62 research outputs found

    Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (1890–1963)

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    Między stronami 6/7 umieszczona jest wklejka 2stronna kolorowa na kredzieProf. Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz (1890-1963) – logik i filozof – był w latach 1948-1952 dwukrotnie rektorem Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego. Autorzy szkicują unikalny portret osobowości niezwykłej – człowieka niezłomnego i odważnego, pełnego pasji wybitnego uczonego, myśliciela radykalnego i niezwykle rzetelnego. Ajdukiewicz zostaje przypomniany jako konsekwentny racjonalista, autor pionierskich prac w zakresie logiki i jej zastosowań – także w odniesieniu do najbardziej fundamentalnych i najtrudniejszych problemów filozoficznych, który zdecydowanie dbał o rozumne uformowanie życia publicznego w Polsce po II wojnie światowej. Systematycznie realizował on projekt imperium logicznego, które miały stanowić wysiłki uczonych prowadzących prace na polu szeroko rozumianej logiki, obejmującej zarówno refleksję nad praktyką naukową zgodnie z programem metodologii rozumiejącej, jak i wyniki badań w zakresie semiotyki logicznej oraz logiki formalnej. Książka ukazuje się jako kolejna pozycja serii Biografie Rektorów UAM

    The Polish Career of The American Soldier: From the Model to the Legend

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    The study conducted by Samuel Stouffer and his team in the US Army during World War II is generally considered to be a founding study in quantitative empirical sociology. The book The American Soldier (1949-1950) played an important role in the development and institutionalization of empirical social research. Joseph Ryan’s monograph Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey (2013) analyzes the history and reception of the research and book in the United States. This paper investigates the reception and impact of the book far from the United States: in Poland

    The Polish Career of The American Soldier: From the Model to the Legend

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    The study conducted by Samuel Stouffer and his team in the US Army during World War II is generally considered to be a founding study in empirical sociology. The book The American Soldier (1949-1950) played a major role in the development and institutionalization of empirical social research. Joseph Ryan’s monograph Samuel Stouffer and the GI Survey (2013) analyzes the history and reception of the research and book in theUnited States. This paper goes one small step further. It investigates the reception and impact of the book far from theUnited States: inPoland. Apart from its purely descriptive value, this paper provides an analysis of the diffusion of sociological innovation

    Birth of the Intelligentsia – 1750–1831

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    The three-part work provides a first synthetic account of the history of the Polish intelligentsia from the days of its formation to World War I. Part one (1750–1831) traces the formation of the intelligentsia as a social class in the epoch of Enlightenment. It stresses the importance of the birth of bureaucratic institutions that created the demand for the educated stratum. It analyses the results of the collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1795 – the ominous event that transformed the political geography of East Central Europe. The work combines social and intellectual history, tracing both the formation of the intelligentsia as a social stratum and the forms of engagement of the intelligentsia in the public discourse. Thus, it offers a broad view of the group’s transformations which immensely influenced the course of the Polish history

    Metaphysics Today and Tomorrow

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    This text was conceived as a synthetic introduction to the present-day situation of metaphysics and of ontology, to their stakes and their practices in the world and in France, by way of a preamble to the activities of the Atelier de métaphysique et d’ontologie contemporaines [Workshop on Contemporary Metaphysics and Ontology] at the École normale supérieure. It certainly does not claim to replace the more informed and complete works on which it rests, and which are indicated in the bibliography. Nor was it written with the intention of being polemical against whatever conception of metaphysics, even if it goes without saying that the question is approached in a necssarily partisan, though resolutely conciliatory, manner


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    У статті розглядається історія великих земельних володінь графів Мордвинових в Ялті, створених у 1790-х роках, з другої половини XIX до початку XX століть. Уточнено питання про склад земельних ділянок, що входили до маєтку, обставини зміни назви та успадкування його протягом XIX століття. Увагу приділено відносинам між новою міською адміністрацією, сформованою на початку 1870-х років, і впливовими землевласниками, чиї власницькі інтереси не збігалися з потребами міста, що зростало, для чого використано архівні матеріали, передусім ті, що раніше не оприлюднювалися.В статье рассматривается история земельных владений графов Мордвиновых в Ялте, которые были созданы в 1790-х годах, со второй половины XIX до начала XX века. Уточнен вопрос о составе участков, входящих в имение, обстоятельствах его наследования в течение XIX века и изменения названия. Внимание уделено отношениям между новой городской администрацией, сформированной в начале 1870-х годов, и влиятельными землевладельцами, чьи интересы не совпадали с потребностями растущего города, для чего использованы архивные материалы, прежде всего те, которые ранее не обнародовались.The article focuses on the history of the counts’ Mordvinovs major estates in Yalta, which were founded in 1790s, in the second half of the XIX century. The information on the land structure and the conditions of its inheritance during the XIX century and the changes of its name were determined in the course of investigations. A special attention was paid to the cooperation of the new town authorities, which were formed at the beginning of the 1870s, and the prominent landlords whose interests did not coincide with the needs of the developing town. For this purpose the town archives documents were used, including the ones that had not been published before. The interconnections between the economy of the estate and the development of the town as the administrative and economical unit have been analyzed. The article presents the short characteristics of the estate owners and their way of managing it. The article presents also the state of the estate, its town constructions, its main building and the agricultural lands at the moment of changing the forms of property. The conclusion was made on the peculiarities of the estate functioning within the town borders, which had been founded in the period of the feudal landlords, in the period of the active capitalization of the socio economic life in the Russian empire

    Niedocenieni myśliciele - zapomniane historie filozofii

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    The book constitutes a presentation of the views of thinkers who, for no readily apparent reasons, have been forgotten, sidelined in some way. This is particularly incomprehensible since each of them is an author of an extremely interesting history of philosophy which constitutes an attempt at capturing its events through the perspective of their given aspect event. Each aims at a different view of philosophy, accentuating a different facet. Each is interested in a typology of philosophy, but understands it in a different way. Karl Groos is a thinker known not only for the history of philosophy analysed in this book, but also for being interested in the theory of play, understood as “exercising out” (Einübung). Published in 1924, Groos’s history of philosophy is entitled Der Aufbau der Systeme and its main intention is to introduce order into the multiplicity of philosophical doctrines. Groos is primarily interested in the mystery of the logical architecture of systems, the formal aspect of their structure. Hans Leisegang is a thinker who deserves special attention and who twice in his life experienced the power of totalitarianism. For the first time it happens when he does not acknowledge Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, and for the second time when he refuses to submit to the Soviet power. The first time, his insubordination is punished by prison and the loss of his professorship in Jena. The second time, he is forced to leave Jena and move to Berlin to the newly-found Freie Universität Berlin. Leisegang, differently to Groos, but similarly to Moog, writes several histories of philosophy, three of which are intended to popularize the field. It is the fourth one which sparks particular interest. The book Denkformen is published for the first time in 1928 and for the second in 1951. The work is built on an assumption that human thought employs a limited number of thought structures which recur/repeat themselves in history of philosophy and, at the same time, usurp the absolute rule — which is connected with accepting Dilthey’s stance. Leisegang reduces all kinds of thinking in the history of philosophy to four thought forms which are: (1) the form of thought-circles (Denkform des Gedankenkreises), (2) the form of circle of circles (Denkform der Kreis von Kreisen), (3) the form of conceptual pyramid (die Begriffspyramide), and (4) The Euklidean-mathematical thought-form (die euklidisch-mathematische Denkform). The last philosopher to be analysed in the book is Willy Moog, Karl Groos’s student. Out of all the thinkers discussed here, his contribution to the study of German philosophical thought is the greatest, and its material expression is embodied in three important books from the field of German philosophy. The first constitutes an in-depth study of psychologism and was compiled out of parts of the author’s habilitation thesis (Logik, Psychologie und Psychologismus. Wissenschaftssystematische Untersuchungen. Halle a. S. 1919). The second book is the history of the newest German philosophy Die deutsche Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts in ihren Hauptrichtungen und Grundproblemen. Stuttgart 1922), while the third one analyses philosophy of Hegel and the followers who draw upon his thought – Hegel und die Hegelsche Schule (München 1930). In 1932, Moog publishes a book which constitutes a perspective of the history of philosophy which is alternative to the ones proposed by his teacher Karl Groos and Hans Leisegang. The work is entitled Das Leben der Philosophen (Berlin 1932), and its subject are the philosophers’ lives, where the author tries to show the connection between a thinker’s biography and the views which he voiced. The work does not intent to relativise the views of a given philosopher, but it attempts to demonstrate that a philosophical system constitutes an expression of the most inner nature of its creator, and in this sense, what is individual is captured in its objective meaning and transposed onto the plane of that which is above the individual

    Moralne problemy bezpieczeństwa

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    Zamieszczone w niniejszym tomie teksty ukazują złożoność i różnorodność problematyki, postulowanej jako przedmiot etyki bezpieczeństwa. Jest tak przede wszystkim dlatego, że dotyczą moralnych aspektów dwóch dziedzin o wielkiej doniosłości praktycznej – bezpieczeństwa państwa i bezpieczeństwa biznesu, z których każda ma bogate i stale rosnące zaplecze intelektualne, obejmujące także ogromną literaturę. Nieco rzadziej przedmiotem refleksji bywa działalność ekspertów sądowych (co nie znaczy, że nie jest ona obecna w dysputach wewnątrzśrodowiskowych), jeszcze rzadziej spotyka się wypowiedzi na temat wartości moralnych w systemach penitencjarnych. Spośród tych dziedzin największym dorobkiem może poszczycić się etyka policyjna, być może najważniejsza, ale – chociażby z powodu wspomnianych na początku zjawisk – ciągle stojąca przed nowymi wyzwaniami

    The Polemic Over the Polish Academy of Literature

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    The Polish Academy of Literature functioned in the period 1933–1939 and was established by the government in order to realise the programme of ‘nationalisation’ of literature. It should be noted though, its formation resulted first and foremost from demands put forward by writers since the beginning of the 20th century, who had been demanding the establishment of the Academy from the moment Poland regained its independence in 1918. The most coherent project of the Academy was presented in 1918 by Stefan Żeromski, which proved to be a constant point of reference for others involved in the polemic. Most called for the Academy to be a non-governmental institution, but one funded by the government as a means of preserving the high prestige of literature and the symbolic capital of the profession – as well as improving and stabilising the material situation of writers after the Great War.Praca powstała w ramach projektu badawczego NPRH nr 11H 16 0131 84