981,586 research outputs found

    Learning from Data with Heterogeneous Noise using SGD

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    We consider learning from data of variable quality that may be obtained from different heterogeneous sources. Addressing learning from heterogeneous data in its full generality is a challenging problem. In this paper, we adopt instead a model in which data is observed through heterogeneous noise, where the noise level reflects the quality of the data source. We study how to use stochastic gradient algorithms to learn in this model. Our study is motivated by two concrete examples where this problem arises naturally: learning with local differential privacy based on data from multiple sources with different privacy requirements, and learning from data with labels of variable quality. The main contribution of this paper is to identify how heterogeneous noise impacts performance. We show that given two datasets with heterogeneous noise, the order in which to use them in standard SGD depends on the learning rate. We propose a method for changing the learning rate as a function of the heterogeneity, and prove new regret bounds for our method in two cases of interest. Experiments on real data show that our method performs better than using a single learning rate and using only the less noisy of the two datasets when the noise level is low to moderate

    Model Keberhasilan Belajar Mahasiswa Menggunakan Learning Management System (Studi Pada Mahasiswa S1 Program Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Brawijaya Angkatan 2012)

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    The development of Information Technology (IT) is rapidly increasing, making the learning needs of IT use can not be avoided. Learning Management System (LMS) is part of E-Learning and is expected to help improve student learning success. The purpose of this study to analyze and explain the influence of Model Success Student Learning Using a Learning Management System that is measured using the variables or Information Systems Success Model DeLone and McLean (2003) consists of Quality Systems, Information Quality, Service Quality, The Use of LMS, Satisfaction Students, and Students Performance. Methods of study used a descriptive and explanatory research methods with quantitative approaches. This study used a questionnaire instrument. The samples used were 90 respondents. Conclusions from the analysis and processing of data this study found that the variables of quality systems and service quality variables significantly influence the use of LMS and student satisfaction, variable of use of the LMS and student satisfaction variable also have a significant effect on the student performance, and the variable use of the LMS significant effect on student satisfaction. While no significant results were found between the information quality variable on the use of the LMS and student satisfaction variable

    Learning Object Categories From Internet Image Searches

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    In this paper, we describe a simple approach to learning models of visual object categories from images gathered from Internet image search engines. The images for a given keyword are typically highly variable, with a large fraction being unrelated to the query term, and thus pose a challenging environment from which to learn. By training our models directly from Internet images, we remove the need to laboriously compile training data sets, required by most other recognition approaches-this opens up the possibility of learning object category models “on-the-fly.” We describe two simple approaches, derived from the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (pLSA) technique for text document analysis, that can be used to automatically learn object models from these data. We show two applications of the learned model: first, to rerank the images returned by the search engine, thus improving the quality of the search engine; and second, to recognize objects in other image data sets


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    ABSTRACT WISNU ANGGITA. The Influence of Learning Media Quality of the Result in Teaching Sosial Studies for VII Grade at SMPN 3 Cibitung. Scientific Paper, Jakarta: Study Program of Economi Education. Concentration of Cooperative Economi Education. Departement of Economics and Administration. Faculty of Economics. State University of Jakarta. 2013. The aim of this research is to determine whether there is influence between the quality of learning media with outcomer of student learning social and determine now closely the influence of learning media quality with outcomes o student learning social of SMPN 3 Cibitung grade. This research, conducted for 4 months from September to December 2012. The method of research used is survey method with correlation approach, while the data is got from instrument to students class VII at SMPN 3 Cibitung. The populations research were all of students with total 292, with 86 students for sampling. variable data Y (the Result in Teaching Sosial Studies) and variable data X (Learning Media Quality) is primer data from questionnaire. The analysis test by finding regression aquation, that is Y =15,18+0,430X. After that, data normality test by using Lilliefors formula and the result is L count = 0,095 while L table for n=86 in significant level 0,05 is 0,095. So Lcount Ftable (3,96) showing that, is has significance regression. While regression linierity test, Fcount (0,97) ttable (1,67) The result of this research is that there is positive influence between the learning media quality with the result in teaching social Studies. Beside that the result of determination coeficient test is 0,3053. This mean that the quality of learning media quality (X) can give 30,53% contribution to the result of teaching social studie

    Effects of School Organizational Climate and Teaching Quality on Student Learning Achievement in North Ende District, Eastern Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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    The problem underlying the implementation of this research was related to the assumption that the decreasing student achievement in North Ende District, Ende Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia, was caused by the less professional School Organizational Climate and Teaching Quality. This research used a survey method with a quantitative approach. The sampling was done randomly, involving 107 teachers from the total population of 160 teachers and 107 students from the total population of 350 students. Data were collected through the instruments of Likert-scale questionnaires and the lists of high school students’ scores in the fourth and fifth semesters of 2017/ 2018 academic year. Data analysis was conducted using Pearson-Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression. The variables in this research included two independent variables, namely school organizational climate (Variable X1) and teaching quality (Variable X2), and one dependent variable, namely student learning achievement (Variable Y) in North Ende District. The analysis results of this research showed that the School Organizational Climate variable (X1) had a positive and significant effect of 0.454 (45.5%) on Learning Achievement (Y) and the Teaching Quality variable (X2) had a positive and significant effect of 0.632 (63.2%) on Learning Achievement (Y). Accumulatively, the Student Learning Achievement (Y) in schools were influenced by the Organizational Climate and Teaching Quality of 0.447 (44.7%) while the remaining 55.3% was not the focus of this research. We suggest (1) the principals, teachers, and students establish good relationship each other so as to create a harmonious work climate, (2) the teachers improve teaching quality through education and training, courses and seminars, and (3) the principals provide opportunities for teachers to continue their education to a higher level. Keywords: School Organizational Climate, Teaching Quality, and Student Learning Achievemen

    Penerapan Model Discovery Learning untuk Meningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    skills at SMPN 10 Mataram class 8-J Civics learning is the goal of this research with the type of classroom action research in two cycles. Each cycle in this research consists of 4 (four) stages, namely (1) planning stage; (2) implementation stage; (3) the observation stage; and (4) the reflection stage. The results showed that the first cycle of data, the number of indicators for the action variable, namely the Discovery Learning , was 37 descriptors that appeared as many as 29 descriptors. The percentage of the emergence of critical thinking skills which is the variable of hope is 22 people (68.7%) from 32 people. Based on the data from the first cycle, which shows that the performance indicators of the expectation variable and the action variable have not been achieved, a reflection is carried out to examine the achievement of the predetermined performance indicators. From this reflection, the input in the form of learning devices was improved so that in the second cycle the quality of the learning process also increased by 37 descriptors (100%). The increase in the quality of the action variable was also followed by an increase in the expectation variable, namely students' critical thinking to 26 students (81.2%). From the results of this study, it was stated that the application of the discovery learning in Civics learning was able to improve the critical thinking skills of 8-J grade students of SMPN 10 Mataram. 


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of Online Learning Media on the effectiveness of Student Learning in SMPN 13 Sukabumi. This research has been carried out from November to December 2022. The method in this study is to use quantitative research methods with operationalvariable approach or the influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Sampling technique in this study is to use Proposive sampling. Instrument in this study used a closed questionnaire with likert scale form. Data analysis techniques used in this study validity test, reliability test, normality test, determination, regression, and hypothesis test F. The results found in this study that there is a significant influence between the independent variable is the quality of instructional Media with the effectiveness of Student Learning in SMPN 13 Sukabumi. The results of this calculation is to use the SPSS program which is presented as follows: Based on the results of the study showed that from the calculation data, it was concluded that the independent variables (X) simultaneously affect the dependent variable (Y). With the value of pegaruhnya between variables X and Y is equal to 36.3%, based on the value of R square. So according to the researcher that the independent variable (X) is the quality and dependent variable (Y) effectiveness there is a significant influence because of the variable X and variable Y

    Success Measurement of E-Learning Spada Wimaya at Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta Using Delone and Mclean Model Approach

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    Purpose: This study aims to measure success and determine the factors that support or hinder the success of the e-learning SPADA Wimaya.Method: This study adapts the development of the DeLone and McLean Model 2003. The data used are primary data obtained from the answers of 387 users of the e-learning SPADA Wimaya Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta University as respondents in the distributed questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were processed using SPSS to test descriptive of the data. After that, the data is processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for testing the inner model and outer model which includes hypothesis testing through SmartPLS software.Result: Of the nine proposed hypotheses, six were accepted and the other three were rejected. Because not all variables affect each other significantly, the e-learning SPADA Wimaya is declared to have not been successful. The factors that hinder the success of the e-learning SPADA Wimaya are the security indicator on the system quality variable, responsive indicator on the service quality variable and communication effectiveness on the net benefit variable