
Blue-fluorescence of NADPH as an indicator of marine primary production


Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH) is the primary product of photosynthesisand can therefore serve as an indicator of biomass and photosynthetic activity. Pure NADPH whichis the reduced form of NADP shows an absorption maximum at 340 nm and a maximum of emissionat 460 nm. NADPH concentrations in terrestrial vegetation have already been studied since1957 in great detail with optical methods. However, its potential as a biomass parameter of oceanicphytoplankton which can be assessed in situ and remotely with fluorescence spectroscopy has notyet been investigated.In this paper, we report on laboratory investigations of the blue-fluorescence spectrum in algalsuspensions of Chlorella and Thalassiosira when excited with UV-A light. It is shown that cell densitiesof about 106 per litre as they are typically found under natural conditions are too low for precisedetection of NADPH fluorescence, while concentrated samples with 108-1010 cells per litre exhibitsignificant blue-fluorescence which can be related to NADPH. Inhibition of photosynthetic activityby addition of DCMU decreases the strength of blue-fluorescence remarkably. Since NADPHis an end product of photosynthesis, changes of PAR illumination levels should directly affect itsconcentration and hence the intensity of blue-fluorescence. However, no effect of illumination onblue-fluorescence could be observed in our study. Possible reasons of these observations are discussed,and perspectives for practical applications of the method used are proposed

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