4 research outputs found

    A Study on Graph Coloring and Digraph Connectivity

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    This dissertation focuses on coloring problems in graphs and connectivity problems in digraphs. We obtain the following advances in both directions.;1. Results in graph coloring. For integers k,r \u3e 0, a (k,r)-coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring on the vertices of G with k colors such that every vertex v of degree d( v) is adjacent to vertices with at least min{lcub}d( v),r{rcub} different colors. The r-hued chromatic number, denoted by chir(G ), is the smallest integer k for which a graph G has a (k,r)-coloring.;For a k-list assignment L to vertices of a graph G, a linear (L,r)-coloring of a graph G is a coloring c of the vertices of G such that for every vertex v of degree d(v), c(v)∈ L(v), the number of colors used by the neighbors of v is at least min{lcub}dG(v), r{rcub}, and such that for any two distinct colors i and j, every component of G[c --1({lcub}i,j{rcub})] must be a path. The linear list r-hued chromatic number of a graph G, denoted chiℓ L,r(G), is the smallest integer k such that for every k-list L, G has a linear (L,r)-coloring. Let Mad( G) denotes the maximum subgraph average degree of a graph G. We prove the following. (i) If G is a K3,3-minor free graph, then chi2(G) ≤ 5 and chi3(G) ≤ 10. Moreover, the bound of chi2( G) ≤ 5 is best possible. (ii) If G is a P4-free graph, then chir(G) ≤q chi( G) + 2(r -- 1), and this bound is best possible. (iii) If G is a P5-free bipartite graph, then chir( G) ≤ rchi(G), and this bound is best possible. (iv) If G is a P5-free graph, then chi2(G) ≤ 2chi(G), and this bound is best possible. (v) If G is a graph with maximum degree Delta, then each of the following holds. (i) If Delta ≥ 9 and Mad(G) \u3c 7/3, then chiℓL,r( G) ≤ max{lcub}lceil Delta/2 rceil + 1, r + 1{rcub}. (ii) If Delta ≥ 7 and Mad(G)\u3c 12/5, then chiℓ L,r(G)≤ max{lcub}lceil Delta/2 rceil + 2, r + 2{rcub}. (iii) If Delta ≥ 7 and Mad(G) \u3c 5/2, then chi ℓL,r(G)≤ max{lcub}lcei Delta/2 rceil + 3, r + 3{rcub}. (vi) If G is a K 4-minor free graph, then chiℓL,r( G) ≤ max{lcub}r,lceilDelta/2\rceil{rcub} + lceilDelta/2rceil + 2. (vii) Every planar graph G with maximum degree Delta has chiℓL,r(G) ≤ Delta + 7.;2. Results in digraph connectivity. For a graph G, let kappa( G), kappa\u27(G), delta(G) and tau( G) denote the connectivity, the edge-connectivity, the minimum degree and the number of edge-disjoint spanning trees of G, respectively. Let f(G) denote kappa(G), kappa\u27( G), or Delta(G), and define f¯( G) = max{lcub}f(H): H is a subgraph of G{rcub}. An edge cut X of a graph G is restricted if X does not contain all edges incident with a vertex in G. The restricted edge-connectivity of G, denoted by lambda2(G), is the minimum size of a restricted edge-cut of G. We define lambda 2(G) = max{lcub}lambda2(H): H ⊂ G{rcub}.;For a digraph D, let kappa;(D), lambda( D), delta--(D), and delta +(D) denote the strong connectivity, arc-strong connectivity, minimum in-degree, and out-degree of D, respectively. For each f ∈ {lcub}kappa,lambda, delta--, +{rcub}, define f¯(D) = max{lcub} f(H): H is a subdigraph of D{rcub}.;Catlin et al. in [Discrete Math., 309 (2009), 1033-1040] proved a characterization of kappa\u27(G) in terms of tau(G). We proved a digraph version of this characterization by showing that a digraph D is k-arc-strong if and only if for any vertex v in D, D has k-arc-disjoint spanning arborescences rooted at v. We also prove a characterization of uniformly dense digraphs analogous to the characterization of uniformly dense undirected graphs in [Discrete Applied Math., 40 (1992) 285--302]. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Online choosability of graphs

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    We study several problems in graph coloring. In list coloring, each vertex vv has a set L(v)L(v) of available colors and must be assigned a color from this set so that adjacent vertices receive distinct colors; such a coloring is an LL-coloring, and we then say that GG is LL-colorable. Given a graph GG and a function f:V(G)Nf:V(G)\to\N, we say that GG is ff-choosable if GG is LL-colorable for any list assignment LL such that L(v)f(v)|L(v)|\ge f(v) for all vV(G)v\in V(G). When f(v)=kf(v)=k for all vv and GG is ff-choosable, we say that GG is kk-choosable. The least kk such that GG is kk-choosable is the choice number, denoted ch(G)\ch(G). We focus on an online version of this problem, which is modeled by the Lister/Painter game. The game is played on a graph in which every vertex has a positive number of tokens. In each round, Lister marks a nonempty subset MM of uncolored vertices, removing one token at each marked vertex. Painter responds by selecting a subset DD of MM that forms an independent set in GG. A color distinct from those used on previous rounds is given to all vertices in DD. Lister wins by marking a vertex that has no tokens, and Painter wins by coloring all vertices in GG. When Painter has a winning strategy, we say that GG is ff-paintable. If f(v)=kf(v)=k for all vv and GG is ff-paintable, then we say that GG is kk-paintable. The least kk such that GG is kk-paintable is the paint number, denoted \pa(G). In Chapter 2, we develop useful tools for studying the Lister/Painter game. We study the paintability of graph joins and of complete bipartite graphs. In particular, \pa(K_{k,r})\le k if and only if r<kkr<k^k. In Chapter 3, we study the Lister/Painter game with the added restriction that the proper coloring produced by Painter must also satisfy some property P\mathcal{P}. The main result of Chapter 3 provides a general method to give a winning strategy for Painter when a strategy for the list coloring problem is already known. One example of a property P\mathcal{P} is that of having an rr-dynamic coloring, where a proper coloring is rr-dynamic if each vertex vv has at least min{r,d(v)}\min\set{r,d(v)} distinct colors in its neighborhood. For any graph GG and any rr, we give upper bounds on how many tokens are necessary for Painter to produce an rr-dynamic coloring of GG. The upper bounds are in terms of rr and the genus of a surface on which GG embeds. In Chapter 4, we study a version of the Lister/Painter game in which Painter must assign mm colors to each vertex so that adjacent vertices receive disjoint color sets. We characterize the graphs in which 2m2m tokens is sufficient to produce such a coloring. We strengthen Brooks' Theorem as well as Thomassen's result that planar graphs are 5-choosable. In Chapter 5, we study sum-paintability. The sum-paint number of a graph GG, denoted \spa(G), is the least f(v)\sum f(v) over all ff such that GG is ff-paintable. We prove the easy upper bound: \spa(G)\le|V(G)|+|E(G)|. When \spa(G)=|V(G)|+|E(G)|, we say that GG is sp-greedy. We determine the sum-paintability of generalized theta-graphs. The generalized theta-graph Θ1,,k\Theta_{\ell_1,\dots,\ell_k} consists of two vertices joined by kk paths of lengths \VEC \ell1k. We conjecture that outerplanar graphs are sp-greedy and prove several partial results toward this conjecture. In Chapter 6, we study what happens when Painter is allowed to allocate tokens as Lister marks vertices. The slow-coloring game is played by Lister and Painter on a graph GG. Lister marks a nonempty set of uncolored vertices and scores 1 point for each marked vertex. Painter colors all vertices in an independent subset of the marked vertices with a color distinct from those used previously in the game. The game ends when all vertices have been colored. The sum-color cost of a graph GG, denoted \scc(G), is the maximum score Lister can guarantee in the slow-coloring game on GG. We prove several general lower and upper bounds for \scc(G). In more detail, we study trees and prove sharp upper and lower bounds over all trees with nn vertices. We give a formula to determine \scc(G) exactly when α(G)2\alpha(G)\le2. Separately, we prove that \scc(G)=\spa(G) if and only if GG is a disjoint union of cliques. Lastly, we give lower and upper bounds on \scc(K_{r,s})

    EUROCOMB 21 Book of extended abstracts

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    Solving hard subgraph problems in parallel

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    This thesis improves the state of the art in exact, practical algorithms for finding subgraphs. We study maximum clique, subgraph isomorphism, and maximum common subgraph problems. These are widely applicable: within computing science, subgraph problems arise in document clustering, computer vision, the design of communication protocols, model checking, compiler code generation, malware detection, cryptography, and robotics; beyond, applications occur in biochemistry, electrical engineering, mathematics, law enforcement, fraud detection, fault diagnosis, manufacturing, and sociology. We therefore consider both the ``pure'' forms of these problems, and variants with labels and other domain-specific constraints. Although subgraph-finding should theoretically be hard, the constraint-based search algorithms we discuss can easily solve real-world instances involving graphs with thousands of vertices, and millions of edges. We therefore ask: is it possible to generate ``really hard'' instances for these problems, and if so, what can we learn? By extending research into combinatorial phase transition phenomena, we develop a better understanding of branching heuristics, as well as highlighting a serious flaw in the design of graph database systems. This thesis also demonstrates how to exploit two of the kinds of parallelism offered by current computer hardware. Bit parallelism allows us to carry out operations on whole sets of vertices in a single instruction---this is largely routine. Thread parallelism, to make use of the multiple cores offered by all modern processors, is more complex. We suggest three desirable performance characteristics that we would like when introducing thread parallelism: lack of risk (parallel cannot be exponentially slower than sequential), scalability (adding more processing cores cannot make runtimes worse), and reproducibility (the same instance on the same hardware will take roughly the same time every time it is run). We then detail the difficulties in guaranteeing these characteristics when using modern algorithmic techniques. Besides ensuring that parallelism cannot make things worse, we also increase the likelihood of it making things better. We compare randomised work stealing to new tailored strategies, and perform experiments to identify the factors contributing to good speedups. We show that whilst load balancing is difficult, the primary factor influencing the results is the interaction between branching heuristics and parallelism. By using parallelism to explicitly offset the commitment made to weak early branching choices, we obtain parallel subgraph solvers which are substantially and consistently better than the best sequential algorithms