57 research outputs found

    Human-robot interaction and computer-vision-based services for autonomous robots

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    L'Aprenentatge per Imitació (IL), o Programació de robots per Demostració (PbD), abasta mètodes pels quals un robot aprèn noves habilitats a través de l'orientació humana i la imitació. La PbD s'inspira en la forma en què els éssers humans aprenen noves habilitats per imitació amb la finalitat de desenvolupar mètodes pels quals les noves tasques es poden transferir als robots. Aquesta tesi està motivada per la pregunta genèrica de "què imitar?", Que es refereix al problema de com extreure les característiques essencials d'una tasca. Amb aquesta finalitat, aquí adoptem la perspectiva del Reconeixement d'Accions (AR) per tal de permetre que el robot decideixi el què cal imitar o inferir en interactuar amb un ésser humà. L'enfoc proposat es basa en un mètode ben conegut que prové del processament del llenguatge natural: és a dir, la bossa de paraules (BoW). Aquest mètode s'aplica a grans bases de dades per tal d'obtenir un model entrenat. Encara que BoW és una tècnica d'aprenentatge de màquines que s'utilitza en diversos camps de la investigació, en la classificació d'accions per a l'aprenentatge en robots està lluny de ser acurada. D'altra banda, se centra en la classificació d'objectes i gestos en lloc d'accions. Per tant, en aquesta tesi es demostra que el mètode és adequat, en escenaris de classificació d'accions, per a la fusió d'informació de diferents fonts o de diferents assajos. Aquesta tesi fa tres contribucions: (1) es proposa un mètode general per fer front al reconeixement d'accions i per tant contribuir a l'aprenentatge per imitació; (2) la metodologia pot aplicar-se a grans bases de dades, que inclouen diferents modes de captura de les accions; i (3) el mètode s'aplica específicament en un projecte internacional d'innovació real anomenat Vinbot.El Aprendizaje por Imitación (IL), o Programación de robots por Demostración (PbD), abarca métodos por los cuales un robot aprende nuevas habilidades a través de la orientación humana y la imitación. La PbD se inspira en la forma en que los seres humanos aprenden nuevas habilidades por imitación con el fin de desarrollar métodos por los cuales las nuevas tareas se pueden transferir a los robots. Esta tesis está motivada por la pregunta genérica de "qué imitar?", que se refiere al problema de cómo extraer las características esenciales de una tarea. Con este fin, aquí adoptamos la perspectiva del Reconocimiento de Acciones (AR) con el fin de permitir que el robot decida lo que hay que imitar o inferir al interactuar con un ser humano. El enfoque propuesto se basa en un método bien conocido que proviene del procesamiento del lenguaje natural: es decir, la bolsa de palabras (BoW). Este método se aplica a grandes bases de datos con el fin de obtener un modelo entrenado. Aunque BoW es una técnica de aprendizaje de máquinas que se utiliza en diversos campos de la investigación, en la clasificación de acciones para el aprendizaje en robots está lejos de ser acurada. Además, se centra en la clasificación de objetos y gestos en lugar de acciones. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis se demuestra que el método es adecuado, en escenarios de clasificación de acciones, para la fusión de información de diferentes fuentes o de diferentes ensayos. Esta tesis hace tres contribuciones: (1) se propone un método general para hacer frente al reconocimiento de acciones y por lo tanto contribuir al aprendizaje por imitación; (2) la metodología puede aplicarse a grandes bases de datos, que incluyen diferentes modos de captura de las acciones; y (3) el método se aplica específicamente en un proyecto internacional de innovación real llamado Vinbot.Imitation Learning (IL), or robot Programming by Demonstration (PbD), covers methods by which a robot learns new skills through human guidance and imitation. PbD takes its inspiration from the way humans learn new skills by imitation in order to develop methods by which new tasks can be transmitted to robots. This thesis is motivated by the generic question of “what to imitate?” which concerns the problem of how to extract the essential features of a task. To this end, here we adopt Action Recognition (AR) perspective in order to allow the robot to decide what has to be imitated or inferred when interacting with a human kind. The proposed approach is based on a well-known method from natural language processing: namely, Bag of Words (BoW). This method is applied to large databases in order to obtain a trained model. Although BoW is a machine learning technique that is used in various fields of research, in action classification for robot learning it is far from accurate. Moreover, it focuses on the classification of objects and gestures rather than actions. Thus, in this thesis we show that the method is suitable in action classification scenarios for merging information from different sources or different trials. This thesis makes three contributions: (1) it proposes a general method for dealing with action recognition and thus to contribute to imitation learning; (2) the methodology can be applied to large databases which include different modes of action captures; and (3) the method is applied specifically in a real international innovation project called Vinbot

    Fault Diagnosis of Reciprocating Compressors Using Revelance Vector Machines with A Genetic Algorithm Based on Vibration Data

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    This paper focuses on the development of an advanced fault classifier for monitoring reciprocating compressors (RC) based on vibration signals. Many feature parameters can be used for fault diagnosis, here the classifier is developed based on a relevance vector machine (RVM) which is optimized with genetic algorithms (GA) so determining a more effective subset of the parameters. Both a one-against-one scheme based RVM and a multiclass multi-kernel relevance vector machine (mRVM) have been evaluated to identify a more effective method for implementing the multiclass fault classification for the compressor. The accuracy of both techniques is discussed correspondingly to determine an optimal fault classifier which can correlate with the physical mechanisms underlying the features. The results show that the models perform well, the classification accuracy rate being up to 97% for both algorithms

    DART: Distribution Aware Retinal Transform for Event-based Cameras

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    We introduce a generic visual descriptor, termed as distribution aware retinal transform (DART), that encodes the structural context using log-polar grids for event cameras. The DART descriptor is applied to four different problems, namely object classification, tracking, detection and feature matching: (1) The DART features are directly employed as local descriptors in a bag-of-features classification framework and testing is carried out on four standard event-based object datasets (N-MNIST, MNIST-DVS, CIFAR10-DVS, NCaltech-101). (2) Extending the classification system, tracking is demonstrated using two key novelties: (i) For overcoming the low-sample problem for the one-shot learning of a binary classifier, statistical bootstrapping is leveraged with online learning; (ii) To achieve tracker robustness, the scale and rotation equivariance property of the DART descriptors is exploited for the one-shot learning. (3) To solve the long-term object tracking problem, an object detector is designed using the principle of cluster majority voting. The detection scheme is then combined with the tracker to result in a high intersection-over-union score with augmented ground truth annotations on the publicly available event camera dataset. (4) Finally, the event context encoded by DART greatly simplifies the feature correspondence problem, especially for spatio-temporal slices far apart in time, which has not been explicitly tackled in the event-based vision domain.Comment: 12 pages, revision submitted to TPAMI in Nov 201

    A Review on Personalized Tag based Image based Search Engines

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    The development of social media based on Web 2.0, amounts of images and videos spring up everywhere on the Internet. This phenomenon has brought great challenges to multimedia storage, indexing and retrieval. Generally speaking, tag-based image search is more commonly used in social media than content based image retrieval and content understanding. Thanks to the low relevance and diversity performance of initial retrieval results, the ranking problem in the tag-based image retrieval has gained researchers� wide attention. We will review some of techniques proposed by different authors for image retrieval in this paper

    A GPT-Based Approach for Scientometric Analysis: Exploring the Landscape of Artificial Intelligence Research

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    This study presents a comprehensive approach that addresses the challenges of scientometric analysis in the rapidly evolving field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). By combining search terms related to AI with the advanced language processing capabilities of generative pre-trained transformers (GPT), we developed a highly accurate method for identifying and analyzing AI-related articles in the Web of Science (WoS) database. Our multi-step approach included filtering articles based on WoS citation topics, category, keyword screening, and GPT classification. We evaluated the effectiveness of our method through precision and recall calculations, finding that our combined approach captured around 94% of AI-related articles in the entire WoS corpus with a precision of 90%. Following this, we analyzed the publication volume trends, revealing a continuous growth pattern from 2013 to 2022 and an increasing degree of interdisciplinarity. We conducted citation analysis on the top countries and institutions and identified common research themes using keyword analysis and GPT. This study demonstrates the potential of our approach to facilitate accurate scientometric analysis, by providing insights into the growth, interdisciplinary nature, and key players in the field.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Probabilistic prediction of Alzheimer’s disease from multimodal image data with Gaussian processes

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    Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, is an extremely serious health problem, and one that will become even more so in the coming decades as the global population ages. This has led to a massive effort to develop both new treatments for the condition and new methods of diagnosis; in fact the two are intimately linked as future treatments will depend on earlier diagnosis, which in turn requires the development of biomarkers that can be used to identify and track the disease. This is made possible by studies such as the Alzheimer’s disease neuroimaging initiative which provides previously unimaginable quantities of imaging and other data freely to researchers. It is the task of early diagnosis that this thesis focuses on. We do so by borrowing modern machine learning techniques, and applying them to image data. In particular, we use Gaussian processes (GPs), a previously neglected tool, and show they can be used in place of the more widely used support vector machine (SVM). As combinations of complementary biomarkers have been shown to be more useful than the biomarkers are individually, we go on to show GPs can also be applied to integrate different types of image and non-image data, and thanks to their properties this improves results further than it does with SVMs. In the final two chapters, we also look at different ways to formulate both the prediction of conversion to Alzheimer’s disease as a machine learning problem and the way image data can be used to generate features for input as a machine learning algorithm. Both of these show how unconventional approaches may improve results. The result is an advance in the state-of-the-art for a very clinically important problem, which may prove useful in practice and show a direction of future research to further increase the usefulness of such method