14 research outputs found

    Design, simulation and production of hydraulic briquette press for metal chips

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    Removal of metal chips are involved in several industrial production processes that machine from casted parts by various operations such as turning, milling and drilling. In addition to the fact that the chips represent a treat to the environment, their storage requires a large surface area. The objective of the project reported in this article is to improve the current layout of a machining workshop aimed to minimize material handling cost, increase operator safety, improve flexibility for operation, minimize the overall cost and utilize the available area. The research project focused on the compaction of metal chips briquette for simplicity of storage as well as handling and transportation of metal chips for a factory named Hibret Manufacturing and Machine Building Industry (HMMBI). The machining process on CNC lathe and milling machines in this company produces 1500 – 2000 kg/month chip. An effective design of hydraulic briquette press is carried out by using solid modelling tool and the hydraulic circuit is simulated. The result of the designed machine is observed to address the stated problems of the company.publishedVersio

    Facility Planning and Associated Problems: A Survey

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    In this study, we have classified and reviewed different types of problems which are related to facility planning and layout design for different types of manufacturing processes. The main problems which are related to location of  facilities which also affects the system performance  such as distribution of man, material and machine in a plant or a factory and their optimization technique while using of mathematical models, their solutions and application related to whole problems is presented. For solving this type of problems, intelligent techniques such as expert systems, fuzzy logic and neutral networks have been used. In this paper the recent analysis on facility layout is incorporated and facility layout problem is surveyed. Many intelligent techniques and conventional algorithms for solving FLP are presented. In our discussion different research direction, general remarks and tendencies have been mentioned Keywords—Facility Planning, Material handling Optimization metho

    A taxonomy of theproblem of distribution of plant processes and methods of solution

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    El problema de distribución de planta se puede generalizar como un caso de optimización combinatoria intensamente estudiado y por lo tanto su naturaleza es un NP-difícil. El núcleo del problema originalmente introducido como el Planeamiento Sistemático de la Distribución, un procedimiento multi-criterio y relativamente simple, se ha extendido a contextos mayores, pasando por la formulación como un modelo matemático según la naturaleza de los talleres de trabajo. Dada la complejidad computacional de los cálculos se han desarrollado heurísticas, metaheurísticas y otros para obtener soluciones aproximadas. El objetivo de éste estudio es analizar investigaciones recientes en los problemas de distribución de planta dentro del contexto industrial en orden de clasificar y comparar la representación del problema, métodos de solución, restricciones y la función objetivo usado. El informe cubre más de 30 artículos revisados sobre el tema. Particular atención es puesta sobre recientes publicaciones que han aparecido desde 2008-2013 para focalizar en los nuevos avances en el Estado del Arte.The plant layout problem can be generalized as a case intensively studied combinatorial optimization and therefore its nature is a NP- hard. The core of the problem originally introduced as the Systematic Distribution Planning , a multi -criteria and relatively simple, has been extended to larger contexts , through the formulation as a mathematical model based on the nature of the workshops . Given the computational complexity of the calculations have been developed heuristics ,metaheuristics and others to obtain approximate solutions . The aim of this study is to analyze recent research on plant distribution problems within the industrial context by classifying and comparing the representation of the problem , solution methods , constraints and the objective function used . The report covers more than 30 peer-reviewed articles on the subject. Particular attention is placed on recent publications that have appeared from 2008 - 2013 to focus on new developments in the State of the Art

    Facilities plan for a centralised timber depot for BedRock Mining Support (Pty) Ltd

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    BedRock Mining Support (Pty) Ltd is a fully integrated timber-based mine support company that supplies timber support to the gold and platinum mines. BedRock runs a J.I.T process and therefore has a challenge to consistently produce and provide quality products to the platinum mines. This is due to the fact that timber has a limited shelf life and timber extraction from plantations is rendered during the wet months. Currently a buffer has been implemented, but can only serve mines within its region, therefore mines that fall outside this region will struggle obtain timber during the wet months. A proposed centralised site located back in the chain is seen to be a solution to the current concerns and the bigger picture. A facilities plan needs to be generated for management purposes of understanding the size of the depot that is required and layout to use as a benchmark when a physical site is determined. Research was done to determine the best methodology to apply to the project problem. Systematic planning procedures became the viable option and were then used to develop a design. The design involved defining the project environment, using quantitative and qualitative measurements to determine the degree of closeness for each department relative to each other. These measurements were then used to produce various charts and diagrams that assisted in the development of alternative facility layouts known as block layouts. These block layouts were then evaluated by means of three integrated techniques to finally reveal the most feasible layout design that BedRock would use in their New Centralised Depot. The size of the depot was calculated to be 20262 square meters and block layout 2 was deemed the most feasible layout design.Thesis (B Eng. (Industrial and Systems Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2012

    Propuesta de mejora del flujo de material para la empresa Creaciones Medellín Ltda

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    Este proyecto se desarrolló con el fin establecer un diseño y distribución de planta adecuado para cumplir con las proyecciones de la empresa Creaciones Medellín LTDA, en su planta de fabricación ubicada en Mosquera (Cundinamarca), componente que ha sido considerado por la planeación estratégica de la compañía como una mejora a realizarse actualmente. Para ello se consideró la situación actual de los procesos productivos de la empresa, por medio de la toma de datos de todos los factores que afectan la distribución de planta. Luego a partir de la proyección de ventas que la empresa Creaciones Medellín LTDA quiere alcanzar, se estimaron los recursos necesarios en la planta de producción para el cumplimiento de ésta en términos de maquinaria, recurso humano, materiales, áreas y otros influyentes en la nueva distribución en planta. Entonces, se consolidaron tres alternativas de distribución física de espacios para la planta de producción de la empresa Creaciones Medellín LTDA, y se seleccionó un modelo de distribución que satisfizo con el objetivo de mejorar de flujo de material y las distancias a recorrer en los procesos, aplicando los principios de diseño y distribución de planta. Finalmente, a partir de la alternativa seleccionada se realizó una estimación del flujo de caja con el cual puede ser evaluado el nivel de capital requerido para inversión en la implementación del modelo de distribución de planta y se verificó la viabilidad del proyect

    An Augmented Reality-Based Hybrid Approach to Facility Layout Planning

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    Programação da produção: Otimização de Layouts Industriais

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    O problema conhecido na literatura como “Facility layout problem (FLP)”, em que se pretende determinar a disposição de recursos de produção e a sua interação num determinado espaço, é um problema estratégico para a implementação do chão de fábrica de uma empresa pelo impacto que tem na performance da produção. O problema consiste em encontrar um posicionamento único entre instalações (departamentos, máquinas, células de produção, armazéns, etc.) e localizações no chão de fábrica, de forma a otimizar um ou mais objetivos de produção. O objetivo da criação de layout consiste na otimização do espaço existente, minimização do tempo de produção, redução do custo de manuseamento de matérias, aumento do grau de flexibilidade, entre outros. A solução do problema deverá especificar a localização relativa de cada departamento (layout em bloco) e numa fase posterior poderá especificar o layout detalhado dentro de cada departamento. Na presente tese serão apresentados alguns modelos matemáticos para criação de um layout, neste caso vamos usar uma formulação matemática Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), uma formulação matemática Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) e uma heurística de Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) para resolver problemas de layout. Todas estas formulações e modelos serão postos em prática para a resolução de problemas fictícios. Numa primeira abordagem iremos resolver problemas fictícios onde abordaremos a formulação QAP para problemas de atribuição de espaço de duas dimensões (x,y) e MIP e em seguida iremos usar a heurística PSO para a resolução de problemas em escala maior e real.The problem known in the literature as "Facility layout problem (FLP)", which is intended to determine the physical layout of industrial facilities, is a strategic problem for the implementation of a company by the impact it has on the production performance. The problem is to find an unambiguous allocation between facilities (departments, machines, production cells, warehouses, etc.) and locations on the shop floor in order to optimize one or more production goals. The objectives often considered are the optimization of the space, minimizing production time, reduce the handling costs of materials, increased flexibility, among others. The solution of the problem should specify the relative location of each department (block layout) and at a later stage it can specify the detailed layout within each department. In this thesis will be presented some methods of resolution in this case we use a discrete Quadratic Assignment formulation (QAP), a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation (MIP) and a Particle Swarm Optimization heuristic (PSO) to solve layout problems. All these heuristics will be implemented for solving fictitious problems. In a first approach we will solve simpler problems where we use the QAP and MIP formulation and following we will use the PSO heuristic to solve problems on a larger scale

    Programação da produção: Otimização de Layouts Industriais

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    O problema conhecido na literatura como “Facility layout problem (FLP)”, em que se pretende determinar a disposição de recursos de produção e a sua interação num determinado espaço, é um problema estratégico para a implementação do chão de fábrica de uma empresa pelo impacto que tem na performance da produção. O problema consiste em encontrar um posicionamento único entre instalações (departamentos, máquinas, células de produção, armazéns, etc.) e localizações no chão de fábrica, de forma a otimizar um ou mais objetivos de produção. O objetivo da criação de layout consiste na otimização do espaço existente, minimização do tempo de produção, redução do custo de manuseamento de matérias, aumento do grau de flexibilidade, entre outros. A solução do problema deverá especificar a localização relativa de cada departamento (layout em bloco) e numa fase posterior poderá especificar o layout detalhado dentro de cada departamento. Na presente tese serão apresentados alguns modelos matemáticos para criação de um layout, neste caso vamos usar uma formulação matemática Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), uma formulação matemática Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) e uma heurística de Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) para resolver problemas de layout. Todas estas formulações e modelos serão postos em prática para a resolução de problemas fictícios. Numa primeira abordagem iremos resolver problemas fictícios onde abordaremos a formulação QAP para problemas de atribuição de espaço de duas dimensões (x,y) e MIP e em seguida iremos usar a heurística PSO para a resolução de problemas em escala maior e real.The problem known in the literature as "Facility layout problem (FLP)", which is intended to determine the physical layout of industrial facilities, is a strategic problem for the implementation of a company by the impact it has on the production performance. The problem is to find an unambiguous allocation between facilities (departments, machines, production cells, warehouses, etc.) and locations on the shop floor in order to optimize one or more production goals. The objectives often considered are the optimization of the space, minimizing production time, reduce the handling costs of materials, increased flexibility, among others. The solution of the problem should specify the relative location of each department (block layout) and at a later stage it can specify the detailed layout within each department. In this thesis will be presented some methods of resolution in this case we use a discrete Quadratic Assignment formulation (QAP), a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation (MIP) and a Particle Swarm Optimization heuristic (PSO) to solve layout problems. All these heuristics will be implemented for solving fictitious problems. In a first approach we will solve simpler problems where we use the QAP and MIP formulation and following we will use the PSO heuristic to solve problems on a larger scale