422 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, many celebrities use Instagram to connect with their fans. Unfortunately, for some celebrities, their popularity may not necessarily mean that they are liked by the public. The keyboard warriors, i.e. haters can freely hit the keyboard and leave hate comments as cyber communication does not require face-to-face interactions. Some of them even go so far by creating haters’ accounts of certain public figures, as can be found on @mulanjameelaqueen, created by the haters of Mulan Jameela, an Indonesian singer known for her affairs and unregistered marriage with her friend’s husband. This paper explores how being “another” woman is perceived in Indonesia. Mateo and Yus’ (2013) pragmatic taxonomy of insults was used as the framework of analysis. The data were taken from the captions and the comments of 10 of the most commented posts of @mulanjameelaqueen. They were processed by using AntConc to obtain the most frequently used words and their collocations, and the word clusters. The results show that the most commonly used lexicons to refer to Mulan are: cireng ‘traditional snack’, lonte ‘whore’, Jamilonte or Mulonte (coined from Mulan Jameela and lonte ‘prostitute’), and iblis ‘devil’. The malicious comments are mostly related to Mulan’s physical appearance, death threat to Mulan, divorce, and nikah siri ‘unregistered marriage’. The comments may also reflect most of the haters’ (mostly females) negative perception and judgement on unregistered marriage, divorced female, and “another” woman

    Inequity: Risk or Impact of Mental Health? Analysis of 2007 Indonesian Basic Health Survey

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    Background: It is well received that poor mental health can lead to social disparity and mequity indicated by unemployment and low education. However, the association between emotional distress with social disparity and in equity in population-based studies has not been well characterized. Using 2007 Riskesdas data, this analysis intend to examme reciprocal association between emotional distress with education and employment. Method: There were 659,672 respondents age above 14 in the survey which was carried out in the 33 provinces across Indonesia using probability proportion to size sample representing population until sub district level. First emotional distress is treated as risk for low education and employment. Then, emotional distress is treated as impact of unemployment and low education Four hypotheses are tested. Result: All the hypotheses confirmed reciprocal relationship between emotional distress and social disparity. Integrative intervention among ministries is necessary to improve mental health status and alleviating disparity and in equity for Indonesian


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    Hate speech is among the most vicious problem faced by Muslims in the world. As Muslims are obliged to perform the principle of al amr bi al ma’ruf wa tanhawna anil munkar (commanding right and forbidding evil), what perceived as hate speech sometimes overlaps such basic tenet of Islamic principle of commanding right and forbidding wrong. The aim of this research is therefore twofold. First, it explore the contruction of hate speech among Da’is (Islamic preachers) in traditional Islamic boarding schools in East Kalimantan. And Seccondly, it explores ideal responses toward such practices as perceived by those Da’is. Findings suggest that the construction of hate speeches and ideal responses towerds it, among Da’is in Islamic traditional boarding schools known as pondok pesantrens, is founded mostly upon the principle of potential damage of those hate speech practices.Keywords: Hate speech, Islamic Da’wa, and Da’is in East Kalimantan

    Implementation of "Morals" in Cultural Values and Organizational Behavior: Interventions for Reducing and Aligning Cultural Values in BUMN

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    Organizational sustainability predicted by the implementation of cultural values which operationalized in work behavior. To improve sustainable performance, core value “AKHLAK” was created as the identity of all BUMN institutions. PT. X as part of BUMN, must adjust with those values by aligning their values. The purpose of this study is to develop an intervention for cascading-aligning PT. X's cultural values with AKHLAK and preparing work behavior’s guidelines which will be used as behavior-based performance appraisal. This study refers to a research & development method (Sugiyono, 2010) for testing the effectiveness of the intervention design. Research subjects are employees in the HR department and corporate culture. Data collection methods use document analysis and interviews. Data analysis was carried out by validating the intervention design with a subject matter expert. The results of the research show that there are some values that are deleted, but new values are also raised as a form of adjustment. The intervention was declared accepted by the user. Keberlangsungan organisasi diprediksi dari implementasi nilai budaya dalam perilaku kerja anggotanya. Dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja berkelanjutan, Kementerian BUMN mencetuskan core value AKHLAK sebagai identitas dan perekat budaya kerja bersama. Penyesuaian nilai budaya dengan menyelaraskan nilai budaya khas yang dimiliki tiap organisasi perlu dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian adalah menyusun intervensi penurunan dan penyelarasan nilai budaya PT.X dengan core value AKHLAK termasuk penyusunan panduan perilaku  sebagai dasar penilaian kinerja berbasis perilaku. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode research & development sebagai dasar pengujian efektivitas rancangan intervensi. Subjek penelitian adalah karyawan jabatan struktural departemen SDM dan corporate culture. Metode pengumpulan data berupa analisis dokumen dan wawancara. Analisis data dilakukan dengan memvalidasi desain intervensi ada subject matter expert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa nilai yang dihapuskan, namun juga nilai baru dimunculkan sebagai bentuk penyesuaian. Intervensi yang dilakukan dinyatakan diterima oleh user

    Activity of Ceruloplasmin in guinea pigs’ trachea in late periods of experimental allergic alveolitis development and their correction with thiotriazolin

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    We have investigated the results of alterations in indices of pro-oxidant (conjugated diene and malondialdehyde ) and antioxidant (ceruloplasmin) systems in guinea pigs’ trachea in experimental allergic alveolitis development.The results of our experimental work have showed a significant accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the trachea`s tissure in late periods ( on 44th and 54th days) . The state of antioxidant defence was characterized by moderate decrease of ceruloplasmin activity. A potential role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of allergic alveolitis has been demonstrated. Increased oxidant levels and decreased antioxidant defences can contribute to the progression of this immune comlex pathology. Reduction of conjugated diene and malondialdehyde content and elevation of ceruloplasmin activity have been reported in animals with this experimental model of disease after using of thiotriazolin

    Det forførende medie - om autokommunikation i markedsføringen

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    Artiklen præsenterer forskellige aspekter af markedskommunikation set som autokommunikation – det vil sige kommunikation om og til af- sender selv. Moderne marketing er grundlagt på ideen om, at virksom- heder kun overlever i længden, hvis de er opmærksomme på marke- dets ønsker og behov, og branchen arbejder ud fra en ideel forståelse om responsivitet og dialog med kunder og omverden. Artiklen påpeger imidlertid, at den moderne forbruger – eller modtager – oftest forholder sig blasert eller ligegyldigt til reklamens budskaber, hvorimod både rek- lamebureauerne og deres kunder er højinvolverede i at omsætte bud- skaberne til symbolsk værdiskabelse inden for virksomhedernes egne rammer. I et ledelsesperspektiv betyder det for det første, at visioner og holdninger bliver forlenet med en særlig autoritet og forpligtelse for virksomheden, når disse visioner kommunikeres offentligt gennem et eksternt medie. Intern kommunikation får simpelthen en større gennem- slagskraft, når den sendes ud af huset, og artiklen viser med en række eksempler, hvorledes reklamer kan anspore medarbejderne til korps- ånd og hensigtsmæssig adfærd i ’sandhedens øjeblik’ – mødet med kunden

    J Pharmacol Exp Ther

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    Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is an antioxidant-activated transcription factor that recently emerged as a critical regulator of cellular defense against oxidative and inflammatory lesions. Resveratrol (Res) is a natural phytoalexin that exhibits multiple therapeutic potentials, including antioxidative and anti-inflammatory effects in animals. Paraquat (PQ) is the second most widely used herbicide worldwide, but it selectively accumulates in human lungs to cause oxidative injury and fibrosis with high mortality. Here, we analyzed the molecular mechanism of the fibrogenic response to PQ and its inhibition by Res and Nrf2. PQ dose-dependently caused toxicity in normal human bronchial epithelial cells (BEAS-2B), resulting in mitochondrial damage, oxidative stress, and cell death. Res at 10 \u3bcM markedly inhibited PQ toxicity. PQ at 10 \u3bcM stimulated production of inflammatory and profibrogenic factors (tumor necrosis factor \u3b1, interleukin 6, and transforming growth factor \u3b21) and induced the transformation of normal human lung fibroblasts (WI38-VA13) to myofibroblasts; both effects were inhibited by Res. Res strongly activated the Nrf2 signaling pathway and induced antioxidant response element-dependent cytoprotective genes. On the other hand, knockout or knockdown of Nrf2 markedly increased PQ-induced cytotoxicity, cytokine production, and myofibroblast transformation and abolished protection by Res. The findings demonstrate that Res attenuates PQ-induced reactive oxygen species production, inflammation, and fibrotic reactions by activating Nrf2 signaling. The study reveals a new pathway for molecular intervention against pulmonary oxidative injury and fibrosis.CC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States2015-12-30T00:00:00Z22493042PMC4696400vault:1427
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