3,490 research outputs found

    Minding Literature’s Business: Cultivating a Sense of Evanescence Within Political Affairs

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    The paper investigates the relationship between political oratory and literature in Romania during the second part of the 19th century. Extending the theories of Jacques Rancière, Fredric Jameson, Slavoj Žižec, and Leonidas Donskis, I analyze the relationship between politics and literature by comparing a set of illustrative speeches delivered by Take Ionescu and P. P. Carp, who distinguished themselves as brilliant political orators and also as personalities who gave up literature in order to assume a political career. My main goal is to determine how much of one’s appetite for aesthetic autonomy turns into mere appetite for political autonomy, and thus for dissent and dissidence. Both examples chosen for illustration brought me to the conclusion that prior literary habits and practices into a politician’s public career can determine his/her ways of legitimizing party-switches or volatile doctrinarian attitudes

    On Some Recently Discovered Translations from Edgar Allan Poe's Work - by Ștefan Petică – at the End of the 19th Century

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    The first authentic Romanian Symbolist writer - poet, novelist, playwright, journalist, sociologist, Ștefan Petică (1877-1904) - was also a skilled translator, as most of the Romanian writers at the end of the Nineteenth century used to be. For more than 120 years, there was no information on the translator of two volumes rendered into Romanian from Edgar Allan Poe’s work and published in 1896 and, respectively, in 1897, at “Samitca” Publishing House in Craiova


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    Florentin Smarandache - un savant polivalent

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    Pe 10 decembrie 2009 el împlineşte 55 ani. De fapt dumnealui este un om al renaşterii pentru că a publicat în foarte multe domenii: matematică (teoria numerelor, statistică, geometrie non-Euclidiană), computere (inteligenţă artificială, fuziunea informaţiei), fizică (fizica cuantică, fizica particulelor), economie (economie culturală, teoria poly-emporium), filosofie (neutrosofie – o generalizare a dialecticii, logica neutrosofică – o generalizare a logicii fuzzy intuiţioniste), literatură (poezie, proză, roman, eseuri, nuvele, drame, teatru pentru copii, traduceri), artă (desene experimentale, colaje, pictură)


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    În prima parte a lucrării se face o scurtă trecere în revistă a activității de traducere din limba sârbă în limba română de-a lungul timpului, subliniindu-se importanța traducerilor în patrimoniul literar național. În continuare sunt prezentate traducerile operelor scriitorilor sârbi și ecourile acestora în critica literară ori valorizarea lor în diverse studii literare din ultimul sfert de veac. Cu precădere este vorba despre traducerile din creația lui Milorad Pavić, Miloš Crnjanski, Danilo Kiš și Ivo Andrić. Ultima pare a lucrării cuprinde o listă aproape completă de opere literare a scriitorilor sârbi traduși în limba română din 1990-2018

    „Így nőtt fejemre a sok vadrózsa...”

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    Third World Themes in the International Politics of the Ceaușescu Regime or the International Affirmation of the ‘Socialist Nation’

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    The present article aims to offer a synoptic picture of communist Romania’s relations with Third World countries during the Ceaușescu regime. Within these relations, economic and geopolitical motivations coexisted along with ideological ones, thus making the topic one of the most interesting and relevant key for understanding RSR’s complex and cunning international strategy. However, I intend to prove that mere pragmatism is not enough to comprehend the drive behind Ceaușescu’s diplomatic efforts in post-colonial Africa; ideological factors need also to be taken into account

    Comparative evaluation of the feasibility of preoperative screening questionnaires in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Systematic review of the literature

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Apneea obstructivă de somn (AOS) este cea mai frecventă tulburare a respirației, asociată somnului, cu o prevalenţă crescândă în întreaga lume din cauza răspândirii obezității în populaţia umană și creșterii speranţei ei de via- ţă. Pentru identificarea precoce a persoanelor cu AOS, au fost elaborate o serie de chestionare specializate de screening, care includ diverşi parametri. Utilitatea aplicării acestor chestionare în evaluarea preoperatorie a pacientului şi estimarea rolului lor predictiv pentru complicaţiile postoperatorii rămâne a fi stabilită. Material și metode. Au fost analizate publicaţiile anilor 2001-2014 din baza de date PubMed, selectate prin cuvintele-cheie: apnee obstructivă de somn, screening perioperatoriu, complicații postoperatorii, cu aplicarea unor criterii de includere și excludere. Datele obţinute au fost, apoi, sistematizate şi analizate. Rezultate. Doar 14 articole au îndeplinit toate criteriile de includere stabilite. În acestea, AOS a fost identificată prin polisomnografie, oximetrie nocturnă şi o serie de chestionare de screening: Berlin, ASA-checklist, STOP, STOP-BANG, Flemon, Mailin. S-a determinat că la pacienţii cu AOS, spectrul complicațiilor postoperatorii este amplu, cu afectarea tuturor sistemelor de organe și cu o prevalență medie de 19,3% (extreme raportate: 1,9%-57%). Concluzii. Pentru chestionarele de screening, s-a constatat o capacitate variabilă de identificare a AOS şi de predicţie a complicaţiilor postoperatorii semnificativ diferită, ceea ce impune căutarea unor noi parametri specifici de evaluare şi prognozare în cadrul evaluării preoperatorii şi conduitei perioperatorii a pacientului cu AOS.Introduction. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an extremely common sleep related breathing disorder, and its prevalence has been increasing throughout the world because of obesity and increasing age of the general population. For early identification of people with OSA, were developed many specialized screening questionnaires that include various parameters. The usefulness of applying these questionnaires in the preoperative evaluation of the patient and estimate of their predictive role for postoperative complications remains to be determined. Materials and methods. Were analyzed publications from 2001-2014 years in PubMed database selected by keywords: obstructive sleep apnea, perioperative screening, postoperative complications, with applying inclusion and exclusion criteria. The database was then analyzed. Results. Only 14 articles met all established inclusion criteria. In these, the OSA has been identified by polysomnography, nocturnal oximetry and screening with a series of questionnaires: Berlin, ASA-checklist, STOP, STOP-BANG, Flemon, Mailin. It was determined that in patients with OSA, postoperative complications spectrum is amply, affecting all organ systems, with an average prevalence of 19.3% (reported extreme: 1.9% to 57%). Conclusions. For screening questionnaires, it was found a variable capacity of OSA identification and significantly different prediction capacity of postoperative complications, which requires the search for new parameters of evaluation and prognosis in the preoperative evaluation and postoperative care of the patient with OSA


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    Elements of interdisciplinarity in the regional study of the Vrancea Land. Pointing out specific elements of a land type region in Romania within a study of regional geography is a vast work. These regions being so complex, both regarding the component elements, as well as the processes and phenomena that are to be found at regional level, studying them means using interdisciplinary methods, or methods that are specific to other fields of research. This work has as purpose highlighting the connections that the regional geography has with other sciences and the way it can be influenced by those