682,605 research outputs found

    Future Transport Concepts: - in a Supply Chain Learning Perspective

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    This paper presents an action research project carried out in co-operation with two Danish transport companies. The project is part of a larger project ‘Future Transport Concepts’ which is running si- multaneously in four different transport companies with the purpose of initiating a concept driven pro- cess towards the development of future transport concepts. The paper discusses how the concept of action research may be a desirable method for installing or- ganisational learning processes along the supply chains with the focal focus on the transport compa- nies and their networks. It discusses the results, the method and the researchers’ roles as active facili- tators in initiating learning processes. It is shown how the actors within the organisations formed are- nas for learning across old boundaries, space and time in order to develop processes of supply chain learning


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    Rendahnya kemampuan literasi matematis dan pentingnya memiliki habits of mind matematis bagi siswa kelas VIII SMP merupakan landasan penelitian ini, dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi dan habits of mind matematis melalui pembelajaran inquiry co-operation model. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen kuasi dengan desain non-equivalen control group design. Pembelajaran inquiry co-operation model diberikan kepada 35 siswa kelas eksperimen, sementara 35 siswa kelas kontrol diberikan pembelajaran biasa. Siswa kelas VIII SMP kota Bandung yang dipilih melalui teknik purposive sampling. Siswa mengerjakan tes kemampuan literasi matematis pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar, skala habits of mind matematis, dan jurnal harian. Instrumen lainnya adalah lembar observasi dan wawancara. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa: a) peningkatan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik secara signifikan daripada siswa kelas kontrol bila ditinjau secara keseluruhan dan KAM (tinggi dan sedang); b) tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan peningkatan kemampuan literasi matematis siswa kelas eksperimen ditinjau dari KAM; c) pencapaian habits of mind matematis siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik secara signifikan daripada siswa kelas kontrol bila ditinjau secara keseluruhan dan KAM; d) terdapat perbedaan signifikan pencapaian habits of mind matematis siswa kelas eksperimen ditinjau dari KAM. Disimpulkan pembelajaran inquiry co-operation model dapat meningkatkan kemampuan literasi dan habits of mind matematis.;---Low ability of mathematical literacy and the importance of having habits of mind for grade VIII at one of state junior high school in Bandung were the foundation of this study. The aim of this study is developing mathematical literacy ability and habits of mind through inquiry co-operation model learning. This study used quasi experiment method with non-equivalent control group design. Inquiry co-operation model learning was given to 35 students in experimental class; meanwhile 35 students in controlled class were treated by teaching and learning activity as usual. They were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Students did mathematical literacy ability test at polyhedron subject, scale of the mathematical habits of mind and daily journal. Other instruments were observation sheet and interview. The results of the study showed that: a) the development of mathematical literacy ability in the experimental class is significantly better than the controlled class when reviewed in entirety and KAM (high and medium); b) there is no significant difference in developing of mathematical literacy ability in experimental class viewed from KAM; c) achievement of mathematical habits of mind in experimental class is significantly better than controlled class when reviewed in entirety and KAM d) there is a significant difference in achieving of mathematical habits of mind in experimental class viewed from KAM. It is concluded that inquiry co-operation model learning can develop mathematical literacy ability and habits of mind

    Lasten huolista puhuen hyviin käytäntöihin kodin ja koulun yhteistyönä

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    Opinnäytetyö tehtiin pilottihankkeena yhteistyössä Sosiaali- ja terveysalan tutkimus- ja kehittämislaitoksen (Stakes) ja Nurmijärven kunnan Isoniitun koulun kanssa. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää kyselyjen avulla viidesluokkalaisten ja heidän vanhempiensa huolten aiheita ja pohtia hyviä käytäntöjä huolien vähentämiseksi. Tarkoituksena oli myös kartoittaa mitä koululaiset, kotiaikuiset ja kouluaikuiset voivat tehdä yhdessä huolien vähentämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa on tehty kyselyt myös Isoniitun opettajille ja Steinerkoulun oppilashuoltoryhmälle. Steinerkoulu valittiin siksi, että koulun toimintaideologia on erilainen kuin tavallisessa suomalaisessa koulujärjestelmässä. Vertailu tuo työhön erilaista pedagogista näkökulmaa. Nykyisin kouluissa on käytössä erilaisia tapoja kodin ja koulun yhteistyössä kuten esimerkiksi vanhempainillat, kolmikantakeskustelut ja vanhempainvartit. Tämän opinnäytetyön pyrkimyksenä oli luoda uusi käytäntö ala-aste ikäisten lasten ja heidän vanhempiensa huolien kartoittamiseen ja hyvien käytäntöjen pohtimiseen Learning cafe–menetelmää käyttäen. Menetelmää ei ole koulumaailmassa aikaisemmin käytetty eikä viidesluokkalaisiin kohdennettuja aikaisempia tutkimuksia ole tiedossa. Tarkoituksena oli myös löytää keino varhaiseen puuttumiseen mielekkäällä tavalla ennen kuin lasten pienistä huolista tulee niin suuria, että omat ratkaisukeinot eivät enää riitä. Tutkimuskysymyksinä olivat; Mitä huolen aiheita viidesluokkalaisilla lapsilla on ja miten lasten huolia voidaan vähentää? Mitä huolen aiheita viidesluokkalaisten vanhemmilla on ja miten heidän huolia voidaan vähentää? Miten kotiaikuiset ja kouluaikuiset voivat edistää yhdessä lasten hyvinvointia? Laadullinen tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysiä käyttäen. Tutkimusmenetelminä olivat havainnointi lasten ja aikuisten Learning cafe -tilaisuuksissa sekä koteihin ja opettajille lähetetyt kyselylomakkeet. Tulokset perustuvat lasten ja koti- ja kouluaikuisten kyselyistä saatuihin tuloksiin. Pieni muotoisen tutkimuksemme tulosten mukaan lasten sekä aikuisten suurimpana huolen aiheena ovat läksyt, kokeet, arvosanat, aikuisten vähäinen aika ja kaverisuhteet. Menetelmänä Learning cafe koettiin innostavana ja erilaisena keinona nykyisiin menetelmiin verrattuna. Menetelmällä saadaan osallistujat keskustelemaan avoimesti asioista ja myös pohtimaan vaihtoehtoja huolien ratkaisemiseksi. Menetelmän avulla myös kaikki osapuolet voivat tulla kuulluksi samanaikaisesti joka lisää motivaatiota yhteistyöhön. Erityisesti lasten cafe osoitti, että lapsilla on jo tässä iässä varsin mielekkäitä ja syvällisiä ajatuksia. Lapset osaavat pohtia omien huoliensa suuruus astetta ja heillä on myös rakentavia ehdotuksia huolien helpottamiseksi, hyviksi käytännöiksi. Huolia kyselyssä pohdittiin asteikolla; pienet huolet, harmaan alueen huolet ja suuret huolet. Aikuisten kohdalla niukka osallistuminen, vain kolme vanhempaa, Learning cafe–tilaisuuteen oli yllätys, mutta ne jotka osallistuivat, olivat tyytyväisiä kokemaansa. Kyselyjen perusteella aikuiset toivovat uusia keinoja kodin ja koulun yhteistyöhön. Jatkossa kannattaa miettiä Learning cafen toteuttamista yhdessä lasten ja vanhempien kanssa, jolloin he pääsisivät miettimään hyviä käytäntöjä yhteisille huolille. Yhdessä pohtien molemmilla osapuolilla olisi mahdollisuus tulla kuulluksi ja yhteistyötä voisi olla helpompi tehdä niin lasten ja aikuisten kuin koulu ja kodinkin välillä. Mielenkiintoista olisi myös selvittää miten lasten ja aikuisten hyvät käytännöt ovat jalkautuneet arkeen. Onko niihin helppo viitata esimerkiksi koulun arkityössä, kun lapset kokevat painetta läksyjen tai kokeiden takia. Muistuttavatko lapset toisiaan yhdessä laadituista käytännöistä.Reaching good practices via discussions on concerns of children in co-operation between home and school This research was conducted as a pilot project in co-operation with National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (Stakes) and Isoniittu School in Nurmijärvi. The goal was to investigate the concerns of fifth graders and their parents and to consider good practices for reducing them by using specific questionnaires. A Goal was also to survey what pupils, adults at home and adults at school can do together to reduce the concerns. Questionnaires were also sent to the teachers of Isoniittu and pupil welfare team of Steiner School. Steiner School was chosen as its ideology differs from common ideology in the Finnish School system. This comparison brought different pedagogical perspective to the subject. Currently there are several different ways of co-operation between home and school, such as parents' evenings, tripartite discussions and parents’ quarters. The purpose of the this re-search was to create a new practice for surveying the concerns of children in primary school and their parents as well as for discussing good practices by using Learning Café method.There are also no known researches focusing on the fifth graders. The Purpose was also to find a means to enable early interference in children’s concerns in a meaningful way in order to prevent those concerns becoming too big and irresolvable by the child´s own means. The research questions were: What are the concerns of fifth graders and how could these concerns of children be reduced? What are the concerns of the parents of fifth graders and how could their concerns be reduced? How can adults at home and adults at school in co-operation improve well-being of children? Qualitative research material was ana-lyzed by utilizing content analysis. Observation of children and adults in Learning Café events as well as questionnaires sent to homes and teachers were used as research methods. Results are based on the results from questionnaires for children and adults at home and school. Homework, exams and grades in addition to adults’ lack of time and friendships are the major concerns of children and adults according to the results. Learning Café method was perceived inspiring and different compared to current methods. This method facilitates open discussion and drives participants into discussing options for resolving concerns. This method also allows all parties to be heard simultaneously which increases the motivation for co-operation. Espe-cially children’s café proved that children of this age already do have fairly meaningful and profound thoughts. Children are able to deliberate the magnitude of their concerns and they have constructive proposals for relieving those concerns, in becoming good practices. Concerns were deliberated in the questionnaire with the following grading; small concerns, grey area concerns and big concerns. The modest participation of adults in Learning Café event, only three (3) adults, was a surprise. However, those who participated were pleased with the experience. According to the questionnaire adults wish for new methods for co-operation between home and school. Further research could include execution of Learning Café together with children and par-ents. This way they would have an opportunity to consider good practices for common con-cerns. This way both parties would be heard and co-operation would be easier between chil-dren and adults as well as between school and home. It would also be interesting to find out how the good practices of children and adults have been implemented in the everyday rou-tine. Are they easy to refer to, for example, in everyday work at school when children are experiencing the pressure of homework and exams? Do children remind of each other of the jointly prepared and agreed practices? Key words: parenthood, early interference, dialog, bringing concern into discussion, good practices

    Learning in International Governmental Organizations:The Case of Social Protection

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    There exists considerable research on how national policy makers learn from abroad. A significant amount examines the processes and actors at work at the international level. In that strand, relatively little attention has gone to international governmental organizations (IGOs), aside from the European Union (EU)\u27s Open Method of Coordination. In this article, we carry out a comparative study of learning in three IGOs: the EU, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Our policy area is social protection. We investigate what is being learned, and the factors that promote or block learning. Our methodology involves an analysis of the formal design of those IGOs and face-to-face interviews with high-ranking bureaucrats from each organization. We observe, first, that the most important learning in IGOs concerns matters that are not part of formal agendas - governance and epistemic issues above all. Second, we see that very different factors promote or block learning in different organizations. We reflect on the implications of these findings for both theory and practice. © The Author(s), 2010


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    Berdasarkan situasi dan kondisi pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani olahraga dan kesehatan di sekolah, khususnya pelaksanaan pembelajaran permainan dan olahraga bola besar beregu pada materi pasing bawah permainan bolavoli dan kerjasama siswa kelas VII di SMP Laboratorium-Percontohan UPI Kampus Cibiru, pembelajaran dirasakan belum berjalan maksimal. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya (1) kondisi peserta didik, (2) pendidik itu sendiri, dan (3) sarana prasarana. Data awal menunjukan persentase hasil belajar kelas tujuh dengan jumlah peserta didik 28 siswa diperoleh data 80% siswa memperoleh nilai dibawah kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) pada aspek keterampilan gerak dasar pasing bawah dan kerjasama pada materi permainan bolavoli, sedangkan KKM untuk materi tersebut adalah 75. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian tindakan dari Kemmis dan Mc Taggart (1988). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk mengukur hasil belajar adalah observasi terhadap keterampilan gerak dasar pasing bawah dan kerjasama peserta didik pada pelaksanaan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) yang telah divalidasi oleh akhli, sedangkan persentase digunakan sebagai teknik analisis data. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan penelitian tindakan dengan tiga siklus diperoleh data hasil penghitungan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pada siklus pertama sebesar 63%, siklus kedua 39%, dan siklus ketiga 10% peserta didik yang dibawah KKM. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa implementasi model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan keterampilan gerak dasar pasing bawah dan kerjasama siswa pada permainan bolavoli dengan optimal. This thesis entitled "Implementation Type STAD Cooperative Learning Model To Improve Motor Basic Skills of volleyball forearm Pass and pupils Cooperation in Junior High School Physical Education Lesson". Under the circumstances of sport and physical education lessons in school, in particular the implementation of the game sport learning in the material volleyball forearm pass and cooperation in the seven grade of laboratory junior high school UPI campus Cibiru, perceived learning not running optimally. This can be caused by several factors, including (1) the condition of the students, (2) educators themselves, and (3) infrastructure. Preliminary data shows the percentage of seventh grade learning outcomes with 28 student enrollment data showed 80% of students received grades below the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) on aspects of basic motor skills and co-operation in volleyball forearm pass material, while the chief engineer for the material is 75. The research method used is the method of Kemmis and Mc Taggart action research (1988). Data collection techniques used to measure learning outcomes is the observation of basic motor skills and co-operation on students volleyball forearm pass material in the implementation of cooperative learning model Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) which has been validated by the expert, while the percentage used as a data analysis technique. Based on the implementation of the action research with three cycles of data obtained by the calculation that results in an increase by 63% the first cycle, the second cycle of 39%, and 10% the third cycle students are under the KKM. These results indicate that the implementation of the STAD cooperative learning model to improve basic motor skills and co-operation of students forearm pass on volleyball game optimally

    On Addressing Heterogeneity in Federated Learning for Autonomous Vehicles Connected to a Drone Orchestrator

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    In this paper we envision a federated learning (FL) scenario in service of amending the performance of autonomous road vehicles, through a drone traffic monitor (DTM), that also acts as an orchestrator. Expecting non-IID data distribution, we focus on the issue of accelerating the learning of a particular class of critical object (CO), that may harm the nominal operation of an autonomous vehicle. This can be done through proper allocation of the wireless resources for addressing learner and data heterogeneity. Thus, we propose a reactive method for the allocation of wireless resources, that happens dynamically each FL round, and is based on each learner’s contribution to the general model. In addition to this, we explore the use of static methods that remain constant across all rounds. Since we expect partial work from each learner, we use the FedProx FL algorithm, in the task of computer vision. For testing, we construct a non-IID data distribution of the MNIST and FMNIST datasets among four types of learners, in scenarios that represent the quickly changing environment. The results show that proactive measures are effective and versatile at improving system accuracy, and quickly learning the CO class when underrepresented in the network. Furthermore, the experiments show a tradeoff between FedProx intensity and resource allocation efforts. Nonetheless, a well adjusted FedProx local optimizer allows for an even better overall accuracy, particularly when using deeper neural network (NN) implementations

    Inversion for Refractivity Parameters Using a Dynamic Adaptive Cuckoo Search with Crossover Operator Algorithm

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    Using the RFC technique to estimate refractivity parameters is a complex nonlinear optimization problem. In this paper, an improved cuckoo search (CS) algorithm is proposed to deal with this problem. To enhance the performance of the CS algorithm, a parameter dynamic adaptive operation and crossover operation were integrated into the standard CS (DACS-CO). Rechenberg’s 1/5 criteria combined with learning factor were used to control the parameter dynamic adaptive adjusting process. The crossover operation of genetic algorithm was utilized to guarantee the population diversity. The new hybrid algorithm has better local search ability and contributes to superior performance. To verify the ability of the DACS-CO algorithm to estimate atmospheric refractivity parameters, the simulation data and real radar clutter data are both implemented. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the DACS-CO algorithm can provide an effective method for near-real-time estimation of the atmospheric refractivity profile from radar clutter

    Jigsaw puzzle to teach anatomy to first year MBBS students

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    Background: Anatomy provides a platform of knowledge indispensable to all the branches of medicine. Students have to learn many new concepts and tongue-twisting terminologies, making this subject difficult to comprehend. It has been seen that a range of innovative, proactive, simple, hands-on approach strategies can achieve maximum student engagement and help them learn. Aim is to take students from the traditional view of anatomy as a subject that require surface learning (rote learning, memorization) to one that can lead to deep learning through understanding. Keeping all this in mind a study was planned to develop an innovative method of teaching anatomy to 1st year MBBS students.Methods: The diagrams of sagittal and horizontal sections of the brain were selected, marked and cut into jigsaw pieces. Students were given an incomplete jigsaw puzzle and a set of questions. The answer to these questions helped them complete the puzzle. Perception of students who consented to participate in the study was noted.Results: Out of 98 students who participated in the study 61.2% wanted to participate in similar activities in future in anatomy and 57.1% felt that it helped them in understanding the topic. For 52.1% it was a useful self-learning tool and for another 48.9% students solving the puzzle was a challenging experience.Conclusions: Jigsaw puzzle is an efficient way for students to become engaged in their learning. It maximizes interaction and establishes an atmosphere of co-operation and respect for other students and improves learning