8 research outputs found

    Forecasting with Machine Learning

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    For years, people have been forecasting weather patterns, economic and political events, sports outcomes, and more. In this paper we discussed the ways of using machine learning in forecasting, machine learning is a branch of computer science where algorithms learn from data. The fundamental problem for machine learning and time series is the same: to predict new outcomes based on previously known results. Using the suitable technique of machine learning depend on how much data you have, how noisy the data is, and what kind of new features can be derived from the data. But these techniques can improve accuracy and don’t have to be difficult to implement

    A review and comparison of strategies for multi-step ahead time series forecasting based on the NN5 forecasting competition

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    Multi-step ahead forecasting is still an open challenge in time series forecasting. Several approaches that deal with this complex problem have been proposed in the literature but an extensive comparison on a large number of tasks is still missing. This paper aims to fill this gap by reviewing existing strategies for multi-step ahead forecasting and comparing them in theoretical and practical terms. To attain such an objective, we performed a large scale comparison of these different strategies using a large experimental benchmark (namely the 111 series from the NN5 forecasting competition). In addition, we considered the effects of deseasonalization, input variable selection, and forecast combination on these strategies and on multi-step ahead forecasting at large. The following three findings appear to be consistently supported by the experimental results: Multiple-Output strategies are the best performing approaches, deseasonalization leads to uniformly improved forecast accuracy, and input selection is more effective when performed in conjunction with deseasonalization

    Learning for informative path planning

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 104-108).Through the combined use of regression techniques, we will learn models of the uncertainty propagation efficiently and accurately to replace computationally intensive Monte- Carlo simulations in informative path planning. This will enable us to decrease the uncertainty of the weather estimates more than current methods by enabling the evaluation of many more candidate paths given the same amount of resources. The learning method and the path planning method will be validated by the numerical experiments using the Lorenz-2003 model [32], an idealized weather model.by Sooho Park.S.M

    Modelo Computacional para la Estimación de Oxígeno Disuelto en Estanques de Producción Acuícola Empleando Redes Neuronales Artificiales

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    Documento en formato PDFEn la actualidad, la población mundial está en constante aumento, lo que tiene como consecuencia, entre otras cosas, un mayor consumo de alimentos. Así pues, la acuicultura se ha convertido en el sector alimenticio con mayor crecimiento a nivel mundial (Lekang, 2013). Sin embargo, llevar a cabo esta actividad implica controlar diversos parámetros como el oxígeno, temperatura, salinidad, nitritos y nitratos entre otros, para mantenerlos en rangos adecuados o lo más parecido a los que se encontrarían en la naturaleza, permitiendo así obtener producciones acuícolas exitosas donde los organismos no se estresen, enfermen o mueran, y a la vez se tenga el máximo rendimiento en reproducción y crecimiento. El oxígeno disuelto es principal indicador de la calidad del agua; por ello, los acuicultores presentan especial atención a las concentraciones de este parámetro. Para evitar las fluctuaciones de este gas, inherentes a la dinámica natural de los sistemas acuícolas y los problemas que esto ocasiona a los organismos de cultivo, los productores generalmente utilizan aireación artificial a máxima potencia (potencia nominal) para complementar los suministros de oxígeno necesarios a lo largo del día (Tucker, 2005). Sin embargo, como lo sugiere Boyd (1998), el uso de la aireación máxima para lograr la mayor producción posible es menos rentable que la aireación moderada, cuando se trata de mejorar la calidad del agua y la eficiencia de conversión alimenticia. Así, una aireación convencional (máxima) trae consigo un uso, en la mayoría de las ocasiones, ineficiente del oxígeno disuelto, además de un significativo incremento en el consumo de energía de los equipos y el posible deterioro de estos al estarse activando y desactivando constantemente durante periodos prolongados de tiempo, además de posibles problemas relacionados al estrés de los organismos que esto provoca. Los sistemas de cultivo actuales, tienen la finalidad de una mayor producción de organismos en un menor espacio de cultivo, por lo que se han comenzado a desarrollar nuevas técnicas de control y formas de predicción para integrarlas dentro de sistemas de automatización comerciales con bajo costo, mínimo impacto ecológico y fácil de usar. Las mediciones de oxígeno disuelto que son tomadas cada determinado tiempo generan una serie tiempo la cual oscila estacionalmente y durante un periodo de 24 horas. Derivado de las múltiples variables que influyen en él, presenta un comportamiento complejo y no lineal, generalmente con niveles de concentración por la mañana y por la noche, contrastando en la tarde, donde se suelen encontrar niveles altos. En años recientes, las redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs) se han utilizado en problemas de estimación y predicción de series temporales en distintas disciplinas; sin embargo, son pocos los trabajos en los que se han aplicado para problemas de calidad del agua (y todos los parámetros relacionados). Su uso en predicción de series temporales de oxígeno disuelto puede permitir, entre otras cosas, encontrar las relaciones no lineales entre las variables de entrada (principalmente valores pasados de la misma serie de tiempo y valores de otras variables que influyen en la serie) y las variables de salida (valores futuros de la serie). En este trabajo de tesis se propone el desarrollo de un modelo computacional para la estimación de oxígeno disuelto utilizando RNAs, las cuales realizarán predicciones para conocer las concentraciones de este parámetro en periodos futuros de tiempo. El diseño de las RNAs está basado en Algoritmos Evolutivos (AEs), particularmente en el algoritmo llamado: Selección de Características en el Algoritmo de Programación Evolutiva de Redes Neuronales Artificiales del Inglés Feature Selection of Evolutionary Programming of Artificial Neural Networks (FS-EPNet) (Lopez et. al., 2013; Landassuri et. al., 2013), el cual determinará la arquitectura de la red, donde la función objetivo será la predicción en un lapso determinado de tiempo. Aunque el análisis de la calidad del agua se ve afectado por varios parámetros, este trabajo considera únicamente la predicción del oxígeno, utilizando dos formas de predicción: predicción a un paso adelante y predicción iterada. Esto permitirá sentar las bases para futuras investigaciones sobre predicciones multiparamétricas, análisis del estado de la calidad del agua y control predictivo de la calidad del agua

    Local learning for iterated time-series prediction

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    Local Learning for Iterated Time Series Prediction

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    We introduce and discuss a local method to learn one-step-ahead predictors for iterated time series forecasting. For each single one-step-ahead prediction, our method selects among different alternatives a local model representation on the basis of a local cross-validation procedure. In the literature, local learning is generally used for function estimation tasks which do not take temporal behaviors into account. Our technique extends this approach to the problem of long-horizon prediction by proposing a local model selection based on an iterated version of the PRESS leave-one-out statistic. In order to show the effectiveness of our method, we present the results obtained on two time series from the Santa Fe competition and on a time series proposed in a recent international contest. 1 INTRODUCTION The use of local memory-based approximators for time series analysis has been the focus of numerous studies in the literature (Farmer & Sidorowich, 1987; Yakowitz, 1987)..

    Research of mixture of experts model for time series prediction

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    xxiv, 237 leaves :ill. ; 30 cm. Includes bibliographical references. University of Otago department: Information Science. "15 November 2005".For the prediction of chaotic time series, a dichotomy has arisen between local approaches and global approaches. Local approaches hold the reputation of simplicity and feasibility, but they generally do not produce a compact description of the underlying system and are computationally intensive. Global approaches have the advantage of requiring less computation and are able to yield a global representation of the studied time series. However, due to the complexity of the time series process, it is often not easy to construct a global model to perform the prediction precisely. In addition to these approaches, a combination of the global and local techniques, called mixture of experts (ME), is also possible, where a smaller number of models work cooperatively to implement the prediction. This thesis reports on research about ME models for chaotic time series prediction. Based on a review of the techniques in time series prediction, a HMM-based ME model called "Timeline" Hidden Markov Experts (THME) is developed, where the trajectory of the time series is divided into some regimes in the state space and regression models called local experts are applied to learn the mapping on the regimes separately. The dynamics for the expert combination is a HMM, however, the transition probabilities are designed to be time-varying and conditional on the "real time" information of the time series. For the learning of the "time-line" HMM, a modified Baum—Welch algorithm is developed and the convergence of the algorithm is proved. Different versions of the model, based on MLP, RBF and SVM experts, are constructed and applied to a number of chaotic time series on both one-step-ahead and multi-step-ahead predictions. Experiments show that in general THME achieves better generalization performance than the corresponding single models in one-step-ahead prediction and comparable to some published benchmarks in multi-step-ahead prediction. Various properties of THME, such as the feature selection for trajectory dividing, the clustering techniques for regime extraction, the "time-line" HMM for expert combination and the performance of the model when it has different number of experts, are investigated. A number of interesting future directions for this work are suggested, which include the feature selection for regime extraction, the model selection for transition probability modelling, the extension to distribution prediction and the application on other time series.UnpublishedAronszajn, N. (1950), Theory of reproducing kernels. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 68,337-404. Atiya, A. F., El-Shoura, S. M., Shaheen, S. I., and El-Sherif, M. S. 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    Research of mixture of experts model for time series prediction

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    xxiv, 237 leaves :ill. ; 30 cm. Includes bibliographical references. University of Otago department: Information Science. "15 November 2005".For the prediction of chaotic time series, a dichotomy has arisen between local approaches and global approaches. Local approaches hold the reputation of simplicity and feasibility, but they generally do not produce a compact description of the underlying system and are computationally intensive. Global approaches have the advantage of requiring less computation and are able to yield a global representation of the studied time series. However, due to the complexity of the time series process, it is often not easy to construct a global model to perform the prediction precisely. In addition to these approaches, a combination of the global and local techniques, called mixture of experts (ME), is also possible, where a smaller number of models work cooperatively to implement the prediction. This thesis reports on research about ME models for chaotic time series prediction. Based on a review of the techniques in time series prediction, a HMM-based ME model called "Timeline" Hidden Markov Experts (THME) is developed, where the trajectory of the time series is divided into some regimes in the state space and regression models called local experts are applied to learn the mapping on the regimes separately. The dynamics for the expert combination is a HMM, however, the transition probabilities are designed to be time-varying and conditional on the "real time" information of the time series. For the learning of the "time-line" HMM, a modified Baum—Welch algorithm is developed and the convergence of the algorithm is proved. Different versions of the model, based on MLP, RBF and SVM experts, are constructed and applied to a number of chaotic time series on both one-step-ahead and multi-step-ahead predictions. Experiments show that in general THME achieves better generalization performance than the corresponding single models in one-step-ahead prediction and comparable to some published benchmarks in multi-step-ahead prediction. Various properties of THME, such as the feature selection for trajectory dividing, the clustering techniques for regime extraction, the "time-line" HMM for expert combination and the performance of the model when it has different number of experts, are investigated. A number of interesting future directions for this work are suggested, which include the feature selection for regime extraction, the model selection for transition probability modelling, the extension to distribution prediction and the application on other time series.UnpublishedAronszajn, N. (1950), Theory of reproducing kernels. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 68,337-404. Atiya, A. F., El-Shoura, S. M., Shaheen, S. I., and El-Sherif, M. S. 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