150 research outputs found

    Equilibrium Computation and Robust Optimization in Zero Sum Games with Submodular Structure

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    We define a class of zero-sum games with combinatorial structure, where the best response problem of one player is to maximize a submodular function. For example, this class includes security games played on networks, as well as the problem of robustly optimizing a submodular function over the worst case from a set of scenarios. The challenge in computing equilibria is that both players' strategy spaces can be exponentially large. Accordingly, previous algorithms have worst-case exponential runtime and indeed fail to scale up on practical instances. We provide a pseudopolynomial-time algorithm which obtains a guaranteed (11/e)2(1 - 1/e)^2-approximate mixed strategy for the maximizing player. Our algorithm only requires access to a weakened version of a best response oracle for the minimizing player which runs in polynomial time. Experimental results for network security games and a robust budget allocation problem confirm that our algorithm delivers near-optimal solutions and scales to much larger instances than was previously possible.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures. A shorter version of this paper appears at AAAI 201

    Concurrent tolerance allocation and scheduling for complex assemblies

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    Traditionally, tolerance allocation and scheduling have been dealt with separately in the literature. The aim of tolerance allocation is to minimize the tolerance cost. When scheduling the sequence of product operations, the goal is to minimize the makespan, mean flow time, machine idle time, and machine idle time cost. Calculations of manufacturing costs derived separately using tolerance allocation and scheduling separately will not be accurate. Hence, in this work, component tolerance was allocated by minimizing both the manufacturing cost (sum of the tolerance and quality loss cost) and the machine idle time cost, considering the product sequence. A genetic algorithm (GA) was developed for allocating the tolerance of the components and determining the best product sequence of the scheduling. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the results are compared with those obtained with existing wheel mounting assembly discussed in the literature

    Developing a distributed electronic health-record store for India

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    The DIGHT project is addressing the problem of building a scalable and highly available information store for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) of the over one billion citizens of India

    Mathematical Optimization of the Tactical Allocation of Machining Resources in Aerospace Industry

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    In the aerospace industry, efficient management of machining capacity is crucial to meet the required service levels to customers (which includes, measures of quality and production lead-times) and to maintain control of the tied-up working capital. We introduce a new multi-item, multi-level capacitated planning model with a medium-to-long term planning horizon. The model can be used by most companies having functional workshops where costly and/or time- and resource demanding preparations (or qualifications) are required each time a product needs to be (re)allocated to a machining resource. Our goal is to identify possible product routings through the factory which minimizes the maximum excess resource loading above a given loading threshold, while incurring as low qualification costs as possible. In Paper I (Bi-objective optimization of the tactical allocation of jobtypes to machines), we propose a new bi-objective mathematical optimization model for the Tactical Resource Allocation Problem (TRAP). We highlight some of the mathematical properties of the TRAP which are utilized to enhance the solution process. Another contribution is a modified version of the bi-directional ϵ\epsilon -constraint method especially tailored for our problem. We perform numerical tests on industrial test cases generated for our class of problem which indicates computational superiority of our method over conventional solution approaches. In Paper II (Robust optimization of a bi-objective tactical resource allocation problem with uncertain qualification costs), we address the uncertainty in the coefficients of one of the objective functions considered in the bi-objective TRAP. We propose a new bi-objective robust efficiency concept and highlight its benefits over existing robust efficiency concepts. We also suggest a solution approach for identifying all the relevant robust efficient (RE) solutions. Our proposed approach is significantly faster than an existing approach for robust bi-objective optimization problems

    Optimisation du développement de nouveaux produits dans l'industrie pharmaceutique par algorithme génétique multicritère

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    Le développement de nouveaux produits constitue une priorité stratégique de l'industrie pharmaceutique, en raison de la présence d'incertitudes, de la lourdeur des investissements mis en jeu, de l'interdépendance entre projets, de la disponibilité limitée des ressources, du nombre très élevé de décisions impliquées dû à la longueur des processus (de l'ordre d'une dizaine d'années) et de la nature combinatoire du problème. Formellement, le problème se pose ainsi : sélectionner des projets de Ret D parmi des projets candidats pour satisfaire plusieurs critères (rentabilité économique, temps de mise sur le marché) tout en considérant leur nature incertaine. Plus précisément, les points clés récurrents sont relatifs à la détermination des projets à développer une fois que les molécules cibles sont identifiées, leur ordre de traitement et le niveau de ressources à affecter. Dans ce contexte, une approche basée sur le couplage entre un simulateur à événements discrets stochastique (approche Monte Carlo) pour représenter la dynamique du système et un algorithme d'optimisation multicritère (de type NSGA II) pour choisir les produits est proposée. Un modèle par objets développé précédemment pour la conception et l'ordonnancement d'ateliers discontinus, de réutilisation aisée tant par les aspects de structure que de logique de fonctionnement, a été étendu pour intégrer le cas de la gestion de nouveaux produits. Deux cas d'étude illustrent et valident l'approche. Les résultats de simulation ont mis en évidence l'intérêt de trois critères d'évaluation de performance pour l'aide à la décision : le bénéfice actualisé d'une séquence, le risque associé et le temps de mise sur le marché. Ils ont été utilisés dans la formulation multiobjectif du problème d'optimisation. Dans ce contexte, des algorithmes génétiques sont particulièrement intéressants en raison de leur capacité à conduire directement au front de Pareto et à traiter l'aspect combinatoire. La variante NSGA II a été adaptée au problème pour prendre en compte à la fois le nombre et l'ordre de lancement des produits dans une séquence. A partir d'une analyse bicritère réalisée pour un cas d'étude représentatif sur différentes paires de critères pour l'optimisation bi- et tri-critère, la stratégie d'optimisation s'avère efficace et particulièrement élitiste pour détecter les séquences à considérer par le décideur. Seules quelques séquences sont détectées. Parmi elles, les portefeuilles à nombre élevé de produits provoquent des attentes et des retards au lancement ; ils sont éliminés par la stratégie d'optimistaion bicritère. Les petits portefeuilles qui réduisent les files d'attente et le temps de lancement sont ainsi préférés. Le temps se révèle un critère important à optimiser simultanément, mettant en évidence tout l'intérêt d'une optimisation tricritère. Enfin, l'ordre de lancement des produits est une variable majeure comme pour les problèmes d'ordonnancement d'atelier. ABSTRACT : New Product Development (NPD) constitutes a challenging problem in the pharmaceutical industry, due to the characteristics of the development pipeline, namely, the presence of uncertainty, the high level of the involved capital costs, the interdependency between projects, the limited availability of resources, the overwhelming number of decisions due to the length of the time horizon (about 10 years) and the combinatorial nature of a portfolio. Formally, the NPD problem can be stated as follows: select a set of R and D projects from a pool of candidate projects in order to satisfy several criteria (economic profitability, time to market) while copying with the uncertain nature of the projects. More precisely, the recurrent key issues are to determine the projects to develop once target molecules have been identified, their order and the level of resources to assign. In this context, the proposed approach combines discrete event stochastic simulation (Monte Carlo approach) with multiobjective genetic algorithms (NSGA II type, Non-Sorted Genetic Algorithm II) to optimize the highly combinatorial portfolio management problem. An object-oriented model previously developed for batch plant scheduling and design is then extended to embed the case of new product management, which is particularly adequate for reuse of both structure and logic. Two case studies illustrate and validate the approach. From this simulation study, three performance evaluation criteria must be considered for decision making: the Net Present Value (NPV) of a sequence, its associated risk defined as the number of positive occurrences of NPV among the samples and the time to market. Theyv have been used in the multiobjective optimization formulation of the problem. In that context, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are particularly attractive for treating this kind of problem, due to their ability to directly lead to the so-called Pareto front and to account for the combinatorial aspect. NSGA II has been adapted to the treated case for taking into account both the number of products in a sequence and the drug release order. From an analysis performed for a representative case study on the different pairs of criteria both for the bi- and tricriteria optimization, the optimization strategy turns out to be efficient and particularly elitist to detect the sequences which can be considered by the decision makers. Only a few sequences are detected. Among theses sequences, large portfolios cause resource queues and delays time to launch and are eliminated by the bicriteria optimization strategy. Small portfolio reduces queuing and time to launch appear as good candidates. The optimization strategy is interesting to detect the sequence candidates. Time is an important criterion to consider simultaneously with NPV and risk criteria. The order in which drugs are released in the pipeline is of great importance as with scheduling problems

    Precoder Design for Physical Layer Multicasting

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    This paper studies the instantaneous rate maximization and the weighted sum delay minimization problems over a K-user multicast channel, where multiple antennas are available at the transmitter as well as at all the receivers. Motivated by the degree of freedom optimality and the simplicity offered by linear precoding schemes, we consider the design of linear precoders using the aforementioned two criteria. We first consider the scenario wherein the linear precoder can be any complex-valued matrix subject to rank and power constraints. We propose cyclic alternating ascent based precoder design algorithms and establish their convergence to respective stationary points. Simulation results reveal that our proposed algorithms considerably outperform known competing solutions. We then consider a scenario in which the linear precoder can be formed by selecting and concatenating precoders from a given finite codebook of precoding matrices, subject to rank and power constraints. We show that under this scenario, the instantaneous rate maximization problem is equivalent to a robust submodular maximization problem which is strongly NP hard. We propose a deterministic approximation algorithm and show that it yields a bicriteria approximation. For the weighted sum delay minimization problem we propose a simple deterministic greedy algorithm, which at each step entails approximately maximizing a submodular set function subject to multiple knapsack constraints, and establish its performance guarantee.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Trans. Signal Pro

    Multiobjective optimization of New Product Development in the pharmaceutical industry

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    New Product Development (NPD) constitutes a challenging problem in the pharmaceutical industry, due to the characteristics of the development pipeline, namely, the presence of uncertainty, the high level of the involved capital costs, the interdependency between projects, the limited availability of resources, the overwhelming number of decisions due to the length of the time horizon (about 10 years) and the combinatorial nature of a portfolio. Formally, the NPD problem can be stated as follows: select a set of R and D projects from a pool of candidate projects in order to satisfy several criteria (economic profitability, time to market) while copying with the uncertain nature of the projects. More precisely, the recurrent key issues are to determine the projects to develop once target molecules have been identified, their order and the level of resources to assign. In this context, the proposed approach combines discrete event stochastic simulation (Monte Carlo approach) with multiobjective genetic algorithms (NSGA II type, Non-Sorted Genetic Algorithm II) to optimize the highly combinatorial portfolio management problem. An object-oriented model previously developed for batch plant scheduling and design is then extended to embed the case of new product management, which is particularly adequate for reuse of both structure and logic. Two case studies illustrate and validate the approach. From this simulation study, three performance evaluation criteria must be considered for decision making: the Net Present Value (NPV) of a sequence, its associated risk defined as the number of positive occurrences of NPV among the samples and the time to market. Theyv have been used in the multiobjective optimization formulation of the problem. In that context, Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are particularly attractive for treating this kind of problem, due to their ability to directly lead to the so-called Pareto front and to account for the combinatorial aspect. NSGA II has been adapted to the treated case for taking into account both the number of products in a sequence and the drug release order. From an analysis performed for a representative case study on the different pairs of criteria both for the bi- and tricriteria optimization, the optimization strategy turns out to be efficient and particularly elitist to detect the sequences which can be considered by the decision makers. Only a few sequences are detected. Among theses sequences, large portfolios cause resource queues and delays time to launch and are eliminated by the bicriteria optimization strategy. Small portfolio reduces queuing and time to launch appear as good candidates. The optimization strategy is interesting to detect the sequence candidates. Time is an important criterion to consider simultaneously with NPV and risk criteria. The order in which drugs are released in the pipeline is of great importance as with scheduling problems

    Mathematical Multi-Objective Optimization of the Tactical Allocation of Machining Resources in Functional Workshops

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    In the aerospace industry, efficient management of machining capacity is crucial to meet the required service levels to customers and to maintain control of the tied-up working capital. We introduce new multi-item, multi-level capacitated resource allocation models with a medium--to--long--term planning horizon. The model refers to functional workshops where costly and/or time- and resource-demanding preparations (or qualifications) are required each time a product needs to be (re)allocated to a machining resource. Our goal is to identify possible product routings through the factory which minimize the maximum excess resource loading above a given loading threshold while incurring as low qualification costs as possible and minimizing the inventory.In Paper I, we propose a new bi-objective mixed-integer (linear) optimization model for the Tactical Resource Allocation Problem (TRAP). We highlight some of the mathematical properties of the TRAP which are utilized to enhance the solution process. In Paper II, we address the uncertainty in the coefficients of one of the objective functions considered in the bi-objective TRAP. We propose a new bi-objective robust efficiency concept and highlight its benefits over existing robust efficiency concepts. In Paper III, we extend the TRAP with an inventory of semi-finished as well as finished parts, resulting in a tri-objective mixed-integer (linear) programming model. We create a criterion space partitioning approach that enables solving sub-problems simultaneously. In Paper IV, using our knowledge from our previous work we embarked upon a task to generalize our findings to develop an approach for any discrete tri-objective optimization problem. The focus is on identifying a representative set of non-dominated points with a pre-defined desired coverage gap