26 research outputs found

    Optimization of Warehouse Management in the Specific Assembly and Distribution Company: a Case Study

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    This paper discusses the optimization of warehouse management in the assembly and distribution company. As part of complex logistics system, warehouse management plays a significant role in every company, connecting the areas of storage, material flow, production, record keeping and dispatch with the company´s economic objectives. It also has a significant impact on business operations and can be of an important competitive advantage. It may be argued that well-managed logistics, including a continuous material flow, cost minimization as well as overall streamlining of individual processes associated with manufacturing of products, are powerful strategic tools for companies and lead to their strong market position. It is almost an imperative for them to use modern knowledge in this area and strive for improvement. After the introducing chapters, paper includes an optimization proposal using particular methods of multi-criteria evaluation of variants which consists of determining the criteria for variants evaluation, developing the basic multi-criteria matrix and selecting as well as applying the specific method for final evaluation (in our case, the comparison with WSA and TOPSIS methods has been carried out). Final part of the paper outlines the most appropriate option regarding the introduction of an automatic identification system to optimize the warehouse management system

    Design of Performance Indicators in Warehouse Management

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    To maintain the continuity of product flow in the supply chain system, good warehouse management is needed. Dynamic market conditions are able to cause instability in the product flow. Moreover, there are many disruptions occur as technology continues to develop in Indonesia. This instability will indirectly affect the warehouse performance in a company. So, to minimize the effects of instability, it is necessary to design indicators that are used as a reference for designing mitigation strategies and as a controlling tool so that the company's growth is relevant to the objectives that have been created. In addition, these indicators can be used as a benchmark to improve the warehouse regularly.  So, this research aims to design performance indicators in warehouse management that can be used as a measurement reference to increase warehouse productivity. The result showed that there are 17 validated indicators which are categorized into 5 dimensions. These dimensions are 4 cost dimension indicators, 4 productivity dimension indicators, 3 quality dimension indicators, 4 time dimension indicators, and 2 utilization dimension indicators

    Evaluation of lean practices in warehouses: an analysis of Brazilian reality

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    © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: This article aims to investigate the most applied lean warehouse practices in Brazilian warehouses. Design/methodology/approach: To perform this research, three phases were conducted: a literature review, a multiple case study, and an analysis of lean warehouses practices implementation by an engineering committee. Thus, both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Additionally, the study has an applied nature, with an exploratory and descriptive character. Findings: Results showed that regardless of the type of criterion used, the most implanted practices are those that do not involve investments in technology. On the other hand, practices like RFID and Cross Docking systems were not found in any of the operations, which shows numerous possibilities for improvement. Originality/value: The main contribution of this article is to initiate a debate about the management and productivity of Brazilian warehouses, a theme still little explored by the academic community despite the importance that the logistic scenario represents for Brazil as an emerging country and leader in Latin America, participating actively in several global supply chains

    Impactos causados pela utilização do Just in Time em uma Cadeia de Suprimentos

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    A Logística responde por parcela significativa dos custos de uma empresa e pode ser responsável tanto pela fidelização dos clientes ao dar uma resposta rápida às suas necessidades, bem como ser uma fonte de reclamações, quando há falhas na entrega ou falta de estoques. A pesquisas atuais sobre vantagens e desvantagens do just in time focam somente os resultados para a empresa que implantou o sistema, porém é necessário verificar o impacto para outras empresas da cadeia de suprimentos. O objetivo desta pesquisa é detectar os impactos do uso da técnica do just in time em toda a cadeia produtiva na região do Alto Tietê - SP. Foi feita revisão bibliográfica sistematizada a fim de catalogar todos os possíveis impactos causados pelo just in time em toda cadeia de suprimentos. Foram passados questionários para se conhecer os impactos causados por empresas fornecedoras que utilizam o just in time e também os causados por clientes que utilizam o just in time. Os resultados mostram que existem muitos impactos negativos do just in time em especial para seus parceiros comerciais

    Improving efficiency in a hybrid warehouse: a case study

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    Logistics has assumed a determining position in the supply chain of each organization. This paper concerns the work carried out in a bus manufacturing organization with the aim of improving efficiency in its hybrid warehouse. A hybrid warehouse could be considered as one that mixes several different activities (reception, storage area, picking, shipping, supply to production lines and production preparation tasks) and brings together many different materials or raw materials and components. This factor led to the appearance of innumerable management methods to improve employee performance. These are intended to meet the needs of their customers, from the motto "do more with less". The work developed in a hybrid warehouse allows to detect logistic complaints related to communication failures between employees, the reduced efficiency in the activities like the check of raw materials or components and respective picking, the lack of space for their reception and storage, and the non-compliance of the FIFO stock management system. It is imperative that organizations can redefine internal spaces and flows, generating a more efficient and intuitive work and admit an opportunity for improvements in terms of space and content management, and hence, cost savings for an organization. The combination of Lean tools was implemented, and the results have been checked, showing a significant impact in the hybrid warehouse, with annual gains through the optimization of several activities: employee turnover (decrease by 50%), check and picking times (decrease about 75 minutes/picking) and better working conditions for employees.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-docking with vehicle routing problem. A state of art review 1

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión al estado del arte durante los últimos diez años, de la literatura relacionada con las plataformas de intercambio logísticas, denominadas Cross-Docking. Este tipo de sistemas surgen como alternativa para reducir el costo logístico y el tiempo de respuesta al cliente. El objetivo consiste en simplificar algunos procesos tales como almacenamiento y manejo de materiales, a partir de la reducción de períodos de bodegaje y realización de surtida de materiales en los muelles de ingreso y salida de mercancía. En la primera parte, se desarrolla el concepto, su funcionamiento operativo y clasificación. En la segunda parte, se realiza un reporte de los trabajos más relevantes acerca de esta técnica. Posteriormente, se profundiza en este tema y el ruteo de vehículos simultáneos, haciendo énfasis en los métodos de solución, puesto que se trata de un problema de optimización combinatoria, clasificado como de alta complejidad computacional. Al final, se presentan conclusiones y la discusión.This article reviews the state of the art for the last ten years about the literature related to Cross-Docking. The Cross-Docking systems emerge as an alternative to reduce logistics costs and customer response time in some processes such as warehousing and material handling, times by reducing storage and picking, on the docks of inbound and outbound of vehicles. In the first part, the concept of Cross-Docking is developed, also its operating performance and classification. In the second part, a report on the most relevant works is done. Subsequently, it delves into the issue of vehicle routing and Cross-Docking with emphasis on methods of solution, since it is a combinatorial optimization problem classified as NP-hard. The document ends with the conclusions and discussion

    Dimensionamiento de Almacén a partir de la Planificación de Requerimiento de Materiales en una Fábrica de Revestimiento de Poliuretano

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    Context: the design of the warehouse is a key factor in the configuration of logistics systems, as it can facilitate the timely management of materials, intermediate and/or final products, improving the time, cost and levels of customer service. To achieve this, experts help is required to integrate within the design an appropriate combination of storage, manipulation of materials and selection of orders. This level of integration, however, has not yet been achieved since the advances in the subject have been addressed from different aspects of the storage problem, but independently.Method: the article presents a method for warehouse layout design in two phases. The first phase defines the variables and parameters that are obtained from the planning of the production; the second phase consists of five stages that culminate in the integral design of the warehouse. In this last phase a modified version of an existing mathematical model of sizing is applied, where a new equation is added.Results: the method is applied to a company that supplies liquid polyurethane in the construction sector. The design generates four options for configuration of shipping and receiving docks and five storage options, where the best option generates an average area, mean real capacity and percentage average of storage utilization of 374,8 m2, 360 pallet and 93,8% respectively. These results are coherent with the dynamics of the company.Conclusions: the method allows evaluating options of the flow configuration and their respective sizing than may influence decisions of great importance in the operational capacity of the company in the short, medium and long term. In the future research is interesting to include new conditions, for example the compatibility of the method with different distributions to the traditional configuration of parallel shelves. Contexto: el diseño del almacén es un factor clave en la configuración de los sistemas logísticos, pues facilita la gestión oportuna de materiales, productos intermedios o finales, mejorando el tiempo, costo y nivel de servicio al cliente. Para lograrlo se requiere el apoyo de expertos que integren en el diseño una combinación apropiada de almacenamiento, manipulación de materiales y selección de pedidos; sin embargo, tal nivel de integración aún no se ha logrado ya que los avances en el tema han sido abordados desde diferentes aspectos del dimensionamiento y de manera independiente.Método: se presenta un método de dimensionamiento de almacenes compuesto de dos fases. En la primera se definen variables y parámetros que son obtenidos a partir del proceso de planeación de la producción; en la segunda, se desarrollan cinco etapas que culminan con el diseño integral del almacén, en la cual se aplica un modelo matemático de dimensionamiento existente que incorpora una nueva ecuación.Resultados: el método de dimensionamiento de almacenes se aplica a una empresa que abastece poliuretano líquido en el sector de la construcción. Se generan cuatro opciones de configuración de muelles de recepción-envío y cinco opciones de almacenamiento; la mejor opción genera un área promedio, capacidad real promedio y porcentaje de utilización promedio de almacenamiento de 374,8 m2, 360 pallet y 93,8% respectivamente, siendo estos resultados acordes con la dinámica de la empresa.Conclusiones: el método es funcional en la organización, puesto que permite evaluar opciones de configuración de flujo y su respectivo dimensionamiento, los cuales pueden influir en decisiones de gran importancia, por ejemplo, en determinar la capacidad operativa de la empresa a corto, mediano y largo plazo. Igualmente, para futuras investigaciones es de interés estudiar nuevas condiciones como es la compatibilidad del método propuesto con distribuciones diferentes a la configuración tradicional de estanterías paralelas.

    Aplicación de la gestión de almacenamiento para incrementar el nivel de cumplimiento de despachos de una empresa panificadora, Lurín 2020

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    La investigación denominada “Aplicación de la Gestión de almacenamiento para incrementar el nivel de cumplimiento de despachos de una empresa panificadora, Lurín 2020”, fue planteada con el objetivo de Aplicar la gestión de almacenamiento para incrementar el nivel de cumplimiento de despachos en una empresa panificadora, Lurín 2020. Esta investigación corresponde al tipo aplicado, con diseño pre experimental, de nivel explicativo. En la investigación la población de estudio son los datos cuantitativos sobre los problemas ocurridos que originaron el bajo nivel de cumplimiento de despachos antes de la aplicación de la gestión de almacenamiento, es decir, los datos del nivel de cumplimiento de despacho (OTIF) y sus dimensiones eficiencia (entregas a tiempo) y fiabilidad (entregas conforme) en 12 semanas antes y 12 semanas después. Los resultados demuestran que el OTIF antes era de 81% y después de 97% siendo que la aplicación de la gestión de almacenamiento lo que ha permitido mejorar el OTIF en 16%, el VAN es S/. 86,106.54, la TIR 35% y el Beneficio-Costo es 3.8740 en un horizonte de planeación de 12 meses

    Implementación de un modelo de planificación y gestión de inventarios de la línea de herramientas de plantas externas para elevar el nivel de servicio en una empresa distribuidora de productos de telecomunicaciones

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    El sector de las telecomunicaciones en el Perú ha ido creciendo constantemente en el transcurso de los años y ha ganado una gran relevancia en el mercado global. Por consecuencia, los proveedores como distribuidores y/o comercializadoras son obligados a aportar productos de calidad que cumpla con ciertos estándares acorde al cliente, sin embargo, estas empresas distribuidoras no logran seguir el ritmo de sus clientes por la mala gestión de inventarios, estos representan el 54.13% del total de los problemas. Por ello el control de inventarios desarrolla un rol importante, dentro del nivel de servicio de una empresa, puesto que nos permite, anticipadamente, generar un pedido y obtener la cantidad del producto requerido. Este articulo analiza una empresa distribuidora, orientada al sector de telecomunicaciones, y muestra los resultados de ventas e ingresos que se pudo alcanzar en el año 2021 luego de implementar una gestión y planificación de inventarios, enfocado en el grupo de herramientas, para así lograr tener una eficiente previsión de la demanda y por último el desarrollo de un EOQ bajo el criterio de una demanda variable. Asimismo, se hace una proyección de ventas del año 2022bajo una demanda con relación al nivel de servicio que desea obtener al finalizar dicho año. Las metodologías lograron aumentar el nivel de servicio Actualmente la empresa tiene un 72.62% de nivel de servicio en el 2021 y en el 2022 se logró alcanzar un 92.77% de nivel de servicio.The telecommunications sector in Peru has been growing constantly over the years and has gained great relevance in the global market. Consequently, suppliers such as distributors and/or marketers are obliged to provide quality products that meet certain standards according to the client, however, these distribution companies cannot keep up with their clients due to poor inventory management, these represent 54.13% of the total problems. For this reason, inventory control plays an important role within the service level of a company, since it allows us, in advance, to generate an order and obtain the quantity of the required product. This article analyzes a distribution company, oriented to the telecommunications sector, and shows the sales and income results that could be achieved in 2021 after implementing inventory management and planning, focused on the group of tools, in order to achieve an efficient demand forecast and finally the development of an EOQ under the criterion of variable demand. Likewise, a sales projection for the year 2022 is made under a demand in relation to the level of service that you wish to obtain at the end of said year. The methodologies managed to increase the service level. Currently, the company has a 72.62% service level in 2021 and in 2022 it was able to reach a 92.77% service level.Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesiona