52 research outputs found

    Iterative receivers and multichannel equalisation for time division multiple access systems

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    The thesis introduces receiver algorithms improving the performance of TDMA mobile radio systems. Particularly, we consider receivers utilising side information, which can be obtained from the error control coding or by having a priori knowledge of interference sources. Iterative methods can be applied in the former case and interference suppression techniques in the latter. Convolutional coding adds redundant information into the signal and thereby protects messages transmitted over a radio channel. In the coded systems the receiver is usually comprised of separate channel estimation, detection and channel decoding tasks due to complexity restrictions. This suboptimal solution suffers from performance degradation compared to the optimal solution achieved by optimising the joint probability of information bits, transmitted symbols and channel impulse response. Conventional receiver utilises estimated channel state information in the detection and detected symbols in the channel decoding to finally obtain information bits. However, the channel decoder provides also extrinsic information on the bit probabilities, which is independent of the received information at the equaliser input. Therefore it is beneficial to re-perform channel estimation and detection using this new extrinsic information together with the original input signal. We apply iterative receiver techniques mainly to Enhanced General Packet Radio System (EGPRS) using GMSK modulation for iterative channel estimation and 8-PSK modulation for iterative detection scheme. Typical gain for iterative detection is around 2 dB and for iterative channel estimation around 1 dB. Furthermore, we suggest two iteration rounds as a reasonable complexity/performance trade-off. To obtain further complexity reduction we introduce the soft trellis decoding technique that reduces the decoder complexity significantly in the iterative schemes. Cochannel interference (CCI) originates from the nearby cells that are reusing the same transmission frequency. In this thesis we consider CCI suppression by joint detection (JD) technique, which detects simultaneously desired and interfering signals. Because of the complexity limitations we only consider JD for two binary modulated signals. Therefore it is important to find the dominant interfering signal (DI) to achieve the best performance. In the presence of one strong DI, the JD provides major improvement in the receiver performance. The JD requires joint channel estimation (JCE) for the two signals. However, the JCE makes the implementation of the JD more difficult, since it requires synchronised network and unique training sequences with low cross-correlation for the two signals.reviewe

    Interference Mitigation in Wireless Communications

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    The primary objective of this thesis is to design advanced interference resilient schemes for asynchronous slow frequency hopping wireless personal area networks (FH-WPAN) and time division multiple access (TDMA) cellular systems in interference dominant environments. We also propose an interference-resilient power allocation method for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems. For asynchronous FH-WPANs in the presence of frequent packet collisions, we propose a single antenna interference canceling dual decision feedback (IC-DDF) receiver based on joint maximum likelihood (ML) detection and recursive least squares (RLS) channel estimation. For the system level performance evaluation, we propose a novel geometric method that combines bit error rate (BER) and the spatial distribution of the traffic load of CCI for the computation of packet error rate (PER). We also derived the probabilities of packet collision in multiple asynchronous FH-WPANs with uniform and nonuniform traffic patterns. For the design of TDMA receivers resilient to CCI in frequency selective channels, we propose a soft output joint detection interference rejection combining delayed decision feedback sequence estimation (JD IRC-DDFSE) scheme. In the proposed scheme, IRC suppresses the CCI, while DDFSE equalizes ISI with reduced complexity. Also, the soft outputs are generated from IRC-DDFSE decision metric to improve the performance of iterative or non-iterative type soft-input outer code decoders. For the design of interference resilient power allocation scheme in MIMO systems, we investigate an adaptive power allocation method using subset antenna transmission (SAT) techniques. Motivated by the observation of capacity imbalance among the multiple parallel sub-channels, the SAT method achieves high spectral efficiency by allocating power on a selected transmit antenna subset. For 4 x 4 V-BLAST MIMO systems, the proposed scheme with SAT showed analogous results. Adaptive modulation schemes combined with the proposed method increase the capacity gains. From a feasibility viewpoint, the proposed method is a practical solution to CCI-limited MIMO systems since it does not require the channel state information (CSI) of CCI.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Professor Gordon L. StBe

    Distribution dependent adaptive learning

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    Application of array processing for mobile communications

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    Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is about a mathematical equation and mathematical operations. It is described by the significations of discrete period, discrete frequency, or supplementary discrete area signals by a order of numbers or signals and the processing of all the signals that related. Digital Signal Processing applications consist of the signal processing for communication. For example is the array processing for the mobile communications. Signal processing is a extensive area of scrutiny that extends from the easiest form of 1-D signal processing to the convoluted form of M-D and array signal processing. This report presents th

    OFDM ido tsushin shisutemu ni okeru doitsu chaneru kansho jokyo hoshiki ni kansuru kenkyu

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3396号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2011/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新571

    Joint array combining and MLSE for single-user receivers in multipath Gaussian multiuser channels

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    The well-known structure of an array combiner along with a maximum likelihood sequence estimator (MLSE) receiver is the basis for the derivation of a space-time processor presenting good properties in terms of co-channel and intersymbol interference rejection. The use of spatial diversity at the receiver front-end together with a scalar MLSE implies a joint design of the spatial combiner and the impulse response for the sequence detector. This is faced using the MMSE criterion under the constraint that the desired user signal power is not cancelled, yielding an impulse response for the sequence detector that is matched to the channel and combiner response. The procedure maximizes the signal-to-noise ratio at the input of the detector and exhibits excellent performance in realistic multipath channels.Peer Reviewe

    Development of Fuzzy System Based Channel Equalisers

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    Channel equalisers are used in digital communication receivers to mitigate the effects of inter symbol interference (ISI) and inter user interference in the form of co-channel interference (CCI) and adjacent channel interference (ACI) in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). An equaliser uses a large part of the computations involved in the receiver. Linear equalisers based on adaptive filtering techniques have long been used for this application. Recently, use of nonlinear signal processing techniques like artificial neural networks (ANN) and radial basis functions (RBF) have shown encouraging results in this application. This thesis presents the development of a nonlinear fuzzy system based equaliser for digital communication receivers. The fuzzy equaliser proposed in this thesis provides a parametric implementation of symbolby-symbol maximum a-posteriori probability (MAP) equaliser based on Bayes’s theory. This MAP equaliser is also called Bayesian equaliser. Its decision function uses an estimate of the noise free received vectors, also called channel states or channel centres. The fuzzy equaliser developed here can be implemented with lower computational complexity than the RBF implementation of the MAP equaliser by using scalar channel states instead of channel states. It also provides schemes for performance tradeoff with complexity and schemes for subset centre selection. Simulation studies presented in this thesis suggests that the fuzzy equaliser by using only 10%-20% of the Bayesian equaliser channel states can provide near optimal performance. Subsequently, this fuzzy equaliser is modified for CCI suppression and is termed fuzzy–CCI equaliser. The fuzzy–CCI equaliser provides a performance comparable to the MAP equaliser designed for channels corrupted with CCI. However the structure of this equaliser is similar to the MAP equaliser that treats CCI as AWGN. A decision feedback form of this equaliser which uses a subset of channel states based on the feedback state is derived. Simulation studies presented in this thesis demonstrate that the fuzzy–CCI equaliser can effectively remove CCI without much increase in computational complexity. This equaliser is also successful in removing interference from more than one CCI sources, where as the MAP equalisers treating CCI as AWGN fail. This fuzzy–CCI equaliser can be treated as a fuzzy equaliser with a preprocessor for CCI suppression, and the preprocessor can be removed under high signal to interference ratio condition

    Artificial neural networks for location estimation and co-cannel interference suppression in cellular networks

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    This thesis reports on the application of artificial neural networks to two important problems encountered in cellular communications, namely, location estimation and co-channel interference suppression. The prediction of a mobile location using propagation path loss (signal strength) is a very difficult and complex task. Several techniques have been proposed recently mostly based on linearized, geometrical and maximum likelihood methods. An alternative approach based on artificial neural networks is proposed in this thesis which offers the advantages of increased flexibility to adapt to different environments and high speed parallel processing. Location estimation provides users of cellular telephones with information about their location. Some of the existing location estimation techniques such as those used in GPS satellite navigation systems require non-standard features, either from the cellular phone or the cellular network. However, it is possible to use the existing GSM technology for location estimation by taking advantage of the signals transmitted between the phone and the network. This thesis proposes the application of neural networks to predict the location coordinates from signal strength data. New multi-layered perceptron and radial basis function based neural networks are employed for the prediction of mobile locations using signal strength measurements in a simulated COST-231 metropolitan environment. In addition, initial preliminary results using limited available real signal-strength measurements in a metropolitan environment are also reported comparing the performance of the neural predictors with a conventional linear technique. The results indicate that the neural predictors can be trained to provide a near perfect mapping using signal strength measurements from two or more base stations. The second application of neural networks addressed in this thesis, is concerned with adaptive equalization, which is known to be an important technique for combating distortion and Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) in digital communication channels. However, many communication systems are also impaired by what is known as co-channel interference (CCI). Many digital communications systems such as digital cellular radio (DCR) and dual polarized micro-wave radio, for example, employ frequency re-usage and often exhibit performance limitation due to co-channel interference. The degradation in performance due to CCI is more severe than due to ISI. Therefore, simple and effective interference suppression techniques are required to mitigate the interference for a high-quality signal reception. The current work briefly reviews the application of neural network based non-linear adaptive equalizers to the problem of combating co-channel interference, without a priori knowledge of the channel or co-channel orders. A realistic co-channel system is used as a case study to demonstrate the superior equalization capability of the functional-link neural network based Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) compared to other conventional linear and neural network based non-linear adaptive equalizers.This project was funded by Solectron (Scotland) Ltd

    Space-time processing for wireless mobile communications

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    Intersymbol interference (ISI) and co-channel interference (CCI) are two major obstacles to high speed data transmission in wireless cellular communications systems. Unlike thermal noise, their effects cannot be removed by increasing the signal power and are time-varying due to the relative motion between the transmitters and receivers. Space-time processing offers a signal processing framework to optimally integrate the spatial and temporal properties of the signal for maximal signal reception and at the same time, mitigate the ISI and CCI impairments. In this thesis, we focus on the development of this emerging technology to combat the undesirable effects of ISI and CCL We first develop a convenient mathematical model to parameterize the space-time multipath channel based on signal path power, directions and times of arrival. Starting from the continuous time-domain, we derive compact expressions of the vector space-time channel model that lead to the notion of block space-time manifold, Under certain identifiability conditions, the noiseless vector-channel outputs will lie on a subspace constructed from a set. of basis belonging to the block space-time manifold. This is an important observation as many high resolution array processing algorithms Can be applied directly to estimate the multi path channel parameters. Next we focus on the development of semi-blind channel identification and equalization algorithms for fast time-varying multi path channels. Specifically. we develop space-time processing algorithms for wireless TDMA networks that use short burst data formats with extremely short training data. sequences. Due to the latter, the estimated channel parameters are extremely unreliable for equalization with conventional adaptive methods. We approach the channel acquisition, tracking and equalization problems jointly, and exploit the richness of the inherent structural relationship between the channel parameters and the data sequence by repeated use of available data through a forward- backward optimization procedure. This enables the fuller exploitation of the available data. Our simulation studies show that significant performance gains are achieved over conventional methods. In the final part of this thesis, we address the problem identifying and equalizing multi path communication channels in the presence of strong CCl. By considering CCI as stochasic processes, we find that temporal diversity can be gained by observing the channel outputs from a tapped delay line. Together with the assertion that the finite alphabet property of the information sequences can offer additional information about the channel parameters and the noise-plus-covariance matrix, we develop a spatial temporal algorithm, iterative reweighting alternating minimization, to estimate the channel parameters and information sequence in a weighted least squares framework. The proposed algorithm is robust as it does not require knowledge of the number of CCI nor their structural information. Simulation studies demonstrate its efficacy over many reported methods