661 research outputs found

    Review on unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    This study deals with an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources (UPMR). That is one of the important sub-problems in the scheduling. UPMR consists of scheduling a set of jobs on unrelated machines. In addition to that, a number of one or more additional resources are needed. UPMR is very important and its importance comes from the wealth of applications; they are applicable to engineering and scientific situations and manufacturing systems such as industrial robots, nurses, machine operators, bus drivers, tools, assembly plant machines, fixtures, pallets, electricity, mechanics, dies, automated guided vehicles, fuel, and more. The importance also comes from the concern about the limitation of resources that are dedicated for the production process. Therefore, researchers and decision makers are still working on UPMR problem to get an optimum schedule for all instances which have not been obtained to this day. The optimum schedule is able to increase the profits and decrease the costs whilst satisfying the customers’ needs. This research aims to review and discuss studies related to unrelated parallel machines and additional resources. Overall, the review demonstrates the criticality of resolving the UPMR problem. Metaheuristic techniques exhibit significant effectiveness in generating results and surpassing other algorithms. Nevertheless, continued improvement is essential to satisfy the evolving requirements of UPMR, which are subject to operational changes based on customer demand

    Multiobjective Order Acceptance and Scheduling on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Machine Eligibility Constraints

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    This paper studies the order acceptance and scheduling problem on unrelated parallel machines with machine eligibility constraints. Two objectives are considered to maximize total net profit and minimize the makespan, and the mathematical model of this problem is formulated as multiobjective mixed integer linear programming. Some properties with respect to the objectives are analysed, and then a classic list scheduling (LS) rule named the first available machine rule is extended, and three new LS rules are presented, which focus on the maximization of the net profit, the minimization of the makespan, and the trade-off between the two objectives, respectively. Furthermore, a list-scheduling-based multiobjective parthenogenetic algorithm (LS-MPGA) is presented with parthenogenetic operators and Pareto-ranking and selection method. Computational experiments on randomly generated instances are carried out to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the four LS rules under the framework of LS-MPGA and discuss their application environments. Results demonstrate that the performance of the LS-MPGA developed for trade-off is superior to the other three algorithms

    Guided genetic algorithm for solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    This paper solved the unrelated parallel machine scheduling with additional resources (UPMR) problem. The processing time and the number of required resources for each job rely on the machine that does the processing. Each job j needed units of resources (rjm) during its time of processing on a machine m. These additional resources are limited, and this made the UPMR a difficult problem to solve. In this study, the maximum completion time of jobs makespan must be minimized. Here, we proposed genetic algorithm (GA) to solve the UPMR problem because of the robustness and the success of GA in solving many optimization problems. An enhancement of GA was also proposed in this work. Generally, the experiment involves tuning the parameters of GA. Additionally, an appropriate selection of GA operators was also experimented. The guide genetic algorithm (GGA) is not used to solve the unspecified dynamic UPMR. Besides, the utilization of parameters tuning and operators gave a balance between exploration and exploitation and thus help the search escape the local optimum. Results show that the GGA outperforms the simple genetic algorithm (SGA), but it still didn't match the results in the literature. On the other hand, GGA significantly outperforms all methods in terms of CPU time

    Hybridizing guided genetic algorithm and single-based metaheuristics to solve unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with scarce resources

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    This paper focuses on solving unrelated parallel machine scheduling with resource constraints (UPMR). There are j jobs, and each job needs to be processed on one of the machines aim at minimizing the makespan. Besides the dependence of the machine, the processing time of any job depends on the usage of a rare renewable resource. A certain number of those resources (Rmax) can be disseminated to jobs for the purpose of processing them at any time, and each job j needs units of resources (rjm) when processing in machine m. When more resources are assigned to a job, the job processing time minimizes. However, the number of resources available is limited, and this makes the problem difficult to solve for a good quality solution. Genetic algorithm shows promising results in solving UPMR. However, genetic algorithm suffers from premature convergence, which could hinder the resulting quality. Therefore, the work hybridizes guided genetic algorithm (GGA) with a single-based metaheuristics (SBHs) to handle the premature convergence in the genetic algorithm with the aim to escape from the local optima and improve the solution quality further. The single-based metaheuristics replaces the mutation in the genetic algorithm. The evaluation of the algorithm performance was conducted through extensive experiments

    Models and matheuristics for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources

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    [EN] In this paper we analyze a parallel machine scheduling problem in which the processing of jobs on the machines requires a number of units of a scarce resource. This number depends both on the job and on the machine. The availability of resources is limited and fixed throughout the production horizon. The ob- jective considered is the minimization of the makespan. We model this problem by means of two integer linear programming problems. One of them is based on a model previously proposed in the literature. The other one, which is based on the resemblance to strip packing problems, is an original contribution of this paper. As the models presented are incapable of solving medium-sized instances to optimality, we propose three matheuristic strategies for each of these two models. The algorithms proposed are tested over an extensive computational experience. Results show that the matheuristic strategies significantly outperform the mathematical models.The authors are supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under project "SCHEYARD - Optimization of Scheduling Problems in Container Yards" (No. DPI2015-65895-R), partially financed with FEDER funds. Thanks are due to our colleagues Eva Vallada and Ful Villa, for their useful suggestions. Special thanks are due to three anonymous referees which have significantly contributed to the improvement of the manuscript. Apart from accompanying on-line materials, interested readers can download more contents from http://soa.iti.es/problem-instances, like the instances used, software for generating instances and all the binaries of the algorithms tested in this paper. We also provide complete solutions, full tables of results and the statistics software files to replicate all results and plots. Additional explanations are also provided in "how-to" text files.Perea Rojas Marcos, F.; Fanjul Peyró, L.; Ruiz García, R. (2017). Models and matheuristics for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with additional resources. European Journal of Operational Research. 260(2):482-493. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.01.002S482493260

    Neural combinatorial optimization as an enabler technology to design real-time virtual network function placement decision systems

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    158 p.The Fifth Generation of the mobile network (5G) represents a breakthrough technology for thetelecommunications industry. 5G provides a unified infrastructure capable of integrating over thesame physical network heterogeneous services with different requirements. This is achieved thanksto the recent advances in network virtualization, specifically in Network Function Virtualization(NFV) and Software Defining Networks (SDN) technologies. This cloud-based architecture not onlybrings new possibilities to vertical sectors but also entails new challenges that have to be solvedaccordingly. In this sense, it enables to automate operations within the infrastructure, allowing toperform network optimization at operational time (e.g., spectrum optimization, service optimization,traffic optimization). Nevertheless, designing optimization algorithms for this purpose entails somedifficulties. Solving the underlying Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems that these problemspresent is usually intractable due to their NP-Hard nature. In addition, solutions to these problems arerequired in close to real-time due to the tight time requirements on this dynamic environment. Forthis reason, handwritten heuristic algorithms have been widely used in the literature for achievingfast approximate solutions on this context.However, particularizing heuristics to address CO problems can be a daunting task that requiresexpertise. The ability to automate this resolution processes would be of utmost importance forachieving an intelligent network orchestration. In this sense, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is envisionedas the key technology for autonomously inferring intelligent solutions to these problems. Combining AI with network virtualization can truly transform this industry. Particularly, this Thesis aims at using Neural Combinatorial Optimization (NCO) for inferring endsolutions on CO problems. NCO has proven to be able to learn near optimal solutions on classicalcombinatorial problems (e.g., the Traveler Salesman Problem (TSP), Bin Packing Problem (BPP),Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)). Specifically, NCO relies on Reinforcement Learning (RL) toestimate a Neural Network (NN) model that describes the relation between the space of instances ofthe problem and the solutions for each of them. In other words, this model for a new instance is ableto infer a solution generalizing from the problem space where it has been trained. To this end, duringthe learning process the model takes instances from the learning space, and uses the reward obtainedfrom evaluating the solution to improve its accuracy.The work here presented, contributes to the NCO theory in two main directions. First, this workargues that the performance obtained by sequence-to-sequence models used for NCO in the literatureis improved presenting combinatorial problems as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP).Such property can be exploited for building a Markovian model that constructs solutionsincrementally based on interactions with the problem. And second, this formulation enables toaddress general constrained combinatorial problems under this framework. In this context, the modelin addition to the reward signal, relies on penalty signals generated from constraint dissatisfactionthat direct the model toward a competitive policy even in highly constrained environments. Thisstrategy allows to extend the number of problems that can be addressed using this technology.The presented approach is validated in the scope of intelligent network management, specifically inthe Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement problem. This problem consists of efficientlymapping a set of network service requests on top of the physical network infrastructure. Particularly,we seek to obtain the optimal placement for a network service chain considering the state of thevirtual environment, so that a specific resource objective is accomplished, in this case theminimization of the overall power consumption. Conducted experiments prove the capability of theproposal for learning competitive solutions when compared to classical heuristic, metaheuristic, andConstraint Programming (CP) solvers

    Neural combinatorial optimization as an enabler technology to design real-time virtual network function placement decision systems

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    158 p.The Fifth Generation of the mobile network (5G) represents a breakthrough technology for thetelecommunications industry. 5G provides a unified infrastructure capable of integrating over thesame physical network heterogeneous services with different requirements. This is achieved thanksto the recent advances in network virtualization, specifically in Network Function Virtualization(NFV) and Software Defining Networks (SDN) technologies. This cloud-based architecture not onlybrings new possibilities to vertical sectors but also entails new challenges that have to be solvedaccordingly. In this sense, it enables to automate operations within the infrastructure, allowing toperform network optimization at operational time (e.g., spectrum optimization, service optimization,traffic optimization). Nevertheless, designing optimization algorithms for this purpose entails somedifficulties. Solving the underlying Combinatorial Optimization (CO) problems that these problemspresent is usually intractable due to their NP-Hard nature. In addition, solutions to these problems arerequired in close to real-time due to the tight time requirements on this dynamic environment. Forthis reason, handwritten heuristic algorithms have been widely used in the literature for achievingfast approximate solutions on this context.However, particularizing heuristics to address CO problems can be a daunting task that requiresexpertise. The ability to automate this resolution processes would be of utmost importance forachieving an intelligent network orchestration. In this sense, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is envisionedas the key technology for autonomously inferring intelligent solutions to these problems. Combining AI with network virtualization can truly transform this industry. Particularly, this Thesis aims at using Neural Combinatorial Optimization (NCO) for inferring endsolutions on CO problems. NCO has proven to be able to learn near optimal solutions on classicalcombinatorial problems (e.g., the Traveler Salesman Problem (TSP), Bin Packing Problem (BPP),Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)). Specifically, NCO relies on Reinforcement Learning (RL) toestimate a Neural Network (NN) model that describes the relation between the space of instances ofthe problem and the solutions for each of them. In other words, this model for a new instance is ableto infer a solution generalizing from the problem space where it has been trained. To this end, duringthe learning process the model takes instances from the learning space, and uses the reward obtainedfrom evaluating the solution to improve its accuracy.The work here presented, contributes to the NCO theory in two main directions. First, this workargues that the performance obtained by sequence-to-sequence models used for NCO in the literatureis improved presenting combinatorial problems as Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDP).Such property can be exploited for building a Markovian model that constructs solutionsincrementally based on interactions with the problem. And second, this formulation enables toaddress general constrained combinatorial problems under this framework. In this context, the modelin addition to the reward signal, relies on penalty signals generated from constraint dissatisfactionthat direct the model toward a competitive policy even in highly constrained environments. Thisstrategy allows to extend the number of problems that can be addressed using this technology.The presented approach is validated in the scope of intelligent network management, specifically inthe Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement problem. This problem consists of efficientlymapping a set of network service requests on top of the physical network infrastructure. Particularly,we seek to obtain the optimal placement for a network service chain considering the state of thevirtual environment, so that a specific resource objective is accomplished, in this case theminimization of the overall power consumption. Conducted experiments prove the capability of theproposal for learning competitive solutions when compared to classical heuristic, metaheuristic, andConstraint Programming (CP) solvers

    A survey of scheduling problems with setup times or costs

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    Author name used in this publication: C. T. NgAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Makespan minimizing on multiple travel salesman problem with a learning effect of visiting time

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    -The multiple traveling salesman problem (MTSP) involves the assignment and sequencing procedure simultaneously. The assignment of a set of nodes to each visitors and determining the sequence of visiting of nodes for each visitor. Since specific range of process is needed to be carried out in nodes in commercial environment, several factors associated with routing problem are required to be taken into account. This research considers visitors’ skill and category of customers which can affect visiting time of visitors in nodes. With regard to learning-by-doing, visiting time in nodes can be reduced. And different class of customers which are determined based on their potential purchasing of power specifies that required time for nodes can be vary. So, a novel optimization model is presented to formulate MTSP, which attempts to ascertain the optimum routes for salesmen by minimizing the makespan to ensure the balance of workload of visitors. Since this problem is an NP-hard problem, for overcoming the restriction of exact methods for solving practical large-scale instances within acceptable computational times. So, Artificial Immune System (AIS) and the Firefly (FA) metaheuristic algorithm are implemented in this paper and algorithms parameters are calibrated by applying Taguchi technique. The solution methodology is assessed by an array of numerical examples and the overall performances of these metaheuristic methods are evaluated by analyzing their results with the optimum solutions to suggested problems. The results of statistical analysis by considering 95% confidence interval for calculating average relative percentage of deviation (ARPD) reveal that the solutions of proposed AIS algorithm has less variation and Its’ confidence interval of closer than to zero with no overlapping with that of FA. Although both proposed meta-heuristics are effective and efficient in solving small-scale problems, in medium and large scales problems, AIS had a better performance in a shorter average time. Finally, the applicability of the suggested pattern is implemented in a case study in a specific company, namely Kalleh