who is a member of the well-known WebML research group and leading Web engineering company (WebRatio), expressed his wish to collaborate with us in the future tutorial editions and the work on the future papers covering the tutorial subject. On the grounds of the subject of this tutorial, I have already submitted a project proposal in collaboration with Prof. Marek Hatala and TELUS Communications for a NSERC strategic project grant in April 2007. This project proposal is also fully coordinated with the European consortia led by Prof. Gerd Wagner that also submitted a project proposal to EU commission for a grant within Framework Program 7. In addition, Dr. Brambilla is also very enthusiastic about setting up similar research collaboration in the future, and we made a plan on how to collaborate by trying to get involve our students to work on the subjects that are looking at the intersections of our research areas. At the conference, I had a contact with Mr. Ralf Gerstner of Springer who was the editor of the research monograph “Model-Driven Architecture and Ontology Development” where I was the led author. He invited me to write another book that will be covering the subject of this tutorial, as he was very positive about the high interest of the audience, rising importance of the subject and the feedback we got form the audience at the WWW2007. Our plan is that we should first proceed with the above-mentioned paper and also produce some more research experiments with the technology till the end of this year, and then prepare a book proposal in early 2008. My personal plan is to try to develop a new computer science course at Athabasca University that will cover the subject of this tutorial as well as to revise some of the existing ones (e.g., COMP 603 and COMP 610) that can benefit from the expertise in this area. I anticipate that the experience obtained at the WWW2007 conference will be used as a very good input for increasing the quality of that new course and potentially increase competitiveness of Athabasca University’s courses by offering challenging research subjects that are attracting a high attention of industry and which we explore collaboratively with world leading researchers. Thanks to the research reputation and presentation experience in the area covered in the tutorial, I am invited to give 3 technology lectures (2 hours altogether) at the 2nd Summer School on Generative Transformational Technologies in Software Engineering (GTTSE 2007) in Braga, Portugal from July 1st till July 7, 2007. Given that this event attracts the most renowned researchers giving talks (which will be excellent opportunity to share research experience, disseminate our research results, and collaborate with well-known researchers) and encouraged with the positive experience from WWW2007, I plan to apply for another A&PDF award to support my attendance at GTTSE 2007.Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and the Semantic Web represent two key technologies with a far-reaching vision for the future of software engineering and Web engineering. the main promise of MDE is to raise the level of abstraction from technology-platform-specific concepts to the higher levels of platform-independence and "computation-independent" modeling. The Semantic Web vision starts from another perspective: sharing data, resources and knowledge between parties that belong to different organizations, different cultures and/or different communities. Ontologies and rule play the main role in the Semantic Web for publishing community vocabularies and policies, for annotating resources and for turning Web applications into inference-enabled collaboration platforms. Although these two technology visions have been developed by two different communities, they share number of principles and goals, and there are important synergies that can be achie3ved by combining them with each other. The ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) standard (http://ontology.omg.org) by the OMG can be viewed as a first step towards bridging MDE and the Semantic Web. Another important building block is domain-specific modeling languages suitable for describing specific domains. MDE provides a set of principles and techniques how to create domain-specific modeling languages by using metamodeling, how to transform from one type of modeling language to another, and how to change level of abstractions (e.g., from platform-specific to platform-independent and back). The most well-known initiatives in this areas are the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) by the OMG and the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). The main goal of this tutorial is to give an introduction into state-of-the-art Web engineering methods based on the principles, models, and technologies of both MDE and the Semantic Web. The tutorial starts from the basics of the Semantic Web and MDE (e.g., ontology languages, modeling languages, mode transformations), and then explores how they can be employed in various states of Web engineering by addressing the following questions: 1) How can we develop ontologies and rules with MDE-based approaches and standards?, 2) How can we develop Semantic Web services that follow MDE recommendations?, 3) How we can build next generation Web applications that are taking advantage of both Semantic Web and MDE?Academic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF

    Innovating the Construction Life Cycle through BIM/GIS Integration: A Review

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    The construction sector is in continuous evolution due to the digitalisation and integration into daily activities of the building information modelling approach and methods that impact on the overall life cycle. This study investigates the topic of BIM/GIS integration with the adoption of ontologies and metamodels, providing a critical analysis of the existing literature. Ontologies and metamodels share several similarities and could be combined for potential solutions to address BIM/GIS integration for complex tasks, such as asset management, where heterogeneous sources of data are involved. The research adopts a systematic literature review (SLR), providing a formal approach to retrieve scientific papers from dedicated online databases. The results found are then analysed, in order to describe the state of the art and suggest future research paths, which is useful for both researchers and practitioners. From the SLR, it emerged that several studies address ontologies as a promising way to overcome the semantic barriers of the BIM/GIS integration. On the other hand, metamodels (and MDE and MDA approaches, in general) are rarely found in relation to the integration topic. Moreover, the joint application of ontologies and metamodels for BIM/GIS applications is an unexplored field. The novelty of this work is the proposal of the joint application of ontologies and metamodels to perform BIM/GIS integration, for the development of software and systems for asset management

    SKYWare: The Unavoidable Convergence of Software towards Runnable Knowledge

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    There Has Been A Growing Awareness Of Deep Relations Between Software And Knowledge. Software, From An Efficiency Oriented Way To Program Computing Machines, Gradually Converged To Human Oriented Runnable Knowledge. Apparently This Has Happened Unintentionally, But Knowledge Is Not Incidental To Software. The Basic Thesis: Runnable Knowledge Is The Essence Of Abstract Software. A Knowledge Distillation Procedure Is Offered As A Constructive Feasibility Proof Of The Thesis. A Formal Basis Is Given For These Notions. Runnable Knowledge Is Substantiated In The Association Of Semantic Structural Models (Like Ontologies) With Formal Behavioral Models (Like Uml Statecharts). Meaning Functions Are Defined For Ontologies In Terms Of Concept Densities. Examples Are Provided To Concretely Clarify The Meaning And Implications Of Knowledge Runnability. The Paper Concludes With The Runnable Knowledge Convergence Point: Skyware, A New Term Designating The Domain In Which Content Meaning Is Completely Independent Of Any Underlying Machine

    Model-Driven Methodology for Rapid Deployment of Smart Spaces based on Resource-Oriented Architectures

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    Advances in electronics nowadays facilitate the design of smart spaces based on physical mash-ups of sensor and actuator devices. At the same time, software paradigms such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) are motivating the creation of technology to support the development and deployment of web-enabled embedded sensor and actuator devices with two major objectives: (i) to integrate sensing and actuating functionalities into everyday objects, and (ii) to easily allow a diversity of devices to plug into the Internet. Currently, developers who are applying this Internet-oriented approach need to have solid understanding about specific platforms and web technologies. In order to alleviate this development process, this research proposes a Resource-Oriented and Ontology-Driven Development (ROOD) methodology based on the Model Driven Architecture (MDA). This methodology aims at enabling the development of smart spaces through a set of modeling tools and semantic technologies that support the definition of the smart space and the automatic generation of code at hardware level. ROOD feasibility is demonstrated by building an adaptive health monitoring service for a Smart Gym

    Automated code generation support for BI with MDA TALISMAN

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    Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is gaining ever more strength due to the fact that with MDE the software development can be much more productive and this is the way to go closer to real software industrialization. With MDA TALISMAN, we have succeeded in creating complex software solutions for food traceability adapted to different customers, ready to be deployed. We rely on the approach to MDE most extended at present, MDA (Model-Driven Development) but as we shall see, we also use the main pillars that support the Software Factories, The proposal from Microsoft to MDE. Besides, in this paper we present five cases of success with MDA TALISMAN

    Xplain: an Editor for building Self-Explanatory User Interfaces by Model-Driven Engineering

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    International audienceModern User Interfaces (UI) must deal with the increasing complexity of applications in terms of functionality as well as new properties as plasticity. The plasticity of a UI denotes its capacity of adaptation to the context of use while preserving its quality. The efforts in plasticity have focused on the (meta) modeling of the UI, but the quality remains uncovered. This paper describes an on-going research that studies a method to develop Self-Explanatory User Interfaces as well as an editor that implements this method. Self-explanation makes reference to the capacity of a UI to provide the end-user with information about its rationale (which is the purpose of the UI), its design rationale (why is the UI structured into this set of workspaces?, what's the purpose of this button?), its current state (why is the menu disabled?) as well as the evolution of the state (how can I enable this feature?). Explanations are provided by embedded models

    Improving IT service management using an ontology-based and model-driven approach

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    Texto en inglés y resumen en inglés y españolLa adopción de marcos de trabajo de mejores prácticas que permiten la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información (TI) con el negocio, ayuda a las organizaciones a crear y compartir procesos de gestión de servicios de TI. Sin embargo, las guías y modelos publicados suelen especificarse en lenguaje natural o con representaciones gráficas que carecen de la semántica computacional necesaria para poder automatizar su validación, simulación e incluso su ejecución. En esta tesis se presenta Onto-ITIL, una propuesta basada en ontologías y en el enfoque de desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos que captura las mejores prácticas ofrecidas por ITIL® (del inglés Information Technology Infrastructure Library), y destinada a facilitar la prestación de servicios de TI. El objetivo de Onto-ITIL es ayudar a los expertos del dominio a modelar e implementar procesos de gestión de servicios de TI evitando ambigüedades semánticas y contradicciones. La formalización de los procesos de gestión de servicios de TI en términos de ITIL constituye un primer paso para cubrir la brecha que se da entre el negocio y las TI. Para definir las ontologías se ha utilizado OWL (del inglés Web Ontology Language). Adicionalmente, se ha definido un conjunto de reglas basadas en SWRL (del inglés Semantic Web Rule Language) que permiten enriquecer la ontología con una serie de restricciones semánticas y de reglas de inferencia de conocimiento. Por último, la definición de un conjunto de consultas basadas en SQWRL (del inglés Query-Enhanced Web Rule Language) permite recuperar conocimiento obtenido con OWL e inferido a través de las reglas SWRL. Además de formalizar los procesos de gestión de servicios de TI en base a las buenas prácticas consideradas por ITIL, Onto-ITIL también permite compartir, reutilizar e intercambiar las especificaciones de dichos procesos a través de mecanismos automatizados que proporcionan ciertos marcos de trabajo de comercio electrónico, como por ejemplo, ebXML. Mediante la adopción del enfoque MDE (del inglés Model-driven Engineering), se ha utilizado un DSL (del inglés Domain Specific Language) basado en la ontología Onto-ITIL que sirve para implementar sistemas de información basados en flujos de trabajo que dan soporte a los Sistemas de Gestión de Servicios de TI (SGSTI). Los modelos que se obtienen a partir de este lenguaje de modelado se pueden considerar modelos de alto nivel que han sido enriquecidos con conocimiento ontológico, y que están definidos exclusivamente en términos de lógica de negocio, es decir, que no presentan ningún aspecto arquitectónico o de plataforma de implementación. Con lo cual, de acuerdo con la arquitectura en cuatro capas propuesta por el OMG (del inglés Object Management Group), estos modelos se encontrarían a nivel CIM (del inglés Computation Independent Model). En resumen, la propuesta presentada en esta tesis permite: (i) formalizar el conocimiento asociado a los sistemas de gestión de servicios de TI en base a ontologías que recogen las buenas prácticas consideradas por ITIL; (ii) modelar la semántica de las actividades que definen los procesos de gestión de servicios de TI en forma de flujos de trabajo; (iii) generar de manera automática modelos de requisitos de alto nivel para implementar sistemas de información que se necesitan para dar soporte a dichos procesos; y (iv) a partir de los modelos anteriores, obtener modelos de más bajo nivel (llegando incluso al código de las aplicaciones) a través de transformaciones automáticas de modelos. La investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis se ha validado mediante de la implementación de un caso de estudio real proporcionado por una compañía española que ofrece servicios de TI

    Improving IT service management using an ontology-based and model-driven approach

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    Texto en inglés y resumen en inglés y españolLa adopción de marcos de trabajo de mejores prácticas que permiten la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información (TI) con el negocio, ayuda a las organizaciones a crear y compartir procesos de gestión de servicios de TI. Sin embargo, las guías y modelos publicados suelen especificarse en lenguaje natural o con representaciones gráficas que carecen de la semántica computacional necesaria para poder automatizar su validación, simulación e incluso su ejecución. En esta tesis se presenta Onto-ITIL, una propuesta basada en ontologías y en el enfoque de desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos que captura las mejores prácticas ofrecidas por ITIL® (del inglés Information Technology Infrastructure Library), y destinada a facilitar la prestación de servicios de TI. El objetivo de Onto-ITIL es ayudar a los expertos del dominio a modelar e implementar procesos de gestión de servicios de TI evitando ambigüedades semánticas y contradicciones. La formalización de los procesos de gestión de servicios de TI en términos de ITIL constituye un primer paso para cubrir la brecha que se da entre el negocio y las TI. Para definir las ontologías se ha utilizado OWL (del inglés Web Ontology Language). Adicionalmente, se ha definido un conjunto de reglas basadas en SWRL (del inglés Semantic Web Rule Language) que permiten enriquecer la ontología con una serie de restricciones semánticas y de reglas de inferencia de conocimiento. Por último, la definición de un conjunto de consultas basadas en SQWRL (del inglés Query-Enhanced Web Rule Language) permite recuperar conocimiento obtenido con OWL e inferido a través de las reglas SWRL. Además de formalizar los procesos de gestión de servicios de TI en base a las buenas prácticas consideradas por ITIL, Onto-ITIL también permite compartir, reutilizar e intercambiar las especificaciones de dichos procesos a través de mecanismos automatizados que proporcionan ciertos marcos de trabajo de comercio electrónico, como por ejemplo, ebXML. Mediante la adopción del enfoque MDE (del inglés Model-driven Engineering), se ha utilizado un DSL (del inglés Domain Specific Language) basado en la ontología Onto-ITIL que sirve para implementar sistemas de información basados en flujos de trabajo que dan soporte a los Sistemas de Gestión de Servicios de TI (SGSTI). Los modelos que se obtienen a partir de este lenguaje de modelado se pueden considerar modelos de alto nivel que han sido enriquecidos con conocimiento ontológico, y que están definidos exclusivamente en términos de lógica de negocio, es decir, que no presentan ningún aspecto arquitectónico o de plataforma de implementación. Con lo cual, de acuerdo con la arquitectura en cuatro capas propuesta por el OMG (del inglés Object Management Group), estos modelos se encontrarían a nivel CIM (del inglés Computation Independent Model). En resumen, la propuesta presentada en esta tesis permite: (i) formalizar el conocimiento asociado a los sistemas de gestión de servicios de TI en base a ontologías que recogen las buenas prácticas consideradas por ITIL; (ii) modelar la semántica de las actividades que definen los procesos de gestión de servicios de TI en forma de flujos de trabajo; (iii) generar de manera automática modelos de requisitos de alto nivel para implementar sistemas de información que se necesitan para dar soporte a dichos procesos; y (iv) a partir de los modelos anteriores, obtener modelos de más bajo nivel (llegando incluso al código de las aplicaciones) a través de transformaciones automáticas de modelos. La investigación llevada a cabo en esta tesis se ha validado mediante de la implementación de un caso de estudio real proporcionado por una compañía española que ofrece servicios de TI