43 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing of Environment: Current status of Landsat program, science, and applications

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    Formal planning and development of what became the first Landsat satellite commenced over 50 years ago in 1967. Now, having collected earth observation data for well over four decades since the 1972 launch of Landsat- 1, the Landsat program is increasingly complex and vibrant. Critical programmatic elements are ensuring the continuity of high quality measurements for scientific and operational investigations, including ground systems, acquisition planning, data archiving and management, and provision of analysis ready data products. Free and open access to archival and new imagery has resulted in a myriad of innovative applications and novel scientific insights. The planning of future compatible satellites in the Landsat series, which maintain continuity while incorporating technological advancements, has resulted in an increased operational use of Landsat data. Governments and international agencies, among others, can now build an expectation of Landsat data into a given operational data stream. International programs and conventions (e.g., deforestation monitoring, climate change mitigation) are empowered by access to systematically collected and calibrated data with expected future continuity further contributing to the existing multi-decadal record. The increased breadth and depth of Landsat science and applications have accelerated following the launch of Landsat-8, with significant improvements in data quality. Herein, we describe the programmatic developments and institutional context for the Landsat program and the unique ability of Landsat to meet the needs of national and international programs. We then present the key trends in Landsat science that underpin many of the recent scientific and application developments and followup with more detailed thematically organized summaries. The historical context offered by archival imagery combined with new imagery allows for the development of time series algorithms that can produce information on trends and dynamics. Landsat-8 has figured prominently in these recent developments, as has the improved understanding and calibration of historical data. Following the communication of the state of Landsat science, an outlook for future launches and envisioned programmatic developments are presented. Increased linkages between satellite programs are also made possible through an expectation of future mission continuity, such as developing a virtual constellation with Sentinel-2. Successful science and applications developments create a positive feedback loop—justifying and encouraging current and future programmatic support for Landsat

    Demonstration of Large Area Land Cover Classification with a One Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Applied to Single Pixel Temporal Metric Percentiles

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    Over large areas, land cover classification has conventionally been undertaken using satellite time series. Typically temporal metric percentiles derived from single pixel location time series have been used to take advantage of spectral differences among land cover classes over time and to minimize the impact of missing observations. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have demonstrated potential for land cover classification of single date images. However, over large areas and using time series their application is complicated because they are sensitive to missing observations and they may misclassify small and spatially fragmented surface features due to their spatial patch-based implementation. This study demonstrates, for the first time, a one-dimensional (1D) CNN single pixel time series land classification approach that uses temporal percentile metrics and that does not have these issues. This is demonstrated for all the Conterminous United States (CONUS) considering two different 1D CNN structures with 5 and 8 layers, respectively. CONUS 30 m land cover classifications were derived using all the available Landsat-5 and -7 imagery over a seven-month growing season in 2011 with 3.3 million 30 m land cover class labelled samples extracted from the contemporaneous CONUS National Land Cover Database (NLCD) 16 class land cover product. The 1D CNNs and, a conventional random forest model, were trained using 10%, 50% and 90% samples, and the classification accuracies were evaluated with an independent 10% proportion. Temporal metrics were classified using 5, 7 and 9 percentiles for each of five Landsat reflective wavelength bands and their eight band ratios. The CONUS and detailed 150 Ă— 150 km classification results demonstrate that the approach is effective at scale and locally. The 1D CNN classification land cover class boundaries were preserved for small axis dimension features, such as roads and rivers, with no stripes or anomalous spatial patterns. The 8-layer 1D CNN provided the highest overall classification accuracies and both the 5-layer and 8-layer 1D CNN architectures provided higher accuracies than the random forest by 1.9% - 2.8% which as all the accuracies were \u3e 83% is a meaningful increase. The CONUS overall classification accuracies increased marginally with the number of percentiles (86.21%, 86.40%, and 86.43% for 5, 7 and 9 percentiles, respectively) using the 8-layer 1D-CNN. Class specific producer and user accuracies were quantified, with lower accuracies for the developed land, crop and pasture/hay classes, but no systematic pattern among classes with respect to the number of temporal percentiles used. Application of the trained model to a different year of CONUS Landsat ARD showed moderately decreased accuracy (80.79% for 7 percentiles) that we illustrate is likely due to different intra-annual surface variations between years. These encouraging results are discussed with recommended research for deep learning using temporal metric percentiles

    Detection and characterization of coastal tidal wetland change in the northeastern US using Landsat time series

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Yang, X., Zhu, Z., Qiu, S., Kroeger, K. D., Zhu, Z., & Covington, S. Detection and characterization of coastal tidal wetland change in the northeastern US using Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment, 276, (2022): 113047, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2022.113047.Coastal tidal wetlands are highly altered ecosystems exposed to substantial risk due to widespread and frequent land-use change coupled with sea-level rise, leading to disrupted hydrologic and ecologic functions and ultimately, significant reduction in climate resiliency. Knowing where and when the changes have occurred, and the nature of those changes, is important for coastal communities and natural resource management. Large-scale mapping of coastal tidal wetland changes is extremely difficult due to their inherent dynamic nature. To bridge this gap, we developed an automated algorithm for DEtection and Characterization of cOastal tiDal wEtlands change (DECODE) using dense Landsat time series. DECODE consists of three elements, including spectral break detection, land cover classification and change characterization. DECODE assembles all available Landsat observations and introduces a water level regressor for each pixel to flag the spectral breaks and estimate harmonic time-series models for the divided temporal segments. Each temporal segment is classified (e.g., vegetated wetlands, open water, and others – including unvegetated areas and uplands) based on the phenological characteristics and the synthetic surface reflectance values calculated from the harmonic model coefficients, as well as a generic rule-based classification system. This harmonic model-based approach has the advantage of not needing the acquisition of satellite images at optimal conditions (i.e., low tide status) to avoid underestimating coastal vegetation caused by the tidal fluctuation. At the same time, DECODE can also characterize different kinds of changes including land cover change and condition change (i.e., land cover modification without conversion). We used DECODE to track status of coastal tidal wetlands in the northeastern United States from 1986 to 2020. The overall accuracy of land cover classification and change detection is approximately 95.8% and 99.8%, respectively. The vegetated wetlands and open water were mapped with user's accuracy of 94.6% and 99.0%, and producer's accuracy of 98.1% and 93.5%, respectively. The cover change and condition change were mapped with user's accuracy of 68.0% and 80.0%, and producer's accuracy of 80.5% and 97.1%, respectively. Approximately 3283 km2 of the coastal landscape within our study area in the northeastern United States changed at least once (12% of the study area), and condition changes were the dominant change type (84.3%). Vegetated coastal tidal wetland decreased consistently (~2.6 km2 per year) in the past 35 years, largely due to conversion to open water in the context of sea-level rise.This study was supported by USGS North Atlantic Coast Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) Program for Detection and Characterization of Coastal Tidal Wetland Change (G19AC00354)

    Tropical Forest Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass Estimation Using Airborne Lidar and Landsat-8 Data, a Sensitivity Study with Respect to Landsat-8 Data Temporal Availability, in Mai Ndombe Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Tropical forests’ structure information, such as forest canopy height, is a key component in any estimate of carbon stock. Tropical rainforests constitute the most forested ecosystems that harbor the largest biodiversity on Earth and store more carbon (above and belowground biomass) than any other ecosystem in the world. However, estimates of forest canopy structure is lacking over most of the regions that host this ecosystem because of both the structure’s complexity of this ecosystems and the incomplete or lack of up-to-date national forest inventory data necessary to derive forest canopy height and aboveground biomass. This study explores the capability of Landsat-8 imagery to predict dominant forest canopy height and aboveground biomass in Mai Ndombe province, Democratic Republic of Congo – a country that host half of the Congo Basin forests – within the context of the temporal availability of Landsat-8 imagery. A random forest regression model was used to predict dominant forest canopy height at 30 m spatial resolution from (a) only the July 14th 2013 (dry season) Landsat-8 image, (b) only the December 8th 2014 (wet season) Landsat-8 image, and (c) both images. The accuracy of the random forest regression model was performed on test data (n=2639) resulting in a, for the best prediction when using both dates together, RMSE = 3.84 m, R2 = 0.47. The model was then applied to the study area to derive forest canopy height using predictor variables from (a) only the dry season, (b) only the wet season, and (c) both images. The allometry equation defined by Xu et al. (2017) was used to generate aboveground biomass maps from (a) only the July 14th 2013 (dry season) Landsat-8 image, (b) only the December 8th 2014 (wet season) Landsat-8 image, and (c) both images using the study area forest canopy height maps. Field plots of aboveground biomass measurements were compared to predicted aboveground biomass maps for validation purpose. Validation process revealed a better prediction of aboveground biomass (RMSE= 83.77 Mg.ha-1) when the forest canopy height maps derived with both images was used to estimate aboveground biomass

    Land cover change from national to global scales:A spatiotemporal assessment of trajectories, transitions and drivers

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    Changes in global land cover (LC) have significant consequences for global environmental change, impacting the sustainability of biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem services, biodiversity, and food security. Different forms of LC change have taken place across the world in recent decades due to a combination of natural and anthropogenic drivers, however, the types of change and rates of change have traditionally been hard to quantify. This thesis exploits the properties of the recently released ESA-CCI-LC product – an internally consistent, high-resolution annual time-series of global LC extending from 1992 to 2018. Specifically, this thesis uses a combination of trajectories and transition maps to quantify LC changes over time at national, continental and global scales, in order to develop a deeper understanding of what, where and when significant changes in LC have taken place and relates these to natural and anthropogenic drivers. This thesis presents three analytical chapters that contribute to achieving the objectives and the overarching aim of the thesis. The first analytical chapter initially focuses on the Nile Delta region of Egypt, one of the most densely populated and rapidly urbanising regions globally, to quantify historic rates of urbanisation across the fertile agricultural land, before modelling a series of alternative futures in which these lands are largely protected from future urban expansion. The results show that 74,600 hectares of fertile agricultural land in the Nile Delta (Old Lands) was lost to urban expansion between 1992 and 2015. Furthermore, a scenario that encouraged urban expansion into the desert and adjacent to areas of existing high population density could be achieved, hence preserving large areas of fertile agricultural land within the Nile Delta. The second analytical chapter goes on to examine LC changes across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), a complex and diverse environment, through the joint lenses of political regions and ecoregions, differentiating between natural and anthropogenic signals of change and relating to likely drivers. The results reveal key LC change processes at a range of spatial scales, and identify hotspots of LC change. The major five key LC change processes were: (i) “gain of dry forests” covered the largest extent and was distributed across the whole of SSA; (ii) “greening of deserts” found adjacent to desert areas (e.g., the Sahel belt); (iii) “loss of tree-dominated savanna” extending mainly across South-eastern Africa; (iv) “loss of shrub-dominated savanna” stretching across West Africa, and “loss of tropical rainforests” unexpectedly covering the smallest extent, mainly in the DRC, West Africa and Madagascar. The final analytical chapter considers LC change at the global scale, providing a comprehensive assessment of LC gains and losses, trajectories and transitions, including a complete assessment of associated uncertainties. This chapter highlights variability between continents and identifies locations of high LC dynamism, recognising global hotspots for sustainability challenges. At the national scale, the chapter identifies the top 10 countries with the largest percentages of forest loss and urban expansion globally. The results show that the majority of these countries have stabilised their forest losses, however, urban expansion was consistently on the rise in all countries. The thesis concludes with recommendations for future research as global LC products become more refined (spatially, temporally and thematically) allowing deeper insights into the causes and consequences of global LC change to be determined


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    Bare ground gain -- the complete removal of vegetation due to land use changes, represents an extreme land cover transition that completely alters the structure and functioning of ecosystems. The fast expansion of bare ground cover is directly associated with increasing population and urbanization, resulting in accelerated greenhouse gas emissions, intensified urban heat island phenomenon, and extensive habitat fragments and loss. While the economic return of settlement and infrastructure construction has improved human livelihoods, the negative impacts on the environment have disproportionally affected vulnerable population, creating inequality and tension in society. The area, distribution, drivers, and change rates of global bare ground gain were not systematically quantified; neither was the relationship between such dynamics and socioeconomic development. This dissertation seeks methods for operational characterization of bare ground expansion, advances our understanding of the magnitudes, dynamics, and drivers of global bare ground gain between 2000 and 2012, and uncovers the implications of such change for macro-economic development monitoring, all through Landsat satellite observations. The approach that employs wall-to-wall maps of bare ground gain classified from Landsat imagery for probability sample selection is proved particularly effective for unbiased area estimation of global, continental, and national bare ground gain, as a small land cover and land use change theme. Anthropogenic land uses accounted for 95% of the global bare ground gain, largely consisting of commercial/residential built-up, infrastructure development, and resource extraction. China and the United States topped the total area increase in bare ground. Annual change rates of anthropogenic bare ground gain are found as a leading indicator of macro-economic change in the study period dominated by the 2007-2008 global financial crisis, through econometric analysis between annual gains in the bare ground of different land use outcomes and economic fluctuations in business cycles measured by detrended economic variables. Instead of intensive manual interpretation of land-use attributes of probability sample, an approach of integrating a pixel- and an object- based deep learning algorithms is proposed and tested feasible for automatic attribution of airports, a transportation land use with economic importance

    Análise da disponibilidade de imagens Landsat e Sentinel para o Brasil

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    This paper analyzed the availability of cloud-free data from the programs Landsat (surface reflectance, 1982-2019) and Sentinel-2 (TOA reflectance, 2015-2019) over the Brazilian territory. In the case of Landsat, the amount of information available increased considerably in 1999 with the start of Landsat 7. However, mainly due to the presence of clouds, the availability of data varies greatly in space and time. The Amazon biome, in particular, has scarcity of data with an average of 0.72 valid observations per month and five months with less than 0.4 valid observations (December to April). The Caatinga and Mata Altântica biomes also present, to a lesser extent, little data (0.96 and 1.07 valid observations per month, on average). On the contrary, other biomes, such as the pampa, present a significant number of data (1.44 valid observations per month on average for pampa) more evenly distributed over the year. Due to its better temporal resolution, Sentinel-2 is able to reach a larger number of valid observations per month (about 3 for the Amazon and 4 for the pampa). However, the Sentinel-2 satellite constellation became fully operational in 2018 and, for studies of historical periods, Landsat, eventually combined with other sensors, such as CBERS or SPOT, remains the basis of many studies.Neste trabalho, analisamos a disponibilidade de dados sem nuvens dos programas Landsat (refletância da superfície, 1982-2019) e Sentinel 2 (reflectância no topo da atmosfera, 2015-2019) no território brasileiro. No caso do Landsat, a quantidade de informações disponíveis aumenta consideravelmente em 1999 com o início do Landsat 7. No entanto, principalmente devido à presença de nuvens, a disponibilidade de dados varia muito em espaço e tempo. O bioma Amazônia, em particular, apresenta escassez de dados com uma média de 0,72 observações válidas por mês e com cinco meses com menos de 0,4 observações válidas (dezembro a abril). Os biomas Caatinga e Mata Atlântica também apresentam, em menor grau, poucos dados (0,96 e 1,07 observações válidas por mês, em média). Entretanto, outros biomas, como o pampa, apresentam um número significativo de dados (1,44 observações válidas por mês em média para a pampa) distribuídos ao longo do ano de maneira mais regular. O Sentinel 2, devido à melhor resolução temporal,  permite alcançar um número maior de observações válidas por mês (cerca de 3 para a Amazônia e 4 para o Pampa). No entanto, a constelação de satélites Sentinel tornou-se totalmente operacional somente em 2018 e, para estudos de períodos históricos, o Landsat, eventualmente combinado com outros sensores, como CBERS ou SPOT, permanece sendo a base de muitos estudos

    Changes at treeline within the San Juan Mountains of Colorado

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    Repeat photography is a field method to study landscape change over time, yet most studies use a single pair of photographs spanning upwards of a century or more to ascertain change. In this study, I used repeat photography to study vegetation change across high-elevation environments within the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado on decadal time scales. At five photo sites, I compared present conditions to both a historical photograph (ca. 1875-1910) and one from 2002 to determine if climate-induced thresholds have impacted high-elevation forests. Results from this research suggest that (1) tree establishment is increasing at 80% of photo sites and (2) spruce beetle-induced mortality is evident at 60% of sites. To increase the temporal resolution of when the spruce beetle outbreak occurred, I used remote sensing change detection analysis for the periods 2003-2011 and 2011-2019., Given the level of change detected between 2011-2019, spruce beetle-induced mortality along upper treeline likely originated within the past eight years. Overall, results from repeat photography used in conjunction with remote sensing provide multiple lines of evidence that ecological change had a resulted from the crossing of a climate threshold over the past decade. Findings from this research suggest that hotter drought is already impacting high-elevation treeline environments in parts of the San Juan Mountains.Includes bibliographical reference

    Monitoring the Sustainable Intensification of Arable Agriculture:the Potential Role of Earth Observation

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    Sustainable intensification (SI) has been proposed as a possible solution to the conflicting problems of meeting projected increases in food demand and preserving environmental quality. SI would provide necessary production increases while simultaneously reducing or eliminating environmental degradation, without taking land from competing demands. An important component of achieving these aims is the development of suitable methods for assessing the temporal variability of both the intensification and sustainability of agriculture. Current assessments rely on traditional data collection methods that produce data of limited spatial and temporal resolution. Earth Observation (EO) provides a readily accessible, long-term dataset with global coverage at various spatial and temporal resolutions. In this paper we demonstrate how EO could significantly contribute to SI assessments, providing opportunities to quantify agricultural intensity and environmental sustainability. We review an extensive body of research on EO-based methods to assess multiple indicators of both agricultural intensity and environmental sustainability. To date these techniques have not been combined to assess SI; here we identify the opportunities and initial steps required to achieve this. In this context, we propose the development of a set of essential sustainable intensification variables (ESIVs) that could be derived from EO data

    Enhancing Landsat time series through multi-sensor fusion and integration of meteorological data

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    Over 50 years ago, the United States Interior Secretary, Stewart Udall, directed space agencies to gather "facts about the natural resources of the earth." Today global climate change and human modification make earth observations from all variety of sensors essential to understand and adapt to environmental change. The Landsat program has been an invaluable source for understanding the history of the land surface, with consistent observations from the Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensors since 1982. This dissertation develops and explores methods for enhancing the TM/ETM+ record by fusing other data sources, specifically, Landsat 8 for future continuity, radar data for tropical forest monitoring, and meteorological data for semi-arid vegetation dynamics. Landsat 8 data may be incorporated into existing time series of Landsat 4-7 data for applications like change detection, but vegetation trend analysis requires calibration, especially when using the near-infrared band. The improvements in radiometric quality and cloud masking provided by Landsat 8 data reduce noise compared to previous sensors. Tropical forests are notoriously difficult to monitor with Landsat alone because of clouds. This dissertation developed and compared two approaches for fusing Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from the Advanced Land Observation Satellite (ALOS-1) with Landsat in Peru, and found that radar data increased accuracy of deforestation. Simulations indicate that the benefit of using radar data increased with higher cloud cover. Time series analysis of vegetation indices from Landsat in semi-arid environments is complicated by the response of vegetation to high variability in timing and amount of precipitation. We found that quantifying dynamics in precipitation and drought index data improved land cover change detection performance compared to more traditional harmonic modeling for grasslands and shrublands in California. This dissertation enhances the value of Landsat data by combining it with other data sources, including other optical sensors, SAR data, and meteorological data. The methods developed here show the potential for data fusion and are especially important in light of recent and upcoming missions, like Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR)