197 research outputs found

    Introduction to the ISO specification language LOTOS

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    LOTOS is a specification language that has been specifically developed for the formal description of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) architecture, although it is applicable to distributed, concurrent systems in general. In LOTOS a system is seen as a set of processes which interact and exchange data with each other and with their environment. LOTOS is expected to become an ISO international standard by 1988

    Formal mechanization of device interactions with a process algebra

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    The principle emphasis is to develop a methodology to formally verify correct synchronization communication of devices in a composed hardware system. Previous system integration efforts have focused on vertical integration of one layer on top of another. This task examines 'horizontal' integration of peer devices. To formally reason about communication, we mechanize a process algebra in the Higher Order Logic (HOL) theorem proving system. Using this formalization we show how four types of device interactions can be represented and verified to behave as specified. The report also describes the specification of a system consisting of an AVM-1 microprocessor and a memory management unit which were verified in previous work. A proof of correct communication is presented, and the extensions to the system specification to add a direct memory device are discussed

    Interaction Trees: Representing Recursive and Impure Programs in Coq

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    "Interaction trees" (ITrees) are a general-purpose data structure for representing the behaviors of recursive programs that interact with their environments. A coinductive variant of "free monads," ITrees are built out of uninterpreted events and their continuations. They support compositional construction of interpreters from "event handlers", which give meaning to events by defining their semantics as monadic actions. ITrees are expressive enough to represent impure and potentially nonterminating, mutually recursive computations, while admitting a rich equational theory of equivalence up to weak bisimulation. In contrast to other approaches such as relationally specified operational semantics, ITrees are executable via code extraction, making them suitable for debugging, testing, and implementing software artifacts that are amenable to formal verification. We have implemented ITrees and their associated theory as a Coq library, mechanizing classic domain- and category-theoretic results about program semantics, iteration, monadic structures, and equational reasoning. Although the internals of the library rely heavily on coinductive proofs, the interface hides these details so that clients can use and reason about ITrees without explicit use of Coq's coinduction tactics. To showcase the utility of our theory, we prove the termination-sensitive correctness of a compiler from a simple imperative source language to an assembly-like target whose meanings are given in an ITree-based denotational semantics. Unlike previous results using operational techniques, our bisimulation proof follows straightforwardly by structural induction and elementary rewriting via an equational theory of combinators for control-flow graphs.Comment: 28 pages, 4 pages references, published at POPL 202

    Bisimulations on data graphs

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    Bisimulation provides structural conditions to characterize indistinguishability from an external observer between nodes on labeled graphs. It is a fundamental notion used in many areas, such as verification, graph-structured databases, and constraint satisfaction. However, several current applications use graphs where nodes also contain data (the so called “data graphs”), and where observers can test for equality or inequality of data values (e.g., asking the attribute ‘name’ of a node to be different from that of all its neighbors). The present work constitutes a first investigation of “data aware” bisimulations on data graphs. We study the problem of computing such bisimulations, based on the observational indistinguishability for XPath —a language that extends modal logics like PDL with tests for data equality— with and without transitive closure operators. We show that in general the problem is PSPACE-complete, but identify several restrictions that yield better complexity bounds (CO- NP, PTIME) by controlling suitable parameters of the problem, namely the amount of non-locality allowed, and the class of models considered (graphs, DAGs, trees). In particular, this analysis yields a hierarchy of tractable fragments.Fil: Abriola, Sergio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación En Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación En Ciencias de la Computacion; ArgentinaFil: Barceló, Pablo. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Figueira, Diego. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Figueira, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación En Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación En Ciencias de la Computacion; Argentin

    Characterization, definability and separation via saturated models

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    Three important results about the expressivity of a modal logic L are the Characterization Theorem (that identifies a modal logic L as a fragment of a better known logic), the Definability theorem (that provides conditions under which a class of L-models can be defined by a formula or a set of formulas of L), and the Separation Theorem (that provides conditions under which two disjoint classes of L-models can be separated by a class definable in L). We provide general conditions under which these results can be established for a given choice of model class and modal language whose expressivity is below first order logic. Besides some basic constraints that most modal logics easily satisfy, the fundamental condition that we require is that the class of ω-saturated models in question has the Hennessy-Milner property with respect to the notion of observational equivalence under consideration. Given that the Characterization, Definability and Separation theorems are among the cornerstones in the model theory of L, this property can be seen as a test that identifies the adequate notion of observational equivalence for a particular modal logic.submittedVersionFil: Areces, Carlos Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Areces, Carlos Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Fil: Carreiro, Facundo. Universidad de Ámsterdam. Instituto de Lógica, Lenguaje y Computación; Países Bajos.Fil: Figueira, Santiago. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; Argentina.Fil: Figueira, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina.Ciencias de la Computació

    Coalgebra for the working software engineer

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    Often referred to as ‘the mathematics of dynamical, state-based systems’, Coalgebra claims to provide a compositional and uniform framework to spec ify, analyse and reason about state and behaviour in computing. This paper addresses this claim by discussing why Coalgebra matters for the design of models and logics for computational phenomena. To a great extent, in this domain one is interested in properties that are preserved along the system’s evolution, the so-called ‘business rules’ or system’s invariants, as well as in liveness requirements, stating that e.g. some desirable outcome will be eventually produced. Both classes are examples of modal assertions, i.e. properties that are to be interpreted across a transition system capturing the system’s dynamics. The relevance of modal reasoning in computing is witnessed by the fact that most university syllabi in the area include some incursion into modal logic, in particular in its temporal variants. The novelty is that, as it happens with the notions of transition, behaviour, or observational equivalence, modalities in Coalgebra acquire a shape . That is, they become parametric on whatever type of behaviour, and corresponding coinduction scheme, seems appropriate for addressing the problem at hand. In this context, the paper revisits Coalgebra from a computational perspective, focussing on three topics central to software design: how systems are modelled, how models are composed, and finally, how properties of their behaviours can be expressed and verified.Fuzziness, as a way to express imprecision, or uncertainty, in computation is an important feature in a number of current application scenarios: from hybrid systems interfacing with sensor networks with error boundaries, to knowledge bases collecting data from often non-coincident human experts. Their abstraction in e.g. fuzzy transition systems led to a number of mathematical structures to model this sort of systems and reason about them. This paper adds two more elements to this family: two modal logics, framed as institutions, to reason about fuzzy transition systems and the corresponding processes. This paves the way to the development, in the second part of the paper, of an associated theory of structured specification for fuzzy computational systems

    04241 Abstracts Collection -- Graph Transformations and Process Algebras for Modeling Distributed and Mobile Systems

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    Recently there has been a lot of research, combining concepts of process algebra with those of the theory of graph grammars and graph transformation systems. Both can be viewed as general frameworks in which one can specify and reason about concurrent and distributed systems. There are many areas where both theories overlap and this reaches much further than just using graphs to give a graphic representation to processes. Processes in a communication network can be seen in two different ways: as terms in an algebraic theory, emphasizing their behaviour and their interaction with the environment, and as nodes (or edges) in a graph, emphasizing their topology and their connectedness. Especially topology, mobility and dynamic reconfigurations at runtime can be modelled in a very intuitive way using graph transformation. On the other hand the definition and proof of behavioural equivalences is often easier in the process algebra setting. Also standard techniques of algebraic semantics for universal constructions, refinement and compositionality can take better advantage of the process algebra representation. An important example where the combined theory is more convenient than both alternatives is for defining the concurrent (noninterleaving), abstract semantics of distributed systems. Here graph transformations lack abstraction and process algebras lack expressiveness. Another important example is the work on bigraphical reactive systems with the aim of deriving a labelled transitions system from an unlabelled reactive system such that the resulting bisimilarity is a congruence. Here, graphs seem to be a convenient framework, in which this theory can be stated and developed. So, although it is the central aim of both frameworks to model and reason about concurrent systems, the semantics of processes can have a very different flavour in these theories. Research in this area aims at combining the advantages of both frameworks and translating concepts of one theory into the other. The Dagsuthl Seminar, which took place from 06.06. to 11.06.2004, was aimed at bringing together researchers of the two communities in order to share their ideas and develop new concepts. These proceedings4 of the do not only contain abstracts of the talks given at the seminar, but also summaries of topics of central interest. We would like to thank all participants of the seminar for coming and sharing their ideas and everybody who has contributed to the proceedings

    Combinators and bisimulation proofs for restartable systems

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