35 research outputs found

    Digital mammography, cancer screening: Factors important for image compression

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    The use of digital mammography for breast cancer screening poses several novel problems such as development of digital sensors, computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) methods for image noise suppression, enhancement, and pattern recognition, compression algorithms for image storage, transmission, and remote diagnosis. X-ray digital mammography using novel direct digital detection schemes or film digitizers results in large data sets and, therefore, image compression methods will play a significant role in the image processing and analysis by CAD techniques. In view of the extensive compression required, the relative merit of 'virtually lossless' versus lossy methods should be determined. A brief overview is presented here of the developments of digital sensors, CAD, and compression methods currently proposed and tested for mammography. The objective of the NCI/NASA Working Group on Digital Mammography is to stimulate the interest of the image processing and compression scientific community for this medical application and identify possible dual use technologies within the NASA centers

    Computer assisted screening of digital mammogram images

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    The use of computer systems to assist clinicians in digital mammography image screening has advantages over traditional methods. Computer algorithms can enhance the appearance of the images and highlight suspicious areas. Screening provides a more thorough examination of the images. Any computer system that does screening of digital mammograms contains components to address multiple tasks such as: image segmentation, mass lesion detection and classification, and microcalcification detection and classification. This dissertation provides both effective and efficient improvements to existing algorithms, which segment mammogram images and locate mass lesions. In addition, we provide a new algorithm to evaluate and report the results for mass lesion detection. The algorithm presented for mammogram segmentation uses a histogram based operator to define the boundaries between the different components of a mammogram image. It employs a unique clustering algorithm to produce closed, labeled sets of pixels which represent the distinct image components. The mass location algorithm uses a variation of template matching to locate suspicious areas. An evaluation of potential templates and algorithms is included. The method for testing and recording the results of the mass location algorithm groups suspicious pixels into regions and then compares them to the pathology

    Enhanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis diagnosis using 3D visualization and automatic classification of lesions

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    Breast cancer represents the main cause of cancer-related deaths in women. Nonetheless, the mortality rate of this disease has been decreasing over the last three decades, largely due to the screening programs for early detection. For many years, both screening and clinical diagnosis were mostly done through Digital Mammography (DM). Approved in 2011, Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is similar to DM but it allows a 3D reconstruction of the breast tissue, which helps the diagnosis by reducing the tissue overlap. Currently, DBT is firmly established and is approved as a stand-alone modality to replace DM. The main objective of this thesis is to develop computational tools to improve the visualization and interpretation of DBT data. Several methods for an enhanced visualization of DBT data through volume rendering were studied and developed. Firstly, important rendering parameters were considered. A new approach for automatic generation of transfer functions was implemented and two other parameters that highly affect the quality of volume rendered images were explored: voxel size in Z direction and sampling distance. Next, new image processing methods that improve the rendering quality by considering the noise regularization and the reduction of out-of-plane artifacts were developed. The interpretation of DBT data with automatic detection of lesions was approached through artificial intelligence methods. Several deep learning Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) were implemented and trained to classify a complete DBT image for the presence or absence of microcalcification clusters (MCs). Then, a faster R-CNN (region-based CNN) was trained to detect and accurately locate the MCs in the DBT images. The detected MCs were rendered with the developed 3D rendering software, which provided an enhanced visualization of the volume of interest. The combination of volume visualization with lesion detection may, in the future, improve both diagnostic accuracy and also reduce analysis time. This thesis promotes the development of new computational imaging methods to increase the diagnostic value of DBT, with the aim of assisting radiologists in their task of analyzing DBT volumes and diagnosing breast cancer

    Human factors in computer-aided mammography

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    Application of Wavelets and Principal Component Analysis in Image Query and Mammography

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    Breast cancer is currently one of the major causes of death for women in the U.S. Mammography is currently the most effective method for detection of breast cancer and early detection has proven to be an efficient tool to reduce the number of deaths. Mammography is the most demanding of all clinical imaging applications as it requires high contrast, high signal to noise ratio and resolution with minimal x-radiation. According to studies [36], 10% to 30% of women having breast cancer and undergoing mammography, have negative mammograms, i.e. are misdiagnosed. Furthermore, only 20%-40% of the women who undergo biopsy, have cancer. Biopsies are expensive, invasive and traumatic to the patient. The high rate of false positives is partly because of the difficulties in the diagnosis process and partly due to the fear of missing a cancer. These facts motivate research aimed to enhance the mammogram images (e.g. by enhancement of features such as clustered calcification regions which were found to be associated with breast cancer) , to provide CAD (Computer Aided Diagnostics) tools that can alert the radiologist to potentially malignant regions in the mammograms and to develope tools for automated classification of mammograms into benign and malignant classes. In this paper we apply wavelet and Principal Component analysis, including the approximate Karhunen Loeve aransform to mammographic images, to derive feature vectors used for classification of mammographic images from an early stage of malignancy. Another area where wavelet analysis was found useful, is the area of image query. Image query of large data bases must provide a fast and efficient search of the query image. Lately, a group of researchers developed an algorithm based on wavelet analysis that was found to provide fast and efficient search in large data bases. Their method overcomes some of the difficulties associated with previous approaches, but the search algorithm is sensitive to displacement and rotation of the query image due to the fact that wavelet analysis is not invariant under displacement and rotation. In this study we propose the integration of the Hotelling transform to improve on this sensitivity and provide some experimental results in the context of the standard alphabetic characters