103 research outputs found

    The AI Family: The Information Security Managers Best Frenemy?

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    In this exploratory study, we deliberately pull apart the Artificial from the Intelligence, the material from the human. We first assessed the existing technological controls available to Information Security Managers (ISMs) to ensure their in-depth defense strategies. Based on the AI watch taxonomy, we then discuss each of the 15 technologies and their potential impact on the transformation of jobs in the field of security (i.e., AI trainers, AI explainers and AI sustainers). Additionally, in a pilot study we collect the evaluation and the narratives of the employees (n=6) of a small financial institution in a focus group session. We particularly focus on their perception of the role of AI systems in the future of cyber security

    The Promise and Problematic of the Virtual Eucharist Mass According To The Roman Catholic Church’s Position in “The Church and the Internet”

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    This study is concerned with articulating a valid community-building role that the virtual Eucharistic Mass could play within the Roman Catholic Church. I undertake this task in view of those unable to attend a real world Mass because of physical and geographical impediments or for fear of violence. According to the Pontifical Council of Social Communications’ document, “The Church and the Internet,” Eucharistic Mass celebrated through the internet is invalid. The first chapter of this study contextualizes and explains the Church’s stance in this document. The remaining two chapters are framed by the Pontifical study’s two main objections to virtual Mass, namely, the absence of (1) Christ’s presence and (2) interpersonal community. Ultimately, I suggest that it is doctrinally possible to promote participation in the virtual Mass as a sign of solidarity with marginalized Christians as long as it is in view of making real the fully embodied communal Eucharist

    Images on the Move: Materiality - Networks - Formats

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    In contemporary society, digital images have become increasingly mobile. They are networked, shared on social media, and circulated across small and portable screens. Accordingly, the discourses of spreadability and circulation have come to supersede the focus on production, indexicality, and manipulability, which had dominated early conceptions of digital photography and film. However, the mobility of images is neither technologically nor conceptually limited to the realm of the digital. The edited volume re-examines the historical, aesthetical, and theoretical relevance of image mobility. The contributors provide a materialist account of images on the move - ranging from wired photography to postcards to streaming media

    Images on the Move

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    In contemporary society, digital images have become increasingly mobile. They are networked, shared on social media, and circulated across small and portable screens. Accordingly, the discourses of spreadability and circulation have come to supersede the focus on production, indexicality, and manipulability, which had dominated early conceptions of digital photography and film. However, the mobility of images is neither technologically nor conceptually limited to the realm of the digital. The edited volume re-examines the historical, aesthetical, and theoretical relevance of image mobility. The contributors provide a materialist account of images on the move - ranging from wired photography to postcards to streaming media

    Las Vegas Daily Optic, 11-04-1905

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    Globular Clusters and Galactic Nuclei

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    Dynamical evolution plays a key role in shaping the current properties of star clusters and star cluster systems. We present the study of stellar dynamics both from a theoretical and numerical point of view. In particular we investigate this topic on different astrophysical scales, from the study of the orbital evolution and the mutual interaction of GCs in the Galactic central region to the evolution of GCs in the larger scale galactic potential. Globular Clusters (GCs), very old and massive star clusters, are ideal objects to explore many aspects of stellar dynamics and to investigate the dynamical and evolutionary mechanisms of their host galaxy. Almost every surveyed galaxy of sufficiently large mass has an associated group of GCs, i.e. a Globular Cluster System (GCS). The first part of this Thesis is devoted to the study of the evolution of GCSs in elliptical galaxies. Basing on the hypothesis that the GCS and stellar halo in a galaxy were born at the same time and, so, with the same density distribution, a logical consequence is that the presently observed difference may be due to evolution of the GCS. Actually, in this scenario, GCSs evolve due to various mechanisms, among which dynamical friction and tidal interaction with the galactic field are the most important. On the other side, the collisionless stellar halo component stands unchanged, thus the difference between the two profiles may correspond to mass lost by the GCS to the galactic center. There the GCs merge and they contribute to the formation/accretion of a luminous and compact central Nuclear Star Cluster (NSC). This is known as the “merger model” for the formation of NSCs, observed at the center of many galaxies and also in the Milky Way (MW) center. In the second part of this work a new high performance code, NBSymple, is presented. NBSymple is an efficient N-body integrator implemented on a hybrid CPU+GPU platform, exploiting a double-parallelization on CPUs and on the hosted Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The precision is guaranteed by direct summa- tion for force evaluation, and on the use of high order, symplectic time integration methods. The code allows the choice between two different symplectic integrators: a second-order algorithm (commonly known as leapfrog) and a much more accurate (but also time consuming) sixth-order method. The effect of the external galactic field is represented as an analytical approximation of its gravitational potential. The code has been widely tested and benchmarked. Moreover, it has been used for various applications (globular clusters quasi-radial orbit through a galactic massive central object, primordial evolution of young stellar clusters, etc.). NBSymple and another, publicly available, direct summation code, φGRAPE, have been used to explore the the previously described merger mode for the Galactic NSC formation. In particular, we used self consistent N-body simulations where the Galaxy was modeled using observational data about the Milky Way, and including the presence of the Galactic central supermassive black hole. We let decay 12 GCs initially located on different circular orbits at the same galactocentric distance. The merging of clusters in the central zone of the Galaxy and its following evolution due to two-body relaxation generates a NSC that actually resembles the one observed at the center of the MW. By mean of numerical simulations carried on with NBSymple, we investigated more in detail the dynamical evolution of GCs in the MW potential with particular attention to the formation of clumpy structures in the tidal tails that arise around the orbiting cluster. Although various hypothesis have been proposed, the formation process of these clumps is not yet clearly understood. Through a statistical analysis of the orbital properties of the stars that “escape” from the cluster we aimed to a better understanding of the on going process. Studying and comparing such simulations with observational data we could gain to a deeper knowledge of the shape Galactic potential and, more generally, of the Galactic dynamics

    Globular Clusters and Galactic Nuclei

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    Dynamical evolution plays a key role in shaping the current properties of star clusters and star cluster systems. We present the study of stellar dynamics both from a theoretical and numerical point of view. In particular we investigate this topic on different astrophysical scales, from the study of the orbital evolution and the mutual interaction of GCs in the Galactic central region to the evolution of GCs in the larger scale galactic potential. Globular Clusters (GCs), very old and massive star clusters, are ideal objects to explore many aspects of stellar dynamics and to investigate the dynamical and evolutionary mechanisms of their host galaxy. Almost every surveyed galaxy of sufficiently large mass has an associated group of GCs, i.e. a Globular Cluster System (GCS). The first part of this Thesis is devoted to the study of the evolution of GCSs in elliptical galaxies. Basing on the hypothesis that the GCS and stellar halo in a galaxy were born at the same time and, so, with the same density distribution, a logical consequence is that the presently observed difference may be due to evolution of the GCS. Actually, in this scenario, GCSs evolve due to various mechanisms, among which dynamical friction and tidal interaction with the galactic field are the most important. On the other side, the collisionless stellar halo component stands unchanged, thus the difference between the two profiles may correspond to mass lost by the GCS to the galactic center. There the GCs merge and they contribute to the formation/accretion of a luminous and compact central Nuclear Star Cluster (NSC). This is known as the “merger model” for the formation of NSCs, observed at the center of many galaxies and also in the Milky Way (MW) center. In the second part of this work a new high performance code, NBSymple, is presented. NBSymple is an efficient N-body integrator implemented on a hybrid CPU+GPU platform, exploiting a double-parallelization on CPUs and on the hosted Graphic Processing Units (GPUs). The precision is guaranteed by direct summa- tion for force evaluation, and on the use of high order, symplectic time integration methods. The code allows the choice between two different symplectic integrators: a second-order algorithm (commonly known as leapfrog) and a much more accurate (but also time consuming) sixth-order method. The effect of the external galactic field is represented as an analytical approximation of its gravitational potential. The code has been widely tested and benchmarked. Moreover, it has been used for various applications (globular clusters quasi-radial orbit through a galactic massive central object, primordial evolution of young stellar clusters, etc.). NBSymple and another, publicly available, direct summation code, φGRAPE, have been used to explore the the previously described merger mode for the Galactic NSC formation. In particular, we used self consistent N-body simulations where the Galaxy was modeled using observational data about the Milky Way, and including the presence of the Galactic central supermassive black hole. We let decay 12 GCs initially located on different circular orbits at the same galactocentric distance. The merging of clusters in the central zone of the Galaxy and its following evolution due to two-body relaxation generates a NSC that actually resembles the one observed at the center of the MW. By mean of numerical simulations carried on with NBSymple, we investigated more in detail the dynamical evolution of GCs in the MW potential with particular attention to the formation of clumpy structures in the tidal tails that arise around the orbiting cluster. Although various hypothesis have been proposed, the formation process of these clumps is not yet clearly understood. Through a statistical analysis of the orbital properties of the stars that “escape” from the cluster we aimed to a better understanding of the on going process. Studying and comparing such simulations with observational data we could gain to a deeper knowledge of the shape Galactic potential and, more generally, of the Galactic dynamics

    Images on the Move

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    In contemporary society, digital images have become increasingly mobile. They are networked, shared on social media, and circulated across small and portable screens. Accordingly, the discourses of spreadability and circulation have come to supersede the focus on production, indexicality, and manipulability, which had dominated early conceptions of digital photography and film. However, the mobility of images is neither technologically nor conceptually limited to the realm of the digital. The edited volume re-examines the historical, aesthetical, and theoretical relevance of image mobility. The contributors provide a materialist account of images on the move - ranging from wired photography to postcards to streaming media

    A Lexical Description of English for Architecture: A Corpus-based Approach

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    Every knowledge community has a distinct type of discourse and a linguistic identity which brings together the ideas of that discipline. These are expressed through characteristic linguistic realizations which are of considerable interest in the study of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) from many different perspectives. Despite the fact that ESP is a recent area of linguistic research, there is already a varied literature on academic and professional languages: English for law, business, computer and technology, advertising, marketing and engineering, just to mention a few. According to Dudley-Evans (1998:19), the development of ESP arose as a result of general improvements in the world economy in the 1960’s, along with the expansion of science and technology. Other relevant factors were the growing use of English as the international language of science, technology and business, and the increasing flow of exchange students to and from the UK, US and Australia

    Space technology as a centrepiece for addressing Nigeria's domestic challenges and strengthening its foreign relations

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    Nigeria’s regional hegemony has recently been weakened, mainly due to domestic issues. The state’s over-reliance on crude oil resources and insecurity have impacted its influence in Africa. Over the past two decades, there has been a search for a sustainable means of addressing national issues, especially to augment alternative sources of revenue and tackle security concerns. This would stabilise the domestic environment and, by extension, impact Nigeria’s foreign policy. Essentially, Nigeria needs an enduring source of power to revive and sustain its influence in Africa and enhance its foreign relations. In light of this, this research examines the use of space technology in Nigeria. It considers the existing Nigerian space capabilities—its expertise, satellites, ongoing space infrastructural projects, and space relations—to be central to strengthening the state’s foreign policy. Thus, the thesis does this in three dimensions: it examines the use of space capabilities to stabilise the Nigerian domestic environment; Nigeria’s leverage of its space capabilities for acquiring power in Africa through the control of security, production, knowledge, and finance structures; and Nigeria’s space partnerships and the impact on its space diplomacy. Nigeria’s partnerships are mainly with China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) and Surrey Satellite Technology Limited (SSTL) in the UK. China is a space power, while SSTL is a prominent satellite manufacturer. This study examines the impact of these partnerships, particularly the Asian state’s influence on Nigeria’s spacepower. The theoretical framework is informed by the theories of Neoclassical realism, spacepower, and IPE structural power. The research adopts a qualitative method that combines document analysis and semi-structured interviews. On this basis, the research seeks to make at least three fundamental contributions. The first is a theoretical contribution to the further development of the spacepower concept, specifically how Nigeria’s use of space capabilities in its foreign policy contributes to the theory. The second is the thesis’ application of structural power theory to Nigeria’s control of structures and strengthening of its regional power and space diplomacy through space capabilities. Accordingly, the study proposes space as a new power structure. The third is the contribution of space to the domestic environment and its potential role as an enabler of Nigeria’s material power capabilities. Generally taking into account Nigeria’s foreign policy, which is mainly Afrocentric, and its space relations, the study makes suggestions on how to improve the state’s engagement going forward and the importance of having experienced space diplomats who have the interests of the state at heart. This will ensure that Nigeria maintains consistency in its foreign policy and achieves tangible results in its interactions with global space players