4,306 research outputs found

    Airborne lidar experiments at the Savannah River Plant

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    The results of remote sensing experiments at the Department of Energy (DOE) Savannah River Nuclear Facility utilizing the NASA Airborne Oceanographic Lidar (AOL) are presented. The flights were conducted in support of the numerous environmental monitoring requirements associated with the operation of the facility and for the purpose of furthering research and development of airborne lidar technology. Areas of application include airborne laser topographic mapping, hydrologic studies using fluorescent tracer dye, timber volume estimation, baseline characterization of wetlands, and aquatic chlorophyll and photopigment measurements. Conclusions relative to the usability of airborne lidar technology for the DOE for each of these remote sensing applications are discussed

    Blue-fluorescence of NADPH as an indicator of marine primary production

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    Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) is the primary product of photosynthesisand can therefore serve as an indicator of biomass and photosynthetic activity. Pure NADPH whichis the reduced form of NADP shows an absorption maximum at 340 nm and a maximum of emissionat 460 nm. NADPH concentrations in terrestrial vegetation have already been studied since1957 in great detail with optical methods. However, its potential as a biomass parameter of oceanicphytoplankton which can be assessed in situ and remotely with fluorescence spectroscopy has notyet been investigated.In this paper, we report on laboratory investigations of the blue-fluorescence spectrum in algalsuspensions of Chlorella and Thalassiosira when excited with UV-A light. It is shown that cell densitiesof about 106 per litre as they are typically found under natural conditions are too low for precisedetection of NADPH fluorescence, while concentrated samples with 108-1010 cells per litre exhibitsignificant blue-fluorescence which can be related to NADPH. Inhibition of photosynthetic activityby addition of DCMU decreases the strength of blue-fluorescence remarkably. Since NADPHis an end product of photosynthesis, changes of PAR illumination levels should directly affect itsconcentration and hence the intensity of blue-fluorescence. However, no effect of illumination onblue-fluorescence could be observed in our study. Possible reasons of these observations are discussed,and perspectives for practical applications of the method used are proposed

    Real-World Applications of Laser Spectroscopy

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    Laser spectroscopic techniques are powerful tools for monitoring real-world phenomena. A wide variety of methods for establishing spectroscopic contact with a species exist: Absorption, emission, fluorescence, Raman scattering, acousto-optic, and opto-galvanic phenomena. Extreme sensitivity and specificity characterize the methods, which can be used for in situ monitoring and, in some cases, for remote sensing. Combustion diagnostics and atmospheric pollution monitoring are examples of gas-phase applications, while vegetation studies and early cancer detection illustrate interactions with solids

    Applications of Laser Spectroscopy

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    A fluorescence LIDAR sensor for hyper-spectral time-resolved remote sensing and mapping

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    In this work we present a LIDAR sensor devised for the acquisition of time resolved laser induced fluorescence spectra. The gating time for the acquisition of the fluorescence spectra can be sequentially delayed in order to achieve fluorescence data that are resolved both in the spectral and temporal domains. The sensor can provide sub-nanometric spectral resolution and nanosecond time resolution. The sensor has also imaging capabilities by means of a computer-controlled motorized steering mirror featuring a biaxial angular scanning with 200 mu radiant angular resolution. The measurement can be repeated for each point of a geometric grid in order to collect a hyper-spectral time-resolved map of an extended target. (C)2013 Optical Society of Americ

    Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) as a Remote Sensing Tool: A Review

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    Vegetational changes are primary indicators of the present and future ecological status of the globe. These are changes which not only impact upon the primary productivity, but the total of the biogeochemical processes occurring on the planet. The impacts of global climatic and other environmental changes on vegetation must be monitored by some means in order to develop models which will allow us to predict long term effects. Large scale monitoring is now possible only with remote sensing systems, primarily passive reflectance, obtained by the use of satellite and aircraft platforms. However, passive reflectance techniques at this time are limited in their ability to detect subtle changes in the concentration and oxidation states of the many compounds involved in the light reactions of photosynthesis. Knowledge of these changes we consider to be fundamental in the remote assessment of both the rate and efficiency of photosynthesis and also the early detection of stress damage. The above factors pointed to the desirability of a sensing technique with the sensitivity and specificity necessary for detecting and quantifying those biological entities involved in photosynthesis. Another optical technique for vegetation monitoring is fluorescence. Previously, the lack of adequate excitation light sources and detector technologies have limited the use of fluorescence on intact plant leaves in the field. It is only recently with the advent of lasers with short pulse duration and advanced detector technologies that fluorescence measurements in the remote mode have become possible in the presence of ambient light

    Use of time-resolved fluorescence to monitor bioactive compounds in plant based foodstuffs

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    The study of compounds that exhibit antioxidant activity has recently received much interest in the food industry because of their potential health benefits. Most of these compounds are plant based, such as polyphenolics and carotenoids, and there is a need to monitor them from the field through processing and into the body. Ideally, a monitoring technique should be non-invasive with the potential for remote capabilities. The application of the phenomenon of fluorescence has proved to be well suited, as many plant associated compounds exhibit fluorescence. The photophysical behaviour of fluorescent molecules is also highly dependent on their microenvironment, making them suitable probes to monitor changes in pH, viscosity and polarity, for example. Time-resolved fluorescence techniques have recently come to the fore, as they offer the ability to obtain more information, coupled with the fact that the fluorescence lifetime is an absolute measure, while steady state just provides relative and average information. In this work, we will present illustrative time-resolved measurements, rather than a comprehensive review, to show the potential of time-resolved fluorescence applied to the study of bioactive substances. The aim is to help assess if any changes occur in their form, going from extraction via storage and cooking to the interaction with serum albumin, a principal blood transport protein

    Scientific and technical challenges in remote sensing of plant canopy reflectance and fluorescence

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    State-of-the-art optical remote sensing of vegetation canopies is reviewed here to stimulate support from laboratory and field plant research. This overview of recent satellite spectral sensors and the methods used to retrieve remotely quantitative biophysical and biochemical characteristics of vegetation canopies shows that there have been substantial advances in optical remote sensing over the past few decades. Nevertheless, adaptation and transfer of currently available fluorometric methods aboard air- and space-borne platforms can help to eliminate errors and uncertainties in recent remote sensing data interpretation. With this perspective, red and blue-green fluorescence emission as measured in the laboratory and field is reviewed. Remotely sensed plant fluorescence signals have the potential to facilitate a better understanding of vegetation photosynthetic dynamics and primary production on a large scale. The review summarizes several scientific challenges that still need to be resolved to achieve operational fluorescence based remote sensing approache
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