89 research outputs found


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    Tumbuhan berbunga merupakan tumbuhan yang memiliki ciri khas berupa bunga (sering juga disebut sebagai Angiospermae/Magnoliophyta). Tumbuhan berbunga merupakan kelompok tumbuhan yang sukses menyebar luas di dunia, diperkirakan mencapai 250.000 jenis. Salah satu penyebaran tumbuhan berbunga yang sukses di dunia, berada di kawasan Malesia, terbukti 70% tumbuhan endemik ada di kawasan ini. Keanekaragaman tumbuhan berbunga di kawasan Malesia tergolong tinggi, karena di pengaruhi oleh flora Asia dan Australia, seperti: Orchidaceae, Rubiaceae, Lauraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Moraceae, dan Ericaceae

    The Diversity and Conservation of Piper (Piperaceae) in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Lampung Province

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    Piper (Piperaceae) is an aromatic plant genus, some species of which can also be used as ornamental plants. We have carried out plant exploration in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) of Lampung Province, which is known as one of the centres of diversity for Piper species. This field exploration aimed to contribute to the inventory of Piper species in Sumatera. A purposive sampling method was employed. The work was carried out from 2011 to 2014 in four resorts of TNBBS, viz. Kubu Perahu Resort, Sukaraja Atas Resort, Pugung Tampak Resort and Sekincau Resort. The results revealed that there are 21 Piper species present in TNBBS; of which one species is a tree, six species are shrubs, and the other 14 species are climbers. All these species have been cultivated as collections in Bogor Botanic Gardens (West Jawa Province) and also in Liwa Botanic Garden (West Lampung Province), for ex-situ conservation purposes. Results of analysis of morphological characters are discussed along with information about the USAge of the species. A key to the species and maps showing their distribution are presented in the paper

    Habitat study of Styphelia abnormis (Sond.) J.J.Smith. in Manitalu Hill, East Waigeo Nature Reserve, Waigeo Island, West Papua

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    Styphelia abnormis (Sond.) J.J. Smith is a member of family Epacridaceae that grows in East Waigeo Nature Reserve (Cagar Alam Waigeo Timur). An inventory was done using 30 sampling plots of 2 x 2 m2. The results were: density 2.375 per m2 and presence 90%. This species grew as a shrub on ultramafic soil in open hilly areas at 50-80 above sea level (a sl). Styphelia abnormis is a plant species that can grow on ultramafic soil in East Waigeo NR


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    Palms inventory at Bodogol Forest, Mount Gede Pangrango National Park found 19 species of palms from nine genera. All those 19 species are two species of Arenga, three species of Calamus, two species of Caryota, five species of Daemonorops, one species of Korthalsia, one species of Nenga, two species of Pinanga, one species of Plectocomia and two species of Salacca. One species of Salacca is unidentified, further study is needed to clear up its taxonomy status. Identification key, synopsys of each species and its distribution at Bodogol forest are presented. Conservation status of each species presented

    Palem Di Taman Nasional Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya, Kalimantan Barat

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    Field work of palm diversity in Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya National Park had been conducted and revealed 17 species ofpalms, namely Caryota, Iguanura, Licuala, Pinanga, as well as 4 Calamus spp., 5 Daemonorops spp., and 3 Korthalsiaspp. Seven species out of those seventeen species were recorded as endemic in Kalimantan, namely Caryota no,Iguanura macrostachya, Licuala borneensis, Pinanga tomentella, Calamus pogonacanthus, Daemonorops microstachys danDaemonorops sp. 1. Identification key, species description, synonym and other information related to the speciesreported in this paper

    Inventarisasi Flora Yang Ada di Pantai Tilalohe, Biluhu Timur, Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai, Gorontalo

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    Biluhu Timur merupakan bagian dari Teluk Tomini yang merupakan destinasi wisata yang unik, termasuk biodiversitas yang dimilikinya. Salah satu lokasi yang menjadi tujuan wisata yakni Pantai Tilalohe. Pantai Tilalohe merupakan destinasi wisata baru di Kabupaten Gorontalo yang berada di berada di Dusun Tilalohe Desa Biluhu Timur. Obyek wisata yang baru dibuka diakhir Tahun 2021 menyajikan pemandangan alam tepi pantai yang dikelilingi perbukitan. Hal menarik belum tersedianya data terkait biodiversitas tumbuhan di lokasi ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi flora yang terdapat di Pantai Tilalohe, desa Biluhu Timur, Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai, Kabupaten Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode jelajah. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif yakni mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri morfologi dari setiap spesies yang diperoleh di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menemukan 10 spesies tumbuhan bawah yaitu Musa paradisiaca, Cocos nucifera, Chromolaena odorata (L.), Calotropis gigantea, Crotalaria pallida, Cardiospermum helicacabum, Porophyllum ruderale, Catharanthus roseus, Ipomea pep-caprae, Muntingia calabura

    The Diversity and Conservation of Piper (Piperaceae) in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Lampung Province

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    Piper (Piperaceae) is an aromatic plant genus, some species of which can also be used as ornamental plants. We have carried out plant exploration in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS) of Lampung Province, which is known as one of the centres of diversity for Piper species. This field exploration aimed to contribute to the inventory of Piper species in Sumatera. A purposive sampling method was employed. The work was carried out from 2011 to 2014 in four resorts of TNBBS, viz. Kubu Perahu Resort, Sukaraja Atas Resort, Pugung Tampak Resort and Sekincau Resort. The results revealed that there are 21 Piper species present in TNBBS; of which one species is a tree, six species are shrubs, and the other 14 species are climbers. All these species have been cultivated as collections in Bogor Botanic Gardens (West Jawa Province) and also in Liwa Botanic Garden (West Lampung Province), for ex-situ conservation purposes. Results of analysis of morphological characters are discussed along with information about the usage of the species. A key to the species and maps showing their distribution are presented in the paper.Keywords: Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, exploration, Piper spp


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    Abstrak Suku Fabaceae (polong-polongan) merupakan salah satu kelompok tumbuhan berbunga bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Berbagai jenis yang ditanam sebagai tanaman hias dan pohon peneduh di tempat umum, termasuk di kampus UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan informasi mengenai keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan polong berperawakan pohon di kampus UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode jelajah dan studi pustaka. Pengamatan lapangan dilakukan di kampus I dan II. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, didapatkan sebanyak 10 jenis anggota suku Fabaceae berperawakan pohon di lingkungan kampus. Kesepuluh jenis tersebut tercakup dalam 3 anak suku, 8 puak, dan 10 marga. Suku Fabaceae juga dipakai sebagai bahan ajar untuk mata kuliah Sistematika Tumbuhan.Abstract Fabaceae (legumes family) is one of the flowering plant families, which is economically important. Various species of Fabaceae were planted as ornaments and shade trees in public places, including in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Therefore, this research aimed to provide information on the diversity of legume trees in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. Research was conducted by using survey method and literature review. Field observations were conducted in Campus I and II. This research obtained 10 species of Fabaceae family members, which were grouped into 3 subfamilies, 8 tribes, and 10 genera. Fabaceae family is also used as teaching material in Plant Systematics study/course


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    The aim of this study is to explore information about the characteristics of collections of the type specimens of bamboo in Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) to obtain the infografic status of the collections. The study was conducted in April-May 2018 at BO, Research Center for Biology β€’ LIPI with direct observation method. The population, as well as the sample of the research, is the whole collections of type specimens of bamboo in BO. Data obtained by examining and recording the entire collection of type specimens of bamboo in BO. Characteristics that observed are species names, collectors, number and year of collection, discovery location, number of sheets, specimen conditions, the journal of publication and year, kind of type and duplicate location. Each of species name is validated before it is analyzed. The data were analyzed and presented qualitatively as the tables and charts. There are 107 species from 117 collection numbers of type specimens of bamboo in BO. Two numbers collection from two species is not found. The most type specimen is from Gigantochloa (20,5%). Approximately 63,5% of type specimens were published and/or proposed the combinations of names by LIPI researchers. Elizabeth A.Widjaja is the collector of the most type specimens (43,6%). The highest period (34,2%) of collection activities was in 1991-2000. About 62,6% of type specimens are collected from various islands in Indonesia. There are 577 sheets of type specimens in BO, 92% are in good condition and 8% is good enough. There are 51,3% of holotype specimens in BO, followed by isotype (30,8%), paratype (11,1%), lectotype (2,6%), neotype (2,6%), epitype (0,8%), and isosyntype (0,8%). As many as 50% holotypes has duplicates in more than two different of herbarium locations, the other 37% are without duplicates. About 56% of type specimens are published in the journal of Reinwardtia and 16,8% in Kew Bulletin
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