65 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach for Adaptive Signal Processing

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    Adaptive linear predictors have been used extensively in practice in a wide variety of forms. In the main, their theoretical development is based upon the assumption of stationarity of the signals involved, particularly with respect to the second order statistics. On this basis, the well-known normal equations can be formulated. If high- order statistical stationarity is assumed, then the equivalent normal equations involve high-order signal moments. In either case, the cross moments (second or higher) are needed. This renders the adaptive prediction procedure non-blind. A novel procedure for blind adaptive prediction has been proposed and considerable implementation has been made in our contributions in the past year. The approach is based upon a suitable interpretation of blind equalization methods that satisfy the constant modulus property and offers significant deviations from the standard prediction methods. These blind adaptive algorithms are derived by formulating Lagrange equivalents from mechanisms of constrained optimization. In this report, other new update algorithms are derived from the fundamental concepts of advanced system identification to carry out the proposed blind adaptive prediction. The results of the work can be extended to a number of control-related problems, such as disturbance identification. The basic principles are outlined in this report and differences from other existing methods are discussed. The applications implemented are speech processing, such as coding and synthesis. Simulations are included to verify the novel modelling method

    Blind adaptive equalization for QAM signals: New algorithms and FPGA implementation.

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    Adaptive equalizers remove signal distortion attributed to intersymbol interference in band-limited channels. The tap coefficients of adaptive equalizers are time-varying and can be adapted using several methods. When these do not include the transmission of a training sequence, it is referred to as blind equalization. The radius-adjusted approach is a method to achieve blind equalizer tap adaptation based on the equalizer output radius for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals. Static circular contours are defined around an estimated symbol in a QAM constellation, which create regions that correspond to fixed step sizes and weighting factors. The equalizer tap adjustment consists of a linearly weighted sum of adaptation criteria that is scaled by a variable step size. This approach is the basis of two new algorithms: the radius-adjusted modified multitmodulus algorithm (RMMA) and the radius-adjusted multimodulus decision-directed algorithm (RMDA). An extension of the radius-adjusted approach is the selective update method, which is a computationally-efficient method for equalization. The selective update method employs a stop-and-go strategy based on the equalizer output radius to selectively update the equalizer tap coefficients, thereby, reducing the number of computations in steady-state operation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0401. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Theory and applications of artificial neural networks

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    In this thesis some fundamental theoretical problems about artificial neural networks and their application in communication and control systems are discussed. We consider the convergence properties of the Back-Propagation algorithm which is widely used for training of artificial neural networks, and two stepsize variation techniques are proposed to accelerate convergence. Simulation results demonstrate significant improvement over conventional Back-Propagation algorithms. We also discuss the relationship between generalization performance of artificial neural networks and their structure and representation strategy. It is shown that the structure of the network which represent a priori knowledge of the environment has a strong influence on generalization performance. A Theorem about the number of hidden units and the capacity of self-association MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) type network is also given in the thesis. In the application part of the thesis, we discuss the feasibility of using artificial neural networks for nonlinear system identification. Some advantages and disadvantages of this approach are analyzed. The thesis continues with a study of artificial neural networks applied to communication channel equalization and the problem of call access control in broadband ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) communication networks. A final chapter provides overall conclusions and suggestions for further work

    Constant modulus based blind adaptive multiuser detection.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.Signal processing techniques such as multi user detection (MUD) have the capability of greatly enhancing the performance and capacity of future generation wireless communications systems. Blind adaptive MUD's have many favourable qualities and their application to OS-COMA systems has attracted a lot of attention. The constant modulus algorithm is widely deployed in blind channel equalizations applications. The central premise of this thesis is that the constant modulus cost function is very suitable for the purposes of blind adaptive MUD for future generation wireless communications systems. To prove this point, the adaptive performance of blind (and non-blind) adaptive MUD's is derived analytically for all the schemes that can be made to fit the same generic structure as the constant modulus scheme. For the first time, both the relative and absolute performance levels of the different adaptive algorithms are computed, which gives insights into the performance levels of the different blind adaptive MUD schemes, and demonstrates the merit of the constant modulus based schemes. The adaptive performance of the blind adaptive MUD's is quantified using the excess mean square error (EMSE) as a metric, and is derived for the steady-state, tracking, and transient stages of the adaptive algorithms. If constant modulus based MUD's are suitable for future generation wireless communications systems, then they should also be capable of suppressing multi-rate DS-COMA interference and also demonstrate the ability to suppress narrow band interference (NBI) that arises in overlay systems. Multi-rate DS-COMA provides the capability of transmitting at various bit rates and quality of service levels over the same air interface. Limited spectrum availability may lead to the implementation of overlay systems whereby wide-band COMA signal are collocated with existing narrow band services. Both overlay systems and multi-rate DS-COMA are important features of future generation wireless communications systems. The interference patterns generated by both multi-rate OS-COMA and digital NBI are cyclostationary (or periodically time varying) and traditional MUD techniques do not take this into account and are thus suboptimal. Cyclic MUD's, although suboptimal, do however take the cyclostationarity of the interference into account, but to date there have been no cyclic MUD's based on the constant modulus cost function proposed. This thesis thus derives novel, blind adaptive, cyclic MUD's based on the constant modulus cost function, for direct implementation on the FREquency SHift (FRESH) filter architecture. The FRESH architecture provides a modular and thus flexible implementation (in terms of computational complexity) of a periodically time varying filter. The operation of the blind adaptive MUD on these reduced complexity architectures is also explored.· The robustness of the new cyclic MUD is proven via a rigorous mathematical proof. An alternate architecture to the FRESH filter is the filter bank. Using the previously derived analytical framework for the adaptive performance of MUD's, the relative performance of the adaptive algorithms on the FRESH and filter bank architectures is examined. Prior to this thesis, no conclusions could be drawn as to which architecture would yield superior performance. The performance analysis of the adaptive algorithms is also extended in this thesis in order to consider the effects of timing jitrer at the receiver, signature waveform mismatch, and other pertinent issues that arise in realistic implementation scenarios. Thus, through a careful analytical approach, which is verified by computer simulation results, the suitability of constant modulus based MUD's is established in this thesis

    Optics for AI and AI for Optics

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    Artificial intelligence is deeply involved in our daily lives via reinforcing the digital transformation of modern economies and infrastructure. It relies on powerful computing clusters, which face bottlenecks of power consumption for both data transmission and intensive computing. Meanwhile, optics (especially optical communications, which underpin today’s telecommunications) is penetrating short-reach connections down to the chip level, thus meeting with AI technology and creating numerous opportunities. This book is about the marriage of optics and AI and how each part can benefit from the other. Optics facilitates on-chip neural networks based on fast optical computing and energy-efficient interconnects and communications. On the other hand, AI enables efficient tools to address the challenges of today’s optical communication networks, which behave in an increasingly complex manner. The book collects contributions from pioneering researchers from both academy and industry to discuss the challenges and solutions in each of the respective fields