890 research outputs found

    Performance and Memory Space Optimizations for Embedded Systems

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    Embedded systems have three common principles: real-time performance, low power consumption, and low price (limited hardware). Embedded computers use chip multiprocessors (CMPs) to meet these expectations. However, one of the major problems is lack of efficient software support for CMPs; in particular, automated code parallelizers are needed. The aim of this study is to explore various ways to increase performance, as well as reducing resource usage and energy consumption for embedded systems. We use code restructuring, loop scheduling, data transformation, code and data placement, and scratch-pad memory (SPM) management as our tools in different embedded system scenarios. The majority of our work is focused on loop scheduling. Main contributions of our work are: We propose a memory saving strategy that exploits the value locality in array data by storing arrays in a compressed form. Based on the compressed forms of the input arrays, our approach automatically determines the compressed forms of the output arrays and also automatically restructures the code. We propose and evaluate a compiler-directed code scheduling scheme, which considers both parallelism and data locality. It analyzes the code using a locality parallelism graph representation, and assigns the nodes of this graph to processors.We also introduce an Integer Linear Programming based formulation of the scheduling problem. We propose a compiler-based SPM conscious loop scheduling strategy for array/loop based embedded applications. The method is to distribute loop iterations across parallel processors in an SPM-conscious manner. The compiler identifies potential SPM hits and misses, and distributes loop iterations such that the processors have close execution times. We present an SPM management technique using Markov chain based data access. We propose a compiler directed integrated code and data placement scheme for 2-D mesh based CMP architectures. Using a Code-Data Affinity Graph (CDAG) to represent the relationship between loop iterations and array data, it assigns the sets of loop iterations to processing cores and sets of data blocks to on-chip memories. We present a memory bank aware dynamic loop scheduling scheme for array intensive applications.The goal is to minimize the number of memory banks needed for executing the group of loop iterations

    Locality-Aware Concurrency Platforms

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    Modern computing systems from all domains are becoming increasingly more parallel. Manufacturers are taking advantage of the increasing number of available transistors by packaging more and more computing resources together on a single chip or within a single system. These platforms generally contain many levels of private and shared caches in addition to physically distributed main memory. Therefore, some memory is more expensive to access than other and high-performance software must consider memory locality as one of the first level considerations. Memory locality is often difficult for application developers to consider directly, however, since many of these NUMA affects are invisible to the application programmer and only show up in low performance. Moreover, on parallel platforms, the performance depends on both locality and load balance and these two metrics are often at odds with each other. Therefore, directly considering locality and load balance at the application level may make the application much more complex to program. In this work, we develop locality-conscious concurrency platforms for multiple different structured parallel programming models, including streaming applications, task-graphs and parallel for loops. In all of this work, the idea is to minimally disrupt the application programming model so that the application developer is either unimpacted or must only provide high-level hints to the runtime system. The runtime system then schedules the application to provide good locality of access while, at the same time also providing good load balance. In particular, we address cache locality for streaming applications through static partitioning and developed an extensible platform to execute partitioned streaming applications. For task-graphs, we extend a task-graph scheduling library to guide scheduling decisions towards better NUMA locality with the help of user-provided locality hints. CilkPlus parallel for loops utilize a randomized dynamic scheduler to distribute work which, in many loop based applications, results in poor locality at all levels of the memory hierarchy. We address this issue with a novel parallel for loop implementation that can get good cache and NUMA locality while providing support to maintain good load balance dynamically

    Locality-Aware Dynamic Task Graph Scheduling

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    Dynamic task graph schedulers automatically balance work across processor cores by scheduling tasks among available threads while preserving dependences. In this paper, we design NabbitC, a provably efficient dynamic task graph scheduler that accounts for data locality on NUMA systems. NabbitC allows users to assign a color to each task representing the location (e.g., a processor core) that has the most efficient access to data needed during that node’s execution. NabbitC then automatically adjusts the scheduling so as to preferentially execute each node at the location that matches its color—leading to better locality because the node is likely to make local rather than remote accesses. At the same time, NabbitC tries to optimize load balance and not add too much overhead compared to the vanilla Nabbit scheduler that does not consider locality. We provide a theoretical analysis that shows that NabbitC does not asymptotically impact the scalability of Nabbit . We evaluated the performance of NabbitC on a suite of memory intensive benchmarks. Our experiments indicates that adding locality awareness has a considerable performance advantage compared to the vanilla Nabbit scheduler. In addition, we also compared NabbitC to OpenMP programs for both regular and irregular applications. For regular applications, OpenMP achieves perfect locality and perfect load balance statically. For these benchmarks, NabbitC has a small performance penalty compared to OpenMP due to its dynamic scheduling strategy. For irregular applications, where OpenMP can not achieve locality and load balance simultaneously, we find that NabbitC performs better. Therefore, NabbitC combines the benefits of locality- aware scheduling for regular applications (the forte of static schedulers such as those in OpenMP) and dynamically adapting to load imbalance (the forte of dynamic schedulers such as Cilk Plus, TBB, and Nabbit)

    MxTasks: a novel processing model to support data processing on modern hardware

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    The hardware landscape has changed rapidly in recent years. Modern hardware in today's servers is characterized by many CPU cores, multiple sockets, and vast amounts of main memory structured in NUMA hierarchies. In order to benefit from these highly parallel systems, the software has to adapt and actively engage with newly available features. However, the processing models forming the foundation for many performance-oriented applications have remained essentially unchanged. Threads, which serve as the central processing abstractions, can be considered a "black box" that hardly allows any transparency between the application and the system underneath. On the one hand, applications are aware of the knowledge that could assist the system in optimizing the execution, such as accessed data objects and access patterns. On the other hand, the limited opportunities for information exchange cause operating systems to make assumptions about the applications' intentions to optimize their execution, e.g., for local data access. Applications, on the contrary, implement optimizations tailored to specific situations, such as sophisticated synchronization mechanisms and hardware-conscious data structures. This work presents MxTasking, a task-based runtime environment that assists the design of data structures and applications for contemporary hardware. MxTasking rethinks the interfaces between performance-oriented applications and the execution substrate, streamlining the information exchange between both layers. By breaking patterns of processing models designed with past generations of hardware in mind, MxTasking creates novel opportunities to manage resources in a hardware- and application-conscious way. Accordingly, we question the granularity of "conventional" threads and show that fine-granular MxTasks are a viable abstraction unit for characterizing and optimizing the execution in a general way. Using various demonstrators in the context of database management systems, we illustrate the practical benefits and explore how challenges like memory access latencies and error-prone synchronization of concurrency can be addressed straightforwardly and effectively

    Low-overhead scheduling for improving performance of scientific applications

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    Application performance can degrade significantly due to node-local load imbalances during application execution on a large number of SMP nodes. These imbalances can arise from the machine, operating system, or the application itself. Although dynamic load balancing within a node can mitigate imbalances, such load balancing is challenging because of its impact to data movement and synchronization overhead. We developed a series of scheduling strategies that mitigate imbalances without incurring high overhead. Our strategies provide performance gains for various HPC codes, and perform better than widely known scheduling strategies such as OpenMP guided scheduling. Our developed scheme and methodology allows for scaling applications to next-generation clusters of SMPs with minimal application programmer intervention. We expect these techniques to be increasingly useful for future machines approaching exascale

    Reducing Cache Contention On GPUs

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    The usage of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) as an application accelerator has become increasingly popular because, compared to traditional CPUs, they are more cost-effective, their highly parallel nature complements a CPU, and they are more energy efficient. With the popularity of GPUs, many GPU-based compute-intensive applications (a.k.a., GPGPUs) present significant performance improvement over traditional CPU-based implementations. Caches, which significantly improve CPU performance, are introduced to GPUs to further enhance application performance. However, the effect of caches is not significant for many cases in GPUs and even detrimental for some cases. The massive parallelism of the GPU execution model and the resulting memory accesses cause the GPU memory hierarchy to suffer from significant memory resource contention among threads. One cause of cache contention arises from column-strided memory access patterns that GPU applications commonly generate in many data-intensive applications. When such access patterns are mapped to hardware thread groups, they become memory-divergent instructions whose memory requests are not GPU hardware friendly, resulting in serialized access and performance degradation. Cache contention also arises from cache pollution caused by lines with low reuse. For the cache to be effective, a cached line must be reused before its eviction. Unfortunately, the streaming characteristic of GPGPU workloads and the massively parallel GPU execution model increase the reuse distance, or equivalently reduce reuse frequency of data. In a GPU, the pollution caused by a large reuse distance data is significant. Memory request stall is another contention factor. A stalled Load/Store (LDST) unit does not execute memory requests from any ready warps in the issue stage. This stall prevents the potential hit chances for the ready warps. This dissertation proposes three novel architectural modifications to reduce the contention: 1) contention-aware selective caching detects the memory-divergent instructions caused by the column-strided access patterns, calculates the contending cache sets and locality information and then selectively caches; 2) locality-aware selective caching dynamically calculates the reuse frequency with efficient hardware and caches based on the reuse frequency; and 3) memory request scheduling queues the memory requests from a warp issuing stage, frees the LDST unit stall and schedules items from the queue to the LDST unit by multiple probing of the cache. Through systematic experiments and comprehensive comparisons with existing state-of-the-art techniques, this dissertation demonstrates the effectiveness of our aforementioned techniques and the viability of reducing cache contention through architectural support. Finally, this dissertation suggests other promising opportunities for future research on GPU architecture

    Task Activity Vectors: A Novel Metric for Temperature-Aware and Energy-Efficient Scheduling

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    This thesis introduces the abstraction of the task activity vector to characterize applications by the processor resources they utilize. Based on activity vectors, the thesis introduces scheduling policies for improving the temperature distribution on the processor chip and for increasing energy efficiency by reducing the contention for shared resources of multicore and multithreaded processors

    A survey of techniques for reducing interference in real-time applications on multicore platforms

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    This survey reviews the scientific literature on techniques for reducing interference in real-time multicore systems, focusing on the approaches proposed between 2015 and 2020. It also presents proposals that use interference reduction techniques without considering the predictability issue. The survey highlights interference sources and categorizes proposals from the perspective of the shared resource. It covers techniques for reducing contentions in main memory, cache memory, a memory bus, and the integration of interference effects into schedulability analysis. Every section contains an overview of each proposal and an assessment of its advantages and disadvantages.This work was supported in part by the Comunidad de Madrid Government "Nuevas Técnicas de Desarrollo de Software de Tiempo Real Embarcado Para Plataformas. MPSoC de Próxima Generación" under Grant IND2019/TIC-17261
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