117 research outputs found

    Compartilhamento de conhecimento na administração pública: um mapeamento da literatura internacional

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    The research aims to carry out a mapping in the international literature on the topic of Knowledge sharing in Public Administration. To carry out the research, a constructivist process was used, called Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist (ProKnow-C). For being a structured instrument of selection and analysis of the literature, 34 articles were selected that represent the fragment of the literature of studies on sharing of knowledge in the Public Administration forming the Bibliographic Portfolio (BP) Final of this research. As a result (i) outstanding authors S. J. Armstrong, J. Rowley, S. K. Singh, G. Tangaraja, S. Al-Ahbabi, S. Balasubramanian and I. Seba each stood out with 2 articles in the Final BP; (ii) the most cited article Determinants of knowledge sharing in a public sector organization, by author Ângela Titi Amayah, 2013, with 597 citations; (iii) the Journal of Knowledge Management stood out both in the BP and in the references, being responsible for the publication of 7 articles in the final BP. (iv) the most cited keywords were knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer with a frequency of 200 and 197 times, respectively; (v) the university that most researches the subject is the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology of Korea and Higher Education in Macáçar; (vi) Korea is the country that most conducts research on this topic, participating in the PB Final with 11 researchers located in that country.A pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar um mapeamento da literatura internacional sobre o tema compartilhamento de conhecimento na Administração Pública. Para conduzir a pesquisa, utilizou-se um processo construtivista, denominado Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist (ProKnow-C), um instrumento estruturado de seleção e análise da literatura. Foram selecionados 34 artigos que representam o fragmento da literatura de estudos sobre compartilhamento do conhecimento na Administração Pública formando o Portfólio Bibligráfico (PB) final desta pesquisa. Como resultados evidenciam-se: (i) os autores de destaque S. J. Armstrong, J. Rowley, S. K. Singh, G. Tangaraja, S. Al-Ahbabi, S. Balasubramanian e I. Seba, cada um com 2 artigos no PB Final; (ii) o artigo mais citado Determinants of knowledge sharing in a public sector organization, da autora Ângela Titi Amayah, de 2013, com 597 citações; (iii) o periódico Journal of Knowledge Management destacou-se tanto no PB quanto nas referências, sendo responsável pela publicação de 7 artigos no PB final. (iv) as palavras-chave mais citadas foram knowledge sharing e knowledge transfer com a frequência de 200 e 197 vezes, respectivamente; (v) a universidade que mais pesquisa a temática é o Instituto Avançado de Ciência e Tecnologia da Coreia e Educação Superior em Macáçar; (vi) a Coreia é o país que mais realiza pesquisa nessa temática participando no PB final com 11 pesquisadores localizados naquele país

    Determinants of academics’ knowledge sharing behavior in United Arab Emirates Universities

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    This research aims to determine the factors affecting knowledge sharing behavior among academics in United Arab Emirates universities and identify the effect of university type on academics’ behavior. The research adopted Ajzen’s amended Theory of Planned Behavior. Employing an online survey, data were collected from academics in public and private universities using a questionnaire. The model was tested using Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling. The results found a significant difference in academics’ knowledge sharing behavior between public and private universities. Results also revealed that intention is the main determinant of knowledge sharing behavior, and that attitude, subjective norms, and self-efficacy have significant influence on intention while controllability has no influence on it. The significance of this research lies in that it is one of the first to use the amended theory and the only research to address knowledge sharing behavior in higher education in the Arab World. This research provides useful basis for higher education institutions to create a knowledge sharing culture and helps academics to enhance their performance

    Determinants of Academics’ Knowledge Sharing Behavior in United Arab Emirates Universities

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    This research aims to determine the factors affecting knowledge sharing behavior among academics in United Arab Emirates universities and identify the effect of university type on academics’ behavior. The research adopted Ajzen’s amended Theory of Planned Behavior. Employing an online survey, data were collected from academics in public and private universities using a questionnaire. The model was tested using Partial Least Squares structural equation modeling. The results found a significant difference in academics’ knowledge sharing behavior between public and private universities. Results also revealed that intention is the main determinant of knowledge sharing behavior, and that attitude, subjective norms, and self-efficacy have significant influence on intention while controllability has no influence on it. The significance of this research lies in that it is one of the first to use the amended theory and the only research to address knowledge sharing behavior in higher education in the Arab World. This research provides useful basis for higher education institutions to create a knowledge sharing culture and helps academics to enhance their performance

    Knowledge sharing: a survey, assessment and directions for future research: individual behavior perspective

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    One of the most important areas of knowledge management studies is knowledge sharing. Measured in terms of number of scientific articles and organization-s applications, knowledge sharing stands as an example of success in the field. This paper reviews the related papers in the context of the underlying individual behavioral variables to providea direction framework for future research and writing.©2012 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. Open Access under the Creative Commons Attribution(CC BY) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, as long as the author and original source are properly cited.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Trust, reward and knowledge sharing attitude as antecedents of knowledge sharing in the public sector

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    This quantitative study is aimed to study the relationship between the factors of trust, knowledge sharing attitude and reward on knowledge sharing in the public sector. Respondents of this study comprised of 210 respondents from nine district and land offices in Selangor. T-test analysis was used to determine the difference in knowledge sharing between male and female respondents. In addition, ANOVA analysis was done to examine the difference in the level of knowledge sharing based on the length of service and education level. Correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the relationship between the independent variables, namely trust, knowledge sharing attitude and reward and the dependent variable which is knowledge sharing. The result of the t-test and ANOVA analysis have shown that there is no significant difference in knowledge sharing between male and female, length of service as well as education levels. The result from the correlation analysis shows that all of the independent variables which are trust, knowledge sharing attitude and reward were positively correlated to knowledge sharing. The regression analysis shows that only 36.5% of knowledge sharing has been significantly explained by the three independent variables. However, the variable of trust does not have any significant influence on knowledge sharing. Furthermore, knowledge sharing attitude is the most influencing factor which affects knowledge sharing among staffs at district and land in Selangor. In this study, the findings were further discussed, and recommendations for the organization and future researcher were addressed

    The influence of trust, information technology and communication skill on knowledge transfer in MADA (Muda Agricultural Development Authority)

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    This study was conducted to investigate the influence of trust, information technology and communication skill on knowledge transfer among extension officer in Muda Agricultural Development Authority (MADA). The aim of this study is to identify the relationship of trust, information technology and communication skill towards knowledge transfer. The dependent variable used in this study is knowledge transfer, whereas the independent variables comprises of trust, information technology and communication skill. This study was done through quantitative approach in which questionnaires were used as a medium to collect data. The respondents for this study were MADA extension officer and 113 questionnaires were distributed. The results of the study showed positive significant relationship between information technology and knowledge transfer

    Knowledge sharing activities among public sector employees: Evidence from Indonesia

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    Knowledge sharing has an important role in the management of any organization. It can lead to increased knowledge creation, collaboration level, and level of innovation, which, in turn, increases organizational performances. However, few studies have empirically examined the effect of knowledge sharing activities on an individual's belief in a public sector organizational setting, especially in Indonesia. This study was conducted to analyze the role of knowledge sharing in affecting the activities of creative self-efficacy within public organizations. This study used purposive sampling which designed to focus on employees who have positioned as a researcher in one of Directorate of Ministry of Public Works and Housing of the Republic of Indonesia. The questionnaire used in this study was adapted from Brockhus and Yu instruments. The result of this study shows that there is a positive and significant effect of knowledge sharing activities on creative self-efficacy. The higher the level of knowledge sharing activities within the organization, the more it will encourage creative self-efficacy. The majority of the respondent in this study that classified as Y generation (Millenials) was the main reason of the differences between the conclusion of this study and previous ones who argues that knowledge sharing initiatives are more difficult to be implemented in public sector organization as many of public sector officers believe that the activities of knowledge sharing meant losing power and an extra work surface
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