18 research outputs found

    An architecture for an effective usage of data mining in business intelligence systems

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    Business Intelligence (BI) is one emergent area of the Decision Support Systems (DSS) discipline. Over the last years, the evolution in this area has been considerable. Similarly, in the last years, there has been a huge growth and consolidation of the Data Mining (DM) field. DM is being used with success in BI systems, but a truly DM integration with BI is lacking. Therefore, a lack of an effective usage of DM in BI can be found in some BI systems. An architecture that pretends to conduct to an effective usage of DM in BI is presented

    Discovering Knowledge from Local Patterns with Global Constraints

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    It is well known that local patterns are at the core of a lot of knowledge which may be discovered from data. Nevertheless, use of local patterns is limited by their huge number and computational costs. Several approaches (e.g., condensed representations, pattern set discovery) aim at grouping or synthesizing local patterns to provide a global view of the data. A global pattern is a pattern which is a set or a synthesis of local patterns coming from the data. In this paper, we propose the idea of global constraints to write queries addressing global patterns. A key point is the ability to bias the designing of global patterns according to the expectation of the user. For instance, a global pattern can be oriented towards the search of exceptions or a clustering. It requires to write queries taking into account such biases. Open issues are to design a generic framework to express powerful global constraints and solvers to mine them. We think that global constraints are a promising way to discover relevant global patterns

    Towards a framework for knowledge discovery: an architecture for distributed inductive databases

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    We discuss how data mining, patternbases and databases can be integrated into inductive databases, which make data mining an inductive query process. We propose a software architecture for such inductive databases, and extend this architecture to support the clustering of inductive databases and to make them suitable for data mining on the grid.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge DiscoveryRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Towards a framework for knowledge discovery: an architecture for distributed inductive databases

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    We discuss how data mining, patternbases and databases can be integrated into inductive databases, which make data mining an inductive query process. We propose a software architecture for such inductive databases, and extend this architecture to support the clustering of inductive databases and to make them suitable for data mining on the grid.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge DiscoveryRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    COMEÇAR de Almada Negreiros arte e o poder formatador da matemática

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino da MatemáticaEste trabalho desenvolve-se tendo como base vários pressupostos: a importância da obra de arte na vida do Homem, a relação existente entre a matemática e arte e o poder formatador da matemática na arte. Optou-se por considerar como ponto de partida a análise de uma obra de arte: COMEÇAR de Almada Negreiros, utilizando o método de Panofsky. O poder formatador da matemática é evidenciado nesta obra de arte em particular, confirmando a tese de que a matemática manifesta esse poder na arte, condicionando os trabalhos realizados por alguns artistas. Esta investigação centrada numa leitura matemática dos aspetos artísticos da obra de arte, demonstrou que a matemática exerce o seu poder formatador na obra, ao “obrigar” o artista a seguir regras de natureza matemática e geométrica na elaboração dos seus trabalhos

    Modelling geomechanics of residual soils with DMT tests

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Civil. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto, Universidade de Aveiro, Instituto Politécnico da Guarda. 200

    Efficient Mining Support-Confidence Based Framework Generalized Association Rules

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    Mining association rules are one of the most critical data mining problems, intensively studied since their inception. Several approaches have been proposed in the literature to extend the basic association rule framework to extract more general rules, including the negation operator. Thereby, this extension is expected to bring valuable knowledge about an examined dataset to the user. However, the efficient extraction of such rules is challenging, especially for sparse datasets. This paper focuses on the extraction of literalsets, i.e., a set of present and absent items. By consequence, generalized association rules can be straightforwardly derived from these literalsets. To this end, we introduce and prove the soundness of a theorem that paves the way to speed up the costly computation of the support of a literalist. Furthermore, we introduce FasterIE, an efficient algorithm that puts the proved theorem at work to efficiently extract the whole set of frequent literalets. Thus, the FasterIE algorithm is shown to devise very efficient strategies, which minimize as far as possible the number of node visits in the explored search space. Finally, we have carried out experiments on benchmark datasets to back the effectiveness claim of the proposed algorithm versus its competitors

    Äriprotsessi tulemuste ennustav ja korralduslik seire

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    Viimastel aastatel on erinevates valdkondades tegutsevad ettevõtted üles näidanud kasvavat huvi masinõppel põhinevate rakenduste kasutusele võtmiseks. Muuhulgas otsitakse võimalusi oma äriprotsesside efektiivsuse tõstmiseks, kasutades ennustusmudeleid protsesside jooksvaks seireks. Sellised ennustava protsessiseire meetodid võtavad sisendiks sündmuslogi, mis koosneb hulgast lõpetatud äriprotsessi juhtumite sündmusjadadest, ning kasutavad masinõppe algoritme ennustusmudelite treenimiseks. Saadud mudelid teevad ennustusi lõpetamata (antud ajahetkel aktiivsete) protsessijuhtumite jaoks, võttes sisendiks sündmuste jada, mis selle hetkeni on toimunud ning ennustades kas järgmist sündmust antud juhtumis, juhtumi lõppemiseni jäänud aega või instantsi lõpptulemust. Lõpptulemusele orienteeritud ennustava protsessiseire meetodid keskenduvad ennustamisele, kas protsessijuhtum lõppeb soovitud või ebasoovitava lõpptulemusega. Süsteemi kasutaja saab ennustuste alusel otsustada, kas sekkuda antud protsessijuhtumisse või mitte, eesmärgiga ära hoida ebasoovitavat lõpptulemust või leevendada selle negatiivseid tagajärgi. Erinevalt puhtalt ennustavatest süsteemidest annavad korralduslikud protsessiseire meetodid kasutajale ka soovitusi, kas ja kuidas antud juhtumisse sekkuda, eesmärgiga optimeerida mingit kindlat kasulikkusfunktsiooni. Käesolev doktoritöö uurib, kuidas treenida, hinnata ja kasutada ennustusmudeleid äriprotsesside lõpptulemuste ennustava ja korraldusliku seire raames. Doktoritöö pakub välja taksonoomia olemasolevate meetodite klassifitseerimiseks ja võrdleb neid katseliselt. Lisaks pakub töö välja raamistiku tekstiliste andmete kasutamiseks antud ennustusmudelites. Samuti pakume välja ennustuste ajalise stabiilsuse mõiste ning koostame raamistiku korralduslikuks protsessiseireks, mis annab kasutajatele soovitusi, kas protsessi sekkuda või mitte. Katsed näitavad, et väljapakutud lahendused täiendavad olemasolevaid meetodeid ning aitavad kaasa ennustava protsessiseire süsteemide rakendamisele reaalsetes süsteemides.Recent years have witnessed a growing adoption of machine learning techniques for business improvement across various fields. Among other emerging applications, organizations are exploiting opportunities to improve the performance of their business processes by using predictive models for runtime monitoring. Such predictive process monitoring techniques take an event log (a set of completed business process execution traces) as input and use machine learning techniques to train predictive models. At runtime, these techniques predict either the next event, the remaining time, or the final outcome of an ongoing case, given its incomplete execution trace consisting of the events performed up to the present moment in the given case. In particular, a family of techniques called outcome-oriented predictive process monitoring focuses on predicting whether a case will end with a desired or an undesired outcome. The user of the system can use the predictions to decide whether or not to intervene, with the purpose of preventing an undesired outcome or mitigating its negative effects. Prescriptive process monitoring systems go beyond purely predictive ones, by not only generating predictions but also advising the user if and how to intervene in a running case in order to optimize a given utility function. This thesis addresses the question of how to train, evaluate, and use predictive models for predictive and prescriptive monitoring of business process outcomes. The thesis proposes a taxonomy and performs a comparative experimental evaluation of existing techniques in the field. Moreover, we propose a framework for incorporating textual data to predictive monitoring systems. We introduce the notion of temporal stability to evaluate these systems and propose a prescriptive process monitoring framework for advising users if and how to act upon the predictions. The results suggest that the proposed solutions complement the existing techniques and can be useful for practitioners in implementing predictive process monitoring systems in real life

    Service-oriented discovery of knowledge : foundations, implementations and applications

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    In this thesis we will investigate how a popular new way of distributed computing called service orientation can be used within the field of Knowledge Discovery. We critically investigate its principles and present models for developing withing this paradigm. We then apply this model to create a web service caled Fantom, that mines subgroups in a ranked list of identifiers, based on their score. The descriptions of these subgroups are done in ontologies to provide the scientist a description in a standardized and familiar language. Finally, Fantom is tested on two different data sets from the field of life-sciences; one concerning gene data, the other concerning SNP data.LEI Universiteit LeidenAlgorithm