11 research outputs found

    A comparison of results from two simulators used for studies of astronaut maneuvering units

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    A comparison of the results from a fixed-base, six-degree-of -freedom simulator and a moving-base, three-degree-of-freedom simulator was made for a close-in, EVA-type maneuvering task in which visual cues of a target spacecraft were used for guidance. The maneuvering unit (the foot-controlled maneuvering unit of Skylab Experiment T020) employed an on-off acceleration command control system operated entirely by the feet. Maneuvers by two test subjects were made for the fixed-base simulator in six and three degrees of freedom and for the moving-base simulator in uncontrolled and controlled, EVA-type visual cue conditions. Comparisons of pilot ratings and 13 different quantitative parameters from the two simulators are made. Different results were obtained from the two simulators, and the effects of limited degrees of freedom and uncontrolled visual cues are discussed

    An evaluation of Landsat MSS data for ecological land classification and mapping in the Northern Cape

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    This paper examines the issues that arise in the use of visual interpretation of Landsat data during the analysis, classification and mapping of the natural vegetation of the semi-arid Northern Cape. Initial research involved the classifying and mapping of the vegetation using conventional methods. A vegetation map, accompanying legend and descriptive key were produced. The problems encountered during this process, and the constraints of manpower, time and funds, stimulated the investigation of Landsat imagery as a means of improving the speed and accuracy of vegetation classification and mapping. A study area comprising one Landsat scene and which met certain requirements was selected: a) The area had already been surveyed and mapped at a scale of 1:250 000. b) As many vegetation units as possible were included. c) There was maximum diversity, complexity and variability in terms of soil, geology and terrain morphology. Initially a suitable mapping scale was selected, viz. 1:250 000, as it met the requirements of nature conservation authorities and agricultural planners. The scales of survey and remote sensing were based on this. The basic unit of survey was the 1:50 000 topographical map and satellite imagery at a scale of 1:250 000 was found to meet the requirements of reconnaissance level mapping. The usefulness of Landsat imagery was markedly affected by the quality of image production and enhancement. Optimum image production was vitally important and to this end, interaction between the user and the operations engineer at the Satellite Applications Centre, Hartebeeshoek was essential. All images used, were edge-enhanced and systematically corrected. While these procedures were costly, they proved to be fundamental to the success of the investigation. Precision geometric correction was not required for reconnaissance level investigation. The manual superimposition of the UTM grid, using ground control points from 1:250 000 topographical maps, proved to be accurate and convenient. Pattern recognition on single-band, panchromatic imagery was difficult. The scene lacked crispness and contrast, and it was evident that black and white imagery did not satisfy the objectives of the study. Three-band false colour composite imagery was superior to single-band imagery in terms of clarity and number of cover classes. The addition of colour undoubtedly facilitated visual interpretation. False colour composite imagery was investigated further to establish which year, season and possibly time of season would best suit the objectives of the investigation. It was found that the environmental parameters affecting reflectance are relatively stable over time and it was not necessary to acquire imagery of the same year as field surveys. However, the year of imagery should be chosen so that similar climatic conditions prevail. While, in certain instances, imagery captured during winter had advantages in separating complex mosaics, summer imagery was superior in most respects. Furthermore, given "normal" climatic conditions, the ideal period during which there was maximum contrast between and within ground classes, and thus spectral classes, was narrowed to mid-January to mid-April. Units which were acceptably heterogeneous (relatively homogeneous) in terms of reflectance levels were delineated manually on the image. This delineation was done at three levels of complexity and the units were compared with the vegetation map. A series of field trips aided the interpretation of the images, especially where discrepancies occurred between the map and the image. In general, there was a close degree of correspondence between the prepared vegetation map and the delineated image. Field investigation revealed the image units to be more accurate than those on the vegetation map, and the image served to highlight the inadequacies inherent in classifying and mapping vegetation of extensive areas with limited resources

    Inaugural Research Symposium

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    Inaugural Research Symposium 201

    Saberes y senderos gastron贸micos del pac铆fico chocoano

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    Se visibiliza parte de la tradici贸n gastron贸mica del Pac铆fico Chocoano como contribuci贸n al rescate de pr谩cticas culinarias ancestrales de las comunidades afrocolombianas de la regi贸n asi como la aplicaci贸n de tecnolog铆as para la conservaci贸n de alimentos tales como la liofilizaci贸n que favorezca el desarrollo econ贸mico para la comunidad.Part of the gastronomic tradition of the Chocoano Pacific is visible as a contribution to the rescue of ancestral culinary practices of Afro-Colombian communities in the region as well as the application of technologies for food preservation such as lyophilization that favors economic development for the community.Pr贸logo -- Introducci贸n -- Generalidades de la regi贸n objeto de estudio -- Manglar-selva pluvial -- Hierbas de azotea -- Riqueza marina del choc贸 -- Sendero el valle -- Sendero pangu铆 -- Sendero arus铆 -- Sendero coqu铆 -- Sendero nuqu铆 -- Bogot谩 -- Caracter铆sticas de otros platos tradicionales del territorio -- Aplicaci贸nes de la liofilizaci贸nna101 p谩gina

    Polk\u27s Mount Vernon (Knox County, Ohio) City Directory, 1973

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    Studi Kelayakan Rencana Pembangunan Jalan Tol Kertosono - Kediri

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    Lalu lintas harian pada Jalan Tol Ruas Ngawi - Kertosono seksi Nganjuk - Caruban terus mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini terjadi karena di Nganjuk terkoneksi dengan jalan arteri menuju Kota Kediri. Selain itu kondisi saat ini pada jalan arteri Kertosono - Kediri hanya terdiri dari 2 lajur tanpa pembatas dan 1 lajurnya hanya untuk 1 kendaraan besar. Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan aksesibilitas dan kapasitas jaringan jalan, maka pemerintah merencanakan pembangunan Jalan Tol Kertosono - Kediri. Pada tugas akhir ini, penulis menganalisa kelayakan Jalan Tol Kertosono - Kediri dari segi ekonomi dan finansial dengan mengolah data-data volume kendaraan serta penghematan biaya dan waktu perjalanan. Untuk menyelesaikan studi ini, maka diperlukan data-data berupa data primer dan sekunder. Studi kelayakan dilakukan dengan menghitung derajat kejenuhan jalan eksisiting without project dan with project, biaya operasional kendaraan menggunakan metode Pacific Consultants International, nilai waktu menggunakan metode produktivitas, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR), tarif tol, Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR), pay back period serta melakukan analisis sensitivitas. Dari hasil studi, didapatkan analisa kelayakan ekonomi yaitu nilai BCR sebesar 4,33 pada seksi I dan 9,83 pada seksi II; nilai NPV sebesar Rp 5.991.594.243.186 pada seksi I dan Rp 16.114.855.492.422 pada seksi II; serta nilai EIRR sebesar 19,95% pada seksi I dan 35,20% pada seksi II. Sedangkan untuk analisa kelayakan finansial didapatkan hasil yaitu nilai BCR sebesar 1,73 pada seksi I dan 1,83 pada seksi II; nilai NPV sebesar Rp 1.315.536.179.814 pada seksi I dan Rp 1.517.967.830.589 pada seksi II; nilai FIRR sebesar 12,11% pada seksi I dan 12,62% pada seksi II; serta pay back period pada tahun ke-21 untuk seksi I dan tahun ke-19 untuk seksi II. Sehingga pembangunan Jalan Tol Kertosono - Kediri dapat dinyatakan layak dari segi ekonomi dan finansial. Selain itu dari hasil analisis sensitivitas diketahui bahwa pembangunan Jalan Tol Kertosono - Kediri akan tetap layak untuk dilaksanakan apabila kenaikan nilai investasi pada seksi I tidak lebih dari 70% atau sebesar Rp 875.608.061.154 dan pada seksi II tidak lebih dari 80% atau sebesar Rp 1.015.305.072.967, kemudian untuk pendapatan tol setelah jalan tol beroperasi tidak mengalami penurunan dibawah 40% pada seksi I dan II, serta jika kedepannya terjadi perubahan suku bunga, maka batas perubahan pada seksi I dan II yaitu menjadi 12%. ======================================================================================================= Daily traffic on Ngawi - Kertosono section and Nganjuk - Caruban section of toll roads continue to increase. This happens because Nganjuk is connected within the artery road that goes into Kediri. In addition, the current conditions on the arterial road of Kertosono - Kediri consists of only 2 lanes without border and one lane for one large vehicle only. In an effort to improve the accessibility and capacity of the road network, the government plans to build Kertosono - Kediri Toll Road. In this final project, the writer analyze the feasibility of Kertosono - Kediri Toll Road from the economic and financial aspect by processing the data of vehicle volume as well as cost saving and travel time. To complete this study, it is necessary to obtain data in the form of primary and secondary data. The feasibility study is conducted by calculating the degree of saturation of the exisiting road with project and without project, the operational cost of the vehicle using Pacific Consultants International method, the value of time using the productivity method, Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR), toll rates, Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR), pay back period. Sensitivity analysis should also be performed. From the result of the study, the data obtained from economic feasibility are as follow: value of BCR at 4,33 in section I and 9,83 in section II; while the value of NPV are Rp 5.991.594.243.186 in section I and Rp 16.114.855.492.422 in section II; and EIRR value of 19,95% in section I and 35,20% in section II. While data obtained from financial feasibility analysis are as follows: value of BCR equal to 1,73 in section I and 1,83 in section II; the value of NPV amounting to Rp 1.315.536.179.814 in section I and Rp 1.517.967.830.589 in section II; FIRR value of 12,11% in section I and 12,62% in section II; and the pay back period in the 21th year for section I and 19th year for section II. It means that the construction of Kertosono - Kediri Toll Road can be declared feasible economically and financially. In addition, from sensitivity analysis result, it is known that the development of Kertosono - Kediri Toll Road will still be feasible to be implemented if the investment value鈥檚 increase in section I is not more than 70% or Rp 875.608.061.154 and also not more than 80% or equal to Rp 1.015.305.072.967 section II, toll revenues after the toll road operates should not decrease below 40% in section I and II, and if there is a change of interest rate in the future, the limit of change in section I and II is 12%

    Las 贸rdenes religiosas en Asturias (siglos XVI-XIX)

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Sociedade do Co帽ecemento: Novas perspectivas en Documentaci贸n, Comunicaci贸n e Humanidades. 566V01[Abstract] This thesis focuses on rebuilding the reality of Religious Orders present in Asturias (from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century) from different approaches complementary analysis (demographic, foundational, sociological, daily life, sociability, culture, geographical distribution and the story of his monastic and convent) centers that provide insight into what the situation of this social sector (regular clergy) and know its importance and development from each of these different perspectives, distinguishing by gender, ages and Orders. It also provides a historiographical review on this sector of the population and development of the documentary interest for better knowledge and study. Finally, the interest in this research topic is because it currently lacks a study or analysis of set of this magnitude and with an interdisciplinary approach to the Religious Orders in Asturias at this time, which will help you understand much better what behavior and internal characteristics of this part of the Asturian society in this chronological dimension.[Resumen] Esta tesis doctoral se centra en reconstruir la realidad de las 贸rdenes religiosas con presencia en Asturias (desde el siglo XVI al XIX) desde diferentes enfoques de an谩lisis complementarios (demogr谩fico, fundacional, sociol贸gico, vida cotidiana, sociabilidad, cultura, distribuci贸n geogr谩fica e historia de sus centros mon谩sticos y conventuales) que permiten conocer cu谩l era la situaci贸n de este grupo social (el clero regular) y conocer su importancia y desarrollo desde cada una de esas diversas perspectivas, distinguiendo por sexos, siglos y 贸rdenes. Adem谩s, aporta una revisi贸n historiogr谩fica sobre este sector de la poblaci贸n y da a conocer el conjunto documental existente para posibilitar su mejor conocimiento y estudio pormenorizado de cada uno de los centros mon谩sticos por futuros investigadores. El inter茅s de este tema de investigaci贸n radica en la carencia en la actualidad de un estudio o an谩lisis de conjunto y con un enfoque interdisciplinar sobre las 贸rdenes religiosas en Asturias en esa 茅poca, de modo que esta investigaci贸n ayudar谩 a comprender mucho mejor el comportamiento y caracter铆sticas internas de esta parte de la sociedad asturiana.[Resumo] Esta tese c茅ntrase na reconstruci贸n da realidade das ordes relixiosas presentes en Asturias (a partir do s茅culo XVI ao s茅culo XIX) desde diferentes enfoques de an谩lise complementario (demogr谩fica, fundacional, sociol贸xica, a vida diaria, a sociabilidade, a cultura, a distribuci贸n xeogr谩fica e a historia dos seus centros mon谩sticos e conventuais) que lle permiten co帽ecer cal era a situaci贸n deste grupo social (o clero regular) e co帽ecer a s煤a importancia e desenvolvemento de cada unha destas diferentes perspectivas, distinguindo por sexo, idade e orde. Tam茅n ofrece unha revisi贸n historiogr谩fica sobre este sector da poboaci贸n e desenvolvemento do interese documental para mellor co帽ecemento e estudo. Finalmente, o interese neste tema de investigaci贸n 茅 porque carece actualmente dun estudo ou an谩lise de conxunto e cunha visi贸n interdisciplinar para as ordes relixiosas en Asturias, neste momento, que o axudar谩 a entender moito mellor que o comportamento e caracter铆sticas internas desta parte da sociedade asturiana

    Zsigmondkori oklev茅lt谩r II. (1400-1410)

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    Els艖 r茅sz: 1400-140

    Foreign Trade Tariff Statistics. 1972 Tab. 1

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