36 research outputs found

    Semiring neighbours

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    In 1996 Zhou and Hansen proposed a first-order interval logic called Neighbourhood Logic (NL) for specifying liveness and fairness of computing systems and also defining notions of real analysis in terms of expanding modalities. After that, Roy and Zhou presented a sound and relatively complete Duration Calculus as an extension of NL. We present an embedding of NL into an idempotent semiring of intervals. This embedding allows us to extend NL from single intervals to sets of intervals as well as to extend the approach to arbitrary idempotent semirings. We show that most of the required properties follow directly from Galois connections, hence we get the properties for free. As one important result we get that some of the axioms which were postulated for NL can be dropped since they are theorems in our generalisation. Furthermore, we present some possible interpretations for neighbours beyond intervals. Here we discuss for example reachability in graphs and applications to hybrid systems. At the end of the paper we add finite and infinite iteration to NL and extend idempotent semirigs to Kleene algebras and omega algebras. These extensions are useful for formulating repetitive properties and procedures like loops

    Algebras for weighted search

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    Weighted search is an essential component of many fundamental and useful algorithms. Despite this, it is relatively under explored as a computational effect, receiving not nearly as much attention as either depth- or breadth-first search. This paper explores the algebraic underpinning of weighted search, and demonstrates how to implement it as a monad transformer. The development first explores breadth-first search, which can be expressed as a polynomial over semirings. These polynomials are generalised to the free semi module monad to capture a wide range of applications, including probability monads, polynomial monads, and monads for weighted search. Finally, a monad trans-former based on the free semi module monad is introduced. Applying optimisations to this type yields an implementation of pairing heaps, which is then used to implement Dijkstra’s algorithm and efficient probabilistic sampling. The construction is formalised in Cubical Agda and implemented in Haskell

    IFM2005 doctoral symposium on integrated formal methods, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 29, 2005

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    IFM2005 doctoral symposium on integrated formal methods, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 29, 2005

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    Entwurf funktionaler Implementierungen von Graphalgorithmen

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    Classic graph algorithms are usually presented and analysed in imperative programming languages. Imperative programming languages are well-suited for the description of a program flow, in which the order in which the operations are performed is important. One common example of such a description is the successive, typically destructive modification of objects. This kind of iteration often occurs in the context of graph algorithms that deal with a certain kind of optimisation. In functional programming, the order of execution is abstracted and problem solutions are described as compositions of intermediate solutions. Additionally, functional programming languages are referentially transparent and thus destructive updates of objects are discouraged. The development of purely functional graph algorithms begins with the decomposition of a given problem into simpler problems. In many cases the solutions of these partial problems can be used to solve different problems as well. What is more, this compositionality allows exchanging functions for more efficient or more comprehensible versions with little effort. An algebraic approach with a focus on relation algebra as defined by Tarski is used as an intermediate step in this dissertation. One advantage of this approach is the formality of the resulting specifications. Despite their formality, the resulting expressions are still readable, because the algebraic operations have intuitive interpretations. Another advantage is that the specification is executable, once the necessary operations are implemented. This dissertation presents the basics of the algebraic approach in the functional programming language Haskell. Using this foundation, some exemplary graph-theoretic problems are solved in the presented framework. Finally, optimisations of the presented implementations are discussed and pointers are provided to further problems that can be solved using the above methods.Klassische Graphalgorithmen werden ĂŒblicherweise in imperativen Programmiersprachen beschrieben und analysiert. Imperative Programmiersprachen eignen sich gut, um ProgrammablĂ€ufe zu beschreiben, in welchen die Reihenfolge der Operationen wichtig ist. Dies betrifft insbesondere die schrittweise, in der Regel destruktive VerĂ€nderung von Objekten, wie sie hĂ€ufig im Falle von Optimierungsproblemen auf Graphen vorkommt. In der funktionalen Programmierung abstrahiert man von einer festen Berechnungsreihenfolge und beschreibt Problemlösungen als Kompositionen von Teillösungen. Ferner sind funktionale Programmiersprachen referentiell transparent, sodass destruktive VerĂ€nderungen nur bedingt möglich sind. Die Entwicklung rein funktionaler Graphalgorithmen setzt bei der Zerlegung der bestehenden Probleme in einfachere Probleme an. Oftmals können Lösungen dieser Teilprobleme auch in anderen Situationen eingesetzt werden. DarĂŒber hinaus erlaubt es diese KompositionalitĂ€t, einzelne Funktionen mit wenig Aufwand durch effizientere oder verstĂ€ndlichere Fassungen auszutauschen. Als Zwischenschritt in der Entwicklung wird in dieser Dissertation ein algebraischer Ansatz basierend auf der Relationenalgebra im Sinne von Tarski verwendet. Ein Vorteil dieses Ansatzes ist die FormalitĂ€t der entstehenden Spezifikationen. Trotz ihrer FormalitĂ€t bleiben die entstehenden AusdrĂŒcke oft leserlich, weil die algebraischen Operationen anschauliche Interpretationen zulassen. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass Spezifikationen ausfĂŒhrbar werden, sobald bestimmte Basisoperationen implementiert sind. In dieser Dissertation werden Grundlagen einer Implementierung des algebraischen Ansatzes in der funktionalen Programmiersprache Haskell behandelt. Ausgehend hiervon werden exemplarisch einige Probleme der Graphentheorie gelöst. Schließlich werden Optimierungen der vorgestellten Implementierungen und weitere Probleme, welche mit den obigen Methoden lösbar sind, diskutiert

    Graph Algorithms on GPUs

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    This chapter introduces the topic of graph algorithms on GPUs. It starts by presenting and comparing the main important data structures and techniques applied for representing and analysing graphs on GPUs at the state of the art.It then presents the theory and an updated review of the most efficient implementations of graph algorithms for GPUs. In particular, the chapter focuses on graph traversal algorithms (breadth-first search), single-source shortest path(Djikstra, Bellman-Ford, delta stepping, hybrids), and all-pair shortest path (Floyd-Warshall). By the end of the chapter, load balancing and memory access techniques are discussed through an overview of their main issues and management techniques

    Portfolio Approaches in Constraint Programming

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    Recent research has shown that the performance of a single, arbitrarily efficient algorithm can be significantly outperformed by using a portfolio of —possibly on-average slower— algorithms. Within the Constraint Programming (CP) context, a portfolio solver can be seen as a particular constraint solver that exploits the synergy between the constituent solvers of its portfolio for predicting which is (or which are) the best solver(s) to run for solving a new, unseen instance. In this thesis we examine the benefits of portfolio solvers in CP. Despite portfolio approaches have been extensively studied for Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problems, in the more general CP field these techniques have been only marginally studied and used. We conducted this work through the investigation, the analysis and the construction of several portfolio approaches for solving both satisfaction and optimization problems. We focused in particular on sequential approaches, i.e., single-threaded portfolio solvers always running on the same core. We started from a first empirical evaluation on portfolio approaches for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs), and then we improved on it by introducing new data, solvers, features, algorithms, and tools. Afterwards, we addressed the more general Constraint Optimization Problems (COPs) by implementing and testing a number of models for dealing with COP portfolio solvers. Finally, we have come full circle by developing sunny-cp: a sequential CP portfolio solver that turned out to be competitive also in the MiniZinc Challenge, the reference competition for CP solvers

    Implementation and Evaluation of Algorithmic Skeletons: Parallelisation of Computer Algebra Algorithms

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    This thesis presents design and implementation approaches for the parallel algorithms of computer algebra. We use algorithmic skeletons and also further approaches, like data parallel arithmetic and actors. We have implemented skeletons for divide and conquer algorithms and some special parallel loops, that we call ‘repeated computation with a possibility of premature termination’. We introduce in this thesis a rational data parallel arithmetic. We focus on parallel symbolic computation algorithms, for these algorithms our arithmetic provides a generic parallelisation approach. The implementation is carried out in Eden, a parallel functional programming language based on Haskell. This choice enables us to encode both the skeletons and the programs in the same language. Moreover, it allows us to refrain from using two different languages—one for the implementation and one for the interface—for our implementation of computer algebra algorithms. Further, this thesis presents methods for evaluation and estimation of parallel execution times. We partition the parallel execution time into two components. One of them accounts for the quality of the parallelisation, we call it the ‘parallel penalty’. The other is the sequential execution time. For the estimation, we predict both components separately, using statistical methods. This enables very confident estimations, although using drastically less measurement points than other methods. We have applied both our evaluation and estimation approaches to the parallel programs presented in this thesis. We haven also used existing estimation methods. We developed divide and conquer skeletons for the implementation of fast parallel multiplication. We have implemented the Karatsuba algorithm, Strassen’s matrix multiplication algorithm and the fast Fourier transform. The latter was used to implement polynomial convolution that leads to a further fast multiplication algorithm. Specially for our implementation of Strassen algorithm we have designed and implemented a divide and conquer skeleton basing on actors. We have implemented the parallel fast Fourier transform, and not only did we use new divide and conquer skeletons, but also developed a map-and-transpose skeleton. It enables good parallelisation of the Fourier transform. The parallelisation of Karatsuba multiplication shows a very good performance. We have analysed the parallel penalty of our programs and compared it to the serial fraction—an approach, known from literature. We also performed execution time estimations of our divide and conquer programs. This thesis presents a parallel map+reduce skeleton scheme. It allows us to combine the usual parallel map skeletons, like parMap, farm, workpool, with a premature termination property. We use this to implement the so-called ‘parallel repeated computation’, a special form of a speculative parallel loop. We have implemented two probabilistic primality tests: the Rabin–Miller test and the Jacobi sum test. We parallelised both with our approach. We analysed the task distribution and stated the fitting configurations of the Jacobi sum test. We have shown formally that the Jacobi sum test can be implemented in parallel. Subsequently, we parallelised it, analysed the load balancing issues, and produced an optimisation. The latter enabled a good implementation, as verified using the parallel penalty. We have also estimated the performance of the tests for further input sizes and numbers of processing elements. Parallelisation of the Jacobi sum test and our generic parallelisation scheme for the repeated computation is our original contribution. The data parallel arithmetic was defined not only for integers, which is already known, but also for rationals. We handled the common factors of the numerator or denominator of the fraction with the modulus in a novel manner. This is required to obtain a true multiple-residue arithmetic, a novel result of our research. Using these mathematical advances, we have parallelised the determinant computation using the Gauß elimination. As always, we have performed task distribution analysis and estimation of the parallel execution time of our implementation. A similar computation in Maple emphasised the potential of our approach. Data parallel arithmetic enables parallelisation of entire classes of computer algebra algorithms. Summarising, this thesis presents and thoroughly evaluates new and existing design decisions for high-level parallelisations of computer algebra algorithms

    Portfolio approaches in constraint programming

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