498,719 research outputs found

    Formal Compiler Implementation in a Logical Framework

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    The task of designing and implementing a compiler can be a difficult and error-prone process. In this paper, we present a new approach based on the use of higher-order abstract syntax and term rewriting in a logical framework. All program transformations, from parsing to code generation, are cleanly isolated and specified as term rewrites. This has several advantages. The correctness of the compiler depends solely on a small set of rewrite rules that are written in the language of formal mathematics. In addition, the logical framework guarantees the preservation of scoping, and it automates many frequently-occurring tasks including substitution and rewriting strategies. As we show, compiler development in a logical framework can be easier than in a general-purpose language like ML, in part because of automation, and also because the framework provides extensive support for examination, validation, and debugging of the compiler transformations. The paper is organized around a case study, using the MetaPRL logical framework to compile an ML-like language to Intel x86 assembly. We also present a scoped formalization of x86 assembly in which all registers are immutable

    The S.E.L.F. Approach: Systems and Experiential Learning Framework for Fieldwork and Capstone Education Development

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    This article presents an evidence-based strategy to assist academic fieldwork coordinators and capstone coordinators with meeting the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education standards of experiential learning components in an entry-level doctoral occupational therapy curriculum. The S.E.L.F. approach core methods for pedagogical framework and manual development are based on systems theory and educational learning theories. To optimize fieldwork and capstone delivery, the recommended process should include organizational analysis, program development, manual writing, and implementation of practical learning experience. Objectives of the fieldwork and capstone experiences can effectively connect to the overall curriculum design while addressing integral credentialing standards through an evidence-based approach. The applied learning theories are pertinent for educators to objectively deliver beneficial experiential pedagogical outcomes for student professional growth. This article provides a logical fieldwork and capstone framework for pedagogical and manual development. The S.E.L.F. approach transforms learning to meet objectives of the occupational therapy program, students, and other potential audience stakeholders

    Evaluasi Program Pengembangan Kinerja Pengelolaan Persampahan Di Kota Tegal

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    The problem of garbage in Tegal caused by inadequate waste management are also difficulties in obtaining land Landfill (TPA) and the technical operation of waste facilities and infrastructure are inadequate. Based on these issues, the Government of Tegal implement one program from the Department of Housing and Urban Spatial Tegal in waste management is a development program of performance management of waste derived from the vision and mission Diskimtaru, to measure the success of the program is carried out using a logical framework approach project (KKLP) which includes the evaluation indicators(inputs,outputs, outcomes, benefits, impact) and using theoretical models Korten conformity of the program. This study used quantitative research methods. The results showed that the performance of waste management development program got a score of 71% performance which shows that the performance of waste management development program included a category quite successful. Not to the success of the program due to an inhibiting factor in the development of the program of waste management\u27s performance, so one suggestion to conduct the program in the performance of waste management is completeness of infrastructures and facilities in every place integrated waste management (TPST

    A Case Study in Instructional Design for Web-Based Courses

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    When offering a Web-based course, the challenge is to deliver content in a format that enables the student to learn, think critically about the content, and grow as a result of the learning. This article presents a framework for designing an online course that achieves these goals. The framework is based on Knowles\u27 (1) principles for adult learning. The process of course design begins with a review of the existing syllabus and organization of the course content into logical modules. A course in the RN to BSN program is used as an illustration. Lessons learned pertaining to the changing role of the faculty, the development of a community online, and the need to keep technology simple conclude the article

    Government support for monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    The objectives of the study are to identify the role of single-industry towns (also known as “monotowns”) in the economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to determine the specific features of monotowns and to assess the effectiveness of government program documents aimed at supporting these entities. A number of research methods were used, including logical, systematic, structural-functional, comparative analysis, statistical and index methods, economic forecasting and sociological surveys. Using these methods in combination allowed the researcher to consider the phenomena and processes, the dynamics and development, thus providing evidence as to the reliability of the conclusions obtained. As a result of this study, distinctive features of the socio-economic development of monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan were revealed. In addition, an evaluation was made of the main program documents aimed at supporting the development of monotowns; and the factors affecting their further development were identified. Proposals have been made in this study with regard to best ways in which to improve the monotown management systems both in terms of improving the program documents and in developing new evaluation tools. The principal novel feature of this study is the identification of the main trends in the development of monotowns in the Republic of Kazakhstan. These trends reveal that, although monotowns do play an important role in the economy of the country, they also tend to develop in extremely uneven and inconsistent ways and are characterized by having weak economic diversification and a strong dependence on the town-forming enterprises, with these enterprises mainly being mining companies. The recommendations in this study are based on the need to improve both the administrative and economic methods used for the state regulation of monotowns. During this study, the feasibility of making adjustments in the current development programs aimed at supporting monotowns and the consistency of development programs were considered.The empirical basis of the analysis was the results of studies conducted in the framework of the R&D work “Development of theoretical and methodological fundamentals of corporate governance of regional technical higher school in the conditions of industrialinnovative development of Kazakhstan”, performed under grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grant number: 1274/GF4)

    Deductive formal verification of embedded systems

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    We combine static analysis techniques with model-based deductive verification using SMT solvers to provide a framework that, given an analysis aspect of the source code, automatically generates an analyzer capable of inferring information about that aspect. The analyzer is generated by translating the collecting semantics of a program to a formula in first order logic over multiple underlying theories. We import the semantics of the API invocations as first order logic assertions. These assertions constitute the models used by the analyzer. Logical specification of the desired program behavior is incorporated as a first order logic formula. An SMT-LIB solver treats the combined formula as a constraint and solves it. The solved form can be used to identify logical and security errors in embedded programs. We have used this framework to analyze Android applications and MATLAB code. We also report the formal verification of the conformance of the open source Netgear WNR3500L wireless router firmware implementation to the RFC 2131. Formal verification of a software system is essential for its deployment in mission-critical environments. The specifications for the development of routers are provided by RFCs that are only described informally in English. It is prudential to ensure that a router firmware conforms to its corresponding RFC before it can be deployed for managing mission-critical networks. The formal verification process demonstrates the usefulness of inductive types and higher-order logic in software certification

    Strategy for Agricultural Development of Pineapple Horticulture through Rural Youth Empowerment

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    Pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) is one of Indonesia's leading agricultural commodities. Among the biggest pineapple producing areas in Indonesia is Subang, West Java. Besides having great potential, Subang pineapple farming still faces various problems, including decreased productivity and farmer regeneration. This study aims to formulate a strategy for pineapple fruit horticultural development based on empowering rural youth. The formulation of development strategy was carried out through the evaluation of the 2016-2018 Dompet Dhuafa’s pineapple farmer mentoring action program and a survey on the perceptions of village youth using a purposive technique. Meanwhile, the formulation of research strategy used the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) method. The evaluation results of pineapple farmers mentoring action program assisted by Dompet Dhuafa show that the performance index value is 63.29 on a scale of 1-100. This value puts the Dompet Dhuafa program as the program at a developing level. Based on the results of the youth perception survey in Cirangkong Village, 78% of Cirangkong Village youth do not work as farmers, but 72% expressed a strong desire to work in pineapple farming. To address the problems of productivity and regeneration, this study formulates seven alternative program strategies, namely: empowering rural youth, strengthening farmer institutions, expanding markets,developing pineapple processing industry, strengthening farmer capacity, strengthening capital, and providing superior pineapple seeds. Based on the choice of strategic priority, the main basis for the action program plan as outlined in the Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) is to increase the empowerment of young village farmers for the development of pineapple horticulture.Nanas (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan pertanian Indonesia. Salah satu daerah penghasil nanas terbesar di Indonesia adalah Subang, Jawa Barat. Selain memiliki potensi yang besar, pertanian nanas di Subang juga menghadapi berbagai permasalahan antara lain menurunnya produktivitas dan regenerasi petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan hortikultura buah nanas berbasis pemberdayaan pemuda desa. Perumusan strategi dilakukan melalui evaluasi terhadap program aksi pendampingan petani nanas oleh Dompet Dhuafa selama 2016-2018 dan survey mengenai persepsi pemuda desa dengan teknik purposif. Perumusan strategi penelitian menggunakan metode Logical Framework Approach (LFA). Hasil evaluasi program pada kasus petani nanas binaan Dompet Dhuafa menunjukkan nilai indeks kinerja sebesar 63.29 dari skala 1-100. Nilai ini menempatkan program Dompet Dhuafa sebagai program yang berada pada tingkat berkembang. Berdasarkan hasil survei persepsi pemuda Desa Cirangkong, 78% pemuda Desa Cirangkong tidak bekerja sebagai petani, tetapi 72% menyatakan keinginan kuat untuk dapat bekerja di pertanian nanas. Dalam rangka menjawab persoalan produktivitas dan regenerasi, penelitian ini merumuskan tujuh alternatif strategi program, yakni: pemberdayaan pemuda desa, penguatan kelembagaan petani, perluasan pasar, pembangunan industri pengolahan nanas, penguatan kapasitas petani, penguatan permodalan, dan penyediaan bibit unggul nanas. Berdasarkan pilihan prioritas strategi, maka basis utama rencana program aksi yang dituangkan dalam Matrik Perencanaan Program (MPP) adalah meningkatkan pemberdayaan petani muda desa untuk pengembangan hortikultura nanas

    Islamic Educational Transformation: A Study of Scientific and Competence Development in the Study Program of Islamic Education in State Islamic Universities

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    The research is descriptive and evaluative about religion and modernization of education for the purpose of finding and describing new problems regarding the basic framework of scientific and curriculum development at PAI Studies Program. The purpose of this study is to describe and reveal indicators of the basic framework changes, the views, and attitudes of academicians, curriculum development, and learning process that mainly based on information technology. The research was conducted on three State Islamic Universities, namely UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang with subject research Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences or PAI study program, and sampling technic was done by purposive random. The data was collected by observation method of participation, structured and in-depth interviews, and questionnaire method to faculty (leader) and students. Data analysis was performed through the logical interpretation and constant comparation. This research is conducted in the field by collecting data, writing, and provide a logical interpretation of the data. Based on data and analysis above, it can be concluded that implementation of scientific development conducted by study programs/majors PAI to realize an integrated-interconnection approach is already reflected in the determination of the base (vision and mission) majors, policies (quality objectives or quality assurance), programs, and learning process. The whole has grown, when it is understood from the meaning of modernization of education (change/development model of education management), from the old way/conventional leads to a more contemporary