47 research outputs found

    Affective Speech Recognition

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    Speech, as a medium of interaction, carries two different streams of information. Whereas one stream carries explicit messages, the other one contains implicit information about speakers themselves. Affective speech recognition is a set of theories and tools that intend to automate unfolding the part of the implicit stream that has to do with humans emotion. Application of affective speech recognition is to human computer interaction; a machine that is able to recognize humans emotion could engage the user in a more effective interaction. This thesis proposes a set of analyses and methodologies that advance automatic recognition of affect from speech. The proposed solution spans two dimensions of the problem: speech signal processing, and statistical learning. At the speech signal processing dimension, extraction of speech low-level descriptors is dis- cussed, and a set of descriptors that exploit the spectrum of the signal are proposed, which have shown to be particularly practical for capturing affective qualities of speech. Moreover, consider- ing the non-stationary property of the speech signal, further proposed is a measure of dynamicity that captures that property of speech by quantifying changes of the signal over time. Furthermore, based on the proposed set of low-level descriptors, it is shown that individual human beings are different in conveying emotions, and that parts of the spectrum that hold the affective information are different from one person to another. Therefore, the concept of emotion profile is proposed that formalizes those differences by taking into account different factors such as cultural and gender-specific differences, as well as those distinctions that have to do with individual human beings. At the statistical learning dimension, variable selection is performed to identify speech features that are most imperative to extracting affective information. In doing so, low-level descriptors are distinguished from statistical functionals, therefore, effectiveness of each of the two are studied dependently and independently. The major importance of variable selection as a standalone component of a solution is to real-time application of affective speech recognition. Although thousands of speech features are commonly used to tackle this problem in theory, extracting that many features in a real-time manner is unrealistic, especially for mobile applications. Results of the conducted investigations show that the required number of speech features is far less than the number that is commonly used in the literature of the problem. At the core of an affective speech recognition solution is a statistical model that uses speech features to recognize emotions. Such a model comes with a set of parameters that are estimated through a learning process. Proposed in this thesis is a learning algorithm, developed based on the notion of Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion and named max-dependence regression, that maximizes the dependence between predicted and actual values of affective qualities. Pearson’s correlation coefficient is commonly used as the measure of goodness of a fit in the literature of affective computing, therefore max-dependence regression is proposed to make the learning and hypothesis testing criteria consistent with one another. Results of this research show that doing so results in higher prediction accuracy. Lastly, sparse representation for affective speech datasets is considered in this thesis. For this purpose, the application of a dictionary learning algorithm based on Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion is proposed. Dictionary learning is used to identify the most important bases of the data in order to improve the generalization capability of the proposed solution to affective speech recognition. Based on the dictionary learning approach of choice, fusion of feature vectors is proposed. It is shown that sparse representation leads to higher generalization capability for affective speech recognition

    Sparse Model Selection using Information Complexity

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    This dissertation studies and uses the application of information complexity to statistical model selection through three different projects. Specifically, we design statistical models that incorporate sparsity features to make the models more explanatory and computationally efficient. In the first project, we propose a Sparse Bridge Regression model for variable selection when the number of variables is much greater than the number of observations if model misspecification occurs. The model is demonstrated to have excellent explanatory power in high-dimensional data analysis through numerical simulations and real-world data analysis. The second project proposes a novel hybrid modeling method that utilizes a mixture of sparse principal component regression (MIX-SPCR) to segment high-dimensional time series data. Using the MIX-SPCR model, we empirically analyze the S\&P 500 index data (from 1999 to 2019) and identify two key change points. The third project investigates the use of nonlinear features in the Sparse Kernel Factor Analysis (SKFA) method to derive the information criterion. Using a variety of wide datasets, we demonstrate the benefits of SKFA in the nonlinear representation and classification of data. The results obtained show the flexibility and the utility of information complexity in such data modeling problems

    Solar: L0L_0 solution path averaging for fast and accurate variable selection in high-dimensional data

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    We propose a new variable selection algorithm, subsample-ordered least-angle regression (solar), and its coordinate descent generalization, solar-cd. Solar re-constructs lasso paths using the L0L_0 norm and averages the resulting solution paths across subsamples. Path averaging retains the ranking information of the informative variables while averaging out sensitivity to high dimensionality, improving variable selection stability, efficiency, and accuracy. We prove that: (i) with a high probability, path averaging perfectly separates informative variables from redundant variables on the average L0L_0 path; (ii) solar variable selection is consistent and accurate; and (iii) the probability that solar omits weak signals is controllable for finite sample size. We also demonstrate that: (i) solar yields, with less than 1/31/3 of the lasso computation load, substantial improvements over lasso in terms of the sparsity (64-84\% reduction in redundant variable selection) and accuracy of variable selection; (ii) compared with the lasso safe/strong rule and variable screening, solar largely avoids selection of redundant variables and rejection of informative variables in the presence of complicated dependence structures; (iii) the sparsity and stability of solar conserves residual degrees of freedom for data-splitting hypothesis testing, improving the accuracy of post-selection inference on weak signals with limited nn; (iv) replacing lasso with solar in bootstrap selection (e.g., bolasso or stability selection) produces a multi-layer variable ranking scheme that improves selection sparsity and ranking accuracy with the computation load of only one lasso realization; and (v) given the computation resources, solar bootstrap selection is substantially faster (98\% lower computation time) than the theoretical maximum speedup for parallelized bootstrap lasso (confirmed by Amdahl's law)

    Predicting Linguistic Structure with Incomplete and Cross-Lingual Supervision

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    Contemporary approaches to natural language processing are predominantly based on statistical machine learning from large amounts of text, which has been manually annotated with the linguistic structure of interest. However, such complete supervision is currently only available for the world's major languages, in a limited number of domains and for a limited range of tasks. As an alternative, this dissertation considers methods for linguistic structure prediction that can make use of incomplete and cross-lingual supervision, with the prospect of making linguistic processing tools more widely available at a lower cost. An overarching theme of this work is the use of structured discriminative latent variable models for learning with indirect and ambiguous supervision; as instantiated, these models admit rich model features while retaining efficient learning and inference properties. The first contribution to this end is a latent-variable model for fine-grained sentiment analysis with coarse-grained indirect supervision. The second is a model for cross-lingual word-cluster induction and the application thereof to cross-lingual model transfer. The third is a method for adapting multi-source discriminative cross-lingual transfer models to target languages, by means of typologically informed selective parameter sharing. The fourth is an ambiguity-aware self- and ensemble-training algorithm, which is applied to target language adaptation and relexicalization of delexicalized cross-lingual transfer parsers. The fifth is a set of sequence-labeling models that combine constraints at the level of tokens and types, and an instantiation of these models for part-of-speech tagging with incomplete cross-lingual and crowdsourced supervision. In addition to these contributions, comprehensive overviews are provided of structured prediction with no or incomplete supervision, as well as of learning in the multilingual and cross-lingual settings. Through careful empirical evaluation, it is established that the proposed methods can be used to create substantially more accurate tools for linguistic processing, compared to both unsupervised methods and to recently proposed cross-lingual methods. The empirical support for this claim is particularly strong in the latter case; our models for syntactic dependency parsing and part-of-speech tagging achieve the hitherto best published results for a wide number of target languages, in the setting where no annotated training data is available in the target language

    Approximation and Relaxation Approaches for Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning

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    Large scale machine learning requires tradeoffs. Commonly this tradeoff has led practitioners to choose simpler, less powerful models, e.g. linear models, in order to process more training examples in a limited time. In this work, we introduce parallelism to the training of non-linear models by leveraging a different tradeoff--approximation. We demonstrate various techniques by which non-linear models can be made amenable to larger data sets and significantly more training parallelism by strategically introducing approximation in certain optimization steps. For gradient boosted regression tree ensembles, we replace precise selection of tree splits with a coarse-grained, approximate split selection, yielding both faster sequential training and a significant increase in parallelism, in the distributed setting in particular. For metric learning with nearest neighbor classification, rather than explicitly train a neighborhood structure we leverage the implicit neighborhood structure induced by task-specific random forest classifiers, yielding a highly parallel method for metric learning. For support vector machines, we follow existing work to learn a reduced basis set with extremely high parallelism, particularly on GPUs, via existing linear algebra libraries. We believe these optimization tradeoffs are widely applicable wherever machine learning is put in practice in large scale settings. By carefully introducing approximation, we also introduce significantly higher parallelism and consequently can process more training examples for more iterations than competing exact methods. While seemingly learning the model with less precision, this tradeoff often yields noticeably higher accuracy under a restricted training time budget

    Data- og ekspertdreven variabelseleksjon for prediktive modeller i helsevesenet : mot økt tolkbarhet i underbestemte maskinlæringsproblemer

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    Modern data acquisition techniques in healthcare generate large collections of data from multiple sources, such as novel diagnosis and treatment methodologies. Some concrete examples are electronic healthcare record systems, genomics, and medical images. This leads to situations with often unstructured, high-dimensional heterogeneous patient cohort data where classical statistical methods may not be sufficient for optimal utilization of the data and informed decision-making. Instead, investigating such data structures with modern machine learning techniques promises to improve the understanding of patient health issues and may provide a better platform for informed decision-making by clinicians. Key requirements for this purpose include (a) sufficiently accurate predictions and (b) model interpretability. Achieving both aspects in parallel is difficult, particularly for datasets with few patients, which are common in the healthcare domain. In such cases, machine learning models encounter mathematically underdetermined systems and may overfit easily on the training data. An important approach to overcome this issue is feature selection, i.e., determining a subset of informative features from the original set of features with respect to the target variable. While potentially raising the predictive performance, feature selection fosters model interpretability by identifying a low number of relevant model parameters to better understand the underlying biological processes that lead to health issues. Interpretability requires that feature selection is stable, i.e., small changes in the dataset do not lead to changes in the selected feature set. A concept to address instability is ensemble feature selection, i.e. the process of repeating the feature selection multiple times on subsets of samples of the original dataset and aggregating results in a meta-model. This thesis presents two approaches for ensemble feature selection, which are tailored towards high-dimensional data in healthcare: the Repeated Elastic Net Technique for feature selection (RENT) and the User-Guided Bayesian Framework for feature selection (UBayFS). While RENT is purely data-driven and builds upon elastic net regularized models, UBayFS is a general framework for ensembles with the capabilities to include expert knowledge in the feature selection process via prior weights and side constraints. A case study modeling the overall survival of cancer patients compares these novel feature selectors and demonstrates their potential in clinical practice. Beyond the selection of single features, UBayFS also allows for selecting whole feature groups (feature blocks) that were acquired from multiple data sources, as those mentioned above. Importance quantification of such feature blocks plays a key role in tracing information about the target variable back to the acquisition modalities. Such information on feature block importance may lead to positive effects on the use of human, technical, and financial resources if systematically integrated into the planning of patient treatment by excluding the acquisition of non-informative features. Since a generalization of feature importance measures to block importance is not trivial, this thesis also investigates and compares approaches for feature block importance rankings. This thesis demonstrates that high-dimensional datasets from multiple data sources in the medical domain can be successfully tackled by the presented approaches for feature selection. Experimental evaluations demonstrate favorable properties of both predictive performance, stability, as well as interpretability of results, which carries a high potential for better data-driven decision support in clinical practice.Moderne datainnsamlingsteknikker i helsevesenet genererer store datamengder fra flere kilder, som for eksempel nye diagnose- og behandlingsmetoder. Noen konkrete eksempler er elektroniske helsejournalsystemer, genomikk og medisinske bilder. Slike pasientkohortdata er ofte ustrukturerte, høydimensjonale og heterogene og hvor klassiske statistiske metoder ikke er tilstrekkelige for optimal utnyttelse av dataene og god informasjonsbasert beslutningstaking. Derfor kan det være lovende å analysere slike datastrukturer ved bruk av moderne maskinlæringsteknikker for å øke forståelsen av pasientenes helseproblemer og for å gi klinikerne en bedre plattform for informasjonsbasert beslutningstaking. Sentrale krav til dette formålet inkluderer (a) tilstrekkelig nøyaktige prediksjoner og (b) modelltolkbarhet. Å oppnå begge aspektene samtidig er vanskelig, spesielt for datasett med få pasienter, noe som er vanlig for data i helsevesenet. I slike tilfeller må maskinlæringsmodeller håndtere matematisk underbestemte systemer og dette kan lett føre til at modellene overtilpasses treningsdataene. Variabelseleksjon er en viktig tilnærming for å håndtere dette ved å identifisere en undergruppe av informative variabler med hensyn til responsvariablen. Samtidig som variabelseleksjonsmetoder kan lede til økt prediktiv ytelse, fremmes modelltolkbarhet ved å identifisere et lavt antall relevante modellparametere. Dette kan gi bedre forståelse av de underliggende biologiske prosessene som fører til helseproblemer. Tolkbarhet krever at variabelseleksjonen er stabil, dvs. at små endringer i datasettet ikke fører til endringer i hvilke variabler som velges. Et konsept for å adressere ustabilitet er ensemblevariableseleksjon, dvs. prosessen med å gjenta variabelseleksjon flere ganger på en delmengde av prøvene i det originale datasett og aggregere resultater i en metamodell. Denne avhandlingen presenterer to tilnærminger for ensemblevariabelseleksjon, som er skreddersydd for høydimensjonale data i helsevesenet: "Repeated Elastic Net Technique for feature selection" (RENT) og "User-Guided Bayesian Framework for feature selection" (UBayFS). Mens RENT er datadrevet og bygger på elastic net-regulariserte modeller, er UBayFS et generelt rammeverk for ensembler som muliggjør inkludering av ekspertkunnskap i variabelseleksjonsprosessen gjennom forhåndsbestemte vekter og sidebegrensninger. En case-studie som modellerer overlevelsen av kreftpasienter sammenligner disse nye variabelseleksjonsmetodene og demonstrerer deres potensiale i klinisk praksis. Utover valg av enkelte variabler gjør UBayFS det også mulig å velge blokker eller grupper av variabler som representerer de ulike datakildene som ble nevnt over. Kvantifisering av viktigheten av variabelgrupper spiller en nøkkelrolle for forståelsen av hvorvidt datakildene er viktige for responsvariablen. Tilgang til slik informasjon kan føre til at bruken av menneskelige, tekniske og økonomiske ressurser kan forbedres dersom informasjonen integreres systematisk i planleggingen av pasientbehandlingen. Slik kan man redusere innsamling av ikke-informative variabler. Siden generaliseringen av viktighet av variabelgrupper ikke er triviell, undersøkes og sammenlignes også tilnærminger for rangering av viktigheten til disse variabelgruppene. Denne avhandlingen viser at høydimensjonale datasett fra flere datakilder fra det medisinske domenet effektivt kan håndteres ved bruk av variabelseleksjonmetodene som er presentert i avhandlingen. Eksperimentene viser at disse kan ha positiv en effekt på både prediktiv ytelse, stabilitet og tolkbarhet av resultatene. Bruken av disse variabelseleksjonsmetodene bærer et stort potensiale for bedre datadrevet beslutningsstøtte i klinisk praksis