134 research outputs found

    An Overview of SBIR Phase 2 Communications Technology and Development

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    Technological innovation is the overall focus of NASA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. The program invests in the development of innovative concepts and technologies to help NASA's mission directorates address critical research and development needs for agency projects. This report highlights innovative SBIR Phase II projects from 2007-2012 specifically addressing areas in Communications Technology and Development which is one of six core competencies at NASA Glenn Research Center. There are eighteen technologies featured with emphasis on a wide spectrum of applications such as with a security-enhanced autonomous network management, secure communications using on-demand single photons, cognitive software-defined radio, spacesuit audio systems, multiband photonic phased-array antenna, and much more. Each article in this booklet describes an innovation, technical objective, and highlights NASA commercial and industrial applications. This report serves as an opportunity for NASA personnel including engineers, researchers, and program managers to learn of NASA SBIR's capabilities that might be crosscutting into this technology area. As the result, it would cause collaborations and partnerships between the small companies and NASA Programs and Projects resulting in benefit to both SBIR companies and NASA

    Study of Optical OFDM System for Wireless LAN Applications

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    The advantages of optical fiber make it possible to extend the data rate transmission and propagation distance. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as a multicarrier technique (MC) is used in hybrid optical-wireless system designs because it has the best spectral efficiency to radio frequency (RF) interference and lower multipath distortion. In this dissertation, a study and evaluation of optical OFDM based wireless local area network (W-LAN) systems are presented. The baseband of the OFDM signal is fully transmitted and up-converted to a radio frequency signal. Also, to reduce system costs, simple base stations (BSs) are interconnected to a central office (CO) via an optical fiber. All the required operations are achieved in the CO. The directly modulated laser (DML) and continuous wave (CW) laser are used in the system simulations as optical laser sources. Identical rectangular microstrip patch antennas have been used at the transmitter and the receiver as well. The simulations were carried out for different SMF and MMF lengths, and the variable wireless distance between the transmitting and receiving antennas was in a range of 40 dB to 80 dB. The purpose of this work is to provide a framework for integrating wireless and optical technologies in one system with the presence of OFDM technology. The required microstrip patch antenna parameters for the system are analyzed and designed. The microstrip patch antenna (S-parameters) is loaded into the Optisystem communication software tool in Touchstone format. As a result, this achievement gives a greater impetus to design an integrated optical-wireless system, and simulation results validate the proposed technique. Then, the integration of the microstrip patch antenna and optical OFDM system is achieved, and the performance is intensely studied. The entire system has been presented by developing analytical models and simulations. The system performance results are obtained regarding EIRP, SNR, signal constellations and BER. The results show that this integrated optical wireless link is very robust for carrying OFDM based wireless LAN signals over an optical fiber. Moreover, using an active patch antenna in the system helps to increase the coverage service to more than 30 meters when an SMF of 80 km length is utilized

    Use of Time-Frequency Analysis and Neural Networks for Mode Identification in a Wireless Software-Defined Radio Approach

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    The use of time-frequency distributions is proposed as a nonlinear signal processing technique that is combined with a pattern recognition approach to identify superimposed transmission modes in a reconfigurable wireless terminal based on software-defined radio techniques. In particular, a software-defined radio receiver is described aiming at the identification of two coexistent communication modes: frequency hopping code division multiple access and direct sequence code division multiple access. As a case study, two standards, based on the previous modes and operating in the same band (industrial, scientific, and medical), are considered: IEEE WLAN 802.11b (direct sequence) and Bluetooth (frequency hopping). Neural classifiers are used to obtain identification results. A comparison between two different neural classifiers is made in terms of relative error frequency

    Adaptive V/UV Speech Detection Based on Characterization of Background Noise

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    The paper presents an adaptive system for Voiced/Unvoiced (V/UV) speech detection in the presence of background noise. Genetic algorithms were used to select the features that offer the best V/UV detection according to the output of a background Noise Classifier (NC) and a Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation (SNRE) system. The system was implemented, and the tests performed using the TIMIT speech corpus and its phonetic classification. The results were compared with a nonadaptive classification system and the V/UV detectors adopted by two important speech coding standards: the V/UV detection system in the ETSI ES 202 212 v1.1.2 and the speech classification in the Selectable Mode Vocoder (SMV) algorithm. In all cases the proposed adaptive V/UV classifier outperforms the traditional solutions giving an improvement of 25% in very noisy environments

    Dual-Band Infrared Scheimpflug Lidar Reveals Insect Activity in a Tropical Cloud Forest

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    We describe an entomological dual-band 808 and 980 nm lidar system which has been implemented in a tropical cloud forest (Ecuador). The system was successfully tested at a sample rate of 5 kHz in a cloud forest during challenging foggy conditions (extinction coefficients up to 20 km–1). At times, the backscattered signal could be retrieved from a distance of 2.929 km. We present insect and bat observations up to 200 m during a single night with an emphasis on fog aspects, potentials, and benefits of such dual-band systems. We demonstrate that the modulation contrast between insects and fog is high in the frequency domain compared to intensity in the time domain, thus allowing for better identification and quantification in misty forests. Oscillatory lidar extinction effects are shown in this work for the first time, caused by the combination of dense fog and large moths partially obstructing the beam. We demonstrate here an interesting case of a moth where left- and right-wing movements induced oscillations in both intensity and pixel spread. In addition, we were able to identify the dorsal and ventral sides of the wings by estimating the corresponding melanization with the dual-band lidar. We demonstrate that the wing beat trajectories in the dual-band parameter space are complementary rather than covarying or redundant, thus a dual-band entomological lidar approach to biodiversity studies is feasible in situ and endows species specificity differentiation. Future improvements are discussed. The introduction of these methodologies opens the door to a wealth of possible experiments to monitor, understand, and safeguard the biological resources of one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth

    Review on NEXT Generation Technologies of Wireless Communication

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    Cellular communication has brought in an unparalleled revolution in the field of communication during the past two decades. The mobile communication industry growth has surpassed growth of all other fields. Even o ur own country is not left behind. The number of mobile subscribers in the country rose to over 9 11 m in Mar 201 2 . 3G system has been introduced in line with other countries. Talks have started about 4G / 5G. The implementation of 4G /5G will most probably be the ultimate goal in the field of communication

    Aspects of capacity enhancement techniques in cellular networks

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    Frequency spectrum is the scarce resource. From mobile operator’s point of view, efficient utilization of the radio resources is needed while providing maximum coverage, and ensuring good quality of service with minimal infrastructure. In high capacity demanding areas, multilayer networks with multiband and multi radio access technologies are deployed, in order to meet the capacity requirements. In his doctoral thesis, Usman Sheikh has proposed a “Smart Traffic Handling” strategy, which is based on user’s required service type and location. Smart traffic handling scheme efficiently utilizes the different layers of the network, balances the load among them, and improves the system capacity. Power resources at base station are also limited. Usman Sheikh’s proposed “Power Control Scheme for High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) network” improves the cell edge user experience, while maintaining the fairness among the other users in a cell. With the help of a proposed power control scheme, a user far from the base station can also enjoy the better quality of service. Generally, mobile operators use macro cells with wide beam antennas for wider coverage in the cell, but future capacity demands cannot be achieved by using only them. “Higher Order Sectorization” is one possible way to increase the system capacity. Usman Sheikh proposed new network layouts called “Snowflake” and “Flower” tessellations, for 6-sector and 12-sector sites, respectively. These tessellations can be used as a basis for making a nominal network plan for sites with higher order sectorization. These tessellations would be helpful for simulation purposes. Through his work, he has also tried to highlight the importance of deploying “Adaptive MIMO Switching” in Long Term Evolution (LTE) system, the fourth generation of wireless networks. In future, the fifth generation of wireless networks is expected to offer thousand times more capacity compared to LTE. The novel concept of “Single Path Multiple Access (SPMA)” given by Usman Sheikh is a revolutionary idea, and gives a possibility to increase the system capacity by a giant margin. SPMA can be considered as a right step towards 5G technology. Usman Sheikh’s work is of high importance not only from mobile operator’s point of view; rather his contributions to the scientific community will also lead to better user (customer) experience. His work will definitely benefit the mankind in utilizing the limited resources in an optimum and efficient way

    Wireless Alliance for Testing Experiment and Research (WALTER) Experts Workshop

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    The purpose of the publication is to describe the WALTER experts workshop and related results and findings. The workshop was conducted in Ispra, Varese, Italy from the 2nd to the 3rd of July 2008 at the European Commission JRC facilities. The workshop was organized as part of the FP7 WALTER project, which has the objective of define a networked test bed laboratory to evaluate UltraWideBand (UWB) technology and equipment. The purpose of WALTER workshop was to present and discuss the current regulatory, standardization and research status of UltraWideBand (UWB) technology with special focus on the definition of requirements, methodologies and tools for UWB measurements and testing. The WALTER workshop had the following main objectives: - Identify the main regulatory and standardization challenges for the adoption of UWB in Europe and the world. Support the identification and resolution of conflicting requirements. - Identify the main challenges in the UWB testing and measurements. Describe how the current industrial and research activity could support the resolution of these challenges. - Discuss the future developments like UWB at 60 GHz and innovative interference and mitigation techniques including Detect And Avoid (DAA). A number of international experts in the UltraWideBand field have been invited to participate to this workshop, to encourage bi-directional communication: in one direction to disseminate the information on WALTER project and its activities, in the other direction to collect the input and feedback on the regulatory and standardization work, industrial activity and research studies.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit
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