80 research outputs found

    Análise de malware com suporte de hardware

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    Orientadores: Paulo Lício de Geus, André Ricardo Abed GrégioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O mundo atual é impulsionado pelo uso de sistemas computacionais, estando estes pre- sentes em todos aspectos da vida cotidiana. Portanto, o correto funcionamento destes é essencial para se assegurar a manutenção das possibilidades trazidas pelos desenvolvi- mentos tecnológicos. Contudo, garantir o correto funcionamento destes não é uma tarefa fácil, dado que indivíduos mal-intencionados tentam constantemente subvertê-los visando benefíciar a si próprios ou a terceiros. Os tipos mais comuns de subversão são os ataques por códigos maliciosos (malware), capazes de dar a um atacante controle total sobre uma máquina. O combate à ameaça trazida por malware baseia-se na análise dos artefatos coletados de forma a permitir resposta aos incidentes ocorridos e o desenvolvimento de contramedidas futuras. No entanto, atacantes têm se especializado em burlar sistemas de análise e assim manter suas operações ativas. Para este propósito, faz-se uso de uma série de técnicas denominadas de "anti-análise", capazes de impedir a inspeção direta dos códigos maliciosos. Dentre essas técnicas, destaca-se a evasão do processo de análise, na qual são empregadas exemplares capazes de detectar a presença de um sistema de análise para então esconder seu comportamento malicioso. Exemplares evasivos têm sido cada vez mais utilizados em ataques e seu impacto sobre a segurança de sistemas é considerá- vel, dado que análises antes feitas de forma automática passaram a exigir a supervisão de analistas humanos em busca de sinais de evasão, aumentando assim o custo de se manter um sistema protegido. As formas mais comuns de detecção de um ambiente de análise se dão através da detecção de: (i) código injetado, usado pelo analista para inspecionar a aplicação; (ii) máquinas virtuais, usadas em ambientes de análise por questões de escala; (iii) efeitos colaterais de execução, geralmente causados por emuladores, também usados por analistas. Para lidar com malware evasivo, analistas tem se valido de técnicas ditas transparentes, isto é, que não requerem injeção de código nem causam efeitos colaterais de execução. Um modo de se obter transparência em um processo de análise é contar com suporte do hardware. Desta forma, este trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do suporte de hardware para fins de análise de ameaças evasivas. No decorrer deste texto, apresenta-se uma avaliação das tecnologias existentes de suporte de hardware, dentre as quais máqui- nas virtuais de hardware, suporte de BIOS e monitores de performance. A avaliação crítica de tais tecnologias oferece uma base de comparação entre diferentes casos de uso. Além disso, são enumeradas lacunas de desenvolvimento existentes atualmente. Mais que isso, uma destas lacunas é preenchida neste trabalho pela proposição da expansão do uso dos monitores de performance para fins de monitoração de malware. Mais especificamente, é proposto o uso do monitor BTS para fins de construção de um tracer e um debugger. O framework proposto e desenvolvido neste trabalho é capaz, ainda, de lidar com ataques do tipo ROP, um dos mais utilizados atualmente para exploração de vulnerabilidades. A avaliação da solução demonstra que não há a introdução de efeitos colaterais, o que per- mite análises de forma transparente. Beneficiando-se desta característica, demonstramos a análise de aplicações protegidas e a identificação de técnicas de evasãoAbstract: Today¿s world is driven by the usage of computer systems, which are present in all aspects of everyday life. Therefore, the correct working of these systems is essential to ensure the maintenance of the possibilities brought about by technological developments. However, ensuring the correct working of such systems is not an easy task, as many people attempt to subvert systems working for their own benefit. The most common kind of subversion against computer systems are malware attacks, which can make an attacker to gain com- plete machine control. The fight against this kind of threat is based on analysis procedures of the collected malicious artifacts, allowing the incident response and the development of future countermeasures. However, attackers have specialized in circumventing analysis systems and thus keeping their operations active. For this purpose, they employ a series of techniques called anti-analysis, able to prevent the inspection of their malicious codes. Among these techniques, I highlight the analysis procedure evasion, that is, the usage of samples able to detect the presence of an analysis solution and then hide their malicious behavior. Evasive examples have become popular, and their impact on systems security is considerable, since automatic analysis now requires human supervision in order to find evasion signs, which significantly raises the cost of maintaining a protected system. The most common ways for detecting an analysis environment are: i) Injected code detec- tion, since injection is used by analysts to inspect applications on their way; ii) Virtual machine detection, since they are used in analysis environments due to scalability issues; iii) Execution side effects detection, usually caused by emulators, also used by analysts. To handle evasive malware, analysts have relied on the so-called transparent techniques, that is, those which do not require code injection nor cause execution side effects. A way to achieve transparency in an analysis process is to rely on hardware support. In this way, this work covers the application of the hardware support for the evasive threats analysis purpose. In the course of this text, I present an assessment of existing hardware support technologies, including hardware virtual machines, BIOS support, performance monitors and PCI cards. My critical evaluation of such technologies provides basis for comparing different usage cases. In addition, I pinpoint development gaps that currently exists. More than that, I fill one of these gaps by proposing to expand the usage of performance monitors for malware monitoring purposes. More specifically, I propose the usage of the BTS monitor for the purpose of developing a tracer and a debugger. The proposed framework is also able of dealing with ROP attacks, one of the most common used technique for remote vulnerability exploitation. The framework evaluation shows no side-effect is introduced, thus allowing transparent analysis. Making use of this capability, I demonstrate how protected applications can be inspected and how evasion techniques can be identifiedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Evaluation of Malware Target Recognition Deployed in a Cloud-Based Fileserver Environment

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    Cloud computing, or the migration of computing resources from the end user to remotely managed locations where they can be purchased on-demand, presents several new and unique security challenges. One of these challenges is how to efficiently detect malware amongst files that are possibly spread across multiple locations in the Internet over congested network connections. This research studies how such an environment will impact the performance of malware detection. A simplified cloud environment is created in which network conditions are fully controlled. This environment includes a fileserver, a detection server, the detection mechanism, and clean and malicious file sample sets. The performance of a novel malware detection algorithm called Malware Target Recognition (MaTR) is evaluated and compared with several commercial detection mechanisms at various levels of congestion. The research evaluates performance in terms of file response time and detection accuracy rates. Results show that there is no statistically significant difference in MaTR\u27s true mean response time when scanning clean files with low to moderate levels of congestion compared to the leading commercial response times with a 95% confidence level. MaTR demonstrates a slightly faster response time, by roughly 0.1s to 0.2s, at detecting malware than the leading commercial mechanisms\u27 response time at these congestion levels, but MaTR is also the only device that exhibits false positives with a 0.3% false positive rate. When exposed to high levels of congestion, MaTR\u27s response time is impacted by a factor of 88 to 817 for clean files and 227 to 334 for malicious files, losing its performance competitiveness with other leading detection mechanisms. MaTR\u27s true positive detection rates are extremely competitive at 99.1%

    Improving Memory Forensics Through Emulation and Program Analysis

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    Memory forensics is an important tool in the hands of investigators. However, determining if a computer is infected with malicious software is time consuming, even for experts. Tasks that require manual reverse engineering of code or data structures create a significant bottleneck in the investigative workflow. Through the application of emulation software and symbolic execution, these strains have been greatly lessened, allowing for faster and more thorough investigation. Furthermore, these efforts have reduced the barrier for forensic investigation, so that reasonable conclusions can be drawn even by non-expert investigators. While previously Volatility had allowed for the detection of malicious hooks and injected code with an insurmountably high false positive rate, the techniques presented in the work have allowed for a much lower false positive rate automatically, and yield more detailed information when manual analysis is required. The second contribution of this work is to improve the reliability of memory forensic tools. As it currently stands, if some component of the operating system or language runtime has been updated, the task of verifying that these changes do not affect the correctness of investigative tools involves a large reverse engineering effort, and significant domain knowledge, on the part of whoever maintains the tool. Through modifications of the techniques used in the hook analysis, this burden can be lessened or eliminated by comparing the last known functionality to the new functionality. This allows the tool to be updated quickly and effectively, so that investigations can proceed without issue

    Automated Virtual Machine Introspection for Host-Based Intrusion Detection

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    This thesis examines techniques to automate configuration of an intrusion detection system utilizing hardware-assisted virtualization. These techniques are used to detect the version of a running guest operating system, automatically configure version-specific operating system information needed by the introspection library, and to locate and monitor important operating system data structures. This research simplifies introspection library configuration and is a step toward operating system independent introspection. An operating system detection algorithm and Windows virtual machine system service dispatch table monitor are implemented using the Xen hypervisor and a modified version of the XenAccess library. All detection and monitoring is implemented from the Xen management domain. Results of the operating system detection are used to initialize the XenAccess library. Library initialization time and kernel symbol retrieval are compared to the standard library. The algorithm is evaluated using nine versions of the Windows operating system. The system service dispatch table monitor is evaluated using the Agony and ProAgent rootkits. The automation techniques successfully detect the operating system and system service dispatch table hooks for the nine Windows versions tested. The modified XenAccess library exhibits an average initialization speedup of 1.9. Kernel symbol lookup is 10 times faster, on average. The hook detector is able to detect all hooks used by both rookits

    Trends of anti-analysis operations of malwares observed in API call logs

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    Some malwares execute operations that determine whether they are running in an analysis environment created by monitoring software, such as debuggers, sandboxing systems, or virtual machine monitors, and if such an operation finds that the malware is running in an analysis environment, it terminates execution to prevent analysis. The existence of malwares that execute such operations (anti-analysis operations) is widely known. However, the knowledge acquired thus far, regarding what proportion of current malwares execute anti-analysis operations, what types of anti-analysis operations they execute, and how effectively such operations prevent analysis, is insufficient. In this study, we analyze FFRI Dataset, which is a dataset of dynamic malware analysis results, and clarify the trends in the anti-analysis operations executed by malware samples collected in 2016. Our findings revealed that, among 8243 malware samples, 856 (10.4%) samples executed at least one type of the 28 anti-analysis operations investigated in this study. We also found that, among the virtual machine monitors, VMware was the most commonly searched for by the malware samples

    Cognitive Machine Individualism in a Symbiotic Cybersecurity Policy Framework for the Preservation of Internet of Things Integrity: A Quantitative Study

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    This quantitative study examined the complex nature of modern cyber threats to propose the establishment of cyber as an interdisciplinary field of public policy initiated through the creation of a symbiotic cybersecurity policy framework. For the public good (and maintaining ideological balance), there must be recognition that public policies are at a transition point where the digital public square is a tangible reality that is more than a collection of technological widgets. The academic contribution of this research project is the fusion of humanistic principles with Internet of Things (IoT) technologies that alters our perception of the machine from an instrument of human engineering into a thinking peer to elevate cyber from technical esoterism into an interdisciplinary field of public policy. The contribution to the US national cybersecurity policy body of knowledge is a unified policy framework (manifested in the symbiotic cybersecurity policy triad) that could transform cybersecurity policies from network-based to entity-based. A correlation archival data design was used with the frequency of malicious software attacks as the dependent variable and diversity of intrusion techniques as the independent variable for RQ1. For RQ2, the frequency of detection events was the dependent variable and diversity of intrusion techniques was the independent variable. Self-determination Theory is the theoretical framework as the cognitive machine can recognize, self-endorse, and maintain its own identity based on a sense of self-motivation that is progressively shaped by the machine’s ability to learn. The transformation of cyber policies from technical esoterism into an interdisciplinary field of public policy starts with the recognition that the cognitive machine is an independent consumer of, advisor into, and influenced by public policy theories, philosophical constructs, and societal initiatives

    A comparative study of CERBER, MAKTUB and LOCKY Ransomware using a Hybridised-Malware analysis

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    There has been a significant increase in the prevalence of Ransomware attacks in the preceding four years to date. This indicates that the battle has not yet been won defending against this class of malware. This research proposes that by identifying the similarities within the operational framework of Ransomware strains, a better overall understanding of their operation and function can be achieved. This, in turn, will aid in a quicker response to future attacks. With the average Ransomware attack taking two hours to be identified, it shows that there is not yet a clear understanding as to why these attacks are so successful. Research into Ransomware is limited by what is currently known on the topic. Due to the limitations of the research the decision was taken to only examined three samples of Ransomware from different families. This was decided due to the complexities and comprehensive nature of the research. The in depth nature of the research and the time constraints associated with it did not allow for proof of concept of this framework to be tested on more than three families, but the exploratory work was promising and should be further explored in future research. The aim of the research is to follow the Hybrid-Malware analysis framework which consists of both static and the dynamic analysis phases, in addition to the digital forensic examination of the infected system. This allows for signature-based findings, along with behavioural and forensic findings all in one. This information allows for a better understanding of how this malware is designed and how it infects and remains persistent on a system. The operating system which has been chosen is the Microsoft Window 7 operating system which is still utilised by a significant proportion of Windows users especially in the corporate environment. The experiment process was designed to enable the researcher the ability to collect information regarding the Ransomware and every aspect of its behaviour and communication on a target system. The results can be compared across the three strains to identify the commonalities. The initial hypothesis was that Ransomware variants are all much like an instant cake box consists of specific building blocks which remain the same with the flavouring of the cake mix being the unique feature

    Holistic Network Defense: Fusing Host and Network Features for Attack Classification

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    This work presents a hybrid network-host monitoring strategy, which fuses data from both the network and the host to recognize malware infections. This work focuses on three categories: Normal, Scanning, and Infected. The network-host sensor fusion is accomplished by extracting 248 features from network traffic using the Fullstats Network Feature generator and from the host using text mining, looking at the frequency of the 500 most common strings and analyzing them as word vectors. Improvements to detection performance are made by synergistically fusing network features obtained from IP packet flows and host features, obtained from text mining port, processor, logon information among others. In addition, the work compares three different machine learning algorithms and updates the script required to obtain network features. Hybrid method results outperformed host only classification by 31.7% and network only classification by 25%. The new approach also reduces the number of alerts while remaining accurate compared with the commercial IDS SNORT. These results make it such that even the most typical users could understand alert classification messages