578 research outputs found

    An Efficient Method for Number Plate Detection and Extraction Using White Pixel Detection (WPD) Method

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    Intelligent transport systems play an important role in supporting smart cities because of their promising applications in various areas, such as electronic toll collection, highway surveillance, urban logistics and traffic management. One of the key components of intelligent transport systems is vehicle license plate recognition, which enables the identification of each vehicle by recognizing the characters on its license plate through various image processing and computer vision techniques. Vehicle license plate recognition typically consists of smoothing image using median filter, White pixel detection (WPD), and number plate extraction. In this work an efficient White pixel detection method has been describing a license plates in various luminance conditions. Mostly we will focus on vehicle number plate detection along with the white pixel detection method we will use median filters and Line density filters to increase the detection accuracy for number plate. Subjective and objective quality assessment parameters will give us robustness of proposed work compared to state of License Plate Detection(LPD) techniques


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    Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) systems have become an important tool to track stolen cars, access control, and monitor traffic. ALPR system consists of locating the license plate in an image, followed by character detection and recognition. Since the license plate can exist anywhere within an image, localization is the most important part of ALPR and requires greater processing time. Most ALPR systems are computationally intensive and require a high-performance computer. The proposed algorithm differs significantly from those utilized in previous ALPR technologies by offering a fast algorithm, composed of structural elements which more precisely conducts morphological operations within an image, and can be implemented in portable devices with low computation capabilities. The proposed algorithm is able to accurately detect and differentiate license plates in complex images. This method was first tested through MATLAB with an on-line public database of Greek license plates which is a popular benchmark used in previous works. The proposed algorithm was 100% accurate in all clear images, and achieved 98.45% accuracy when using the entire database which included complex backgrounds and license plates obscured by shadow and dirt. Second, the efficiency of the algorithm was tested in devices with low computational processing power, by translating the code to Python, and was 300% faster than previous work

    An approach to license plate recognition in real time using multi-stage computational intelligence classifier

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    Automatic car license plate recognition (LPR) is widely used nowadays. It involves plate localization in the image, character segmentation and optical character recognition. In this paper, a set of descriptors of image segments (characters) was proposed as well as a technique of multi-stage classification of letters and digits using cascade of neural network and several parallel Random Forest or classification tree or rule list classifiers. The proposed solution was applied to automated recognition of number plates which are composed of capital Latin letters and Arabic numerals. The paper presents an analysis of the accuracy of the obtained classifiers. The time needed to build the classifier and the time needed to classify characters using it are also presented

    An approach to license plate recognition in real time using multi-stage computational intelligence classifier

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    Automatic car license plate recognition (LPR) is widely used nowadays. It involves plate localization in the image, character segmentation and optical character recognition. In this paper, a set of descriptors of image segments (characters) was proposed as well as a technique of multi-stage classification of letters and digits using cascade of neural network and several parallel Random Forest or classification tree or rule list classifiers. The proposed solution was applied to automated recognition of number plates which are composed of capital Latin letters and Arabic numerals. The paper presents an analysis of the accuracy of the obtained classifiers. The time needed to build the classifier and the time needed to classify characters using it are also presented

    Vehicle Distance Detection Using Monocular Vision and Machine Learning

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    With the development of new cutting-edge technology, autonomous vehicles (AVs) have become the main topic in the majority of the automotive industries. For an AV to be safely used on the public roads it needs to be able to perceive its surrounding environment and calculate decisions within real-time. A perfect AV still does not exist for the majority of public use, but advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) have been already integrated into everyday vehicles. It is predicted that these systems will evolve to work together to become a fully AV of the future. This thesis’ main focus is the combination of ADAS with artificial intelligence (AI) models. Since neural networks (NNs) could be unpredictable at many occasions, the main aspect of this thesis is the research of which neural network architecture will be most accurate in perceiving distance between vehicles. Hence, the study of integration of ADAS with AI, and studying whether AI can safely be used as a central processor for AV needs resolution. The created ADAS in this thesis mainly focuses on using monocular vision and machine training. A dataset of 200,000 images was used to train a neural network (NN) model, which accurately detect whether an image is a license plate or not by 96.75% accuracy. A sliding window reads whether a sub-section of an image is a license plate; the process achieved if it is, and the algorithm stores that sub-section image. The sub-images are run through a heatmap threshold to help minimize false detections. Upon detecting the license plate, the final algorithm determines the distance of the vehicle of the license plate detected. It then calculates the distance and outputs the data to the user. This process achieves results with up to a 1-meter distance accuracy. This ADAS has been aimed to be useable by the public, and easily integrated into future AV systems

    Parking lot monitoring system using an autonomous quadrotor UAV

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    The main goal of this thesis is to develop a drone-based parking lot monitoring system using low-cost hardware and open-source software. Similar to wall-mounted surveillance cameras, a drone-based system can monitor parking lots without affecting the flow of traffic while also offering the mobility of patrol vehicles. The Parrot AR Drone 2.0 is the quadrotor drone used in this work due to its modularity and cost efficiency. Video and navigation data (including GPS) are communicated to a host computer using a Wi-Fi connection. The host computer analyzes navigation data using a custom flight control loop to determine control commands to be sent to the drone. A new license plate recognition pipeline is used to identify license plates of vehicles from video received from the drone

    Automatic Number Plate Recognition using Random Forest Classifier

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    Automatic Number Plate Recognition System (ANPRS) is a mass surveillance embedded system that recognizes the number plate of the vehicle. This system is generally used for traffic management applications. It should be very efficient in detecting the number plate in noisy as well as in low illumination and also within required time frame. This paper proposes a number plate recognition method by processing vehicle's rear or front image. After image is captured, processing is divided into four steps which are Pre-Processing, Number plate localization, Character segmentation and Character recognition. Pre-Processing enhances the image for further processing, number plate localization extracts the number plate region from the image, character segmentation separates the individual characters from the extracted number plate and character recognition identifies the optical characters by using random forest classification algorithm. Experimental results reveal that the accuracy of this method is 90.9%

    Vehicle license plate detection and recognition

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    "December 2013.""A Thesis presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science."Thesis supervisor: Dr. Zhihai He.In this work, we develop a license plate detection method using a SVM (Support Vector Machine) classifier with HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) features. The system performs window searching at different scales and analyzes the HOG feature using a SVM and locates their bounding boxes using a Mean Shift method. Edge information is used to accelerate the time consuming scanning process. Our license plate detection results show that this method is relatively insensitive to variations in illumination, license plate patterns, camera perspective and background variations. We tested our method on 200 real life images, captured on Chinese highways under different weather conditions and lighting conditions. And we achieved a detection rate of 100%. After detecting license plates, alignment is then performed on the plate candidates. Conceptually, this alignment method searches neighbors of the bounding box detected, and finds the optimum edge position where the outside regions are very different from the inside regions of the license plate, from color's perspective in RGB space. This method accurately aligns the bounding box to the edges of the plate so that the subsequent license plate segmentation and recognition can be performed accurately and reliably. The system performs license plate segmentation using global alignment on the binary license plate. A global model depending on the layout of license plates is proposed to segment the plates. This model searches for the optimum position where the characters are all segmented but not chopped into pieces. At last, the characters are recognized by another SVM classifier, with a feature size of 576, including raw features, vertical and horizontal scanning features. Our character recognition results show that 99% of the digits are successfully recognized, while the letters achieve an recognition rate of 95%. The license plate recognition system was then incorporated into an embedded system for parallel computing. Several TS7250 and an auxiliary board are used to simulIncludes bibliographical references (pages 67-73)

    Vision-based Detection of Mobile Device Use While Driving

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    The aim of this study was to explore the feasibility of an automatic vision-based solution to detect drivers using mobile devices while operating their vehicles. The proposed system comprises of modules for vehicle license plate localisation, driver’s face detection and mobile phone interaction. The system were then implemented and systematically evaluated using suitable image datasets. The strengths and weaknesses of individual modules were analysed and further recommendations made to improve the overall system’s performance
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