25,174 research outputs found

    The onset of homologous chromosome pairing during Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis.

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    We have determined the position within the nucleus of homologous sites of the histone gene cluster in Drosophila melanogaster using in situ hybridization and high-resolution, three-dimensional wide field fluorescence microscopy. A 4.8-kb biotinylated probe for the histone gene repeat, located approximately midway along the short arm of chromosome 2, was hybridized to whole-mount embryos in late syncytial and early cellular blastoderm stages. Our results show that the two homologous histone loci are distinct and separate through all stages of the cell cycle up to nuclear cycle 13. By dramatic contrast, the two homologous clusters were found to colocalize with high frequency during interphase of cycle 14. Concomitant with homolog pairing at cycle 14, both histone loci were also found to move from their position near the midline of the nucleus toward the apical side. This result suggests that coincident with the initiation of zygotic transcription, there is dramatic chromosome and nuclear reorganization between nuclear cycles 13 and 14

    Developmental regulation of the heat shock response by nuclear transport factor karyopherin-α3

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    During early stages of Drosophila development the heat-shock response cannot be induced. It is reasoned that the adverse effects on cell cycle and cell growth brought about by Hsp70 induction must outweigh the beneficial aspects of Hsp70 induction in the early embryo. Although the Drosophila heat shock transcription factor (dHSF) is abundant in the early embryo it does not enter the nucleus in response to heat shock. In older embryos and in cultured cells the factor is localized within the nucleus in an apparent trimeric structure that binds DNA with high affinity. The domain responsible for nuclear localization upon stress resides between residues 390 and 420 of the dHSF. Using that domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system we now report the identification and cloning of a Drosophila nuclear transport protein karyopherin-α3 (dKap-α3). Biochemical methods demonstrate that the dKap-α3 protein binds specifically to the dHSF’s nuclear localization sequence (NLS). Furthermore, the dKap-α3 protein does not associate with NLSs that contain point mutations, which are not transported in vivo. Nuclear docking studies also demonstrate specific nuclear targeting of the NLS substrate by dKap-α3. Consistant with previous studies demonstrating that early Drosophila embryos are refractory to heat shock as a result of dHSF nuclear exclusion, we demonstrate that the early embryo is deficient in dKap-α3 protein through cycle 12. From cycle 13 onward the transport factor is present and the dHSF is localized within the nucleus thus allowing the embryo to respond to heat shock

    Automated data integration for developmental biological research

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    In an era exploding with genome-scale data, a major challenge for developmental biologists is how to extract significant clues from these publicly available data to benefit our studies of individual genes, and how to use them to improve our understanding of development at a systems level. Several studies have successfully demonstrated new approaches to classic developmental questions by computationally integrating various genome-wide data sets. Such computational approaches have shown great potential for facilitating research: instead of testing 20,000 genes, researchers might test 200 to the same effect. We discuss the nature and state of this art as it applies to developmental research

    RNA from a simple-tandem repeat is required for sperm maturation and male fertility in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    Tandemly-repeated DNAs, or satellites, are enriched in heterochromatic regions of eukaryotic genomes and contribute to nuclear structure and function. Some satellites are transcribed, but we lack direct evidence that specific satellite RNAs are required for normal organismal functions. Here, we show satellite RNAs derived from AAGAG tandem repeats are transcribed in many cells throughout Drosophila melanogaster development, enriched in neurons and testes, often localized within heterochromatic regions, and important for viability. Strikingly, we find AAGAG transcripts are necessary for male fertility, and that AAGAG RNA depletion results in defective histone-protamine exchange, sperm maturation and chromatin organization. Since these events happen late in spermatogenesis when the transcripts are not detected, we speculate that AAGAG RNA in primary spermatocytes 'primes' post-meiosis steps for sperm maturation. In addition to demonstrating essential functions for AAGAG RNAs, comparisons between closely related Drosophila species suggest that satellites and their transcription evolve quickly to generate new functions

    piRNAs and Aubergine cooperate with Wispy poly(A) polymerase to stabilize mRNAs in the germ plasm

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    Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) and PIWI proteins play a crucial role in germ cells by repressing transposable elements and regulating gene expression. In Drosophila, maternal piRNAs are loaded into the embryo mostly bound to the PIWI protein Aubergine (Aub). Aub targets maternal mRNAs through incomplete base-pairing with piRNAs and can induce their destabilization in the somatic part of the embryo. Paradoxically, these Aub-dependent unstable mRNAs encode germ cell determinants that are selectively stabilized in the germ plasm. Here we show that piRNAs and Aub actively protect germ cell mRNAs in the germ plasm. Aub directly interacts with the germline-specific poly(A) polymerase Wispy, thus leading to mRNA polyadenylation and stabilization in the germ plasm. These results reveal a role for piRNAs in mRNA stabilization and identify Aub as an interactor of Wispy for mRNA polyadenylation. They further highlight the role of Aub and piRNAs in embryonic patterning through two opposite functions

    Differential localization of glutamate receptor subunits at the drosophila neuromuscular junction

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    The subunit composition of postsynaptic neurotransmitter receptors is a key determinant of synaptic physiology. Two glutamate receptor subunits, Drosophila glutamate receptor IIA (DGluRIIA) and DGluRIIB, are expressed at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction and are redundant for viability, yet differ in their physiological properties. We now identify a third glutamate receptor subunit at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction, DGluRIII, which is essential for viability. DGluRIII is required for the synaptic localization of DGluRIIA and DGluRIIB and for synaptic transmission. Either DGluRIIA or DGluRIIB, but not both, is required for the synaptic localization of DGluRIII. DGluRIIA and DGluRIIB compete with each other for access to DGluRIII and subsequent localization to the synapse. These results are consistent with a model of a multimeric receptor in which DGluRIII is an essential component. At single postsynaptic cells that receive innervation from multiple motoneurons, DGluRIII is abundant at all synapses. However, DGluRIIA and DGluRIIB are differentially localized at the postsynaptic density opposite distinct motoneurons. Hence, innervating motoneurons may regulate the subunit composition of their receptor fields within a shared postsynaptic cell. The capacity of presynaptic inputs to shape the subunit composition of postsynaptic receptors could be an important mechanism for synapse-specific regulation of synaptic function and plasticity

    Lateral Gene Expression in Drosophila Early Embryos Is Supported by Grainyhead-Mediated Activation and Tiers of Dorsally-Localized Repression

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    The general consensus in the field is that limiting amounts of the transcription factor Dorsal establish dorsal boundaries of genes expressed along the dorsal-ventral (DV) axis of early Drosophila embryos, while repressors establish ventral boundaries. Yet recent studies have provided evidence that repressors act to specify the dorsal boundary of intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind), a gene expressed in a stripe along the DV axis in lateral regions of the embryo. Here we show that a short 12 base pair sequence (“the A-box”) present twice within the ind CRM is both necessary and sufficient to support transcriptional repression in dorsal regions of embryos. To identify binding factors, we conducted affinity chromatography using the A-box element and found a number of DNA-binding proteins and chromatin-associated factors using mass spectroscopy. Only Grainyhead (Grh), a CP2 transcription factor with a unique DNA-binding domain, was found to bind the A-box sequence. Our results suggest that Grh acts as an activator to support expression of ind, which was surprising as we identified this factor using an element that mediates dorsally-localized repression. Grh and Dorsal both contribute to ind transcriptional activation. However, another recent study found that the repressor Capicua (Cic) also binds to the A-box sequence. While Cic was not identified through our A-box affinity chromatography, utilization of the same site, the A-box, by both factors Grh (activator) and Cic (repressor) may also support a “switch-like” response that helps to sharpen the ind dorsal boundary. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that TGF-β signaling acts to refine ind CRM expression in an A-box independent manner in dorsal-most regions, suggesting that tiers of repression act in dorsal regions of the embryo