12,666 research outputs found

    Low rank perturbations of quaternion matrices

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    Low rank perturbations of right eigenvalues of quaternion matrices are considered. For real and complex matrices it is well known that under a generic rank-k perturbation the k largest Jordan blocks of a given eigenvalue will disappear while additional smaller Jordan blocks will remain. In this paper, it is shown that the same is true for real eigenvalues of quaternion matrices, but for complex nonreal eigenvalues the situation is different: not only the largest k, but the largest 2k Jordan blocks of a given eigenvalue will disappear under generic quaternion perturbations of rank k. Special emphasis is also given to Hermitian and skew-Hermitian quaternion matrices and generic low rank perturbations that are structure-preserving

    The effect of finite rank perturbations on Jordan chains of linear operators

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    A general result on the structure and dimension of the root subspaces of a matrix or a linear operator under finite rank perturbations is proved: The increase of dimension from the nn-th power of the kernel of the perturbed operator to the (n+1)(n+1)-th power differs from the increase of dimension of the corresponding powers of the kernels of the unperturbed operator by at most the rank of the perturbation and this bound is sharp

    Eigenvalues of rank one perturbations of unstructured matrices

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    Let AA be a fixed complex matrix and let u,vu,v be two vectors. The eigenvalues of matrices A+τuvA+\tau uv^\top (τR)(\tau\in\mathbb{R}) form a system of intersecting curves. The dependence of the intersections on the vectors u,vu,v is studied

    Performance Analysis of Spectral Clustering on Compressed, Incomplete and Inaccurate Measurements

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    Spectral clustering is one of the most widely used techniques for extracting the underlying global structure of a data set. Compressed sensing and matrix completion have emerged as prevailing methods for efficiently recovering sparse and partially observed signals respectively. We combine the distance preserving measurements of compressed sensing and matrix completion with the power of robust spectral clustering. Our analysis provides rigorous bounds on how small errors in the affinity matrix can affect the spectral coordinates and clusterability. This work generalizes the current perturbation results of two-class spectral clustering to incorporate multi-class clustering with k eigenvectors. We thoroughly track how small perturbation from using compressed sensing and matrix completion affect the affinity matrix and in succession the spectral coordinates. These perturbation results for multi-class clustering require an eigengap between the kth and (k+1)th eigenvalues of the affinity matrix, which naturally occurs in data with k well-defined clusters. Our theoretical guarantees are complemented with numerical results along with a number of examples of the unsupervised organization and clustering of image data

    Decentralized control with input saturation: a first step toward design

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    This article summarizes important observations about control of decentralized systems with input saturation and provides a few examples that give insight into the structure of such systems

    Rank two perturbations of matrices and operators and operator model for t-transformation of probability measures

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    Rank two parametric perturbations of operators and matrices are studied in various settings. In the finite dimensional case the formula for a characteristic polynomial is derived and the large parameter asymptotics of the spectrum is computed. The large parameter asymptotics of a rank one perturbation of singular values and condition number are discussed as well. In the operator case the formula for a rank two transformation of the spectral measure is derived and it appears to be the t-transformation of a probability measure, studied previously in the free probability context. New transformation of measures is studied and several examples are presented

    A singular M-matrix perturbed by a nonnegative rank one matrix has positive principal minors; is it D-stable?

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    The positive stability and D-stability of singular M-matrices, perturbed by (non-trivial) nonnegative rank one perturbations, is investigated. In special cases positive stability or D-stability can be established. In full generality this is not the case, as illustrated by a counterexample. However, matrices of the mentioned form are shown to be P-matrices