74 research outputs found

    Range Free Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review

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    AbstractRecent developments in micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) technology and wireless communication have propelled the growing applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Wireless sensor network is comprised of large number of small and cheap devices known as sensors. One of the important functions of sensor network is collection and forwarding of data. In most of the applications, it is of much interest to find out the location of the data. This type of information can be obtained by use of localization techniques. So node localization is very crucial to find out the position of node with the help of localization algorithms. Hence, node localization becomes one of the fundamental challenges in WSNs. We make the rigorous reviews on different schemes of localization in sensor networks. On the basis of range measurements, the localization schemes can be broadly classified in two categories such as: range based and range free schemes. The cost and hardware limitation on sensing node preclude the use of range based localization schemes. In most of the sensor network application coarse accuracy is sufficient so range free localization schemes are considered as a substitute to range based schemes. In this paper, the detailed study has been carried out to understand and select the best range free localization algorithm for WSNs. At the end some issues are discussed for future research in the area of localization techniques for WSNs

    Communication node Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Bakalářská práce se nejprve zabývá popisem bezdrátových senzorových sítí a komunikačních protokolů. Dále obsahuje seznámení se základními algoritmy pro lokalizaci komunikačních uzlů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích, algoritmy jsou rozděleny do skupin dle používajících metod. Hodnotí zpracované algoritmy podle jejich výhod či nevýhod z hlediska použití pro navržený lokalizační algoritmus. Práce se dále zabývá poměrně novým simulačním nástrojem J-SIM, jeho instalací, prostudováním jednotlivých balíčků vhodných pro bezdrátové senzorové sítě a následným použitím. V programu J-SIM je následně vytvořena senzorová síť a modely jednotlivých komunikačních uzlů. Modely komunikačních uzlů jsou vytvořeny zvlášť pro senzorové uzly a uzly kotevní, které vysílají signál pokrývající dané uzemí. Pro zvolený lokalizační algoritmus je navržen program napsaný v jazyce Java, který zpracovává dosažené výsledky ze simulačního nástroje J-SIM. Program J-SIM, simulace vytvořená pomocí Tcl skriptu a výsledný program jsou přiloženy na CD.The bachelor´s thesis describes wireless sensor networks and communication protocols. Below this thesis contains basic algorithms for localization techniques communication nodes in wireless sensor networks. These basic algorithms are classified by methods. The bachelor´s thesis values algorithms by their advantages or disadvantages for usage in the suggested localization algorithm. In this thesis is solved a new simulating programme J-SIM, peruse separate package that are useful in the wireles sensor networks. In J-SIM is created a sensor network and models separate communication nodes. Models communication nodes are created separately for sensor nodes and target nodes. For localization algorithm is created program in the programming language Java which run results from simulating programme J-SIM. Programme J-SIM, simulation created by virtue of Tcl script and final programme are applied to CD.

    Analysis of localization techniques in wireless sensor networks

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    Orientador: Paulo CardieriDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Nesta dissertação, o problema da localização em redes de sensores sem fio é investigado. É apresentada uma análise de desempenho de técnicas de localização por meio de simulação e por meio da avaliação do limite de Cramér-Rao para o erro de localização. Em ambas as formas de análise foram avaliados efeitos de diversos fatores no desempenho, relacionados à topologia da rede e ao ambiente de propagação . Na análise por meio de simulação, foram consideradas as técnicas de localização baseadas em observações de potência do sinal recebido, enquanto que na análise usando o limite de Cramér-Rao, foram analisadas também as técnicas baseadas no tempo de chegada e no ângulo de chegada do sinal recebido. Este trabalho também avaliou os efeitos da polarização das estimativas de distâncias (usadas no processo de localização) no limite inferior de Cramér-Rao. Esta polarização é geralmente desprezada na literatura, o que pode levar a imprecisões no cálculo do limite de Cramér-Rao, em certas condições de propagação. Uma nova expressão para este limite foi derivada para um caso simples de estimador, considerando agora a polarização. Tomando como base o desenvolvimento desta nova expressão, foi derivada também uma nova expressão para o limite inferior de Cramér-Rao considerando os efeitos do desvanecimento lognormal e do desvanecimento Nakagami do canal de propagaçãoAbstract: This dissertation investigates on the localization problem in wireless sensor networks. A performance analysis of localization techniques through simulations and the Cramér-Rao lower bound is presented. The effects of several parameters on the localization performance are investigated, including network topology and propagation environment. The simulation analysis considered localization techniques based on received signal strength observations, while the Cramér-Rao analysis considered also techniques based on the time of arrival and angle of arrival of the received signal. This work also investigated how the Cramér-Rao limit is affected by the observation bias in localization techniques based on the received signal strength. This bias is usually neglected in the literature, what may lead to imprecisions on the Cramér-Rao limit computation under certain propagation conditions. A new expression for this limit was derived for a simple estimator case, now considering the bias. With the development of this new expression, it was also derived a new expression for the Cramér-Rao lower bound considering the effects of lognormal fading and Nakagami fading on the propagation channelMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Aplikasi Indoor Secured-Localization System Menggunakan Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel untuk Koordinasi Pasukan PMK pada Kondisi Darurat Kebakaran di dalam Gedung

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    —Informasi lokasi suatu object penginderaan adalah salah satu hal yang penting dan menjadi tantangan dalam implementasi jaringan sensor nirkabel. Saat ini jaringan sensor nirkabel dapat digunakan dalam aplikasi pemantuan suatu object, pelacakan sasaran, koordinasi, dan masih banyak lagi. Karena jaringan sensor dapat berinteraksi dengan data sensitif dan / atau beroperasi di lingkungan tanpa pengawasan, maka sangat penting bahwa masalah sistem keamanan diperhatikan dari awal men-design system. Dalam makalah ini, kami mengusulkan suatu sistem lokalisasi node secara terdistribusi di lingkungan indoor dengan skema penentuan lokasi node dilakukan di setiap node dengan bantuan dari node refrensi. Setiap pengiriman paket data dalam jaringan sensor dilengkapi dengan sistem keamanan. Teknik lokalisasi node menggunakan metode trilaterasi dengan memanfaatkan 3 node refrensi. Sistem keamanan data terdiri dari AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) sebagai confidentiality dan Fungsi Hash MD5 sebagai authentication. Kami mengevaluasi kinerja secara komprehensif meliputi estimasi jarak antar node, kalkulasi posisi node, waktu dan keamanan pengiriman paket data. Hasil evaluasi sistem yang diusulkan menggunakan platform jaringan sensor perangkat waspmote. Hasil penelitian pada lingkungan indoor menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang diusulkan menghasilkan kinerja yang baik, meliputi penentuan posisi node, waktu komunikasi dan keamanan pengiriman paket data. Secara keseluruhan sistem yang di usulkan memiliki keandalan yang cukup baik dalam aplikasi real time tracking node

    Wireless Sensor Node Localization based on LNSM and Hybrid TLBO- Unilateral technique for Outdoor Location

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    The paper aims at localization of the anchor node(fixed node) by pursuit nodes (movable node) in outdoor location.Two methods are studied for node localization. The first methodis based on LNSM (Log Normal Shadowing Model) technique tolocalize the anchor node and the second method is based on Hy-brid TLBO (Teacher Learning Based Optimization Algorithm)-Unilateral technique. In the first approach the ZigBee protocolhas been used to localize the node, which uses RSSI (ReceivedSignal Strength Indicator) values in dBm. LNSM technique isimplemented in the self-designed hardware node and localizationis studied for Outdoor location. The statistical analysis usingRMSE (root mean square error) for outdoor location is done anddistance error found to be 35 mtrs. The same outdoor locationhas been used and statistical analysis is done for localizationof nodes using Hybrid TLBO-Unilateral technique. The Hybrid-TLBO Unilateral technique significantly localizes anchor nodewith distance error of 0.7 mtrs. The RSSI values obtained arenormally distributed and standard deviation in RSSI value isobserved as 1.01 for outdoor location. The node becomes 100%discoverable after using hybrid TLBO- Unilateral technique

    Hybrid ToF and RSSI real-time semantic tracking with an adaptive industrial internet of things architecture

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    Real-time asset tracking in indoor mass production manufacturing environments can reduce losses associated with pausing a production line to locate an asset. Complemented by monitored contextual information, e.g. machine power usage, it can provide smart information, such as which components have been machined by a worn or damaged tool. Although sensor based Internet of Things (IoT) positioning has been developed, there are still key challenges when benchmarked approaches concentrate on precision, using computationally expensive filtering and iterative statistical or heuristic algorithms, as a trade-off for timeliness and scalability. Precise but high-cost hardware systems and invasive infrastructures of wired devices also pose implementation issues in the Industrial IoT (IIoT). Wireless, selfpowered sensors are integrated in this paper, using a novel, communication-economical RSSI/ToF ranging method in a proposed semantic IIoT architecture. Annotated data collection ensures accessibility, scalable knowledge discovery and flexibility to changes in consumer and business requirements. Deployed at a working indoor industrial facility the system demonstrated comparable RMS ranging accuracy (ToF 6m and RSSI 5.1m with 40m range) to existing systems tested in non-industrial environments and a 12.6-13.8m mean positioning accuracy

    ANCAEE: A novel clustering algorithm for energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks

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    One of the major constraints of wireless sensor networks is limited energy available to sensor nodes because of the small size of the batteries they use as source of power. Clustering is one of the routing techniques that have been using to minimize sensor nodes’ energy consumption during operation. In this paper, A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (ANCAEE) has been proposed. The algorithm achieves good performance in terms of minimizing energy consumption during data transmis-sion and energy consumptions are distributed uniformly among all nodes. ANCAEE uses a new method of clusters formation and election of cluster heads. The algorithm ensures that a node transmits its data to the cluster head with a single hop transmission and cluster heads forward their data to the base station with multi-hop transmissions. Simulation results show that our approach consumes less energy and effectively extends network utilization

    Trilateration Method for Estimating Location in RSSI-Based Indoor Positioning System Using Zigbee Protocol

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    Wireless network technology that is used today is developing rapidly because of the increase needed for location information of an object with high accuracy. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology to estimate the current location. Unfortunately, GPS has a lack of accuracy around 10 meters when used indoors. Therefore, it began to be developed with the concept of an indoor positioning system. This is a technology used to estimate the location of objects in a building by utilizing WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). The purpose of this study is to estimate the location of the unknown nodes in the lecturer room as objects and obtain the accuracy of the system being tested. The positioning process is based on the received signal strength (RSSI) on the unknown node using the ZigBee module. The trilateration method is used to estimate the unknown nodes located at the observation area based on the signal strength received at the time of testing. The result shows that the path loss coefficient value at the observation area was 0.9836 and the Mean Square Error of the test was 1.54 meters, which implies that the system can be a solution to the indoor GPS problem.Wireless network technology that is used today is developing rapidly because of the increase needed for location information of an object with high accuracy. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology to estimate the current location. Unfortunately, GPS has a lack of accuracy around 10 meters when used indoors. Therefore, it began to be developed with the concept of an indoor positioning system. This is a technology used to estimate the location of objects in a building by utilizing WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). The purpose of this study is to estimate the location of the unknown nodes in the lecturer room as objects and obtain the accuracy of the system being tested. The positioning process is based on the received signal strength (RSSI) on the unknown node using the ZigBee module. The trilateration method is used to estimate the unknown nodes located at the observation area based on the signal strength received at the time of testing. The result shows that the path loss coefficient value at the observation area was 0.9836 and the Mean Square Error of the test was 1.54 meters, which implies that the system can be a solution to the indoor GPS problem

    ANCAEE: A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    One of the major constraints of wireless sensor networks is limited energy available to sensor nodes because of the small size of the batteries they use as source of power. Clustering is one of the routing techniques that have been using to minimize sensor nodes’ energy consumption during operation. In this paper, A Novel Clustering Algorithm for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (ANCAEE) has been proposed. The algorithm achieves good performance in terms of minimizing energy consumption during data transmission and energy consumptions are distributed uniformly among all nodes. ANCAEE uses a new method of clusters formation and election of cluster heads. The algorithm ensures that a node transmits its data to the cluster head with a single hop transmission and cluster heads forward their data to the base station with multi-hop transmissions. Simulation results show that our approach consumes less energy and effectively extends network utilization