151 research outputs found

    Real-time complexity constrained encoding

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    Complex software appliances can be deployed on hardware with limited available computational resources. This computational boundary puts an additional constraint on software applications. This can be an issue for real-time applications with a fixed time constraint such as low delay video encoding. In the context of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), a limited number of publications have focused on controlling the complexity of an HEVC video encoder. In this paper, a technique is proposed to control complexity by deciding between 2Nx2N merge mode and full encoding, at different Coding Unit (CU) depths. The technique is demonstrated in two encoders. The results demonstrate fast convergence to a given complexity threshold, and a limited loss in rate-distortion performance (on average 2.84% Bjontegaard delta rate for 40% complexity reduction)

    Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding

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    International audienceThe scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC) is an extension of high efficiency video coding (HEVC), which introduces multiple layers and inter-layer prediction, thus significantly increases the coding complexity on top of the already complicated HEVC encoder. In inter prediction for quality SHVC, in order to determine the best possible mode at each depth level, a coding tree unit can be recursively split into four depth levels, including merge mode, inter2Nx2N, inter2NxN, interNx2N, interNxN, in-ter2NxnU, inter2NxnD, internLx2N and internRx2N, intra modes and inter-layer reference (ILR) mode. This can obtain the highest coding efficiency, but also result in very high coding complexity. Therefore, it is crucial to improve coding speed while maintaining coding efficiency. In this research, we have proposed a new depth level and inter mode prediction algorithm for quality SHVC. First, the depth level candidates are predicted based on inter-layer correlation, spatial correlation and its correlation degree. Second, for a given depth candidate, we divide mode prediction into square and non-square mode predictions respectively. Third, in the square mode prediction, ILR and merge modes are predicted according to depth correlation, and early terminated whether residual distribution follows a Gaussian distribution. Moreover, ILR mode, merge mode and inter2Nx2N are early terminated based on significant differences in Rate Distortion (RD) costs. Fourth, if the early termination condition cannot be satisfied, non-square modes are further predicted based on significant differences in expected values of residual coefficients. Finally, inter-layer and spatial correlations are combined with residual distribution to examine whether to early terminate depth selection. Experimental results have demonstrated that, on average, the proposed algorithm can achieve a time saving of 71.14%, with a bit rate increase of 1.27%

    Towards one video encoder per individual : guided High Efficiency Video Coding

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    Compression vidéo basée sur l'exploitation d'un décodeur intelligent

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    This Ph.D. thesis studies the novel concept of Smart Decoder (SDec) where the decoder is given the ability to simulate the encoder and is able to conduct the R-D competition similarly as in the encoder. The proposed technique aims to reduce the signaling of competing coding modes and parameters. The general SDec coding scheme and several practical applications are proposed, followed by a long-term approach exploiting machine learning concept in video coding. The SDec coding scheme exploits a complex decoder able to reproduce the choice of the encoder based on causal references, eliminating thus the need to signal coding modes and associated parameters. Several practical applications of the general outline of the SDec scheme are tested, using different coding modes during the competition on the reference blocs. Despite the choice for the SDec reference block being still simple and limited, interesting gains are observed. The long-term research presents an innovative method that further makes use of the processing capacity of the decoder. Machine learning techniques are exploited in video coding with the purpose of reducing the signaling overhead. Practical applications are given, using a classifier based on support vector machine to predict coding modes of a block. The block classification uses causal descriptors which consist of different types of histograms. Significant bit rate savings are obtained, which confirms the potential of the approach.Cette thĂšse de doctorat Ă©tudie le nouveau concept de dĂ©codeur intelligent (SDec) dans lequel le dĂ©codeur est dotĂ© de la possibilitĂ© de simuler l’encodeur et est capable de mener la compĂ©tition R-D de la mĂȘme maniĂšre qu’au niveau de l’encodeur. Cette technique vise Ă  rĂ©duire la signalisation des modes et des paramĂštres de codage en compĂ©tition. Le schĂ©ma gĂ©nĂ©ral de codage SDec ainsi que plusieurs applications pratiques sont proposĂ©es, suivis d’une approche en amont qui exploite l’apprentissage automatique pour le codage vidĂ©o. Le schĂ©ma de codage SDec exploite un dĂ©codeur complexe capable de reproduire le choix de l’encodeur calculĂ© sur des blocs de rĂ©fĂ©rence causaux, Ă©liminant ainsi la nĂ©cessitĂ© de signaler les modes de codage et les paramĂštres associĂ©s. Plusieurs applications pratiques du schĂ©ma SDec sont testĂ©es, en utilisant diffĂ©rents modes de codage lors de la compĂ©tition sur les blocs de rĂ©fĂ©rence. MalgrĂ© un choix encore simple et limitĂ© des blocs de rĂ©fĂ©rence, les gains intĂ©ressants sont observĂ©s. La recherche en amont prĂ©sente une mĂ©thode innovante qui permet d’exploiter davantage la capacitĂ© de traitement d’un dĂ©codeur. Les techniques d’apprentissage automatique sont exploitĂ©es pour but de rĂ©duire la signalisation. Les applications pratiques sont donnĂ©es, utilisant un classificateur basĂ© sur les machines Ă  vecteurs de support pour prĂ©dire les modes de codage d’un bloc. La classification des blocs utilise des descripteurs causaux qui sont formĂ©s Ă  partir de diffĂ©rents types d’histogrammes. Des gains significatifs en dĂ©bit sont obtenus, confirmant ainsi le potentiel de l’approche

    Spatial Correlation-Based Motion-Vector Prediction for Video-Coding Efficiency Improvement

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    H.265/HEVC achieves an average bitrate reduction of 50% for fixed video quality compared with the H.264/AVC standard, while computation complexity is significantly increased. The purpose of this work is to improve coding efficiency for the next-generation video-coding standards. Therefore, by developing a novel spatial neighborhood subset, efficient spatial correlation-based motion vector prediction (MVP) with the coding-unit (CU) depth-prediction algorithm is proposed to improve coding efficiency. Firstly, by exploiting the reliability of neighboring candidate motion vectors (MVs), the spatial-candidate MVs are used to determine the optimized MVP for motion-data coding. Secondly, the spatial correlation-based coding-unit depth-prediction is presented to achieve a better trade-off between coding efficiency and computation complexity for interprediction. This approach can satisfy an extreme requirement of high coding efficiency with not-high requirements for real-time processing. The simulation results demonstrate that overall bitrates can be reduced, on average, by 5.35%, up to 9.89% compared with H.265/HEVC reference software in terms of the Bjontegaard Metric

    A Motion Estimation based Algorithm for Encoding Time Reduction in HEVC

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is a video compression standard that offers 50% more efficiency at the expense of high encoding time contrasted with the H.264 Advanced Video Coding (AVC) standard. The encoding time must be reduced to satisfy the needs of real-time applications. This paper has proposed the Multi- Level Resolution Vertical Subsampling (MLRVS) algorithm to reduce the encoding time. The vertical subsampling minimizes the number of Sum of Absolute Difference (SAD) computations during the motion estimation process. The complexity reduction algorithm is also used for fast coding the coefficients of the quantised block using a flag decision. Two distinct search patterns are suggested: New Cross Diamond Diamond (NCDD) and New Cross Diamond Hexagonal (NCDH) search patterns, which reduce the time needed to locate the motion vectors. In this paper, the MLRVS algorithm with NCDD and MLRVS algorithm with NCDH search patterns are simulated separately and analyzed. The results show that the encoding time of the encoder is decreased by 55% with MLRVS algorithm using NCDD search pattern and 56% with MLRVS using NCDH search pattern compared to HM16.5 with Test Zone (TZ) search algorithm. These results are achieved with a slight increase in bit rate and negligible deterioration in output video quality

    Efficient HEVC-based video adaptation using transcoding

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    In a video transmission system, it is important to take into account the great diversity of the network/end-user constraints. On the one hand, video content is typically streamed over a network that is characterized by different bandwidth capacities. In many cases, the bandwidth is insufficient to transfer the video at its original quality. On the other hand, a single video is often played by multiple devices like PCs, laptops, and cell phones. Obviously, a single video would not satisfy their different constraints. These diversities of the network and devices capacity lead to the need for video adaptation techniques, e.g., a reduction of the bit rate or spatial resolution. Video transcoding, which modifies a property of the video without the change of the coding format, has been well-known as an efficient adaptation solution. However, this approach comes along with a high computational complexity, resulting in huge energy consumption in the network and possibly network latency. This presentation provides several optimization strategies for the transcoding process of HEVC (the latest High Efficiency Video Coding standard) video streams. First, the computational complexity of a bit rate transcoder (transrater) is reduced. We proposed several techniques to speed-up the encoder of a transrater, notably a machine-learning-based approach and a novel coding-mode evaluation strategy have been proposed. Moreover, the motion estimation process of the encoder has been optimized with the use of decision theory and the proposed fast search patterns. Second, the issues and challenges of a spatial transcoder have been solved by using machine-learning algorithms. Thanks to their great performance, the proposed techniques are expected to significantly help HEVC gain popularity in a wide range of modern multimedia applications
