442 research outputs found

    Deep Learning-Based Robotic Perception for Adaptive Facility Disinfection

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    Hospitals, schools, airports, and other environments built for mass gatherings can become hot spots for microbial pathogen colonization, transmission, and exposure, greatly accelerating the spread of infectious diseases across communities, cities, nations, and the world. Outbreaks of infectious diseases impose huge burdens on our society. Mitigating the spread of infectious pathogens within mass-gathering facilities requires routine cleaning and disinfection, which are primarily performed by cleaning staff under current practice. However, manual disinfection is limited in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency, as it is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and health-undermining. While existing studies have developed a variety of robotic systems for disinfecting contaminated surfaces, those systems are not adequate for intelligent, precise, and environmentally adaptive disinfection. They are also difficult to deploy in mass-gathering infrastructure facilities, given the high volume of occupants. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop an adaptive robot system capable of complete and efficient indoor disinfection. The overarching goal of this research is to develop an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled robotic system that adapts to ambient environments and social contexts for precise and efficient disinfection. This would maintain environmental hygiene and health, reduce unnecessary labor costs for cleaning, and mitigate opportunity costs incurred from infections. To these ends, this dissertation first develops a multi-classifier decision fusion method, which integrates scene graph and visual information, in order to recognize patterns in human activity in infrastructure facilities. Next, a deep-learning-based method is proposed for detecting and classifying indoor objects, and a new mechanism is developed to map detected objects in 3D maps. A novel framework is then developed to detect and segment object affordance and to project them into a 3D semantic map for precise disinfection. Subsequently, a novel deep-learning network, which integrates multi-scale features and multi-level features, and an encoder network are developed to recognize the materials of surfaces requiring disinfection. Finally, a novel computational method is developed to link the recognition of object surface information to robot disinfection actions with optimal disinfection parameters

    The Integration of Neuromorphic Computing in Autonomous Robotic Systems

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have come a long way in many cognitive tasks by training on large, labeled datasets. However, this method has problems in places with limited data and energy, like when planetary robots are used or when edge computing is used [1]. In contrast to this data-heavy approach, animals demonstrate an innate ability to learn by communicating with their environment and forming associative memories among events and entities, a process known as associative learning [2-4]. For instance, rats in a T-maze learn to associate different stimuli with outcomes through exploration without needing labeled data [5]. This learning paradigm is crucial to overcoming the challenges of deep learning in environments where data and energy are limited. Taking inspiration from this natural learning process, recent advancements [6, 7] have been made in implementing associative learning in artificial systems. This work introduces a pioneering approach by integrating associative learning utilizing an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) in conjunction with neuromorphic hardware, specifically the XyloA2TestBoard from SynSense, to facilitate online learning scenarios. The system simulates standard associative learning, like the spatial and memory learning observed in rats in a T-maze environment, without any pretraining or labeled datasets. The UGV, akin to the rats in a T-maze, autonomously learns the cause-and-effect relationships between different stimuli, such as visual cues and vibration or audio and visual cues, and demonstrates learned responses through movement. The neuromorphic robot in this system, equipped with SynSense’s neuromorphic chip, processes audio signals with a specialized Spiking Neural Network (SNN) and neural assembly, employing the Hebbian learning rule to adjust synaptic weights throughout the learning period. The XyloA2TestBoard uses little power (17.96 µW on average for logic Analog Front End (AFE) and 213.94 µW for IO circuitry), which shows that neuromorphic chips could work well in places with limited energy, offering a promising direction for advancing associative learning in artificial systems

    Robot Navigation in Human Environments

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    For the near future, we envision service robots that will help us with everyday chores in home, office, and urban environments. These robots need to work in environments that were designed for humans and they have to collaborate with humans to fulfill their tasks. In this thesis, we propose new methods for communicating, transferring knowledge, and collaborating between humans and robots in four different navigation tasks. In the first application, we investigate how automated services for giving wayfinding directions can be improved to better address the needs of the human recipients. We propose a novel method based on inverse reinforcement learning that learns from a corpus of human-written route descriptions what amount and type of information a route description should contain. By imitating the human teachers' description style, our algorithm produces new route descriptions that sound similarly natural and convey similar information content, as we show in a user study. In the second application, we investigate how robots can leverage background information provided by humans for exploring an unknown environment more efficiently. We propose an algorithm for exploiting user-provided information such as sketches or floor plans by combining a global exploration strategy based on the solution of a traveling salesman problem with a local nearest-frontier-first exploration scheme. Our experiments show that the exploration tours are significantly shorter and that our system allows the user to effectively select the areas that the robot should explore. In the second part of this thesis, we focus on humanoid robots in home and office environments. The human-like body plan allows humanoid robots to navigate in environments and operate tools that were designed for humans, making humanoid robots suitable for a wide range of applications. As localization and mapping are prerequisites for all navigation tasks, we first introduce a novel feature descriptor for RGB-D sensor data and integrate this building block into an appearance-based simultaneous localization and mapping system that we adapt and optimize for the usage on humanoid robots. Our optimized system is able to track a real Nao humanoid robot more accurately and more robustly than existing approaches. As the third application, we investigate how humanoid robots can cover known environments efficiently with their camera, for example for inspection or search tasks. We extend an existing next-best-view approach by integrating inverse reachability maps, allowing us to efficiently sample and check collision-free full-body poses. Our approach enables the robot to inspect as much of the environment as possible. In our fourth application, we extend the coverage scenario to environments that also include articulated objects that the robot has to actively manipulate to uncover obstructed regions. We introduce algorithms for navigation subtasks that run highly parallelized on graphics processing units for embedded devices. Together with a novel heuristic for estimating utility maps, our system allows to find high-utility camera poses for efficiently covering environments with articulated objects. All techniques presented in this thesis were implemented in software and thoroughly evaluated in user studies, simulations, and experiments in both artificial and real-world environments. Our approaches advance the state of the art towards universally usable robots in everyday environments.Roboternavigation in menschlichen Umgebungen In naher Zukunft erwarten wir Serviceroboter, die uns im Haushalt, im Büro und in der Stadt alltägliche Arbeiten abnehmen. Diese Roboter müssen in für Menschen gebauten Umgebungen zurechtkommen und sie müssen mit Menschen zusammenarbeiten um ihre Aufgaben zu erledigen. In dieser Arbeit schlagen wir neue Methoden für die Kommunikation, Wissenstransfer und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Menschen und Robotern bei Navigationsaufgaben in vier Anwendungen vor. In der ersten Anwendung untersuchen wir, wie automatisierte Dienste zur Generierung von Wegbeschreibungen verbessert werden können, um die Beschreibungen besser an die Bedürfnisse der Empfänger anzupassen. Wir schlagen eine neue Methode vor, die inverses bestärkendes Lernen nutzt, um aus einem Korpus von von Menschen geschriebenen Wegbeschreibungen zu lernen, wie viel und welche Art von Information eine Wegbeschreibung enthalten sollte. Indem unser Algorithmus den Stil der Wegbeschreibungen der menschlichen Lehrer imitiert, kann der Algorithmus neue Wegbeschreibungen erzeugen, die sich ähnlich natürlich anhören und einen ähnlichen Informationsgehalt vermitteln, was wir in einer Benutzerstudie zeigen. In der zweiten Anwendung untersuchen wir, wie Roboter von Menschen bereitgestellte Hintergrundinformationen nutzen können, um eine bisher unbekannte Umgebung schneller zu erkunden. Wir schlagen einen Algorithmus vor, der Hintergrundinformationen wie Gebäudegrundrisse oder Skizzen nutzt, indem er eine globale Explorationsstrategie basierend auf der Lösung eines Problems des Handlungsreisenden kombiniert mit einer lokalen Explorationsstrategie. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass die Erkundungstouren signifikant kürzer werden und dass der Benutzer mit unserem System effektiv die zu erkundenden Regionen spezifizieren kann. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit konzentriert sich auf humanoide Roboter in Umgebungen zu Hause und im Büro. Der menschenähnliche Körperbau ermöglicht es humanoiden Robotern, in Umgebungen zu navigieren und Werkzeuge zu benutzen, die für Menschen gebaut wurden, wodurch humanoide Roboter für vielfältige Aufgaben einsetzbar sind. Da Lokalisierung und Kartierung Grundvoraussetzungen für alle Navigationsaufgaben sind, führen wir zunächst einen neuen Merkmalsdeskriptor für RGB-D-Sensordaten ein und integrieren diesen Baustein in ein erscheinungsbasiertes simultanes Lokalisierungs- und Kartierungsverfahren, das wir an die Besonderheiten von humanoiden Robotern anpassen und optimieren. Unser System kann die Position eines realen humanoiden Roboters genauer und robuster verfolgen, als es mit existierenden Ansätzen möglich ist. Als dritte Anwendung untersuchen wir, wie humanoide Roboter bekannte Umgebungen effizient mit ihrer Kamera abdecken können, beispielsweise zu Inspektionszwecken oder zum Suchen eines Gegenstands. Wir erweitern ein bestehendes Verfahren, das die nächstbeste Beobachtungsposition berechnet, durch inverse Erreichbarkeitskarten, wodurch wir kollisionsfreie Ganzkörperposen effizient generieren und prüfen können. Unser Ansatz ermöglicht es dem Roboter, so viel wie möglich von der Umgebung zu untersuchen. In unserer vierten Anwendung erweitern wir dieses Szenario um Umgebungen, die auch bewegbare Gegenstände enthalten, die der Roboter aktiv bewegen muss um verdeckte Regionen zu sehen. Wir führen Algorithmen für Teilprobleme ein, die hoch parallelisiert auf Grafikkarten von eingebetteten Systemen ausgeführt werden. Zusammen mit einer neuen Heuristik zur Schätzung von Nutzenkarten ermöglicht dies unserem System Beobachtungspunkte mit hohem Nutzen zu finden, um Umgebungen mit bewegbaren Objekten effizient zu inspizieren. Alle vorgestellten Techniken wurden in Software implementiert und sorgfältig evaluiert in Benutzerstudien, Simulationen und Experimenten in künstlichen und realen Umgebungen. Unsere Verfahren bringen den Stand der Forschung voran in Richtung universell einsetzbarer Roboter in alltäglichen Umgebungen

    Software Engineering 2021 : Fachtagung vom 22.-26. Februar 2021 Braunschweig/virtuell

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    Interfaces for human-centered production and use of computer graphics assets

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    Simulation-Based and Data-Driven Approaches to Industrial Digital Twinning Towards Autonomous Smart Manufacturing Systems

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    A manufacturing paradigm shift from conventional control pyramids to decentralized, service-oriented, and cyber-physical systems (CPSs) is taking place in today’s Industry 4.0 revolution. Generally accepted roles and implementation recipes of cyber systems are expected to be standardized in the future of manufacturing industry. Developing affordable and customizable cyber-physical production system (CPPS) and digital twin implementations infuses new vitality for current Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing initiatives. Specially, Smart Manufacturing systems are currently looking for methods to connect factories to control processes in a more dynamic and open environment by filling the gaps between virtual and physical systems. The work presented in this dissertation first utilizes industrial digital transformation methods for the automation of robotic manufacturing systems, constructing a simulation-based surrogate system as a digital twin to visually represent manufacturing cells, accurately simulate robot behaviors, promptly predict system faults and adaptively control manipulated variables. Then, a CPS-enabled control architecture is presented that accommodates: intelligent information systems involving domain knowledge, empirical model, and simulation; fast and secured industrial communication networks; cognitive automation by rapid signal analytics and machine learning (ML) based feature extraction; and interoperability between machine and human. A successful semantic integration of process indicators is fundamental to future control autonomy. Hence, a product-centered signature mapping approach to automated digital twinning is further presented featuring a hybrid implementation of smart sensing, signature-based 3D shape feature extractor, and knowledge taxonomy. Furthermore, capabilities of members in the family of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) are explored within the context of manufacturing operational control intelligence. Preliminary training results are presented in this work as a trial to incorporate DRL-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) to industrial control processes. The results of this dissertation demonstrate a digital thread of autonomous Smart Manufacturing lifecycle that enables complex signal processing, semantic integration, automatic derivation of manufacturing strategies, intelligent scheduling of operations and virtual verification at a system level. The successful integration of currently available industrial platforms not only provides facile environments for process verification and optimization, but also facilitates derived strategies to be readily deployable to physical shop floor. The dissertation finishes with summary, conclusions, and suggestions for further work

    Elephant Flows Detection Using Deep Neural Network, Convolutional Neural Network, Long Short Term Memory and Autoencoder

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    Currently, the wide spreading of real-time applications such as VoIP and videos-based applications require more data rates and reduced latency to ensure better quality of service (QoS). A well-designed traffic classification mechanism plays a major role for good QoS provision and network security verification. Port-based approaches and deep packet inspections (DPI) techniques have been used to classify and analyze network traffic flows. However, none of these methods can cope with the rapid growth of network traffic due to the increasing number of Internet users and the growth of real time applications. As a result, these methods lead to network congestion, resulting in packet loss, delay and inadequate QoS delivery. Recently, a deep learning approach has been explored to address the time-consumption and impracticality gaps of the above methods and maintain existing and future traffics of real-time applications. The aim of this research is then to design a dynamic traffic classifier that can detect elephant flows to prevent network congestion. Thus, we are motivated to provide efficient bandwidth and fast transmision requirements to many Internet users using SDN capability and the potential of Deep Learning. Specifically, DNN, CNN, LSTM and Deep autoencoder are used to build elephant detection models that achieve an average accuracy of 99.12%, 98.17%, and 98.78%, respectively. Deep autoencoder is also one of the promising algorithms that does not require human class labeler. It achieves an accuracy of 97.95% with a loss of 0.13 . Since the loss value is closer to zero, the performance of the model is good. Therefore, the study has a great importance to Internet service providers, Internet subscribers, as well as for future researchers in this area.Comment: 27 page
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