815 research outputs found

    An approach for real world data modelling with the 3D terrestrial laser scanner for built environment

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    Capturing and modelling 3D information of the built environment is a big challenge. A number of techniques and technologies are now in use. These include EDM, GPS, and photogrammetric application, remote sensing and traditional building surveying applications. However, use of these technologies cannot be practical and efficient in regard to time, cost and accuracy. Furthermore, a multi disciplinary knowledge base, created from the studies and research about the regeneration aspects is fundamental: historical, architectural, archeologically, environmental, social, economic, etc. In order to have an adequate diagnosis of regeneration, it is necessary to describe buildings and surroundings by means of documentation and plans. However, at this point in time the foregoing is considerably far removed from the real situation, since more often than not it is extremely difficult to obtain full documentation and cartography, of an acceptable quality, since the material, constructive pathologies and systems are often insufficient or deficient (flat that simply reflects levels, isolated photographs,..). Sometimes the information in reality exists, but this fact is not known, or it is not easily accessible, leading to the unnecessary duplication of efforts and resources. In this paper, we discussed 3D laser scanning technology, which can acquire high density point data in an accurate, fast way. Besides, the scanner can digitize all the 3D information concerned with a real world object such as buildings, trees and terrain down to millimetre detail Therefore, it can provide benefits for refurbishment process in regeneration in the Built Environment and it can be the potential solution to overcome the challenges above. The paper introduce an approach for scanning buildings, processing the point cloud raw data, and a modelling approach for CAD extraction and building objects classification by a pattern matching approach in IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format. The approach presented in this paper from an undertaken research can lead to parametric design and Building Information Modelling (BIM) for existing structures. Two case studies are introduced to demonstrate the use of laser scanner technology in the Built Environment. These case studies are the Jactin House Building in East Manchester and the Peel building in the campus of University Salford. Through these case studies, while use of laser scanners are explained, the integration of it with various technologies and systems are also explored for professionals in Built Environmen

    Close-Range Sensing and Data Fusion for Built Heritage Inspection and Monitoring - A Review

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    Built cultural heritage is under constant threat due to environmental pressures, anthropogenic damages, and interventions. Understanding the preservation state of monuments and historical structures, and the factors that alter their architectural and structural characteristics through time, is crucial for ensuring their protection. Therefore, inspection and monitoring techniques are essential for heritage preservation, as they enable knowledge about the altering factors that put built cultural heritage at risk, by recording their immediate effects on monuments and historic structures. Nondestructive evaluations with close-range sensing techniques play a crucial role in monitoring. However, data recorded by different sensors are frequently processed separately, which hinders integrated use, visualization, and interpretation. This article’s aim is twofold: i) to present an overview of close-range sensing techniques frequently applied to evaluate built heritage conditions, and ii) to review the progress made regarding the fusion of multi-sensor data recorded by them. Particular emphasis is given to the integration of data from metric surveying and from recording techniques that are traditionally non-metric. The article attempts to shed light on the problems of the individual and integrated use of image-based modeling, laser scanning, thermography, multispectral imaging, ground penetrating radar, and ultrasonic testing, giving heritage practitioners a point of reference for the successful implementation of multidisciplinary approaches for built cultural heritage scientific investigations

    Heritage Recording and 3D Modeling with Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning

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    The importance of landscape and heritage recording and documentation with optical remote sensing sensors is well recognized at international level. The continuous development of new sensors, data capture methodologies and multi-resolution 3D representations, contributes significantly to the digital 3D documentation, mapping, conservation and representation of landscapes and heritages and to the growth of research in this field. This article reviews the actual optical 3D measurement sensors and 3D modeling techniques, with their limitations and potentialities, requirements and specifications. Examples of 3D surveying and modeling of heritage sites and objects are also shown throughout the paper

    3D Heterogeneous Dataset for Structural Analysis of Historic Buildings. A Discussion on Process Pipelines

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    This paper presents a methodology for creating a comprehensive heterogeneous 3D database for the structural evaluation of a historic building by using both non-destructive and destructive surveys combined with historical information. The availability of adequate data on the actual conditions is crucial when assessing the seismic vulnerability and structural behavior of a historic building and validating the results. A reliable 3D database must accept different kinds of data, e.g., the results of destructive/non-destructive surveys, historical information, etc. It must also be interrogated and enriched at any time. Therefore, creating such a 3D database may present several challenges in terms of data-gathering pipeline, comprehensiveness/redundancy, interpretation, organization, and integration with other heterogeneous data. The methodology we present in this paper includes 3D laser scanning, thermal imaging, and endoscopy combined with information regarding the state of conservation, construction history, materials, and techniques. We tested such methodology to create a database that was later used for Finite Element Modeling (FEM) to assess the seismic vulnerability of Diotti Palace, a neoclassical building that has been the seat of the Prefect of Milan since 1859. The results are analytically presented here. In conclusion, we highlight the pros and cons of the proposed methodology by means of a comparative discussion with the state of the art about 3D documentation pipelines for historic buildings and sites

    The Church of S. Maria Delle Palate in Tusa (Messina, Italy): Digitization and Diagnostics for a New Model of Enjoyment

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    Cultural places represent the tangible part of the identity and historical heritage of a civilization as well as an extraordinary driving force for the economic development of a country. Within its huge asset, Italy counts a wide number of archaeological sites and monuments which, despite their cultural value, are totally cut off from the most important cultural routes. This paper aims to demonstrate how specific actions of digitization can contribute to valorize (restoring a cultural value) ‘marginal’ landmarks, promoting their knowledge and inclusion. The case study described is represented by the Church of “Santa Maria delle Palate”, located inside the well-known Archaeological Park of Halaesa Arconidea (Tusa, ME). The church, built in 1551 and subject to several renovations throughout the centuries, has been investigated as part of an interdisciplinary training and skill transfer project carried out by a CNR-IPCF research team. During the activities, the group of trainees approached a multi-analytic method for the study of many Sicilian places using different techniques such as laser scanning, photogrammetry, thermography and spectroscopy and collecting a large amount of information and data. In 2019, the building in question was the object of a complete architectural survey in order to obtain an accurate digital replica; moreover, the wall painting representing St. Francis, preserved in the southern nave, was investigated through non-invasive investigations (IR-imaging, XRF and Raman spectrometry) with the intention of collecting information about its state of preservation and nature of pigments used and help the restoration work, which would have been carried out in the following months. The result of the work is a combined “digital archive” useful not only for the purposes of conservation, monitoring and dissemination, but as a container of information enjoyable at different levels of depth. In addition to the scientific outcomes achieved for the study of the painting, relevant from the historical and artistic point of view, we must underline the importance of the work for the implementation of a web-based platform where expert and inexpert users can virtually access the church virtual tour and search for specialized contents (e.g., measures, analyzes results). Media such as this are finally demonstrated to be able to promote the inclusion (e.g., for people unable to reach the place or with reducing mobility) and accessibility to cultural places during ordinary (maintenance, closure) or extraordinary events (pandemic)

    Digital Techniques for Documenting and Preserving Cultural Heritage

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    In this unique collection the authors present a wide range of interdisciplinary methods to study, document, and conserve material cultural heritage. The methods used serve as exemplars of best practice with a wide variety of cultural heritage objects having been recorded, examined, and visualised. The objects range in date, scale, materials, and state of preservation and so pose different research questions and challenges for digitization, conservation, and ontological representation of knowledge. Heritage science and specialist digital technologies are presented in a way approachable to non-scientists, while a separate technical section provides details of methods and techniques, alongside examples of notable applications of spatial and spectral documentation of material cultural heritage, with selected literature and identification of future research. This book is an outcome of interdisciplinary research and debates conducted by the participants of the COST Action TD1201, Colour and Space in Cultural Heritage, 2012–16 and is an Open Access publication available under a CC BY-NC-ND licence.https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/mip_arc_cdh/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Laser Scanner Technology

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    Laser scanning technology plays an important role in the science and engineering arena. The aim of the scanning is usually to create a digital version of the object surface. Multiple scanning is sometimes performed via multiple cameras to obtain all slides of the scene under study. Usually, optical tests are used to elucidate the power of laser scanning technology in the modern industry and in the research laboratories. This book describes the recent contributions reported by laser scanning technology in different areas around the world. The main topics of laser scanning described in this volume include full body scanning, traffic management, 3D survey process, bridge monitoring, tracking of scanning, human sensing, three-dimensional modelling, glacier monitoring and digitizing heritage monuments