14 research outputs found

    [Ausencia de respuesta de las organizaciones empresariales a las condiciones cambiantes del entorno: un problema de gestión de la complejidad]. Articulo en Inglés.

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    This paper argues that the inflexibility, weakness and slowness of business organizations to respond to changing environmental conditions arise from the mismanagement of the complexity that characterizes the dominant paradigm of management. The traditional administration seeks to reduce the complexity of a system that permanently increases. In the article are featured characteristics of the dominant administration paradigm, and the criticisms that have been made by different authors towards the lack of response from the traditional administration. El presente documento plantea que la in exibilidad, fragilidad y lentitud de las organizaciones empresariales para responder a las condiciones cam- biantes del entorno surge de la de ciente gestión de la complejidad que ca- racteriza al paradigma dominante de la administración. La administración tradicional busca reducir la complejidad de un sistema, que permanente la incrementa. En el artículo se presentan las características del paradigma dominante de la administración y las críticas que han sido realizadas por diferentes autores frente a la ausencia de respuesta de la administración tradicional

    Pengaruh Self-Knowledge Dan Self-Deception Terhadap Pengelolaan Uang Saku

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    Fenomena mengelola uang saku dikalangan remaja menjadi suatu topik yang menarik untuk dikaji. Kajian ini akan lebih menarik apabila dilihat dari sisi internal seperti faktor diri (self). Ada banyak jenis diri individu, diantaranya yaitu self-knowledge sebagai pengetahuan diri dan self-deception sebagai manipulasi/kebohongan diri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah self-knowledge dan self-deception berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan uang saku. Penelitian ini melibatkan 219 mahasiswa Universitas Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket yang disebarkan secara langsung dan secara tidak langsung (via google form) yang dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa; terdapat pengaruh signifikan self-knowledge terhadap pengelolaan uang saku, terdapat pengaruh negatif signifikan self-deception terhadap pengelolaan uang saku, dan terdapat pengaruh self-knowledge dan self-deception terhadap pengelolaan uang saku


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    Intellectual Capital (IP) approach and the application of Intellectual Capital in an organization is still very limited. If managed well, then the values created by labor (manpower) are innovative, accurate, smart, thoughtful, and productive produce something as intelligence and knowledge (knowledge based). Wrapped in a way that intellectual capital is strong in thought and action so that the values (values) itself is a real intellectual capital in organizations. Organizing is intended as a management tool set that is owned and provided resources for the organization's goals and can be achieved by means of "better" than they are today and for the foreseeable future. Intellectual capital is more specific need to be organized in order to benefit more in each organization. Companies that allocate a larger intellectual capital should be able to make measurements of economic results that are more specific, especially in relation to the output of organizations such as reputation, the number of sales, the number of applicants for university courses. Intellectual understanding is not meant as an intangible result, but have tangible results (can be physically counted). Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Organization, Universit

    O fluxo do conhecimento no ambiente das redes de empresas de base tecnológica

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2014.Abstract : Competitiveness in the current economic context is dependent on the shared resource mobilization capacity. Networked cooperation, becomes a strategic attribute for organizations in order to minimize problems and to improve processes in the various production chains in which they are included. The present thesis is structured in constructs related to networks of cooperation and knowledge flows within the technology industry. The main objective of the thesis was to analyze the results generated by the cooperation among enterprises of technological basis. The organizations surveyed are part of business Verticals of Acate, a program that brings together the companies linked to the association according to their segments. The study also addressed the existing knowledge flow in the Verticals' environment, which allows the analysis of the dynamics of the cooperation network. From a qualitative research conducted on a sample of 12 companies attached to the Vertical, it was possible to observe a positive association between the flow of knowledge and the gains generated from the interaction promoted by the network. The results bring the understanding of the dynamics of cooperation as well as its structure of actors and factors to stimulate the flow of knowledge. The study showed that the Verticals program presents a model of operation that generates positive results, perceptible through the events promoted and the establishment of various partnerships, besides stimulating the integration among the participating companies

    Una Metodología para la Identificación y Cierre de Brechas de Conocimiento en el Capital Humano para una Organización Innovadora basada en Conocimiento:

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    The objective of the article is to carry out a bibliographic review to find a methodology for identifying and closing knowledge gaps in human capital in innovative knowledge-based organizations. Methodology that will allow the organization to know what it knows and who knows it and what they need to know to generate more innovations. To this end, the characteristics of this type of organization were identified in the Science and Technology Corporation for the Development of the Naval, Maritime and River Industry (Cotecmar) to determine the requirements that said methodology should contain. An analysis was made of 18 similar methodologies found in the literature focused on the requirements identified in the case study company. As a result of the bibliographic analysis, a methodology that met all the requirements was not found, however, some were found, such as those of Kashirskaya et al, Galvis Caro and Teimourpour et al, which gather several of the elements sought, which must be considered in future research, whose scope is to propose the design of the ideal methodology for this type of organization.El objetivo del artículo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica para hallar una metodología de identificación y cierre de brechas de conocimiento en el capital humano en organizaciones innovadoras basada en conocimiento. Metodología que permitirá a la organización conocer qué sabe y quién lo sabe y que requieren saber para generar más innovaciones. Para tal fin se identificaron las características de este tipo de organización en la Corporación de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la Industria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial (Cotecmar) para determinar los requerimientos que debe contener dicha metodología. Se realizó un análisis a 18 metodologías similares halladas en la literatura enfocadas en los requerimientos identificados en la empresa caso de estudio. Como resultado del análisis bibliográfico no se encontró una metodología que cumpliera con todos los requerimientos, no obstante, se hallaron algunas como las de Kashirskaya et al, Galvis Caro y Teimourpour et al que reúnen varios de los elementos buscados, las cuales deben ser consideradas en una futura investigación, que tenga como alcance la propuesta del diseño de la metodología ideal para este tipo de organización. Abstract The objective of the article is to carry out a bibliographic review to find a methodology for identifying and closing knowledge gaps in human capital in innovative knowledge-based organizations. Methodology that will allow the organization to know what it knows and who knows it and what they need to know to generate more innovations. To this end, the characteristics of this type of organization were identified in the Science and Technology Corporation for the Development of the Naval, Maritime and River Industry (Cotecmar) to determine the requirements that said methodology should contain. An analysis was made of 18 similar methodologies found in the literature focused on the requirements identified in the case study company. As a result of the bibliographic analysis, a methodology that met all the requirements was not found, however, some were found, such as those of Kashirskaya et al, Galvis Caro and Teimourpour et al, which gather several of the elements sought, which must be considered in future research, whose scope is to propose the design of the ideal methodology for this type of organization

    Estudio sobre cuáles son los avances que se han hecho en varias empresas sobre la transferencia de conocimiento

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    Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Hallinta ja itseohjautuvuus palvelujen integraatiossa

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    Palvelujen integraatio on ollut käynnissä olleen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon uudistuksen sekä sen valmistelua tukeneen lapsi- ja perhepalvelujen muutosohjelman kulmakivi. Palveluja integroimalla pyritään saa- vuttamaan asiakaslähtöiset, vaikuttavat sekä kustannustehokkaat palvelut, jotka vastaavat muun muassa väestön ikääntymisestä aiheutuvaan taloudelliseen kestävyysvajeeseen. Rakenteellisten muutosten lisäksi saumattomien ja asiakaslähtöisten palvelujen tuottaminen edellyttää jatkossa muutoksia toimintakulttuurissa ja ammattilaisten tukemisessa. Muutokset palvelujen tuottamisessa sekä toimintaympäristössä haastavat ammattilaisten osaamista uudella tavalla. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkittiin lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palvelujen integraation hallintaa sekä sitä, millainen hallinta tukee lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palvelujen parissa työskentelevien ammattilaisten itseohjautuvuutta. Teoreettinen viitekehys rakentui hallinnan, palvelujen integraation sekä itseohjautuvuuden käsit- teiden ympärille. Tutkielman empiirinen aineisto koostui lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palvelujen parissa työskentelevien ammattilaisten fokusryhmähaastatteluista. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia hyödyntäen. Tutkielman keskeisimmät tulokset osoittivat, että itseohjautuvuuden mahdollistava palvelujen integraation hallinta koostuu joustavista ja tukevista rakenteista, organisaatioiden välille luoduista verkostoista, ammattilaisten yhteistyön ja osaamisen kehittämisestä sekä palvelujen asiakaslähtöisen toteuttamisen tukemisesta. Tutkielman empiiriset tulokset ja teoreettinen viitekehys tukivat pääosin toisiaan. Tutkielman merkittävimmäksi tulokseksi nousivat ammattilaisten haastatteluissa painottuneet palvelujen integraation hallinnassa itseohjautuvuuden mahdollistavat tekijät. Lasten, nuorten ja perheiden palvelut ovat murrosvaiheessa, jossa palvelujen tuottamiseen etsitään kestävämpiä ratkaisuja. Myös ammattilaisilta vaaditaan tulevaisuudessa uudenlaista osaamista ja siksi jo nyt on tärkeä tarttua niihin tekijöihin, jotka tukevat ammattilaisia uudenlaisessa toimintaympäristössä ja samalla mahdollistavat uusien asiakkaiden tarpeita palvelevien toimintatapojen syntymistä. Itseohjautuvuuden mahdollistava palvelujen integraation hallinta ei edellytä vain suuria tekoja. Ammattilaisten kokemuksien mukaan pienetkin käden ojennukset voivat edistää asiakaslähtöisten palvelujen rakentumista

    Next Generation Living Labs: Comprehensive Report

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    This report aims to expand on existing logic and knowledge of Living Labs and take into consideration the innovation ecosystems surrounding Living Labs.\ua0Through literature review and the lessons learned from the initiation and implementation of two Living Lab infrastructures in the Building Technology Accelerator Flagship Program (BTA), perspectives are offered focusing on Open Innovation ecosystems, Open Innovation organizational elements, co-creation and data system tools.\ua0The breakdown of the methods as well as the results derived have been synthesized and compiled in this report. Key lessons learned were summarized and categorized using the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) harmonization Cube. This was done to provide a more comprehensive set of suggestions for organizations connected to Living Labs transitioning towards Open Innovation and developing Next Generation Living Labs.We hope This report is a start towards the development of a comprehensive methodology for Living Lab infrastructures within the BTA network and points to important elements for this development