455,637 research outputs found

    Gender and Videogames: The political valency of Lara Croft

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    The Face: Is Lara a feminist icon or a sexist fantasy? Toby Gard: Neither and a bit of both. Lara was designed to be a tough, self-reliant, intelligent woman. She confounds all the sexist cliches apart from the fact that she’s got an unbelievable figure. Strong, independent women are the perfect fantasy girls—the untouchable is always the most desirable (Interview with Lara’s creator Toby Gard in The Face magazine, June 1997)

    CHA Prizes Juries / Jurys des prix de la SHC

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    The CHA greatly appreciates the tremendous work that Michael Dawson and Lara Campbell have done as CHA Council Member responsible for the Garneau, Macdonald and Ferguson and the John Bullen, Clio and Albert B. Corey prizes respectively. The same is true of the jury members of all of our prizes.Many thanks!La SHC apprécie grandement le travail que Michael Dawson et Lara Campbell ont accompli à titre de membre du Conseil de la SHC responsable des Comités des prix Garneau,Macdonald et Ferguson et des prix John-Bullen, Clio et Albert-B.-Corey respectivement. Il en est ainsi pour les membres des jurys de tous nos prix.Un grand merci

    On the Expressiveness of LARA: A Unified Language for Linear and Relational Algebra

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    We study the expressive power of the Lara language - a recently proposed unified model for expressing relational and linear algebra operations - both in terms of traditional database query languages and some analytic tasks often performed in machine learning pipelines. We start by showing Lara to be expressive complete with respect to first-order logic with aggregation. Since Lara is parameterized by a set of user-defined functions which allow to transform values in tables, the exact expressive power of the language depends on how these functions are defined. We distinguish two main cases depending on the level of genericity queries are enforced to satisfy. Under strong genericity assumptions the language cannot express matrix convolution, a very important operation in current machine learning operations. This language is also local, and thus cannot express operations such as matrix inverse that exhibit a recursive behavior. For expressing convolution, one can relax the genericity requirement by adding an underlying linear order on the domain. This, however, destroys locality and turns the expressive power of the language much more difficult to understand. In particular, although under complexity assumptions the resulting language can still not express matrix inverse, a proof of this fact without such assumptions seems challenging to obtain

    Cuts in matchings of 3-connected cubic graphs

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    We discuss conjectures on Hamiltonicity in cubic graphs (Tait, Barnette, Tutte), on the dichromatic number of planar oriented graphs (Neumann-Lara), and on even graphs in digraphs whose contraction is strongly connected (Hochst\"attler). We show that all of them fit into the same framework related to cuts in matchings. This allows us to find a counterexample to the conjecture of Hochst\"attler and show that the conjecture of Neumann-Lara holds for all planar graphs on at most 26 vertices. Finally, we state a new conjecture on bipartite cubic oriented graphs, that naturally arises in this setting.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Improved expositio

    “Worth Fighting For: Canada’s Tradition of War Resistance from 1812 to the War on Terror (Book Review)” by Lara Campbell, Michael Dawson, and Catherine Gidney

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    Review of Worth Fighting For: Canada’s Tradition of War Resistance from 1812 to the War on Terror by Lara Campbell, Michael Dawson, and Catherine Gidne


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    Novel kanthi irah-irahan Sumi iki nyritakake kahanan lara lapa kang disandhang dening paraga sajrone crita. Sajrone novel Sumi anggitane Tiwiek S A iki ana prakara-prakara sosial kang ndadekake paraga sajrone novel Sumi iki nandhang lara lapa. Kahanan sosial awujud lara lapa bisa dionceki nganggo tintingan sosiologi sastra. Adhedhasar andharan kasebut underane panliten yaiku; (1) Kepriye kahanan lara lapa sajrone novel Sumi?; (2) Kepriye sebabe lara lapa sajrone novel Sumi?; (3) Kepriye upaya kanggo ngrampungi lara lapa sajrone novel Sumi?; (4) Kepriye gayutane lara lapa sajrone novel Sumi anggitane Tiwiek S A karo realitas sosial sajrone bebrayan? Mula ancase panliten iki; (1) Ngandharake kahanan lara lapa; (2) Ngandharake sebabe lara lapa; (3) Ngandharake upaya kanggo ngrampungi lara lapa; (4) Ngandharake gayutane lara lapa karo realitas sosial sajrone bebrayan. Paedah saka panliten iki yaiku; (1) Bisa nambahi kawruh sajrone pengkajian karya sastra; (2) Bisa menehi sumbangsih tumrap ilmu sastra Jawa modern ngenani sosiologi sastra; (3) Bisa kanggo bahan tetimbangan uga bahan pembandhing sajrone nindakake panliten kang nggunakake tintingan sosiologi sastra. Panliten iki nggunakake tintingan sosiologi sastra Ian Watt, kang ngandharake yen sosiologi sastra minangka kaca benggala kanggo masyarakat, sing ditliti yaiku sepira adohe sastra njlentrehake urip kang ana sajrone masyarakat, lan nduweni fungsi sosial sastra, sing ditliti yaiku sesambungan antarane nilai-nilai sosial kang nduweni daya pangaribawa tumrap karya sastra. Metode panliten iki nggunakake dheskriptif kualitatif. Sumber dhata kang digunakake yaiku dhata primer kang arupa novel kanthi irah-irahan Sumi, dene dhata sekunder yaiku artikel kang gayut karo kahanan lara lapa. Dhata sing digunakake sajrone panliten iki arupa tetembungan, ukara, wacana kang ana ing novel Sumi, banjur tata cara kanggo ngumpulake dhata kang digunakake ing panliten iki yaiku tenik studi pustaka. Asile panliten iki (1) Ngandharake kahanan lara lapa, kayata durung bisa mbayar es-pe-pe, dikunjara; (2) Ngandharake sebabe lara lapa kayata faktor Indhividhu (sikap, pendhidhikan, lan ekonomi), faktor sosial (difitnah lan diapusi wong liya); (3) Ngandharake upaya kanggo ngrampungi lara lapa, kayata ngadol dhipan, golek utangan, lan minggat; (4) Ngandharake gayutane lara lapa sajrone novel karo realitas sosial sajrone bebrayan. Tembung wigati : Lara lapa, Sosiologi, Sosiologi Sastr

    FRW cosmologies between chaos and integrability

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    A recent paper by Castagnino, Giacomini and Lara concludes that there is no chaos in a conformally coupled closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universe, which is in apparent contradiction with previous works. We point out that although nonchaotic the quoted system is nonintegrable.Comment: Revtex, 2 pages, no figure

    A spatially-structured PCG method for content diversity in a Physics-based simulation game

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    This paper presents a spatially-structured evolutionary algorithm (EA) to procedurally generate game maps of di ferent levels of di ficulty to be solved, in Gravityvolve!, a physics-based simulation videogame that we have implemented and which is inspired by the n- body problem, a classical problem in the fi eld of physics and mathematics. The proposal consists of a steady-state EA whose population is partitioned into three groups according to the di ficulty of the generated content (hard, medium or easy) which can be easily adapted to handle the automatic creation of content of diverse nature in other games. In addition, we present three fitness functions, based on multiple criteria (i.e:, intersections, gravitational acceleration and simulations), that were used experimentally to conduct the search process for creating a database of maps with di ferent di ficulty in Gravityvolve!.Universidad de MĂĄlaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĂ­a Tech
