191 research outputs found

    Lumbar spine discs labeling using axial view MRI based on the pixels coordinate and gray level features

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2017. Disc herniation is a major reason for lower back pain (LBP), a health issue that affects a very high proportion of the UK population and is costing the UK government over £1.3 million per day in health care cost. Currently, the process to diagnose the cause of LBP involves examining a large number of Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) but this process is both expensive in terms time and effort. Automatic labeling of lumbar disc pixels in the MRI to detect the herniation area will reduce the time to diagnose and detect the cause of LBP by the physicians. In this paper, we present a method for automatic labeling of the lumbar spine disc pixels in axial view MRI using pixels locations and gray level as features. Clinical MRIs are used for the training and testing of the method. The pixel classification accuracy and the quality of the reconstructed disc images are used as the main performance indicators for our method. Our experiments show that high level of classification accuracy of 91.1% and 98.9% can be achieved using Weighted KNN and Fine Gaussian SVM classifiers respectively

    Lumbar Spine Discs Labeling using Axial View MRI Based on the Pixels Coordinate and Gray Level Features

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    Disc herniation is a major reason for lower back pain (LBP), it cost the United Kingdom (UK) government over £1.3 million per day. In fact a very high proportion of the UK population will complain from their back pain. Fur-thermore, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the main diagnosing procedure for LBP. Automatic disc labeling in the MRI to detect the herniation area will reduce the required time to issue the report from the radiologist. We present a method for automatic labeling for the lumbar spine disc area using the axial view MRI based on the pixels coordinate and gray level features. We use a clinical MRI for the training and testing. Moreover, the accuracy and the recon-structed images was the main indicator for our result. The highest achieved ac-curacy was 98.9 and 91.1 for Weighted KNN and Fine Gaussian SVM respec-tively

    Segmentation of Lumbar Spine MRI Images for Stenosis Detection using Patch-based Pixel Classification Neural Network

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    This paper addresses the central problem of automatic segmentation of lumbar spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images to delineate boundaries between the anterior arch and posterior arch of the lumbar spine. This is necessary to efficiently detect the occurrence of lumbar spinal stenosis as a leading cause of Chronic Lower Back Pain. A patch-based classification neural network consisting of convolutional and fully connected layers is used to classify and label pixels in MRI images. The classifier is trained using overlapping patches of size 25x25 pixels taken from a set of cropped axial-view T2-weighted MRI images of the bottom three intervertebral discs. A set of experiment is conducted to measure the performance of the classification network in segmenting the images when either all or each of the discs separately is used. Using pixel accuracy, mean accuracy, mean Intersection over Union (IoU), and frequency weighted IoU as the performance metrics we have shown that our approach produces better segmentation results than eleven other pixel classifiers. Furthermore, our experiment result also indicates that our approach produces more accurate delineation of all important boundaries and making it best suited for the subsequent stage of lumbar spinal stenosis detection

    Segmentation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid from MRI Images for the Treatment of Disc Herniations

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    About 80 percent of people are affected at some point in their lives by lower back pain, which is one of the most common neurological diseases and reasons for long-term disability in the United States. The symptoms are primarily caused by overly heavy lifting and/or overstretching of the back, leading to a rupture and an outward bulge of an intervertebral disc, which puts pressure on and pinches the nerve fibers of the spine. The most common form is a lumbar disc herniation between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebra and between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. In recent years the diagnosis of lower back pain has improved, mainly due to enhanced imaging techniques and imaging quality, but the surgical therapy remains hazardous. Reasons for this include low visibility when accessing the lumbar area and the high risk of causing permanent damage when touching the nerve fibers. A new approach for increasing patient safety is the segmentation and visualization of the cerebrospinal fluid in the lower lumbar region of the vertebral column. For this purpose a new fully-automatic and a semi-automatic approach were developed for separating the cerebrospinal fluid from its surroundings on T2-weighted MRI scans of the lumbar vertebra. While the fully-automatic algorithm is realized by a model-based searching method and a volume-based segmentation, the semi-automatic algorithm requires a seed point and performs the segmentation on individual axial planes through a combination of a region-based segmentation algorithm and a thresholding filter. Both algorithms have been applied to four T2-weighted MRI datasets and are compared with a gold-standard segmentation. The segmentation overlap with the gold-standard was 78.7 percent for the fully-automatic algorithm and 93.1 percent for the semi-automatic algorithm. In the pathological region the fully-automatic algorithm obtained a similarity of 56.6 percent, compared to 87.8 percent for the semi-automatic algorithm

    Lumbar disk 3D modeling from limited number of MRI axial slices

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    This paper studies the problem of clinical MRI analysis in the field of lumbar intervertebral disk herniation diagnosis. It discusses the possibility of assisting radiologists in reading the patients MRI images by constructing a 3D model for the region of interest using simple computer vision methods. We use axial MRI slices of the lumbar area. The proposed framework works with a very small number of MRI slices and goes through three main stages. Namely, the region of interest extraction and enhancement, inter-slice interpolation, and 3D model construction. We use the Marching Cubes algorithm to construct the 3D model of the the region of interest. The validation of our 3D models is based on a radiologist’s analysis of the models. We tested the proposed 3D model construction on 83 cases and We have a 95% accuracy according to the radiologist evaluation. This study shows that 3D model construction can greatly ease the task of the radiologist which enhances the working experience. This leads eventually to more accurate and easy diagnosis process

    A Machine Learning and Computer Assisted Methodology for Diagnosing Chronic Lower Back Pain on Lumbar Spine Magnetic Resonance Images

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    Chronic Lower Back Pain (CLBP) is one of the major types of pain that affects many people around the world. It is estimated that 28.1% of US adults suffer from this illness and 2.5 million of the UK population experience this type of pain every day. Most CLBP cases do not happen overnight and it is usually developed from a less serious but acute variant of lower back pain. An acute type of lower back pain can develop into a chronic one if the underlying cause is serious and left untreated. The longer a person is disabled by back pain, the less chance he or she returns to work and the more health care cost he or she will require. It is therefore important to identify the cause of back pains as early as possible in order to improve the chance of patient rehabilitation. The speediness of early diagnosis can depend on many factors including referral time from a general practitioner to the hospital, waiting time for a specialist appointment, time for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan and time for the analysis result to come out. Currently diagnosing the lower back pain is done by visual observation and analysis of the lumbar spine MRI images by radiologists and clinicians and this process could take up much of their time and effort. This, therefore, rationalizes the need for a new method to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the imaging diagnostic process. This thesis details a novel methodology to automatically aid clinicians in performing diagnosis of CLBP on lumbar spine MRI images. The methodology is based on the current accepted medical practice of manual inspection of the MRI scans of the patient’s lumbar spine as advised by several practitioners in this field. The main methodology is divided into three sub-methods the first sub-method is disc herniation detection using disc segmentation and centroid distance function. While the second sub-method is lumbar spinal stenosis detection via segmentation of area between anterior and posterior (AAP) Elements. Whereas, the last sub-method is the use of deep learning to perform semantic segmentation to identify regions in the MRI images that are relevant to the diagnosis process. The method then performs boundary delineation between these regions, identifies key points along the boundaries and measures distances between these points that can be used as an indication to the health of the lumbar spine. Due to a limitation in the size and suitability of the currently existing open-access lumbar spine dataset necessary to train and test any good classification algorithms, a dataset consisting of 48,345 MRI slices from a complete clinical lumbar MRI study of 515 symptomatic back pain patients from several specialty hospitals around the world has been created. Each MRI study is annotated by expert radiologists with notes regarding the observed characteristics, condition of the lumbar spine, or presence of diseases. The ground-truth dataset containing manually labelled segmented images has also been developed. To complement this ground-truth dataset, a novel method of constructing and evaluating the suitability of ground truth data for lumbar spine MRI image segmentation has been developed. A subset of the dataset, which includes the data for 101 patients, is used in a set of experiments that have been conducted using a variety of algorithms to conclude with using SegNet as the image segmentation algorithm. The network consists of VGG16 layers pre-trained using a subset of non-medical images from the ImageNet database and fine-tuned using the training portion of the ground-truth dataset. The results of these experiments show the accurate delineation of important boundaries of regions in lumbar spine MRI. The experiments also show very close agreement between the expert radiologists’ notes on the condition of a lumbar spine and the conclusion of the system about the lumbar spine in the majority of cases

    Multiclass Bone Segmentation of PET/CT Scans for Automatic SUV Extraction

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    In this thesis I present an automated framework for segmentation of bone structures from dual modality PET/CT scans and further extraction of SUV measurements. The first stage of this framework consists of a variant of the 3D U-Net architecture for segmentation of three bone structures: vertebral body, pelvis, and sternum. The dataset for this model consists of annotated slices from the CT scans retrieved from the study of post-HCST patients and the 18F-FLT radiotracer, which are undersampled volumes due to the low-dose radiation used during the scanning. The mean Dice scores obtained by the proposed model are 0.9162, 0.9163, and 0.8721 for the vertebral body, pelvis, and sternum class respectively. The next step of the proposed framework consists of identifying the individual vertebrae, which is a particularly difficult task due to the low resolution of the CT scans in the axial dimension. To address this issue, I present an iterative algorithm for instance segmentation of vertebral bodies, based on anatomical priors of the spine for detecting the starting point of a vertebra. The spatial information contained in the CT and PET scans is used to translate the resulting masks to the PET image space and extract SUV measurements. I then present a CNN model based on the DenseNet architecture that, for the first time, classifies the spatial distribution of SUV within the marrow cavities of the vertebral bodies as normal engraftment or possible relapse. With an AUC of 0.931 and an accuracy of 92% obtained on real patient data, this method shows good potential as a future automated tool to assist in monitoring the recovery process of HSCT patients

    Probabilistic and geometric shape based segmentation methods.

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    Image segmentation is one of the most important problems in image processing, object recognition, computer vision, medical imaging, etc. In general, the objective of the segmentation is to partition the image into the meaningful areas using the existing (low level) information in the image and prior (high level) information which can be obtained using a number of features of an object. As stated in [1,2], the human vision system aims to extract and use as much information as possible in the image including but not limited to the intensity, possible motion of the object (in sequential images), spatial relations (interaction) as the existing information, and the shape of the object which is learnt from the experience as the prior information. The main objective of this dissertation is to couple the prior information with the existing information since the machine vision system cannot predict the prior information unless it is given. To label the image into meaningful areas, the chosen information is modelled to fit progressively in each of the regions by an optimization process. The intensity and spatial interaction (as the existing information) and shape (as the prior information) are modeled to obtain the optimum segmentation in this study. The intensity information is modelled using the Gaussian distribution. Spatial interaction that describes the relation between neighboring pixels/voxels is modelled by assuming that the pixel intensity depends on the intensities of the neighboring pixels. The shape model is obtained using occurrences of histogram of training shape pixels or voxels. The main objective is to capture the shape variation of the object of interest. Each pixel in the image will have three probabilities to be an object and a background class based on the intensity, spatial interaction, and shape models. These probabilistic values will guide the energy (cost) functionals in the optimization process. This dissertation proposes segmentation frameworks which has the following properties: i) original to solve some of the existing problems, ii) robust under various segmentation challenges, and iii) fast enough to be used in the real applications. In this dissertation, the models are integrated into different methods to obtain the optimum segmentation: 1) variational (can be considered as the spatially continuous), and 2) statistical (can be considered as the spatially discrete) methods. The proposed segmentation frameworks start with obtaining the initial segmentation using the intensity / spatial interaction models. The shape model, which is obtained using the training shapes, is registered to the image domain. Finally, the optimal segmentation is obtained using the optimization of the energy functionals. Experiments show that the use of the shape prior improves considerably the accuracy of the alternative methods which use only existing or both information in the image. The proposed methods are tested on the synthetic and clinical images/shapes and they are shown to be robust under various noise levels, occlusions, and missing object information. Vertebral bodies (VBs) in clinical computed tomography (CT) are segmented using the proposed methods to help the bone mineral density measurements and fracture analysis in bones. Experimental results show that the proposed solutions eliminate some of the existing problems in the VB segmentation. One of the most important contributions of this study is to offer a segmentation framework which can be suitable to the clinical works

    Multi-Surface Simplex Spine Segmentation for Spine Surgery Simulation and Planning

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    This research proposes to develop a knowledge-based multi-surface simplex deformable model for segmentation of healthy as well as pathological lumbar spine data. It aims to provide a more accurate and robust segmentation scheme for identification of intervertebral disc pathologies to assist with spine surgery planning. A robust technique that combines multi-surface and shape statistics-aware variants of the deformable simplex model is presented. Statistical shape variation within the dataset has been captured by application of principal component analysis and incorporated during the segmentation process to refine results. In the case where shape statistics hinder detection of the pathological region, user-assistance is allowed to disable the prior shape influence during deformation. Results have been validated against user-assisted expert segmentation

    Automatic Segmentation of Intramedullary Multiple Sclerosis Lesions

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    Contexte: La moelle épinière est un composant essentiel du système nerveux central. Elle contient des neurones responsables d’importantes fonctionnalités et assure la transmission d’informations motrices et sensorielles entre le cerveau et le système nerveux périphérique. Un endommagement de la moelle épinière, causé par un choc ou une maladie neurodégénérative, peut mener à un sérieux handicap, pouvant entraîner des incapacités fonctionnelles, de la paralysie et/ou de la douleur. Chez les patients atteints de sclérose en plaques (SEP), la moelle épinière est fréquemment affectée par de l’atrophie et/ou des lésions. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) conventionnelle est largement utilisée par des chercheurs et des cliniciens pour évaluer et caractériser, de façon non-invasive, des altérations micro-structurelles. Une évaluation quantitative des atteintes structurelles portées à la moelle épinière (e.g. sévérité de l’atrophie, extension des lésions) est essentielle pour le diagnostic, le pronostic et la supervision sur le long terme de maladies, telles que la SEP. De plus, le développement de biomarqueurs impartiaux est indispensable pour évaluer l’effet de nouveaux traitements thérapeutiques. La segmentation de la moelle épinière et des lésions intramédullaires de SEP sont, par conséquent, pertinentes d’un point de vue clinique, aussi bien qu’une étape nécessaire vers l’interprétation d’images RM multiparamétriques. Cependant, la segmentation manuelle est une tâche extrêmement chronophage, fastidieuse et sujette à des variations inter- et intra-expert. Il y a par conséquent un besoin d’automatiser les méthodes de segmentations, ce qui pourrait faciliter l’efficacité procédures d’analyses. La segmentation automatique de lésions est compliqué pour plusieurs raisons: (i) la variabilité des lésions en termes de forme, taille et position, (ii) les contours des lésions sont la plupart du temps difficilement discernables, (iii) l’intensité des lésions sur des images MR sont similaires à celles de structures visiblement saines. En plus de cela, réaliser une segmentation rigoureuse sur l’ensemble d’une base de données multi-centrique d’IRM est rendue difficile par l’importante variabilité des protocoles d’acquisition (e.g. résolution, orientation, champ de vue de l’image). Malgré de considérables récents développements dans le traitement d’images MR de moelle épinière, il n’y a toujours pas de méthode disponible pouvant fournir une segmentation rigoureuse et fiable de la moelle épinière pour un large spectre de pathologies et de protocoles d’acquisition. Concernant les lésions intramédullaires, une recherche approfondie dans la littérature n’a pas pu fournir une méthode disponible de segmentation automatique. Objectif: Développer un système complètement automatique pour segmenter la moelle épinière et les lésions intramédullaires sur des IRM conventionnelles humaines. Méthode: L’approche présentée est basée de deux réseaux de neurones à convolution mis en cascade. La méthode a été pensée pour faire face aux principaux obstacles que présentent les données IRM de moelle épinière. Le procédé de segmentation a été entrainé et validé sur une base de données privée composée de 1943 images, acquises dans 30 différents centres avec des protocoles hétérogènes. Les sujets scannés comportent 459 sujets sains, 471 patients SEP et 112 avec d’autres pathologies affectant la moelle épinière. Le module de segmentation de la moelle épinière a été comparé à une méthode existante reconnue par la communauté, PropSeg. Résultats: L’approche basée sur les réseaux de neurones à convolution a fourni de meilleurs résultats que PropSeg, atteignant un Dice médian (intervalle inter-quartiles) de 94.6 (4.6) vs. 87.9 (18.3) %. Pour les lésions, notre segmentation automatique a permis d'obtenir un Dice de 60.0 (21.4) % en le comparant à la segmentation manuelle, un ratio de vrai positifs de 83 (34) %, et une précision de 77 (44) %. Conclusion: Une méthode complètement automatique et innovante pour segmenter la moelle épinière et les lésions SEP intramédullaires sur des données IRM a été conçue durant ce projet de maîtrise. La méthode a été abondamment validée sur une base de données clinique. La robustesse de la méthode de segmentation de moelle épinière a été démontrée, même sur des cas pathologiques. Concernant la segmentation des lésions, les résultats sont encourageants, malgré un taux de faux positifs relativement élevé. Je crois en l’impact que peut potentiellement avoir ces outils pour la communauté de chercheurs. Dans cette optique, les méthodes ont été intégrées et documentées dans un logiciel en accès-ouvert, la “Spinal Cord Toolbox”. Certains des outils développés pendant ce projet de Maîtrise sont déjà utilisés par des analyses d’études cliniques, portant sur des patients SEP et sclérose latérale amyotrophique.----------ABSTRACT Context: The spinal cord is a key component of the central nervous system, which contains neurons responsible for complex functions, and ensures the conduction of motor and sensory information between the brain and the peripheral nervous system. Damage to the spinal cord, through trauma or neurodegenerative diseases, can lead to severe impairment, including functional disabilities, paralysis and/or pain. In multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, the spinal cord is frequently affected by atrophy and/or lesions. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used by researchers and clinicians to non-invasively assess and characterize spinal cord microstructural changes. Quantitative assessment of the structural damage to the spinal cord (e.g. atrophy severity, lesion extent) is essential for the diagnosis, prognosis and longitudinal monitoring of diseases, such as MS. Furthermore, the development of objective biomarkers is essential to evaluate the effect of new therapeutic treatments. Spinal cord and intramedullary MS lesions segmentation is consequently clinically relevant, as well as a necessary step towards the interpretation of multi-parametric MR images. However, manual segmentation is highly time-consuming, tedious and prone to intra- and inter-rater variability. There is therefore a need for automated segmentation methods to facilitate the efficiency of analysis pipelines. Automatic lesion segmentation is challenging for various reasons: (i) lesion variability in terms of shape, size and location, (ii) lesion boundaries are most of the time not well defined, (iii) lesion intensities on MR data are confounding with those of normal-appearing structures. Moreover, achieving robust segmentation across multi-center MRI data is challenging because of the broad variability of data features (e.g. resolution, orientation, field of view). Despite recent substantial developments in spinal cord MRI processing, there is still no method available that can yield robust and reliable spinal cord segmentation across the very diverse spinal pathologies and data features. Regarding the intramedullary lesions, a thorough search of the relevant literature did not yield available method of automatic segmentation. Goal: To develop a fully-automatic framework for segmenting the spinal cord and intramedullary MS lesions from conventional human MRI data. Method: The presented approach is based on a cascade of two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). The method has been designed to face the main challenges of ‘real world’ spinal cord MRI data. It was trained and validated on a private dataset made up of 1943 MR volumes, acquired in different 30 sites with heterogeneous acquisition protocols. Scanned subjects involve 459 healthy controls, 471 MS patients and 112 with other spinal pathologies. The proposed spinal cord segmentation method was compared to a state-of-the-art spinal cord segmentation method, PropSeg. Results: The CNN-based approach achieved better results than PropSeg, yielding a median (interquartile range) Dice of 94.6 (4.6) vs. 87.9 (18.3) % when compared to the manual segmentation. For the lesion segmentation task, our method provided a median Dice-overlap with the manual segmentation of 60.0 (21.4) %, a lesion-based true positive rate of 83 (34) % and a lesion-based precision de 77 (44) %. Conclusion: An original fully-automatic method to segment the spinal cord and intramedullary MS lesions on MRI data has been devised during this Master’s project. The method was validated extensively against a clinical dataset. The robustness of the spinal cord segmentation has been demonstrated, even on challenging pathological cases. Regarding the lesion segmentation, the results are encouraging despite the fairly high false positive rate. I believe in the potential value of these developed tools for the research community. In this vein, the methods are integrated and documented into an open-source software, the Spinal Cord Toolbox. Some of the tools developed during this Master’s project are already integrated into automated analysis pipelines of clinical studies, including MS and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis patients