1,567 research outputs found

    Sua aplicação a Destacamento Territorial

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    O Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada elaborado intitula-se: “Otimização de rotas na Guarda Nacional Republicana: sua aplicação a Destacamento Territorial”. Neste sentido, pretende-se analisar as situações em que se possa efetivar uma otimização de rotas e, paralelamente, construir rotas eficientes, estudando a aplicabilidade de ferramentas que auxiliam as tomadas de decisão. Esta investigação assenta no método hipotético-dedutivo e fundamenta-se nas fases de estudo em Investigação Operacional referidas por Taha (2008) e Hillier e Lieberman (2013), tendo em vista a verificação de hipóteses, a resposta a perguntas derivadas e concluindo com a resposta à pergunta de partida. Neste trabalho são abordados os temas de otimização de rotas e patrulhamento de um ponto de vista teórico, apresentando-se, de seguida, a metodologia e procedimentos utilizados e, ainda, a apresentação, análise e discussão de resultados. Por fim, são expostas as conclusões inferidas, tecendo-se recomendações para investigações futuras. Finalizada a investigação, observou-se que o modelo de otimização construído revela grandes vantagens na redução de quilómetros percorridos e de tempo despendido para planeamento, através de ferramentas que representam restrições reais, sendo as suas interfaces bastante intuitivas. Assim sendo, este permite a otimização de um processo comummente extensível a todo o dispositivo territorial, minimizando custos e não inviabilizando um policiamento de proximidade, o alcance a toda a população e o aumento do sentimento de segurança. Deste modo, conclui-se que o modelo contribui de forma significativa para a obtenção de benefícios operacionais e ganhos de eficiência. No fundo, este trabalho também pretende mostrar o quão importante é a Investigação Operacional na otimização de procedimentos, na melhoria das tomadas de decisão e na oportunidade de tornar o trabalho da Guarda Nacional Republicana mais económico, eficiente e eficaz.The research applied prepared is entitled: “Route Optimization in National Republican Guard: its application to Territorial Detachment.” In this sense, it is intended to analyze the situations in which a route optimization can be applied and, in parallel, to construct efficient routes by studying the tools applicability that aid to decision making. This research is based on the hypothetical-deductive method and is based on the study phases in operational research referred by Taha (2008) and Hillier & Lieberman (2013), to test hypotheses, answer to the derived questions and conclude with the answer to the initial question. In this work, the topics of route optimization and patrolling are approached from a theoretical point of view, presenting then the methodology and procedures used and the presentation, analysis and discussion of results. Finally inferred conclusions are presented and recommendations are expressed for future investigations. Completed the investigation, it was observed that the optimization model built shows great advantages in reducing kilometers traveled and time spent for planning, using tools that represent real constraints with very intuitive interfaces. Therefore, this allows the optimization of a process commonly extended to all territorial device, minimizing costs and allowing a proximity patrolling that involves the entire population and increases sense of security. In this way, it is concluded that the model contributes significantly to the achievement of operational benefits and efficiency gains. This paper also aims to show how important it is operational research on optimization of procedures, improving decision making and the opportunity to make Republican National Guard work more economic, efficient and effective

    Using Simulation to Assess the Opportunities of Dynamic Waste Collection

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    In this paper, we illustrate the use of discrete event simulation to evaluate how dynamic planning methodologies can be best applied for the collection of waste from underground containers. We present a case study that took place at the waste collection company Twente Milieu, located in The Netherlands. Even though the underground containers are already equipped with motion sensors, the planning of container emptying’s is still based on static cyclic schedules. It is expected that the use of a dynamic planning methodology, that employs sensor information, will result in a more efficient collection process with respect to customer satisfaction, profits, and CO2 emissions. In this research we use simulation to (i) evaluate the current planning methodology, (ii) evaluate various dynamic planning possibilities, (iii) quantify the benefits of switching to a dynamic collection process, and (iv) quantify the benefits of investing in fill‐level sensors. After simulating all scenarios, we conclude that major improvements can be achieved, both with respect to logistical costs as well as customer satisfaction

    Special Libraries, Winter 1986

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    Volume 77, Issue 1https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1986/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL

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    INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provide guidance towards an optimal learning pathway. This allows INTUITEL-enabled learning management systems to offer learners automated, personalised learning support so far only provided by human tutors INTUITEL is - in the first place - a design pattern for the creation of adaptive e-learning systems. It focuses on the reusability of existing learning material and especially the annotation with semantic meta data. INTUITEL introduces a novel approach that describes learning material as well as didactic and pedagogical meta knowledge by the use of ontologies. Learning recommendations are inferred from these ontologies during runtime. This way INTUITEL solves a common problem in the field of adaptive systems: it is not restricted to a certain field. Any content from any domain can be annotated. The INTUITEL research team also developed a prototype system. Both the theoretical foundations and how to implement your own INTUITEL system are discussed in this book

    Deploy&Forget Wireless Sensor Networks for itinerant applications

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    [EN] Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a disruptive paradigm which will bring new ways of monitoring, control and management for Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities. It relies on smart and connected sensors enabled by a new generation of communication technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Although various solutions are becoming available, the reality is most of the end users of these systems won't be communications experts, so the complexity and deployment difficulties are strong barriers for adopting this technology. This article briefly summarizes the state of art of current industrial wireless sensor networks technology, and presents the concept of Deploy&Forget network: a solution to enable the rapid deployment of WSN by assisting users onsite, reducing time and complexity of deployment, and includes a designed protocol stack to ensure unattended and long lasting operation. This technology emerges as an evolution of previous WSN works where these problems where clearly identified, and has been deployed and validated in water management tasks for Valencia, energy measurement in offices, and contextual monitoring for "Zero-Defect Manufacturing" for Industry 4.0. (c) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.This work is supported by the Spanish Government MEC Project TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R, the regional Generalitat Valenciana's grants for research groups (AICO/2015/121), and by the IVACE (Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial) through FEDER funding (exp. IMDEEA/2017/103).Todoli Ferrandis, D.; Silvestre-Blanes, J.; Santonja Climent, S.; Sempere Paya, VM.; Vera-Pérez, J. (2018). Deploy&Forget Wireless Sensor Networks for itinerant applications. Computer Standards & Interfaces. 56:27-40. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2017.09.002S27405

    Agricultural Water Energy Efficiency: Final Report

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    Beginning in 2007, the Irrigation Training and Research Center (ITRC) at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, contracted with the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program to undertake a large, multi-tiered study on agricultural water energy efficiency in California. The study was broken into the following research tasks: Task 1: Administrative; Task 2.1: Irrigation district energy survey; Task 2.2: Conversion to groundwater pumping with drip/ micro irrigation systems; Task 2.3: GIS-based water scheduling and software system; Task 3: Irrigation component energy analysis; Task 4: RD&D competitive solicitation; Task 5; Technology transfer. The resulting survey, research, and testing data from these tasks have led to a better understanding of current agricultural operations in California, as well as illuminated new avenues for energy conservation that could have widespread impact on energy efficiency in the state’s agricultural industry

    Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL

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    INTUITEL is a research project that was co-financed by the European Commission with the aim to advance state-of-the-art e-learning systems via addition of guidance and feedback for learners. Through a combination of pedagogical knowledge, measured learning progress and a broad range of environmental and background data, INTUITEL systems will provide guidance towards an optimal learning pathway. This allows INTUITEL-enabled learning management systems to offer learners automated, personalised learning support so far only provided by human tutors INTUITEL is - in the first place - a design pattern for the creation of adaptive e-learning systems. It focuses on the reusability of existing learning material and especially the annotation with semantic meta data. INTUITEL introduces a novel approach that describes learning material as well as didactic and pedagogical meta knowledge by the use of ontologies. Learning recommendations are inferred from these ontologies during runtime. This way INTUITEL solves a common problem in the field of adaptive systems: it is not restricted to a certain field. Any content from any domain can be annotated. The INTUITEL research team also developed a prototype system. Both the theoretical foundations and how to implement your own INTUITEL system are discussed in this book