1,990 research outputs found

    Collaborative competencies in professional social networking: Are students short changed by curriculum in business education?

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    Social networks have earned their indisputable place as a collaborative learning tool in education. In this paper, we address the gap in literature on developing a set of competencies to allow graduates to make the most of collaborative technologies for business and professional activity as well as career management. Based on a survey of over 600 business school graduates from AMBA accredited UK universities, we are able to identify the level of awareness and degree of application of professional usage of social networks amongst students. Our results show that work experience and age of the business students play a significant role in their usage of social networks for professional purposes, knowledge and career management. The data shows that younger students are more social networking savvy when it comes to identifying business opportunities, while older graduates are less confident. This is important as traditionally graduate students are individuals in their mid careers and the skill gap between generation Y and the experienced graduates need to be bridged by adequate curriculum changes

    Assessing Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Body Mass Index Screening among School Nurses

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    Child obesity among school age children is epidemic in the United States (U.S.). A critical review of literature was completed that concluded that Body Mass Index (BMI) screening for early identification and growth surveillance is needed for successful school-based obesity prevention intervention programs. This study used total survey design methods to identify the BMI screening practices of school nurses (SNs) and to identify the facilitating factors and barriers to BMI screening in public elementary schools among school age populations. Focus groups were used to identify current BMI screening practice in terms of facilitating factors and barriers. Survey methods were used to determine the validity of the barriers and facilitating factors identified in the focus groups. An adapted version of the Health People 2010 Determinants of Health Model guided this research. Results from 3 focus groups with SNs (N=25) working in public elementary schools indicated that SN BMI screening practice was conditional to policy, school social and physical environments, risk/protection, and access to quality health care. Themes related to geographic area emerged. All SNs described teachers as the most important facilitating factor. Suburban SNs identified that gym teachers were especially important to their BMI screening process. Urban SNs collectively agreed that trained personnel such as aides would be very helpful for data collection and BMI conversion. Rural SNs were also interested in collaborative work but focused on assisting one another as opposed to hiring assistance. Primary barriers voiced by SNs included lack of privacy, time, and policy. School size and amount of space the SNs had to assess a child were barriers, but for rural SNs this assumed there was a specific area designated as a clinic. For suburban SNs, having space to obtain BMIs located near a gym class was important. Urban SNs focused their concerns primarily on school organization and the logistic of obtaining data. Age and grade level had an effect on how rapidly data were collected. Geography in terms of the number and distance of schools that any one nurse is assigned affects the time a nurse can collect data. Subsequent to the focus group work a survey entitled the Body Mass Index Screening Survey (BMI-SS) was developed to allow for a more thorough assessment of SN BMI screening practices. Total survey design methods were used to establish face and content validity as well as baseline reliability. Face validity was established by subjective determination using 3 SN in a focus group discussion. Content validity was established with a Content Validity Index (.80) by 3 SN experts and 10 clinicians. Reliability was established through test-retest by 10 SN certification students. Administration of the survey to a randomly selected group of SNs is recommended so that data can be used to support policy and obesity intervention standards for care of school age children

    The Wound care competence of graduating student nurses – development and testing of a competence assessment instrument

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    Wound care is an essential element of clinical nursing and it requires versatile competence from nursing professionals. Patients with wounds are cared for almost everywhere in the health care system from emergency departments to care for the elderly, but chronic wounds, in particular, are a significant concern for today’s health care systems due to an ageing population. The competence of graduating student nurses has become an essential issue in relation to professional standards and patient safety. The aim of this study was i) to explore graduating student nurses’ wound care competence, ii) to identify the requested competence areas for registered nurses providing wound care and iii) to develop and test a new wound care competence assessment instrument that could be used to assess the objective wound care competence of graduating student nurses. This study was conducted in two phases: 1) theoretical and descriptive phase, 2) instrumentation and evaluation phase. Phase 1 comprised a literature review and a cross-sectional study (n=213 students) describing the topic using previous literature and empirical data. Phase 2 consisted of a qualitative study using focus-group interviews (n=23 health care professionals) and an instrument development study (n=135 students and professionals). The data were collected between 2016 and 2019 from various Finnish universities of applied sciences and health care organizations. The data were analysed using both qualitative and statistical analysis. The results indicated that the wound care competence of graduating student nurses was insufficient, but the students showed a positive attitude towards wound care. Three main competence areas regarding registered nurses’ wound care knowledge, skills and performance were identified, as well as six competence areas regarding the values and attitudes relating to wound care. The developed wound care competence instrument included a knowledge test, simulation and an attitude assessment; it demonstrated preliminary validity, reliability and sensitivity, but further testing is needed. The results of this study warrant closer examination and development of wound care education to ensure that future health care professionals have sufficient competence to perform evidence-based, best quality wound care.Valmistuvien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden haavanhoidon osaaminen – arviointimittarin kehittäminen ja testaus Haavanhoito on keskeinen osa kliinistä hoitotyötä, ja se vaatii monipuolista osaamista hoitotyön ammattilaisilta. Haavaa sairastavia potilaita hoidetaan lähes kaikkialla terveydenhuollossa, päivystysyksiköistä vanhustenhoitoon, mutta erityisesti krooniset haavat ovat merkittävä haaste tämän päivän terveydenhuollolle johtuen ikääntyvästä väestörakenteesta. Valmistuvien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden osaamisen tarkastelu on tärkeää ammatillisen tason ja potilasturvallisuuden kannalta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli i) tarkastella valmistuvien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden haavanhoidon osaamista, ii) tunnistaa sairaanhoitajien haavanhoidon osaamisalueet ja iii) kehittää ja testata uusi haavanhoidon osaamismittari valmistuvien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden haavanhoidon osaamisen arviointiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa vaiheessa: 1) teoreettinen ja kuvaileva vaihe, 2) instrumentointi- ja arviointivaihe. Vaihe 1 käsitti kirjallisuuskatsauksen sekä poikkileikkaustutkimuksen (n=213 opiskelijaa), missä kuvattiin aihetta aikaisemman kirjallisuuden sekä empiirisen aineiston kautta. Vaihe 2 koostui laadullisesta tutkimuksesta, joka toteutettiin fokusryhmähaastatteluin (n=23 terveydenhuollon ammattilaista), sekä mittarin kehittämistutkimuksesta (n=135 opiskelijaa ja ammattilaista). Aineisto kerättiin vuosina 2016–2019 useista suomalaisista ammattikorkeakouluista sekä terveydenhuollon organisaatioista. Aineisto analysoitiin sekä laadullisesti että tilastollisesti. Tulokset osoittivat, että valmistuvien sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden haavanhoidon osaamisessa oli puutteita, mutta opiskelijoiden asenteet haavanhoitoa kohtaan olivat positiiviset. Kolme pääosaamisaluetta koskien sairaanhoitajien haavanhoidon tietoa, taitoa ja toimintaa tunnistettiin, sekä kuusi osaamisaluetta koskien haavanhoidon arvoja ja asenteita. Kehitetty osaamismittari sisälsi tietotestin, simulaation ja asenteiden arvioinnin, ja se osoitti alustavaa validiteettia, luotettavuutta ja sensitiivisyyttä, mutta jatkotestausta tarvitaan. Tulokset ohjaavat tarkastelemaan ja kehittämään haavanhoidon koulutusta, jotta tulevaisuuden terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilla olisi riittävä osaaminen näyttöön perustuvan ja laadukkaan haavanhoidon toteuttamiseen

    How Does the Classroom Teacher Promote Academic Success in the Spanish Native Speaker Class: A Study of Classroom Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in the Spanish Native Speaker Course at the High School Level

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    The achievement gap between Latino and White students is a significant problem, prompting the need to address the cultural conflicts that hinder relationships and compromise learning opportunities for Latino students in the United States. This exploratory qualitative study focused on Spanish Native Speaker (SNS) teachers\u27 perceptions and use of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) at the high school level. Framed with theory related to CRP, data were collected through interviews and classroom observations with four SNS teachers who teach a SNS class at various high schools in the suburbs of Cook County. A thematic analysis and an analysis using Herrera\u27s (2010) evaluation tool provided a complete picture of what was observed in the classroom. Participants\u27 responses led to critical themes that included causes of and strategies for the use of CRP in the SNS classroom. This study provided insight for all teachers on how to promote CRP in the SNS classroom, meet the needs of Latinos in SNS programs, implement CRP, and understand their students. This study contributed to positive social change by recommending the use of CRP in the SNS classroom

    Youth and Digital Media: From Credibility to Information Quality

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    Building upon a process-and context-oriented information quality framework, this paper seeks to map and explore what we know about the ways in which young users of age 18 and under search for information online, how they evaluate information, and how their related practices of content creation, levels of new literacies, general digital media usage, and social patterns affect these activities. A review of selected literature at the intersection of digital media, youth, and information quality -- primarily works from library and information science, sociology, education, and selected ethnographic studies -- reveals patterns in youth's information-seeking behavior, but also highlights the importance of contextual and demographic factors both for search and evaluation. Looking at the phenomenon from an information-learning and educational perspective, the literature shows that youth develop competencies for personal goals that sometimes do not transfer to school, and are sometimes not appropriate for school. Thus far, educational initiatives to educate youth about search, evaluation, or creation have depended greatly on the local circumstances for their success or failure

    A Process Evaluation of the Creation of the Mind-Body Care Curriculum for a Child and Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program

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    This study is a process evaluation of a planning committee adding structure to a partial hospitalization program\u27s curriculum. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the planning process to provide recommendations or indications of changes that can be made in planning for other programs. The data collected consisted of committee meeting agendas, notes and minutes, and committee member interviews. The findings revealed major themes of program structure, logistics and operations, and evidenced-based. In discussion this study met its\u27 purpose, and gives lessons learned from the committee and implications for social work practice, policy, and research

    A Process Evaluation of the Creation of the Mind-Body Care Curriculum for a Child and Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program

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    This study is a process evaluation of a planning committee adding structure to a partial hospitalization program’s curriculum. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the planning process to provide recommendations or indications of changes that can be made in planning for other programs. The data collected consisted of committee meeting agendas, notes and minutes, and committee member interviews. The findings revealed major themes of program structure, logistics and operations, and evidenced-based. In discussion this study met its’ purpose, and gives lessons learned from the committee and implications for social work practice, policy, and research

    Online Doctoral Students and the Importance of Social Network Connections

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    University personnel offering online doctoral degrees struggle to address high attrition of students in the dissertation phase; these students can feel isolated, disconnected, and unmotivated. The purpose of this study was to explore ways online doctoral students in the dissertation phase used social networking sites (SNS) to overcome isolation and to increase persistence. The conceptual framework was situated in communities of practice (CoP) and the theory on self-determination. Research questions explored participants\u27 experiences with using SNS to remain connected and persistent. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with 7 online doctoral students, who met the criteria of being in the dissertation phase for a minimum of 2 quarters and using at least 1 social networking site; the participants were from 4 online institutions in the United States. An interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to examine themes and interpret the lived experiences of participants. Findings revealed that online doctoral students in the dissertation phase valued working with peers and with doctoral graduates from other institutions as a strategy to remain persistent in completing their dissertations. They focused on learning and on sharing with others for social and emotional support in a safe environment. Other elements included being held accountable and being challenged to keep moving. The results could influence instructional design for online doctoral candidates emphasizing the use of SNS for support from a CoP. Implications for positive social change include higher education personnel supporting unmonitored SNS interactions and increasing trust within school-created SNS spaces for students in the dissertation phase
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