131 research outputs found

    The Internet of Things Will Thrive by 2025

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    This report is the latest research report in a sustained effort throughout 2014 by the Pew Research Center Internet Project to mark the 25th anniversary of the creation of the World Wide Web by Sir Tim Berners-LeeThis current report is an analysis of opinions about the likely expansion of the Internet of Things (sometimes called the Cloud of Things), a catchall phrase for the array of devices, appliances, vehicles, wearable material, and sensor-laden parts of the environment that connect to each other and feed data back and forth. It covers the over 1,600 responses that were offered specifically about our question about where the Internet of Things would stand by the year 2025. The report is the next in a series of eight Pew Research and Elon University analyses to be issued this year in which experts will share their expectations about the future of such things as privacy, cybersecurity, and net neutrality. It includes some of the best and most provocative of the predictions survey respondents made when specifically asked to share their views about the evolution of embedded and wearable computing and the Internet of Things

    P300 wave detection using Emotiv EPOC+ headset: effects of matrix size, flash duration, and colors

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Fall.Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) allow interactions between human beings and comput- ers without using voluntary muscle. Enormous research effort has been employed in the last few decades to design convenient and user-friendly interfaces. The aim of this study is to provide the people with severe neuromuscular disorders a new augmentative communication technology so that they can express their wishes and communicate with others. The research investigates the capability of Emotiv EPOC+ headset to capture and record one of the BCIs signals called P300 that is used in several applications such as the P300 speller. The P300 speller is a BCI system used to enable severely disabled people to spell words and convey their thoughts without any physical effort. In this thesis, the effects of matrix size, flash duration, and colors were studied. Data are collected from five healthy subjects in their home environments. Different programs are used in this experiment such as OpenViBE platform and MATLAB to pre-process and classify the EEG data. Moreover, the Linear Discriminate Analysis (LDA) classification algorithm is used to classify the data into target and non-target samples

    Community planning in the network society

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    Models of social change have yet to emerge that deal with planning for change at the local community level due to the growth of public network, the Internet. The interactive network is changing the way people live, the way people earn a living, and perhaps more importantly, the way people spend their leisure time. The understanding of the impacts such technological diffusion plays in sustaining the social capital of the smaller communities of America will be of importance to developers of public networks and planners of the local and regional communities. This thesis discusses major trends that will shape the future of social participation in smaller American communities. The thesis will lead a discussion of the history of technological diffusion in society and will focus on the acceptance of advanced means of communication and information processing within various forms of social groups. After such discussion, a proposed Human/Network Interface (HuNI) model will provide a structure for the evolving roles of social groups with regard to the increasing pervasiveness of advanced network communications. Using the HuNI model as a framework, the thesis will conclude with a discussion of practical implications for planners concerning the influence the Internet will have on smaller communities

    Distributed Technology-Sustained Pervasive Applications

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    Technology-sustained pervasive games, contrary to technology-supported pervasive games, can be understood as computer games interfacing with the physical world. Pervasive games are known to make use of 'non-standard input devices' and with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), pervasive applications can be expected to move beyond games. This dissertation is requirements- and development-focused Design Science research for distributed technology-sustained pervasive applications, incorporating knowledge from the domains of Distributed Computing, Mixed Reality, Context-Aware Computing, Geographical Information Systems and IoT. Computer video games have existed for decades, with a reusable game engine to drive them. If pervasive games can be understood as computer games interfacing with the physical world, can computer game engines be used to stage pervasive games? Considering the use of non-standard input devices in pervasive games and the rise of IoT, how will this affect the architectures supporting the broader set of pervasive applications? The use of a game engine can be found in some existing pervasive game projects, but general research into how the domain of pervasive games overlaps with that of video games is lacking. When an engine is used, a discussion of, what type of engine is most suitable and what properties are being fulfilled by the engine, is often not part of the discourse. This dissertation uses multiple iterations of the method framework for Design Science for the design and development of three software system architectures. In the face of IoT, the problem of extending pervasive games into a fourth software architecture, accommodating a broader set of pervasive applications, is explicated. The requirements, for technology-sustained pervasive games, are verified through the design, development and demonstration of the three software system architectures. The ...Comment: 64 pages, 13 figure

    Probabilistic Graphical Models for ERP-Based Brain Computer Interfaces

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    An event related potential (ERP) is an electrical potential recorded from the nervous system of humans or other animals. An ERP is observed after the presentation of a stimulus. Some examples of the ERPs are P300, N400, among others. Although ERPs are used very often in neuroscience, its generation is not yet well understood and different theories have been proposed to explain the phenomena. ERPs could be generated due to changes in the alpha rhythm, an internal neural control that reset the ongoing oscillations in the brain, or separate and distinct additive neuronal phenomena. When different repetitions of the same stimuli are averaged, a coherence addition of the oscillations is obtained which explain the increase in amplitude in the signals. Two ERPs are mostly studied: N400 and P300. N400 signals arise when a subject tries to make semantic operations that support neural circuits for explicit memory. N400 potentials have been observed mostly in the rhinal cortex. P300 signals are related to attention and memory operations. When a new stimulus appears, a P300 ERP (named P3a) is generated in the frontal lobe. In contrast, when a subject perceives an expected stimulus, a P300 ERP (named P3b) is generated in the temporal – parietal areas. This implicates P3a and P3b are related, suggesting a circuit pathway between the frontal and temporal–parietal regions, whose existence has not been verified. Un potencial relacionado con un evento (ERP) es un potencial eléctrico registrado en el sistema nervioso de los seres humanos u otros animales. Un ERP se observa tras la presentación de un estímulo. Aunque los ERPs se utilizan muy a menudo en neurociencia, su generación aún no se entiende bien y se han propuesto diferentes teorías para explicar el fenómeno. Una interfaz cerebro-computador (BCI) es un sistema de comunicación en el que los mensajes o las órdenes que un sujeto envía al mundo exterior proceden de algunas señales cerebrales en lugar de los nervios y músculos periféricos. La BCI utiliza ritmos sensorimotores o señales ERP, por lo que se necesita un clasificador para distinguir entre los estímulos correctos y los incorrectos. En este trabajo, proponemos utilizar modelos probabilísticos gráficos para el modelado de la dinámica temporal y espacial de las señales cerebrales con aplicaciones a las BCIs. Los modelos gráficos han sido seleccionados por su flexibilidad y capacidad de incorporar información previa. Esta flexibilidad se ha utilizado anteriormente para modelar únicamente la dinámica temporal. Esperamos que el modelo refleje algunos aspectos del funcionamiento del cerebro relacionados con los ERPs, al incluir información espacial y temporal.DoctoradoDoctor en Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónic

    Recognition of handwritten Arabic characters

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    The subject of handwritten character recognition has been receiving considerable attention in recent years due to the increased dependence on computers. Several methods for recognizing Latin, Chinese as well as Kanji characters have been proposed. However, work on recognition of Arabic characters has been relatively sparse. Techniques developed for recognizing characters in other languages can not be used for Arabic since the nature of Arabic characters is different. The shape of a character is a function of its location within a word where each character can have two to four different forms. Most of the techniques proposed to date for recognizing Arabic characters have relied on structural and topographic approaches. This thesis introduces a decision-theoretic approach to solve the problem. The proposed method involves, as a first step, digitization of the segmented character. The secondary part of the character (dots and zigzags) are then isolated and identified separately thereby reducing the recognition issue to a 20 class problem or less for each of the character forms. The moments of the horizontal and vertical projections of the remaining primary characters are calculated and normalized with respect to the zero order moment. Simple measures of shape are obtained from the normalized moments and incorporated into a feature vector. Classification is accomplished using quadratic discriminant functions. The approach was evaluated using isolated, handwritten characters from a data base established for this purpose. The classification rates varied from 97.5% to 100% depending on the form of the characters. These results indicate that the technique offers significantly better classification rates in comparison with existing methods

    Visualization and interaction in a simulation system for flood emergencies

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaThis thesis presents an interaction and visualization system for a river flood emergency simulation. It will also present a detailed study about forms of visual representation of critical elements in emergencies. All these elements are currently assembled in an application based on geographic information systems and agent simulation. Many of the goals in this thesis are interconnected with project Life-Saver. This project has the goal to develop an emergency response simulator, which needs a visualization and interaction system. The main goals of this thesis are, to create a visualization system for an emergency, to design an intuitive multimedia interface and to implement new forms of human-computer interaction. At the application level there is a representation of the simulation scenario with the multiple agent and their actions. Several studies were made to create an intuitive interface. New forms of multimedia interaction are studied and used such as interactive touch sensible boards and multi-touch panels. It is possible to load and retrieve geographic information on the scenario. The resulting architecture is used to visualize a simulation of an emergency flooding situation in a scenario where the Alqueva dam in Guadiana river fails

    The Future of the Internet III

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    Presents survey results on technology experts' predictions on the Internet's social, political, and economic impact as of 2020, including its effects on integrity and tolerance, intellectual property law, and the division between personal and work lives
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