1,591 research outputs found

    Unmanned Aircraft System Assessments of Landslide Safety for Transportation Corridors

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    An assessment of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) concluded that current, off-the-shelf UAS aircraft and cameras can be effective for creating the digital surface models used to evaluate rock-slope stability and landslide risk along transportation corridors. The imagery collected with UAS can be processed using a photogrammetry technique called Structure-from-Motion (SfM) which generates a point cloud and surface model, similar to terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). We treated the TLS data as our control, or “truth,” because it is a mature and well-proven technology. The comparisons of the TLS surfaces and the SFM surfaces were impressive – if not comparable is many cases. Thus, the SfM surface models would be suitable for deriving slope morphology to generate rockfall activity indices (RAI) for landslide assessment provided the slopes. This research also revealed that UAS are a safer alternative to the deployment and operation of TLS operating on a road shoulder because UAS can be launched and recovered from a remote location and capable of imaging without flying directly over the road. However both the UAS and TLS approaches still require traditional survey control and photo targets to accurately geo-reference their respective DSM.List of Figures ...................................................................................................... vi List of Abbreviations ......................................................................................... vii Acknowledgments ................................................................................................ x Executive Summary ............................................................................................. xi CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 4 2.1 Landslide Hazards .................................................................................... 4 2.2 Unmanned Aircraft Systems Remote Sensing.......................................... 6 2.3 Structure From Motion (SfM) .................................................................. 7 2.4 Lidar terrain mapping ............................................................................... 8 CHAPTER 3 STUDY SITE/DATA .................................................................. 11 CHAPTER 4 METHODS ................................................................................ 13 4.1 Data Collection ............................................................................................. 13 4.1.1 Survey Control ..................................................................................... 14 4.1.2 TLS Surveys ........................................................................................ 16 4.1.3 UAS Imagery ....................................................................................... 17 4.1.4 Terrestrial Imagery Acquisition ........................................................... 19 4.2 Data Processing ............................................................................................ 20 4.2.1 Survey Control ..................................................................................... 20 4.2.2 TLS Processing .................................................................................... 20 4.2.3 SfM Processing .................................................................................... 21 4.2.4 Surface Generation .............................................................................. 22 4.3 Quality Evaluation ........................................................................................ 23 4.3.1 Completeness ....................................................................................... 23 4.3.2 Data Density/Resolution ...................................................................... 23 4.3.3 Accuracy Assessment .......................................................................... 23 4.3.2 Surface Morphology Analysis ............................................................. 24 4.2.6 Data Visualization ............................................................................... 25 CHAPTER 5 RESULTS ................................................................................. 27 v 5.1 UTIC DSM evaluation.................................................................................. 27 5.1.1 Completeness evaluation ..................................................................... 28 5.1.2 Data Density Evaluation ...................................................................... 29 5.1.3 Accuracy Evaluation............................................................................ 30 5.2 Geomorphological Evaluation ...................................................................... 32 CHAPTER 6 DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 35 6.1 Evaluation of UAS efficiencies .................................................................... 35 6.2 DSM quality and completeness .................................................................... 37 6.3 Safety and operational considerations .......................................................... 37 CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................ 40 7.1 Technology Transfer..................................................................................... 41 7.1.1 Publications ......................................................................................... 41 7.1.2 Presentations ........................................................................................ 42 7.1.3 Multi-media outreach .......................................................................... 43 6.4 Integration of UAS and TLS data ................................................................. 44 REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 4

    Sedimentological characterization of Antarctic moraines using UAVs and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry

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    In glacial environments particle-size analysis of moraines provides insights into clast origin, transport history, depositional mechanism and processes of reworking. Traditional methods for grain-size classification are labour-intensive, physically intrusive and are limited to patch-scale (1m2) observation. We develop emerging, high-resolution ground- and unmanned aerial vehicle-based ‘Structure-from-Motion’ (UAV-SfM) photogrammetry to recover grain-size information across an moraine surface in the Heritage Range, Antarctica. SfM data products were benchmarked against equivalent datasets acquired using terrestrial laser scanning, and were found to be accurate to within 1.7 and 50mm for patch- and site-scale modelling, respectively. Grain-size distributions were obtained through digital grain classification, or ‘photo-sieving’, of patch-scale SfM orthoimagery. Photo-sieved distributions were accurate to <2mm compared to control distributions derived from dry sieving. A relationship between patch-scale median grain size and the standard deviation of local surface elevations was applied to a site-scale UAV-SfM model to facilitate upscaling and the production of a spatially continuous map of the median grain size across a 0.3 km2 area of moraine. This highly automated workflow for site scale sedimentological characterization eliminates much of the subjectivity associated with traditional methods and forms a sound basis for subsequent glaciological process interpretation and analysis

    Environmental monitoring: landslide assessment and risk management (Test site: Vernazza, Cinque Terre Natural Park)

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    Natural disasters, whether of meteorological origin such as cyclones, floods, tornadoes and droughts or having geological nature such as earthquakes, volcanoes and landslide, are well known for their devastating impacts on human life, economy and environment. Over recent decades, the people and the societies are becoming more vulnerable; although the frequency of natural events may be constant, human activities contribute to their increased intensity. Indeed, every year millions of people are affected by natural disasters globally and, only in the last decade, more than 80% of all disaster-related deaths were caused by natural hazards. The PhD work is part of the activities for the support and development of methodologies useful to improve the management of environmental emergencies. In particular, it focused on the analysis of environmental monitoring and disaster risk management, a systematic approach to identify, to assess and to reduce the potential risks produced by a disaster. This method (Disaster Risk Management) aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities and deals with natural and man-made events. In the PhD thesis, in particular, the slope movements have been evaluated. Slope failures are generally not so costly as earthquakes or major floods, but they are more widespread, and over the years may cause more property loss than any other geological hazard. In many developing regions slope failures constitute a continuing and serious impact on the social and economic structure. Specifically, the Italian territory has always been subject to instability phenomena, because of the geological and morphological characteristic and because of "extreme" weather events that are repeated more frequently than in the past, in relation to climate change. Currently these disasters lead to the largest number of victims and damages to settlements, infrastructure and historical and cultural environmental, after the earthquakes. The urban development, especially in recent decades, resulted in an increase of the assets at risk and unstable areas, often due to constant human intervention badly designed that led to instability also places previously considered "safe". Prevention is therefore essential to minimize the damages caused by landslides The objectives of the conducted research were to investigate the different techniques and to check their potentiality, in order to evaluate the most appropriate instrument for landslide hazard assessment in terms of better compromise between time to perform the analysis and expected results. The attempt is to evaluate which are the best methodologies to use according to the scenario, taking into consideration both reachable accuracies and time constraints. Careful considerations will be performed on strengths, weaknesses and limitations inherent to each methodology. The characteristics associated with geographic, or geospatial, information technologies facilitate the integration of scientific, social and economic data, opening up interesting possibilities for monitoring, assessment and change detection activities, thus enabling better informed interventions in human and natural systems. This is an important factor for the success of emergency operations and for developing valuable natural disaster preparedness, mitigation and prevention systems. The test site was the municipality of Vernazza, which in October 2011 was subject to a extreme rainfall which led to the occurrence of a series of landslides along the Vernazzola stream, which have emphasized the flood event that affected the water cours

    Contribution of Geomatics Engineering and VGI Within the Landslide Risk Assessment Procedures

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    This paper presents a literature review on the methodology called Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and its use for Landslide Risk Assessment (LRA). General risk assessment procedures are discussed and the potential contributions of VGI are identified, in particular when quantitative characterization of factors such as Hazard, Vulnerability and Exposure is required. The review shows that the standard LRA procedures may benefit from input given by surveyors when performing hazard assessments, while crowdsourced data would be a valuable support in vulnerability/damage assessment studies. The review also highlights several limitations related to the role of VGI and crowdsourcing in LRA

    Terrestrial laser scanning survey in support of unstable slopes analysis. The case of Vulcano Island (Italy)

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    The capability to measure at distance dense cloud of 3D point has improved the relevance of geomatic techniques to support risk assessment analysis related to slope instability. This work focuses on quantitative analyses carried out to evaluate the effects of potential failures in the Vulcano Island (Italy). Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to reconstruct the geometry of investigated slopes that is required for the implementation of numerical modeling adopted to simulate runout areas. Structural and morphological elements, which influenced past instabilities or may be linked to new events, were identified on surface models based on ground surveying. Terrestrial laser scanning was adopted to generate detailed 3D models of subvertical slopes allowing to characterize the distribution and orientation of the rock discontinuities that affect instability mechanism caused by critical geometry. Methods for obtaining and analyzing 3D topographic data and to implement simulation analyses contributing to hazard and risk assessment are discussed for two case studies (Forgia Vecchia slope and Lentia rock walls)

    Full-Waveform Terrestrial Laser Scanning for Extracting a High-Resolution 3D Topographic Model: a Case Study on an Area of Archaeological Significance

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    This paper describes a method, which uses full-waveform terrestrial laser scanning to survey the surface of the slope below the Temple of Juno, located in the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento (Sicily, Southern Italy). The surface is characterized by the presence of large rock blocks, which have fallen down from the upper side; possible further detachments of rock blocks would cause a situation of general instability, with a very high risk to the archaeological structures in the near future. The methodology was designed to evaluate the potential of full-waveform laser scanning technology for the production of a very high resolution 3D topographic model of the slope, to be used as a support for the interpretation of geomorphological processes and for geotechnical analysis

    A combined field/remote sensing approach for characterizing landslide risk in coastal areas

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Understanding the key factors controlling slope failure mechanisms in coastal areas is the first and most important step for analyzing, reconstructing and predicting the scale, location and extent of future instability in rocky coastlines. Different failure mechanisms may be possible depending on the influence of the engineering properties of the rock mass (including the fracture network), the persistence and type of discontinuity and the relative aspect or orientation of the coastline. Using a section of the North Coast of Cornwall, UK, as an example we present a multi-disciplinary approach for characterizing landslide risk associated with coastal instabilities in a blocky rock mass. Remotely captured terrestrial and aerial LiDAR and photogrammetric data was interrogated using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to provide a framework for subsequent analysis, interpretation and validation. The remote sensing mapping data was used to define the rock mass discontinuity network of the area and to differentiate between major and minor geological structures controlling the evolution of the North Coast of Cornwall. Kinematic instability maps generated from aerial LiDAR data using GIS techniques and results from structural and engineering geological surveys are presented. With this method, it was possible to highlight the types of kinematic failure mechanism that may generate coastal landslides and highlight areas that are more susceptible to instability or increased risk of future instability. Multi-temporal aerial LiDAR data and orthophotos were also studied using GIS techniques to locate recent landslide failures, validate the results obtained from the kinematic instability maps through site observations and provide improved understanding of the factors controlling the coastal geomorphology. The approach adopted is not only useful for academic research, but also for local authorities and consultancy's when assessing the likely risks of coastal instability