373 research outputs found

    CAVASS: A Computer-Assisted Visualization and Analysis Software System

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    The Medical Image Processing Group at the University of Pennsylvania has been developing (and distributing with source code) medical image analysis and visualization software systems for a long period of time. Our most recent system, 3DVIEWNIX, was first released in 1993. Since that time, a number of significant advancements have taken place with regard to computer platforms and operating systems, networking capability, the rise of parallel processing standards, and the development of open-source toolkits. The development of CAVASS by our group is the next generation of 3DVIEWNIX. CAVASS will be freely available and open source, and it is integrated with toolkits such as Insight Toolkit and Visualization Toolkit. CAVASS runs on Windows, Unix, Linux, and Mac but shares a single code base. Rather than requiring expensive multiprocessor systems, it seamlessly provides for parallel processing via inexpensive clusters of work stations for more time-consuming algorithms. Most importantly, CAVASS is directed at the visualization, processing, and analysis of 3-dimensional and higher-dimensional medical imagery, so support for digital imaging and communication in medicine data and the efficient implementation of algorithms is given paramount importance

    Rapid Development of Medical Imaging Tools with Open-Source Libraries

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    Rapid prototyping is an important element in researching new imaging analysis techniques and developing custom medical applications. In the last ten years, the open source community and the number of open source libraries and freely available frameworks for biomedical research have grown significantly. What they offer are now considered standards in medical image analysis, computer-aided diagnosis, and medical visualization. A cursory review of the peer-reviewed literature in imaging informatics (indeed, in almost any information technology-dependent scientific discipline) indicates the current reliance on open source libraries to accelerate development and validation of processes and techniques. In this survey paper, we review and compare a few of the most successful open source libraries and frameworks for medical application development. Our dual intentions are to provide evidence that these approaches already constitute a vital and essential part of medical image analysis, diagnosis, and visualization and to motivate the reader to use open source libraries and software for rapid prototyping of medical applications and tools

    Techniques and software tool for 3D multimodality medical image segmentation

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    The era of noninvasive diagnostic radiology and image-guided radiotherapy has witnessed burgeoning interest in applying different imaging modalities to stage and localize complex diseases such as atherosclerosis or cancer. It has been observed that using complementary information from multimodality images often significantly improves the robustness and accuracy of target volume definitions in radiotherapy treatment of cancer. In this work, we present techniques and an interactive software tool to support this new framework for 3D multimodality medical image segmentation. To demonstrate this methodology, we have designed and developed a dedicated open source software tool for multimodality image analysis MIASYS. The software tool aims to provide a needed solution for 3D image segmentation by integrating automatic algorithms, manual contouring methods, image preprocessing filters, post-processing procedures, user interactive features and evaluation metrics. The presented methods and the accompanying software tool have been successfully evaluated for different radiation therapy and diagnostic radiology applications

    Tool for 3D analysis and segmentation of retinal layers in volumetric SD-OCT images

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    With the development of optical coherence tomography in the spectral domain (SD-OCT), it is now possible to quickly acquire large volumes of images. Typically analyzed by a specialist, the processing of the images is quite slow, consisting on the manual marking of features of interest in the retina, including the determination of the position and thickness of its different layers. This process is not consistent, the results are dependent on the clinician perception and do not take advantage of the technology, since the volumetric information that it currently provides is ignored. Therefore is of medical and technological interest to make a three-dimensional and automatic processing of images resulting from OCT technology. Only then we will be able to collect all the information that these images can give us and thus improve the diagnosis and early detection of eye pathologies. In addition to the 3D analysis, it is also important to develop visualization tools for the 3D data. This thesis proposes to apply 3D graphical processing methods to SD-OCT retinal images, in order to segment retinal layers. Also, to analyze the 3D retinal images and the segmentation results, a visualization interface that allows displaying images in 3D and from different perspectives is proposed. The work was based on the use of the Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK), which includes other open-source toolkits. For this study a public database of SD-OCT retinal images will be used, containing about 360 volumetric images of healthy and pathological subjects. The software prototype allows the user to interact with the images, apply 3D filters for segmentation and noise reduction and render the volume. The detection of three surfaces of the retina is achieved through intensity-based edge detection methods with a mean error in the overall retina thickness of 3.72 0.3 pixels

    Segmentation of images with low-contrast edges

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    A vast amount of the current research in medical image analysis has aimed to develop improved techniques of image segmentation. Of the existing approaches, active contour methods have proven effective by incorporating edge or region information from the image into a level set formulation. However, complications arise in images containing regions of low-contrast due to noise, occlusions, or partial volume effects, which are often unavoidable in practical applications. Incorporating prior shape information into the segmentation framework provides a more accurate and robust solution by constraining the evolving contour to resemble a target shape. Two methods are presented to incorporate a shape prior into existing active contour segmentation methods, including the edge-based geodesic active contours model and a fast update implementation of the region-based Chan-Vese model. Applying these methods to synthetic and real images demonstrates that an improved result can be obtained for images containing low-contrast edge regions

    Evaluating the anticipated outcomes of MRI seizure image from open-source tool- Prototype approach

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    Epileptic Seizure is an abnormal neuronal exertion in the brain, affecting nearly 70 million of the world's population (Ngugi et al., 2010). So many open-source neuroimaging tools are used for metabolism checkups and analysis purposes. The scope of open-source tools like MATLAB, Slicer 3D, Brain Suite21a, SPM, and MedCalc are explained in this paper. MATLAB was used by 60% of the researchers for their image processing and 10% of them use their proprietary software. More than 30% of the researchers use other open-source software tools with their processing techniques for the study of magnetic resonance seizure image

    A Hitchhiker's guide through the bio-image analysis software universe

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    Modern research in the life sciences is unthinkable without computational methods for extracting, quantifying and visualising information derived from microscopy imaging data of biological samples. In the past decade, we observed a dramatic increase in available software packages for these purposes. As it is increasingly difficult to keep track of the number of available image analysis platforms, tool collections, components and emerging technologies, we provide a conservative overview of software that we use in daily routine and give insights into emerging new tools. We give guidance on which aspects to consider when choosing the platform that best suits the user's needs, including aspects such as image data type, skills of the team, infrastructure and community at the institute and availability of time and budget.Peer reviewe
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