4,298 research outputs found

    A High Performance Fuzzy Logic Architecture for UAV Decision Making

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    The majority of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in operation today are not truly autonomous, but are instead reliant on a remote human pilot. A high degree of autonomy can provide many advantages in terms of cost, operational resources and safety. However, one of the challenges involved in achieving autonomy is that of replicating the reasoning and decision making capabilities of a human pilot. One candidate method for providing this decision making capability is fuzzy logic. In this role, the fuzzy system must satisfy real-time constraints, process large quantities of data and relate to large knowledge bases. Consequently, there is a need for a generic, high performance fuzzy computation platform for UAV applications. Based on Lees’ [1] original work, a high performance fuzzy processing architecture, implemented in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), has been developed and is shown to outclass the performance of existing fuzzy processors

    Designing an expert knowledge-based Systemic Importance Index for financial institutions

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    Defining whether a financial institution is systemically important (or not) is challenging due to (i) the inevitability of combining complex importance criteria such as institutions’ size, connectedness and substitutability; (ii) the ambiguity of what an appropriate threshold for those criteria may be; and (iii) the involvement of expert knowledge as a key input for combining those criteria. The proposed method, a Fuzzy Logic Inference System, uses four key systemic importance indicators that capture institutions’ size, connectedness and substitutability, and a convenient deconstruction of expert knowledge to obtain a Systemic Importance Index. This method allows for combining dissimilar concepts in a non-linear, consistent and intuitive manner, whilst considering them as continuous –non binary- functions. Results reveal that the method imitates the way experts them-selves think about the decision process regarding what a systemically important financial institution is within the financial system under analysis. The Index is a comprehensive relative assessment of each financial institution’s systemic importance. It may serve financial authorities as a quantitative tool for focusing their attention and resources where the severity resulting from an institution failing or near-failing is estimated to be the greatest. It may also serve for enhanced policy-making (e.g. prudential regulation, oversight and supervision) and decision-making (e.g. resolving, restructuring or providing emergency liquidity).Systemic Importance, Systemic Risk, Fuzzy Logic, Approximate Reasoning, Too-connected-to-fail, Too-big-to-fail. Classification JEL: D85, C63, E58, G28.

    Vertical transportation in buildings

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    Nowadays, the building industry and its associated technologies are experiencing a period of rapid growth, which requires an equivalent growth regarding technologies in the field of vertical transportation. Therefore, the installation of synchronised elevator groups in modern buildings is a common practice in order to govern the dispatching, allocation and movement of the cars shaping the group. So, elevator control and management has become a major field of application for Artificial Intelligence approaches. Methodologies such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, ant colonies, or multiagent systems are being successfully proposed in the scientific literature, and are being adopted by the leading elevator companies as elements that differentiate them from their competitors. In this sense, the most relevant companies are adopting strategies based on the protection of their discoveries and inventions as registered patents in different countries throughout the world. This paper presents a comprehensive state of the art of the most relevant recent patents on computer science applied to vertical transportationConsejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía P07-TEP-02832, Spain

    Modeling the Decision Process of a Joint Task Force Commander

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    The U.S. military uses modeling and simulation as a tool to help meet its warfighting needs. A key element within military simulations is the ability to accurately represent human behavior. This is especially true in a simulation\u27s ability to emulate realistic military decisions. However, current decision models fail to provide the variability and flexibility that human decision makers exhibit. Further, most decision models are focused on tactical decisions and ignore the decision process of senior military commanders at the operational level of warfare. In an effort to develop a better decision model that would mimic the decision process of a senior military commander, this research sought to identify an underlying cognitive process and computational techniques that could adequately implement it. Recognition-Primed Decision making (RPD) was identified as one such model that characterized this process. Multiagent system simulation was identified as a computational system that could mimic the cognitive process identified by RPD. The result was a model of RPD called RPDAgent. Using an operational military decision scenario, decisions produced by RPDAgent were compared against decisions made by military officers. It was found that RPDAgent produced decisions that were equivalent to its human counterparts. RPDAgent\u27s decisions were not optimum decisions, but decisions that reflected the variability inherent in those made by humans in an operational military environment

    A BIM-based Approach for Predictive Safety Planning in the Construction Industry

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    The number of safety incidents in the construction industry is higher than that in most of the other industries. These safety incidents can be attributed to a lack of information and training. The new line of thinking in management has been moving toward predictive decision-making methods with the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). In this regard, the construction industry has been lagging on embracing modern management concepts. Hence, it is vital to re-engineer construction management to be on par with industries such as manufacturing. Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be recognized as the most promising technology that is introduced to the construction sector in the recent past. The information contained in a BIM model can be manipulated to aid construction safety management. This research presents BIM-based methods for predictive safety planning in the construction industry. At first, a comprehensive review of construction management challenges was conducted. This review revealed that although there are some studies regarding BIM-based predictive decision-making, still some knowledge gaps can be mentioned in the safety management of construction workers and building residents. To address the mentioned challenges, at first, this study integrates BIM with fuzzy logic to improve predictive safety planning to reduce the safety incidents in the construction projects. A Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) was developed based on the causality of safety incidents. The FIS extracts construction project data from BIM models while automatically assessing the risk of each potential hazard and also the total risk of a project. The proposed method enables construction managers to prevent construction incidents and enhance the health and safety of construction workers. Furthermore, this study develops a methodological framework for rule checking and the safety-focused ruleset for BIM-enabled building construction projects in Ontario, Canada. Identified safety standards were defined in Solibri Model checker software as a ruleset. The outcomes of this section will ensure the occupant’s safety through a proper design. Moreover, the findings of this will support promoting BIM in the Canadian construction industry

    A novel tiered sensor fusion approach for terrain characterization and safe landing assessment

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    ©2006 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Presented at the 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 5-11, 2006, Big Sky, MT.DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2006.1655795This paper presents a novel, tiered sensor fusion methodology for real-time terrain safety assessment. A combination of active and passive sensors, specifically, radar, lidar, and camera, operate in three tiers according to their inherent ranges of operation. Low-level terrain features (e.g. slope, roughness) and high-level terrain features (e.g. hills, craters) are integrated using principles of reasoning under uncertainty. Three methodologies are used to infer landing safety: fuzzy reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, and evidential reasoning. The safe landing predictions from the three fusion engines are consolidated in a subsequent decision fusion stage aimed at combining the strengths of each fusion methodology. Results from simulated spacecraft descents are presented and discussed

    Knowledge-Based Aircraft Automation: Managers Guide on the use of Artificial Intelligence for Aircraft Automation and Verification and Validation Approach for a Neural-Based Flight Controller

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    The ultimate goal of this report was to integrate the powerful tools of artificial intelligence into the traditional process of software development. To maintain the US aerospace competitive advantage, traditional aerospace and software engineers need to more easily incorporate the technology of artificial intelligence into the advanced aerospace systems being designed today. The future goal was to transition artificial intelligence from an emerging technology to a standard technology that is considered early in the life cycle process to develop state-of-the-art aircraft automation systems. This report addressed the future goal in two ways. First, it provided a matrix that identified typical aircraft automation applications conducive to various artificial intelligence methods. The purpose of this matrix was to provide top-level guidance to managers contemplating the possible use of artificial intelligence in the development of aircraft automation. Second, the report provided a methodology to formally evaluate neural networks as part of the traditional process of software development. The matrix was developed by organizing the discipline of artificial intelligence into the following six methods: logical, object representation-based, distributed, uncertainty management, temporal and neurocomputing. Next, a study of existing aircraft automation applications that have been conducive to artificial intelligence implementation resulted in the following five categories: pilot-vehicle interface, system status and diagnosis, situation assessment, automatic flight planning, and aircraft flight control. The resulting matrix provided management guidance to understand artificial intelligence as it applied to aircraft automation. The approach taken to develop a methodology to formally evaluate neural networks as part of the software engineering life cycle was to start with the existing software quality assurance standards and to change these standards to include neural network development. The changes were to include evaluation tools that can be applied to neural networks at each phase of the software engineering life cycle. The result was a formal evaluation approach to increase the product quality of systems that use neural networks for their implementation

    Architecture value mapping: using fuzzy cognitive maps as a reasoning mechanism for multi-criteria conceptual design evaluation

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    The conceptual design phase is the most critical phase in the systems engineering life cycle. The design concept chosen during this phase determines the structure and behavior of the system, and consequently, its ability to fulfill its intended function. A good conceptual design is the first step in the development of a successful artifact. However, decision-making during conceptual design is inherently challenging and often unreliable. The conceptual design phase is marked by an ambiguous and imprecise set of requirements, and ill-defined system boundaries. A lack of usable data for design evaluation makes the problem worse. In order to assess a system accurately, it is necessary to capture the relationships between its physical attributes and the stakeholders\u27 value objectives. This research presents a novel conceptual architecture evaluation approach that utilizes attribute-value networks, designated as \u27Architecture Value Maps\u27, to replicate the decision makers\u27 cogitative processes. Ambiguity in the system\u27s overall objectives is reduced hierarchically to reveal a network of criteria that range from the abstract value measures to the design-specific performance measures. A symbolic representation scheme, the 2-Tuple Linguistic Representation is used to integrate different types of information into a common computational format, and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps are utilized as the reasoning engine to quantitatively evaluate potential design concepts. A Linguistic Ordered Weighted Average aggregation operator is used to rank the final alternatives based on the decision makers\u27 risk preferences. The proposed methodology provides systems architects with the capability to exploit the interrelationships between a system\u27s design attributes and the value that stakeholders associate with these attributes, in order to design robust, flexible, and affordable systems --Abstract, page iii

    Multi-authored monograph

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles. Perspectives. Management. Power supply : Multi-authored monograph / V. V. Holovenskiy, T. F. Shmelova,Y. M. Shmelev and oth.; Science Editor DSc. (Engineering), T. F. Shmelova. – Warsaw, 2019. – 100 p. - ISBN 978-83-66216-10-5.У монографії аналізуються можливі варіанти енергопостачання та управління безпілотними літальними апаратами. Також розглядається питання прийняття рішення оператором безпілотного літального апарату при управлінні у надзвичайних ситуаціях. Рекомендується для фахівців, аспірантів і студентів за спеціальностями 141 - «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка», 173 - «Авіоніка» та інших суміжних спеціальностей.The monograph analyzes the possible options for energy supply and control of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, the issue of decision-making by the operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle in the management of emergencies is considered.