1,330 research outputs found

    RF-MEMS for high-performance and widely reconfigurable passive components – A review with focus on future telecommunications, Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G applications

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    Abstract Since its first discussions in literature during late '90s, RF-MEMS technology (i.e. Radio Frequency MicroElectroMechanical-Systems) has been showing uncommon potential in the realisation of high-performance and widely reconfigurable RF passives for radio and telecommunication systems. Nevertheless, against the most confident forecasts sparkling around the successful exploitation of RF-MEMS technology in mass-market applications, with the mobile phone segment first in line, already commencing from the earliest years of the 2000s, the first design wins for MEMS-based RF passives have started to be announced just in late 2014. Beyond the disappointment of all the most flattering market forecasts and, on the other hand, the effective employment of RF-MEMS in niche applications (like in very specific space and defence scenarios), there were crucial aspects, not fully considered since the beginning, that impaired the success of such a technology in large-market and consumer applications. Quite unexpectedly, the context has changed rather significantly in recent years. The smartphones market segment started to generate a factual need for highly reconfigurable and high-performance RF passive networks, and this circumstance is increasing the momentum of RF-MEMS technology that was expected to take place more than one decade ago. On a broader landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the even wider paradigm of the Internet of Everything (IoE) seem to be potential fields of exploitation for high-performance and highly reconfigurable passive components in RF-MEMS technology. This work frames the current state of RF-MEMS market exploitation, analysing the main reasons impairing in past years the proper employment of Microsystem technology based RF passive components. Moreover, highlights on further expansion of RF-MEMS solutions in mobile and telecommunication systems will be briefly provided and discussed

    Ultra-Low Power Wake Up Receiver For Medical Implant Communications Service Transceiver

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    This thesis explores the specific requirements and challenges for the design of a dedicated wake-up receiver for medical implant communication services equipped with a novel “uncertain-IF†architecture combined with a high – Q filtering MEMS resonator and a free running CMOS ring oscillator as the RF LO. The receiver prototype, implements an IBM 0.18μm mixed-signal 7ML RF CMOS technology and achieves a sensitivity of -62 dBm at 404MHz while consuming \u3c100 μW from a 1 V supply

    Design of Spring Coupling for High-Q High-Frequency MEMS Filters for Wireless Applications

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    A second-order microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) filter with high selectivity and sharp rolloff is required in wireless transceivers used in dense wireless sensor networks (WSNs). These sensors are expected to replace existing wired sensors used in industrial-plant management and environmental monitoring. These filters, together with MEMS-based oscillators and mixers, are expected to replace off-chip components and enable the development of a single-chip transceiver. Such a transceiver will leverage the integrated MEMS componentsÕ characteristics to operate at lower power and, hence, longer battery life, making autonomous WSNs more feasible in a wider range of applications. As a result, this paper presents the design and optimization of the coupling beam of wineglass-mode micromechanical disk filters using simulated annealing. The filter under consideration consists of two identical wineglass-mode disk resonators, mechanically coupled by a flexural-mode beam. The coupled two-resonator system exhibits two mechanical-resonance modes with closely spaced frequencies that define the filter passband. A constraint is added on the beam length to eliminate the effect of the coupling-beammass on the filterÕs resonant frequency. A new process flow is proposed to realize self-aligned overhanging coupling beams designed in this paper.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87260/4/Saitou6.pd

    Performance optimization of lateral-mode thin-film piezoelectric-on-substrate resonant systems

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    The main focus of this dissertation is to characterize and improve the performance of thin-film piezoelectric-on-substrate (TPoS) lateral-mode resonators and filters. TPoS is a class of piezoelectric MEMS devices which benefits from the high coupling coefficient of the piezoelectric transduction mechanism while taking advantage of superior acoustic properties of a substrate. The use of lateral-mode TPoS designs allows for fabrication of dispersed-frequency filters on a single substrate, thus significantly reducing the size and manufacturing cost of devices. TPoS filters also offer a lower temperature coefficient of frequency, and better power handling capability compared to rival technologies all in a very small footprint. Design and fabrication process of the TPoS devices is discussed. Both silicon and diamond substrates are utilized for fabrication of TPoS devices and results are compared. Specifically, the superior acoustic properties of nanocrystalline diamond in scaling the frequency and energy density of the resonators is highlighted in comparison with silicon. The performance of TPoS devices in a variety of applications is reported. These applications include lateral-mode TPoS filters with record low IL values (as low as 2dB) and fractional bandwidth up to 1%, impedance transformers, very low phase noise oscillators, and passive wireless temperature sensors

    Utilisation of microsystems technology in radio frequency and microwave applications

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    The market trends of the rapidly growing communication systems require new product architectures and services that are only realisable by utilising technologies beyond that of planar integrated circuits. Microsystems technology (MST) is one such technology which can revolutionise radio frequency (RF) and microwave applications. This article discusses the enabling potential of the MST to meet the stringent requirements of modern communication systems. RF MST fabrication technologies and actuation mechanisms empower conventional processes by alleviating the substrate effects on passive devices and provide product designers with high quality versatile microscale components which can facilitate system integration and lead to novel architectures with enhanced robustness and reduced power consumption. An insight on the variety of components that can be fabricated using the MST is given, emphasizing their excellent electrical performance and versatility. Research issues that need to be addressed are also discussed. Finally, this article discusses the main approaches for integrating MST devices in RF and microwave applications together with the difficulties that need to be overcome in order to make such devices readily available for volume-production.peer-reviewe

    A Recent Approach towards Fluidic Microstrip Devices and Gas Sensors: A Review

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    This paper aims to review some of the available tunable devices with emphasis on the techniques employed, fabrications, merits, and demerits of each technique. In the era of fluidic microstrip communication devices, versatility and stability have become key features of microfluidic devices. These fluidic devices allow advanced fabrication techniques such as 3D printing, spraying, or injecting the conductive fluid on the flexible/rigid substrate. Fluidic techniques are used either in the form of loading components, switching, or as the radiating/conducting path of a microwave component such as liquid metals. The major benefits and drawbacks of each technology are also emphasized. In this review, there is a brief discussion of the most widely used microfluidic materials, their novel fabrication/patterning methods

    Techniques, Circuits and Devices for Noncontact Sensing through Wireless Coupling

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    Le tecnologie per la misurazione di grandezze fisiche senza contatto sono diventate sempre più centrali in vari settori, che vanno dal monitoraggio industriale alle applicazioni sanitarie. In questo contesto, la tesi si concentra sullo sviluppo e l'implementazione di tecniche innovative, circuiti elettronici e dispositivi per la rilevazione senza contatto. L’analisi presentata all'interno di questa tesi considera lo scenario del rilevamento senza contatto a distanza nel campo elettromagnetico lontano (far-field) e al rilevamento senza contatto di prossimità, sfruttando le interazioni elettromagnetiche in campo vicino (near field). Nell’ambito del rilevamento senza contatto a distanza, la tesi indaga l'uso delle onde elettromagnetiche per il monitoraggio non invasivo del livello di solidi granulari all’interno di silos. Questo sistema, sviluppato impiegando un sensore radar commerciale a onda continua modulata in frequenza, dimostra il potenziale di questa tecnologia nel monitoraggio non invasivo e senza contatto in contesti agricoli e industriali. Considerando invece lo scenario del rilevamento senza contatto di prossimità, la tesi fornisce un'analisi dell'interrogazione senza contatto di sensori passivi e ne presenta diversi approcci e applicazioni. Vengono affrontate le problematiche delle misurazioni senza contatto, proponendo alcune soluzioni per migliorarne l'affidabilità e l'accuratezza, permettendo in particolare di renderle indipendenti dalla distanza di interrogazione. In particolare, la tesi presenta un sistema per la misurazione senza contatto della frequenza di risonanza di risonatori MEMS piezoelettrici. La tecnica proposta sfrutta l'accoppiamento magnetico tra un’unità di interrogazione ed un’unità sensore ed è applicata in modo innovativo per la rilevazione della temperatura, sfruttando le proprietà dei risonatori a disco in nitruro di alluminio (AlN) su silicio sottile piezoelettrico (TPoS) ed una tecnica di interrogazione senza contatto a tempo commutato. Inoltre, la tesi presenta un’etichetta flessibile per la misurazione della temperatura corporea, che combina il rilevamento a contatto della temperatura con una lettura senza contatto dell’unità sensore sfruttandone l'accoppiamento magnetico con un unità di interrogazione. L’etichetta flessibile, che costituisce l'unità sensore, è composta da una bobina induttiva che consente l'accoppiamento magnetico, un condensatore ceramico utilizzato come elemento sensibile alla temperatura, sfruttandone il coefficiente di temperatura della capacità, ed un induttore aggiuntivo utilizzato per rendere la frequenza di risonanza del circuito risonante RLC indipendente dalla flessione dell’etichetta. In modo analogo, le tecniche di interrogazione proposte sono state applicate ad un nuovo metodo per l'interrogazione senza contatto di un sensore induttivo, utilizzato per rilevare target conduttivi. Il sistema proposto presenta una bobina avvolta collegata con un condensatore per formare un circuito LC risonante, la cui frequenza di risonanza cambia quando un target conduttivo viene introdotto nel campo magnetico generato dalla bobina stessa. Attraverso una bobina di interrogazione esterna, accoppiata elettromagneticamente al sensore induttivo, è possibile interrogare senza contatto il sensore induttivo, permettendo quindi la rilevazione a distanza di target conduttivi. Infine, lo studio esposto in questa tesi introduce una tecnica avanzata per l'interrogazione senza contatto di sensori resistivi passivi, sfruttando risonatori a cristallo di quarzo come dispositivo risonante e basandosi sulla stima del fattore di qualità del circuito che costituisce l’unità sensore. Il metodo proposto supera i limiti delle tecniche basate su misure di ampiezza, legati in particolare all'influenza della distanza di interrogazioneNoncontact sensing technologies have become increasingly central in a variety of fields, ranging from industrial monitoring to healthcare applications. In this context, the thesis focuses on the development and implementation of innovative techniques, electronic circuits, and devices for contactless sensing via wireless coupling, responding to the growing interest in noncontact measurement methods. The themes treated in this thesis regard both the scenario of distant noncontact sensing in the electromagnetic far field, and proximate wireless sensing, leveraging on near-field electromagnetic interactions. Each domain is distinctly characterized by its specific technologies, applications, and methodologies, reflecting their operational ranges and fundamental principles. In the domain of distant wireless sensing, the thesis investigates the use of electromagnetic waves for unobtrusive level monitoring of granular solids in silos. This system, developed employing a commercial frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar sensor, demonstrates the potential of this technology in unobtrusive monitoring in agricultural and industrial environments. Considering the proximate wireless sensing domain, the thesis provides an analysis of noncontact interrogation of passive sensors and it presents different approaches and applications. It addresses the challenges and offers solutions for enhancing the reliability and accuracy of contactless measurements, which can be advantageously independent of the interrogation distance. This can path the way to the development of low-cost, disposable and sustainable devices for healthcare and industrial applications. In particular, the thesis presents a system for the noncontact measurement of the resonant frequency of piezoelectric MEMS resonators. The technique exploits magnetic coupling between interrogation and sensor units, and it is innovatively applied for temperature sensing exploiting a thin-film piezoelectric on silicon (TPoS) aluminium nitride (AlN) disk resonators and a contactless interrogation time-gated technique. Furthermore, the thesis presents a flexible patch for body temperature measurement, combining contact sensing with contactless readout, and exploiting magnetic coupling between interrogation and sensor units. The flexible patch, forming the sensor unit, is composed of an inductive coil for magnetic coupling, a ceramic capacitor used as the temperature sensing element exploiting its temperature coefficient of capacitance and an additional inductor to make the resonant frequency of the resulting resonant RLC circuit independent from the bending of the patch. Similarly, interrogation techniques have been applied to a novel method for contactless interrogation of an inductive sensor used for detecting conductive targets. The system features a solenoidal coil connected with a capacitor to form a resonating LC circuit, whose resonant frequency changes when a conductive target is introduced in the generated magnetic field. An external interrogation coil electromagnetically coupled to the inductive sensor enables the wireless measurement for conductive target detection. Lastly, the study introduces an advanced technique for the contactless interrogation of passive resistive sensors. The novel approach exploits the resonant frequency stability and the high quality factor of a quartz crystal resonator, used as a resonant element, with a series-connected resistor acting as the sensing element. This method overcomes the limitations of amplitude measurements techniques typically affected by the interrogation distance
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