121 research outputs found

    A Time-composable Operating System

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    Time composability is a guiding principle to the development and certification process of real-time embedded systems. Considerable efforts have been devoted to studying the role of hardware architectures - and their modern accelerating features - in enabling the hierarchical composition of the timing behaviour of software programs considered in isolation. Much less attention has been devoted to the effect of real-time Operating Systems (OS) on time composability at the application level. In fact, the very presence of the OS contributes to the variability of the execution time of the application directly and indirectly; by way of its own response time jitter and by its effect on the state retained by the processor hardware. We consider zero disturbance and steady behaviour as those characteristic properties that an operating system should exhibit, so as to be time-composable with the user applications. We assess those properties on the redesign of an ARINC compliant partitioned operating system, for use in avionics applications, and present some experimental results from a preliminary implementation of our approach within the scope of the EU FP7 PROARTIS project

    The CONCERTO methodology for model-based development of avionics SW

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    20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2015 (Ada-Europe 2015), 22 to 26, Jun, 2015, Madrid, Spain.The development of high-integrity real-time systems, including their certification, is a demanding endeavour in terms of time, skills and effort involved. This is particularly true in application domains such as the avionics, where composable design is to be had to allow subdividing monolithic systems into components of smaller complexity, to be outsourced to developers subcontracted down the supply chain. Moreover, the increasing demand for computational power and the consequent interest in multicore HW architectures complicates system deployment. For these reasons, appropriate methodologies and tools need to be devised to help the industrial stakeholders master the overall system design complexity, while keeping manufacturing costs affordable. In this paper we present some elements of the CONCERTO platform, a toolset to support the end-to-end system development process from system modelling to analysis and validation, prior to code generation and deployment. The approach taken by CONCERTO is demonstrated for an illustrative avionics setup, however it is general enough to be applied to a number of industrial domains including the space, telecom and automotive. We finally reason about the benefits to an industrial user by comparing to similar initiatives in the research landscape

    Improving time predictability of shared hardware resources in real-time multicore systems : emphasis on the space domain

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    Critical Real-Time Embedded Systems (CRTES) follow a verification and validation process on the timing and functional correctness. This process includes the timing analysis that provides Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates to provide evidence that the execution time of the system, or parts of it, remain within the deadlines. A key design principle for CRTES is the incremental qualification, whereby each software component can be subject to verification and validation independently of any other component, with obvious benefits for cost. At timing level, this requires time composability, such that the timing behavior of a function is not affected by other functions. CRTES are experiencing an unprecedented growth with rising performance demands that have motivated the use of multicore architectures. Multicores can provide the performance required and bring the potential of integrating several software functions onto the same hardware. However, multicore contention in the access to shared hardware resources creates a dependence of the execution time of a task with the rest of the tasks running simultaneously. This dependence threatens time predictability and jeopardizes time composability. In this thesis we analyze and propose hardware solutions to be applied on current multicore designs for CRTES to improve time predictability and time composability, focusing on the on-chip bus and the memory controller. At hardware level, we propose new bus and memory controller designs that control and mitigate contention between different cores and allow to have time composability by design, also in the context of mixed-criticality systems. At analysis level, we propose contention prediction models that factor the impact of contenders and don¿t need modifications to the hardware. We also propose a set of Performance Monitoring Counters (PMC) that provide evidence about the contention. We give an special emphasis on the Space domain focusing on the Cobham Gaisler NGMP multicore processor, which is currently assessed by the European Space Agency for its future missions.Los Sistemas Críticos Empotrados de Tiempo Real (CRTES) siguen un proceso de verificación y validación para su correctitud funcional y temporal. Este proceso incluye el análisis temporal que proporciona estimaciones de el peor caso del tiempo de ejecución (WCET) para dar evidencia de que el tiempo de ejecución del sistema, o partes de él, permanecen dentro de los límites temporales. Un principio de diseño clave para los CRTES es la cualificación incremental, por la que cada componente de software puede ser verificado y validado independientemente del resto de componentes, con beneficios obvios para el coste. A nivel temporal, esto requiere composabilidad temporal, por la que el comportamiento temporal de una función no se ve afectado por otras funciones. CRTES están experimentando un crecimiento sin precedentes con crecientes demandas de rendimiento que han motivado el uso the arquitecturas multi-núcleo (multicore). Los procesadores multi-núcleo pueden proporcionar el rendimiento requerido y tienen el potencial de integrar varias funcionalidades software en el mismo hardware. A pesar de ello, la interferencia entre los diferentes núcleos que aparece en los recursos compartidos de os procesadores multi núcleo crea una dependencia del tiempo de ejecución de una tarea con el resto de tareas ejecutándose simultáneamente en el procesador. Esta dependencia amenaza la predictabilidad temporal y compromete la composabilidad temporal. En esta tésis analizamos y proponemos soluciones hardware para ser aplicadas en los diseños multi núcleo actuales para CRTES que mejoran la predictabilidad y composabilidad temporal, centrándose en el bus y el controlador de memoria internos al chip. A nivel de hardware, proponemos nuevos diseños de buses y controladores de memoria que controlan y mitigan la interferencia entre los diferentes núcleos y permiten tener composabilidad temporal por diseño, también en el contexto de sistemas de criticalidad mixta. A nivel de análisis, proponemos modelos de predicción de la interferencia que factorizan el impacto de los núcleos y no necesitan modificaciones hardware. También proponemos un conjunto de Contadores de Control del Rendimiento (PMC) que proporcionoan evidencia de la interferencia. En esta tésis, damós especial importancia al dominio espacial, centrándonos en el procesador mutli núcleo Cobham Gaisler NGMP, que está siendo actualmente evaluado por la Agencia Espacial Europea para sus futuras misiones

    Development and update of aerospace applications in partitioned architectures

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    Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Informática, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2011Para enfrentar os desafios e requisitos impostos por missões espaciais futuras, a indústria aeroespacial tem vindo a seguir uma tendência para adoptar arquitecturas computacionais inovadoras e avançadas, cumprindo requisitos estritos de tamanho, peso e consumo energético (SWaP) e assim diminuir o custo total da missão assegurando a segurança na operação e a pontualidade do sistema. A arquitectura AIR (ARINC 653 in Space Real-Time Operating System), desenvolvida para responder ao interesse da indústria aeroespacial, particularmente da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA), fornece um ambiente compartimentado para o desenvolvimento e execução de aplicações aeroespaciais, seguindo a noção de compartimentação temporal e espacial, preservando os requisitos temporais das aplicações e a segurança na operação. Durante uma missão espacial, a ocorrência de eventos inesperados ou alterações aos planos da missão introduz novas restrições. Assim, é de grande importância ter a possibilidade de alojar novas aplicações na plataforma computacional de veículos espaciais ou modificar aplicações já existentes em tempo de execução e, deste modo, cumprir os novos requisitos ou melhorar as funções do veículo espacial. O presente trabalho introduz na arquitectura AIR o suporte à inclusão e actualização de novas funcionalidades ao plano de missão durante o funcionamento do sistema. Estas funcionalidades podem ser formadas por componentes de software modificados ou pelos requisitos temporais correspondentes. O melhoramento da arquitectura AIR com a possibilidade de realizar actualizações de software requer um ambiente e ferramentas de desenvolvimento adequados. Neste sentido, a metodologia para o desenvolvimento de software em sistemas baseados na arquitectura AIR é revisitada.To face the challenges and requirements imposed by future space missions, the aerospace industry has been following the trend of adopting innovative and advanced computing system architectures fulfilling strict requisites of size, weight and power consumption (SWaP) thus decreasing the mission overall cost and ensuring the safety and timeliness of the system. The AIR (ARINC 653 in Space Real-Time Operating System) architecture has been defined dependent on the interest of the aerospace industry, especially the European Space Agency (ESA). AIR provides a partitioned environment for the development and execution of aerospace applications, based on the idea of time and space partitioning (TSP), aiming the preservation of the application requirements, timing and safety. During a space mission, the occurrence of unexpected events or the change of the mission plans introduces new constraints to the mission. Therefore, it is paramount to have the possibility to host new applications in spacecraft onboard computer platform, or modify the existing ones in execution time, thus fulfilling new requirements or enhancing spacecraft functions. The work described on this thesis introduces in the AIR architecture the support for the inclusion of new features to the mission plan during the system operation. These new features may be composed of modified software components or the corresponding timing requirements. The improvement of the AIR architecture with the ability to perform software updates requires a suitable development environment and tools. Therefore, the methodology for software development in AIR-based systems, regarding the build and integration process, is reexamined

    Operating System Contribution to Composable Timing Behaviour in High-Integrity Real-Time Systems

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    The development of High-Integrity Real-Time Systems has a high footprint in terms of human, material and schedule costs. Factoring functional, reusable logic in the application favors incremental development and contains costs. Yet, achieving incrementality in the timing behavior is a much harder problem. Complex features at all levels of the execution stack, aimed to boost average-case performance, exhibit timing behavior highly dependent on execution history, which wrecks time composability and incrementaility with it. Our goal here is to restitute time composability to the execution stack, working bottom up across it. We first characterize time composability without making assumptions on the system architecture or the software deployment to it. Later, we focus on the role played by the real-time operating system in our pursuit. Initially we consider single-core processors and, becoming less permissive on the admissible hardware features, we devise solutions that restore a convincing degree of time composability. To show what can be done for real, we developed TiCOS, an ARINC-compliant kernel, and re-designed ORK+, a kernel for Ada Ravenscar runtimes. In that work, we added support for limited-preemption to ORK+, an absolute premiere in the landscape of real-word kernels. Our implementation allows resource sharing to co-exist with limited-preemptive scheduling, which extends state of the art. We then turn our attention to multicore architectures, first considering partitioned systems, for which we achieve results close to those obtained for single-core processors. Subsequently, we shy away from the over-provision of those systems and consider less restrictive uses of homogeneous multiprocessors, where the scheduling algorithm is key to high schedulable utilization. To that end we single out RUN, a promising baseline, and extend it to SPRINT, which supports sporadic task sets, hence matches real-world industrial needs better. To corroborate our results we present findings from real-world case studies from avionic industry

    AHRB: A High-Performance Time-Composable AMBA AHB Bus

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    Abstract-Hard real-time systems are moving toward complex systems comprising chips with different IP components connected with standard buses. AMBA is one of the most used bus interfaces and has already been included in processors in the real-time domain. However, AMBA was not designed to provide time composable Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) estimates, which are desirable to reduce timing validation and verification costs. This paper analyzes and extends the AMBA Advanced Highperformance Bus (AHB) specification to enable time-composable WCET estimates by design. Concretely, (1) we analyze in detail the AMBA AHB in the context of hard real-time systems proving that it fails to provide time composability; (2) we define a restricted subset of AMBA AHB features, named restricted AHB (resAHB), that allows deriving time-composable, yet not tight, WCET estimates; and (3) we define an extension of resAHB, named Advanced High-performance Real-time Bus (AHRB), that includes the timing constraints in the specification. This allows deriving time-composable and tight WCET estimates. Our results show that AHRB can provide 3.5x tighter estimates than resAHB on average for EEMBC benchmarks

    Challenges and Work Directions for Europe

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    International audienceEmbedded Systems are components integrating software and hardware, that are jointly and specifically designed to provide a given set of functionalities. These components may be used in a huge variety of applications, including transport (avionics, space, automotive, trains), electrical and electronic appliances (cameras, toys, television, washers, dryers, audio systems, and cellular phones), process control (energy production and distribution, factory automation), telecommunications (satellites, mobile phones and telecom networks), security (e-commerce, smart cards), etc. We expect that within a short timeframe, embedded systems will be a part of virtually all equipment designed or manufactured in Europe, the USA, and Asia

    A Multi-core processor for hard real-time systems

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    The increasing demand for new functionalities in current and future hard real-time embedded systems, like the ones deployed in automotive and avionics industries, is driving an increment in the performance required in current embedded processors. Multi-core processors represent a good design solution to cope with such higher performance requirements due to their better performance-per-watt ratio while maintaining the core design simple. Moreover, multi-cores also allow executing mixed-criticality level workloads composed of tasks with and without hard real-time requirements, maximizing the utilization of the hardware resources while guaranteeing low cost and low power consumption. Despite those benefits, current multi-core processors are less analyzable than single-core ones due to the interferences between different tasks when accessing hardware shared resources. As a result, estimating a meaningful Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) estimation - i.e. to compute an upper bound of the application's execution time - becomes extremely difficult, if not even impossible, because the execution time of a task may change depending on the other threads running at the same time. This makes the WCET of a task dependent on the set of inter-task interferences introduced by the co-running tasks. Providing a WCET estimation independent from the other tasks (time composability property) is a key requirement in hard real-time systems. This thesis proposes a new multi-core processor design in which time composability is achieved, hence enabling the use of multi-cores in hard real-time systems. With our proposals the WCET estimation of a HRT is independent from the other co-running tasks. To that end, we design a multi-core processor in which the maximum delay a request from a Hard Real-time Task (HRT), accessing a hardware shared resource can suffer due to other tasks is bounded: our processor guarantees that a request to a shared resource cannot be delayed longer than a given Upper Bound Delay (UBD). In addition, the UBD allows identifying the impact that different processor configurations may have on the WCET by determining the sensitivity of a HRT to different resource allocations. This thesis proposes an off-line task allocation algorithm (called IA3: Interference-Aware Allocation Algorithm), that allocates tasks in a task set based on the HRT's sensitivity to different resource allocations. As a result the hardware shared resources used by HRTs are minimized, by allowing Non Hard Real-time Tasks (NHRTs) to use the rest of resources. Overall, our proposals provide analyzability for the HRTs allowing NHRTs to be executed into the same chip without any effect on the HRTs. The previous first two proposals of this thesis focused on supporting the execution of multi-programmed workloads with mixed-criticality levels (composed of HRTs and NHRTs). Higher performance could be achieved by implementing multi-threaded applications. As a first step towards supporting hard real-time parallel applications, this thesis proposes a new hardware/software approach to guarantee a predictable execution of software pipelined parallel programs. This thesis also investigates a solution to verify the timing correctness of HRTs without requiring any modification in the core design: we design a hardware unit which is interfaced with the processor and integrated into a functional-safety aware methodology. This unit monitors the execution time of a block of instructions and it detects if it exceeds the WCET. Concretely, we show how to handle timing faults on a real industrial automotive platform.La creciente demanda de nuevas funcionalidades en los sistemas empotrados de tiempo real actuales y futuros en industrias como la automovilística y la de aviación, está impulsando un incremento en el rendimiento necesario en los actuales procesadores empotrados. Los procesadores multi-núcleo son una solución eficiente para obtener un mayor rendimiento ya que aumentan el rendimiento por vatio, manteniendo el diseño del núcleo simple. Por otra parte, los procesadores multi-núcleo también permiten ejecutar cargas de trabajo con niveles de tiempo real mixtas (formadas por tareas de tiempo real duro y laxo así como tareas sin requerimientos de tiempo real), maximizando así la utilización de los recursos de procesador y garantizando el bajo consumo de energía. Sin embargo, a pesar los beneficios mencionados anteriormente, los actuales procesadores multi-núcleo son menos analizables que los de un solo núcleo debido a las interferencias surgidas cuando múltiples tareas acceden simultáneamente a los recursos compartidos del procesador. Como resultado, la estimación del peor tiempo de ejecución (conocido como WCET) - es decir, una cota superior del tiempo de ejecución de la aplicación - se convierte en extremadamente difícil, si no imposible, porque el tiempo de ejecución de una tarea puede cambiar dependiendo de las otras tareas que se estén ejecutando concurrentemente. Determinar una estimación del WCET independiente de las otras tareas es un requisito clave en los sistemas empotrados de tiempo real duro. Esta tesis propone un nuevo diseño de procesador multi-núcleo en el que el tiempo de ejecución de las tareas se puede componer, lo que permitirá el uso de procesadores multi-núcleo en los sistemas de tiempo real duro. Para ello, diseñamos un procesador multi-núcleo en el que la máxima demora que puede sufrir una petición de una tarea de tiempo real duro (HRT) para acceder a un recurso hardware compartido debido a otras tareas está acotado, tiene un límite superior (UBD). Además, UBD permite identificar el impacto que las diferentes posibles configuraciones del procesador pueden tener en el WCET, mediante la determinación de la sensibilidad en la variación del tiempo de ejecución de diferentes reservas de recursos del procesador. Esta tesis propone un algoritmo estático de reserva de recursos (llamado IA3), que asigna tareas a núcleos en función de dicha sensibilidad. Como resultado los recursos compartidos del procesador usados por tareas HRT se reducen al mínimo, permitiendo que las tareas sin requerimiento de tiempo real (NHRTs) puedas beneficiarse del resto de recursos. Por lo tanto, las propuestas presentadas en esta tesis permiten el análisis del WCET para tareas HRT, permitiendo así mismo la ejecución de tareas NHRTs en el mismo procesador multi-núcleo, sin que estas tengan ningún efecto sobre las tareas HRT. Las propuestas presentadas anteriormente se centran en el soporte a la ejecución de múltiples cargas de trabajo con diferentes niveles de tiempo real (HRT y NHRTs). Sin embargo, un mayor rendimiento puede lograrse mediante la transformación una tarea en múltiples sub-tareas paralelas. Esta tesis propone una nueva técnica, con soporte del procesador y del sistema operativo, que garantiza una ejecución analizable del modelo de ejecución paralela software pipelining. Esta tesis también investiga una solución para verificar la corrección del WCET de HRT sin necesidad de ninguna modificación en el diseño de la base: un nuevo componente externo al procesador se conecta a este sin necesidad de modificarlo. Esta nueva unidad monitorea el tiempo de ejecución de un bloque de instrucciones y detecta si se excede el WCET. Esta unidad permite detectar fallos de sincronización en sistemas de computación utilizados en automóviles

    Adaptability and Survivability in Spaceborne Time-and Space-Partitioned Systems

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    Abstract-Future space missions call for innovative computing system architectures, meeting strict requisites of size, weight, power consumption (SWaP), cost, safety and timeliness. To answer the aerospace industry interests, especially the European Space Agency (ESA), the AIR (ARINC 653 in Space Real-Time Operating System) architecture has been defined, following the advanced notion of time and space partitioning (TSP). In order to achieve adaptability and survivability in the face of environmental changes or new mission requirements, it is of paramount importance that onboard computing systems are reconfigurable. In this paper we present recent and ongoing developments on AIR Technology to achieve adaptability and survivability of AIRbased systems, and a methodology for onboard software update in order to add new features to the mission plan
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