99 research outputs found

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Tato Bakalářská práce shrnuje půlroční účast na individuální odborné praxi ve firmě ELINKX a.s.. Popisuje postupy řešení dvou samostatných krátkodobých projektů v rámci dvou a tří členných vývojových týmů a finální začlenění do dlouhodobého týmu. Výstupy těchto projektů budou použity ve stávajících firemních systémech k rozšíření o novou funkcionalitu. Vše pod vedením Ing. Romana Hrdého. Součástí každého projektu je soupis cílů, postup prací a shrnutí dosažených praktických i teoretických vědomostí.The bachelor thesis works with my six months long practices in ELINKX a.s. company. It describes the process of solutions of two individual and short-terms projects in case of two or three members of developer teams. A part of this thesis is a final integration to the long-term team too. The results of projects will be use to the extending the current company systems. The bachelor thesis was under super vision by Ing. Roman Hrdý. Every project consists of the list of goals, methods of steps of work and the summary of achieved the knowledge – pragmatic and theoretic.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Querying a regulatory model for compliant building design audit

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    The ingredients for an effective automated audit of a building design include a BIM model containing the design information, an electronic regulatory knowledge model, and a practical method of processing these computerised representations. There have been numerous approaches to computer-aided compliance audit in the AEC/FM domain over the last four decades, but none has yet evolved into a practical solution. One reason is that they have all been isolated attempts that lack any form of standardisation. The current research project therefore focuses on using an open standard regulatory knowledge and BIM representations in conjunction with open standard executable compliant design workflows to automate the compliance audit process. This paper provides an overview of different approaches to access information from a regulatory model representation. The paper then describes the use of a purpose-built high-level domain specific query language to extract regulatory information as part of the effort to automate manual design procedures for compliance audit

    Web XML editor

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    XML-based Execution Plan Format (XEP)

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    Execution plan analysis is one of the most common SQL tuning tasks performed by relational database administrators and developers. Currently each database management system (DBMS) provides its own execution plan format, which supports system-specific details for execution plans and contains inherent plan operators. This makes SQL tuning a challenging issue. Firstly, administrators and developers often work with more than one DBMS and thus have to rethink among different plan formats. In addition, the analysis tools of execution plans only support single DBMSs, or they have to implement separate logic to handle each specific plan format of different DBMSs. To address these problems, this paper proposes an XML-based Execution Plan format (XEP), aiming to standardize the representation of execution plans of relational DBMSs. Two approaches are developed for transforming DBMS-specific execution plans into XEP format. They have been successfully evaluated for IBM DB2, Oracle Database and Microsoft SQL

    Methods of access to PostgreSQL databases in .NET Framework

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    Výsledkem této práce jsou dva hlavní projekty – NpgObjects a PagedDataGridView. NpgObjects je jednoduchý ORM framework umožňující mapování databázových tabulek do objektů prostředí CLR platformy .NET. Pomocí speciálně navrženého generátoru jsou na základě informací o databázi vytvořeny třídy v jazyce C#. Tyto třídy mapují databázové tabulky jedna ku jedné. NpgObjects umožňuje pomocí vygenerovaných objektů všechny základní databázové operace – SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE a DELETE. PagedDataGridView je komponenta pro zobrazování tabulkových dat. Ve spolupráci s NpgObjects umí stránkovat databázová data a tak řídit tok dat do aplikace. Poskytuje příjemné uživatelské rozhraní, pomocí kterého lze snadno navigovat mezi jednotlivými stránkami dat.The results of this work are two major projects - NpgObjects and PagedDataGridView. NpgObjects is a simple ORM framework to enable the mapping database tables to objects in the common language runtime. It contains a specially designed generator which generates classes in C# from information obtained from the database. These classes are mapping on the database tables one to one. NpgObjects allows all the basic database operations - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. PagedDataGridView is a component for displaying tabular data. In cooperation with NpgObjects can paginate database data and manage the flow of data into application. It provides a comfortable user interface, which can easily navigate between different pages of data.

    Dynamic Complex Event Processing for Industrial Monitoring Systems

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    Using Complex Event Processing (CEP) as part of monitoring systems is a state-of-the-art approach in the manufacturing industry that still requires development. The industry is increasingly moving towards implementing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) based systems to respond to increasing demands of interoperability amongst other operations in a business organisation. Complex event processors are used as part of monitoring systems but current complex event processors are usually system specific. This thesis aims to propose and demonstrate a more dynamic approach for implementing an industrial monitoring system using complex event processing. Service Oriented Architecture uses event-based messaging to communicate between different devices and systems. This creates large amounts of data in the monitored system. In order to infer important information from this vast body of data the CEP is used to query through the events. These queries are predefined and cannot be changed during runtime. The CEP holds the main logic of the monitoring system and thus dictates what the system actually monitors. Monitoring system requires the possibility to change the monitoring logic. This is why a method of dynamically adding queries will be proposed in this thesis. In order for a SOA-based monitoring system to be dynamic the CEP needs to be dynamic. This thesis proposes a CEP solution with generic implementation, dynamic query definition during runtime and the possibility to use recursive user defined functions that allow reusing query templates in different solutions. The developed CEP is tested with two different implementation use cases. First one a simulated use case that tests the monitoring system performance with large amounts of events. Second one a manufacturing line implementation to demonstrate the monitoring system in an actual manufacturing environment. Tests were run on both use cases to gain information on how the CEP performs and to demonstrate the functionality of the developed monitoring system. The developed CEP was used as a part of oil lubrication use case for IMC-AESOP project. IMC-AESOP project was an EU project researching how to apply state-of-the-art SOA-based systems to the industrial automation field

    Plugin for Simplification of Programming Using Visual Studio 2010

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    Tato práce se zabývá nástrojem na urychlení vývoje v novém programovacím jazyku pro nezkušené programátory. Aplikace napovídá ukázky zdrojového kódu v prostředí Visual Studia 2010 dle aktuálně používaného programovacího jazyku. Aplikace je typu klient-server, server zajišťuje vyhledávání ukázek zdrojových kódů.This thesis is focused on tool for simplification development in new programing language for non-experienced programmers. Application suggests sample source codes for current programming language in Visual Studio 2010. The application is a client-server, the server implements searching of the source code examples.

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Během odborné praxe v firmě AVE Soft jsem se zabýval implementací integrace s portálem ČÚZK. Cílem této integrace bylo získaní údajů z katastru nemovitostí a následný import těchto údajů do informačního systému Evolio pomocí dálkového přístupu. Součástí mé práce byla také tvorba uživatelské rozhraní nové podatelny.During my professional practice at AVE Soft, I was involved in the implementation of integration with the CUZK portal. The goal of this integration was to retrieve data from the Land Registry and import it into the information system Evolio using remote access. I was also responsible for creating the user interface for the new mail client.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Content management system in ASP.NET

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    Diplomová práca je zameraná na popis platformy Microsoft .NET Framework, jeho verzií, architektúry a assembly, ktorá je svojou architektúrou a jednoduchosťou pri manipulácii s assembly ideálnym prostredím pre vytváranie modulárnych aplikácií. Popisuje programovací jazyk C# a jeho verzie. Následne poskytuje popis, správu stavov, vývoj webových aplikácií, výhody a nevýhody, špecifické adresáre a súbory webového aplikačného frameworku ASP.NET. Obsahuje stručný popis technológií ADO.NET a LINQ slúžiacich k prístupu a spracovaní dát z databáze. Ďalej popisuje databáze, ich delenie a zložky tvoriace ich štruktúru. Na konci je obsiahnutý návrh štruktúry databáze, tvorba blogovacieho systému, účel a štruktúra súborov, časti systému a funkcie jednotlivých časti.Aim of this thesis is the description of the Microsoft .NET Framework, its different versions, architecture, and its assembly, used for its simplistic architecture, and ease of use with the assembly it is the ideal environment for creating modular applications. The work describes the C# programming language and its versions. It includes a description of the different stages and evolution of the web application framework ASP.NET. It includes a short description of the ADO.NET and LINQ technologies, used to access data from databases. It describes different databases, they structure and classification. At the end there is a layout for a database structure, blogging system, aim and structure of the files, the different system parts and functions.